Blue Rabbit

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    And for our EU friends:

    Used. Thanks for the black dots.
    Next code: Liefield pouches and teeth aura.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
    Obviously the Battalion are space carrots, bent on revenge against the meat sacks who have perpetrated genocide on the universe's vegetables.

    No carrot life form would be safe in this planet as long as my Rabbits, Hares and Chinchillas are around. Well, at least in Defiant they wouldn't.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    These are actually cute.
    Cute until they sting you paralized, liquefy your innards and then proceed to slurp you up.

    Whomever linked that one of the giant spider eating the snake, may the fleas of 10,000,000 camels infest your nether regions!
  4. Kill it with fire!! Before it eats us all!!
  5. But honeybuns I can't even understand what the heck you're proposing!
  6. Could you please write that again in a more legible form?
    Also, asking for a red name response is against Forum Rules.

    Oh and obligatory LOLPvP.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I think the only pictures of Elmore's I've seen over the years that I liked were from The Complete Dwarves Handbook. Other than that, I've found his work to be bland, not remarkably well-painted, and often oddly-proportioned. I'd say he's not nearly as bad as Liefeld, but he comes up in fantasy art discussions about as often as Liefeld comes up in comic book art discussions and thus I've been similarly critical of him by dint of opportunity.
    I quite enjoy Elmore's work to be honest. It's 70's Impressionism as applied to Fantasy/High Fantasy. Somehow his choice of colour palette always make the prints look like they were made in the 70's (but maybe that's just me).

    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    I like Elmore's Dragonlance Chronicles and the Twins trilogy covers. His "The Death of Sturm" is also one of my favorites.
    Yup, great works right there.

    As regards the OP: wooptifriggindoo!!! About time too!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Even without alcohol abuse, I think following these rules may result in death by overhydration.
    Like, for reals and stuff.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Yeah! Where's the African-Slovacs? And the Asian-Slovacs? And the Latino-Slovacs? Huh? Huh? HUH?
    Thanks for that.
  10. They look very good except for that abomination unto the fashion world that is the "beaten to death road-kill placed on top of the head" hair-do also known as male Pocket D Club Hair.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    (Hi there. Atheist. Nice to meet you,)

    So you're saying you're not a big ginger cat?
    I call misrepresentation, sir! Of gross proportion!
  12. Loving it it but... "nothing good among about"? What does that even mean?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    Well I know what I'll be doing at work for the next few days.

    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    Be careful, a few of these short stories can start to dig into the subconscious and make your dreams say the least.
    Indeed, be careful how many and how fast you read them. Some of them can be quite... disturbing and produce some really wyrd, vivid, uncomfortable, maddening dreams...
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright View Post
    Yeah. I get that you want a rodent head... but how does that make our request at all invalid? The request is just as old. This OP is far from the first person to bring it up.
    Who said it does?

    And no, yours isn't just as old. The few rabbit parts (ears, tails and whiskers) that are available have been in game longer than bird parts have and there's still no heads. Bird lovers got heads and wings first and are now missing the rest of the body (although talons can make up for bird talons in a pinch). My point is I've been waiting for a rabbit head for a long time. Probably almost as long as Winky Girl has been waiting for animated hair.

    Either, way both requests are valid.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IndyStruck View Post
    That really reads poorly.
    Oooops, sorry, my bad. Fixed now.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Why limit it to warm?

    Mako takes offense.
    Also, Morrigan does not approve.
  17. RE: MauMau's abs, they're perfectly normal and more common than the people who are crying misalignment would think. Not all men are perfectly simmetrical down there (has proven by the photos posted in the thread).

    Finally someone had the guts to fill the package on a male toon. Kudos, it looks like a real life human would and great too.


    Maurader: I was going to take down Primal Earth, but then I got hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh, da da daaaaa da da da...
    I was going to take down Primal Earth, but then I got hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh
    The Centre is floating above me, I don't know whyyyyyyy
    'Cause I got high, 'cause I got high, 'cause I got hiiiiiiiiiiiigh
  18. So the birth date for Dew Me, the water blast/nature affinity pixie is set for next week, eh?

    Can't wait to release its sap on unsuspecting foes!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright View Post
    I wish.

    People (myself among them-) have been asking for feathery bits for ages.
    Boo friggin' hoo... I have been asking for a head since 2005 when I created my rabbit and hare characters and still no joy.
  20. More than 1, less than 1500.
  21. Fresh takes don't work... Funcom tried that with The Secret World and everyday on their forums there are people complaining about it being too different, lack of levelling system, no mounts, no classes, too easy, too hard, lack of content (which I find hilarious, the game is one month old, you can't expect years of content on the onset...) and so yawn and yawn.

    Most people are formatted to a particular model and don't want it to deviate even if it is in a totally different setting. TSW went with a subs only model and everyday there's someone crying for F2P and asking when it's going F2P. People don't seem to realize that F2P is anything BUT free! The amount you spend on micro-transactions compared to a monthly sub with ingame money only stores is ludicrous AND ridiculous. It's fleecing on epic proportions. Couple that with the sense of entitlement and the "I want it nao and I want it all" mentality and you have an ever growing abyssal maw you can never, ever come close to satisfying.

    Also, one of the reasons why MMORPG are losing customers has to do with the economical crisis raging all over the world. With less jobs, more unemployment and job instability it's no surprise people are retracting from expenses they cannot justify when they need to worry about food, housing and, for those who have them, family.

    And then there's the jaded feeling: no matter what you come up with, no matter how innovative you think you are or can be, chances are you won't get enough player retainability to keep your game afloat, mainly because today's youth (and, regrettably, the 30 something crowd) have the attention span of a fruit fly gnat and are always on the lookout for the next big shiny thing which they then proceed to devour like a cloud of hungry locusts, leaving a wasteland of detritus behind while flocking to the next new horizon which will never quench their hunger.

    Rinse and repeat sweetlings, rinse and repeat...
  22. Blue Rabbit

    i24 badges?

    With the exception of 2 or 3 servers though... Aren't they all?
  23. You missed the 25 cents a pop arcades by 20 years.