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  1. So if my newly Mako-patronizing pirate MM helps beat up Mako during the event, can I skip beating him up again at the end of the 2nd patron arc?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by -Urchin- View Post
    I don't believe those opposed to the fade are so because they want to admire their costumes in combat. I believe they are opposed to the fade because it violates their character concept to fade in combat.
    Then. Don't. Take. The. Power. It goes against the character concept. Done.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by -Urchin- View Post
    To suggest that an appearance preference for one's super hero character is based on narcissism is ridiculous and dismissive.
    Dismissive? Certainly. Ridiculous? No more so than getting one's panties in a twist about how CD's visual fade affects character appearance in combat. It's a "Cloaking Device". It makes you "partially invisible". How else would you have it look, by default? Have the character cover their face with their hands while holding up a sign declaring "You can't see me"?

    I have no objection to the idea of a no-effect QoL change for the power, but crying endlessly that it's a "debuff" or "ruins a toon's look" is, in fact, ridiculous. And yes, I do in fact dismiss that stance as such.
  4. This kind of narrow-minded fixation is not exclusive to twelve-year-olds of either gender.
  5. Maybe I'm odd, but in combat I'm not admiring my own character or my teammates'. I'm looking at the enemy. Come to think of it, I'm only "concerned" about how my character looks when I'm in a costume contest. Sounds like a lot of 6-slotted narcissism out there.

    Granted, character transparency IS the only valid statement the OP made about CD, in as much as, yes, it does make your character transparent.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    This my friends, is an example of a perma-noob.
    How much global recharge does that require?
  7. I'll just do what I did last invasion: beat up Rikti and the Ghost of Scrapyard at the same time. At least that way, they'll both have a chance.
  8. Has anyone compiled all the results from all the posters here? Many small samples can be compiled into a larger sample, as long as everyone's numbers are accurate.
  9. Bloodspeaker

    Dark Matter Aura

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    [INDENT]2. The darkest black coloring for Dark Matter is not very black... just a dark grey.
    Incidentally, this has been a long-standing issue with nearly every aura (and many aura-like power effects) in the game.
  10. Bloodspeaker

    Goodbye Horses

    Farewell and take care.
  11. Delete all characters. Uninstall game. Remove all billing options. Have someone else change passwords.

    Step one provides a strong disincentive to ever return, given the effort needed to recreate all the characters.

    Seem to be plenty of good suggestions already on how to help yourself with the situation. Executing any or all of them requires the will on your part to follow through.

    Originally Posted by TClauss View Post
    What I am asking is not that technical, or hard a task to achieve. I myself have accurately removed data from a database. If they can't do it accurately, then they should not be in the business they are in.

    The account(s) are mine, not theirs. If I so wish to have them removed. Then THEY should do so. period.
    Irrelevant, regardless of any reasoning they gave you. Which, incidentally, they were not required to provide. The game, the servers, the account and all the characters on it are theirs, from a purely technical standpoint. That's all in the EULA.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
    Is a nerf coming to this something that I should worry about and change my plans based on?
    Magic 8-Ball says "What, do I look like a dev?"
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eislor View Post
    And the answer is YES, I can be confused.
    I made an AE mission with a Succubus boss and she DID confuse me in the mission.
    So its not just a display bug, the confuse protection is indeed gone upon zoning.
    Well, obviously that sucks, but good catch on the bug.
  14. Or zoning into a PvP zone and having another player try it.
  15. Can you BE confused during the apparent "down" time? Might just be a display bug.
  16. I used to have similar issues when exiting specific buildings; Studio 55 was a frequent offender in this regard. Moving a short distance (blindly) or entering the /sync command (again, blindly) would always fix it for me.
  17. Sheesh, where do we put this on the priority list? Somewhere below every costume bug in the game?..
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
    I REALLY want the extra slots even if a respec is required to activate them.
    Willing to buy a respec process that isn't utterly tedious.
  19. 3D movies give me migraines. Movies that have had the effect added after filming (as opposed to being part of the initial filming process) give me two migraines... at the same time. If that's the only way it's released, I won't bother seeing it, no matter when they release it. As for why they are "actually" making such a decision, it's more likely to be because some Hollywood suit said "Derp!" during a meeting.
  20. Might need to look around a bit. I've had a LOT of costume items "vanish" only to turn up elsewhere in the "tree". Apparently, someone at Paragon likes to "rearrange" things, but can't find their way clear to actually alphabetize all the costume lists. I figure I can stop grousing about this when we get a dead horse as a chest emblem.

    If I remember, I'll go dig for it myself later and see where it turns up.
  21. It's a matter of item-flagging (or lack thereof) between items that have been made individually available after they were released as part of an earlier, pre-market booster.

    Just a related advisory; as I understand it, the market is designed and maintained by a third-party developer, not Paragon or NCSoft. This is making it challenging for Paragon to get anything done about this or other market issues. Hopefully however, they will find a way to refund your misspent points.
  22. We should add a new rule to the forum drinking game:

    Rule #X - Take a drink whenever a poster states "I'm not going to keep arguing with you", and then does anyway.

    Death by alcohol poisoning in 5... 4... 3...
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    I have to say it, this excellent response good sir, is a slap in the face to my expectation about the internet.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Oh, how silly of me. That just makes everything all better, doesn't it?
    Well, they *do* have a kind of jingly sound effect, too.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    ...the entirety of the Carnival of Light pack...
    Boys get to play with the Carnie sparkly maces, as a consolation prize there.