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  1. They're all really cool, but I like Happy Dan's the best. That expression is great!
  2. I would just move the line that goes down his noes to the other side of his nose and erase some of the lip outline. Well, I'd make the mouth a bit more of a snarl and squint the eyes more, but that is personal preference. Floating noses and outlined lips are generally for women in comics. Although, he is Phillipino right? The outlined lips seem to make him look more like his ethnicity in the original picture.
  3. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    This is another one not related to CoH but I'm proud of it. I got a tutorial by Cryptcrawler on DA and it has paid off in spades. I am much better at using photoshop because of it.

    Click the picture for the DA page.
  4. I'm tempted to do this challenge even though I didn't enter. Although the media begs the subject to be about kids, which makes the hot chick stipulation a hurdle.
  5. Blood_Wolffe

    Buy This

    Aaw man, I was looking forward to another.
  6. Those are very nice. You have a very good handle on anatomy.
  7. Blood_Wolffe

    Buy This

    Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
    Nobody showed up. I'll try again next week.
    I wasn't able to make it but I watched it after. I blame it on the time change. We don't do that here so I get messed up for a while after spring forward and fall behind.
  8. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    Thanks Wassy. I'll give it a shot but I won't promise any decent results.

    Also, Since VexXxa asked if I was going to color my Disney Fenris, I decided too. It came out better than I expected. But sadly I had to reduce my cave background to cutouts, because what I made looked cool but didn't fit.

    Click on the picture for the DA page.

    Edit: I'm opening up for commissions for spring break. I have nothing to do. If no one bites by Thursday I'll hand one out to the fastest reply on the boards. Details are on my DA homepage.
  9. With sg/vg names like Explicit Content and Parental Advisory, I was thinking it was an auction for a virtual date at first.
  10. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    Thank you both. I actually made the eyes bigger in photoshop because I thought they were too small, but after looking at both side by side I would have to agree that they were too big. I put the original back up. My eyebrows are like that though if I don't trim. I needed a haircut and shave when I did this... Well, I still do but I hate haircuts.

    I'm timid to shade because I'm really just learning how to light objects. My goal above that was to get what my teacher calls "plastic form" or an appearence of three dimensionality. I think once I darken it like CR suggests it will pop more. As for the neck, you're probably right, and I think that will actually be pretty simple to fix.

    The drawing pad is 18x24 inches. I have a scanner, but not one that big.
  11. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    This doesn't have anything to do with CoH, but I'm proud of it (and I would like critiques), so here it is. Click picture for DA page.

    It's a self portrait I did for my midterm in my life drawing class, and it's actually pretty accurate. My dad, an art teacher for over twenty years, said I should shade the upper lip. Something I will try but am dreading. If you don't know, lips on men are tricky. In comics where I've learned most of my tricks, the less detail on men's lips the better. Otherwise they come out looking like women's lips. Not something I want to do on a self portrait. Conversely women's noses should be less detailed in comic style or they look like men's noses.

    But this is traditional style. The rules are different 'round these parts. Specifically, No ****ing shortcuts.

    Also, for spring break only I was considering opening up for a few really cheap commissions. I'll post more details on my deviantart page later... If I decide to go through with it.
  12. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    That Scar is really cool! The Fenris Project has a Virtueverse page right here. I'm not so sure about DA any more myself actually. I've had some serious trojan horse problems with that website. Very annoying for what is supposed to be a professional website.
  13. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    What can I say? It only takes one CR piece to get hooked, and then you're addicted for life. Do you have a DeviantArt account?
  14. I always liked the one with the snowman swimming and the sharkfin behind him.
  15. Damn Graver's good. I really like Comrade Hero too. He's a cool character.
  16. Blood_Wolffe


    It definitely shows, you're off to a great start!
  17. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Nice. It reminds me a bit of a cross between the tiger from the Jungle Book and Scar from the Lion King... in wolf form heh.
    How could you not trust that smile indeed.

    Think I'll take a stab at drawing Scar.
    Or you can always draw Fenris! Eh? EH? EH!?

    Funny you should mention that though, those were the two I referred to when trying to pin down the style.

    Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
    Nice lines, Wolffie! Are going to colorize it?
    Maybe in the future, but I'm pretty swamped. I have to do my midterm for my art class.

    Or someone else can color it! Eh? EH? EH!?
  18. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    I decided to go for something different, and tried for a Disney-ish style. I think I did alright, and I think Fenris would make a cool Disney villain.

    DA page here.

    How can you not trust a smile like that?
  19. I'm glad I did too. I said it on Deviantart, but I'll say it again here. I love everything about it!
  20. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    A quick sketch for the new dual pistols set.

    Sorry for the bad photo. You can see a faint triangle, I set this up to get the shape of the drawing. triangle setups make for good drawings for a reason I can't remember.

    DeviantArt link here.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    We found the one person who actually uses the mouse!!

    Sorry, my totally unused, never taken out of the box mouse is of the Bamboo Fun variety

    I believe Adam Hughes uses the mouse. I could be mistaken though.

    Oh, and I think I have an unused Intuos 3 mouse... Somewhere.
  22. Nobody's said it yet? Fine. I will. Draw one of my characters!!! Yaaaaay! celebration!
  23. Blood_Wolffe

    Talking Cakes!!

    I would have your characters back to back, fighting a swarm of your favorite villain group off as they climb up the cake. That would probably be expensive though. Lots of little people to create.
  24. When it comes to art hanging in the home I've always preferred classical pieces. My dad has done some master copies, so I have Monet paintings and other famous artists. My favorite is Flaming June by Frederic Leighton. My dad's copy of it...

    It seems out of place to hang up comic art when I get this kind of stuff a lot.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
    I have been to France... but that resulted in me being terrified of flying and not getting on one of those abominations unto the Lord again. Especially not now that they can't pay enough to get people to operate them that know what they're doing.

    My husband and I would like to save up to do a transatlantic cruise trip and travel around Europe for something like our 25th anniversary. I feel much better on boats.
    You know, you are 52 times more likely to die travelling by boat than by plane. Although these statistics include drunk rednecks in their bass boats, I would say traveling by air is still one of the safest ways to go.

    Plus, I'd rather die quickly on a plane than float around in the ocean for a few days. Deep water is scary.