please check this out if you have time
Interesting concept but I must admit that the point of "buying" someone is kind of hard to see...
Thinking about it I can see some potential reasons such as showing newbies the ropes, exploring areas your unfamiliar with and such but at the same time those all seem like things newer players would need and they'd have the hardest time coming up with the starting bids...
My one suggestion that may help would be to get a couple of the people being auctioned off to post and state just what services they think they could best provide... "I'm extremely knowledgeable about IO's and builds and would be happy to help you plan out your new character" or "I have all the badges available and would love to take you on a tour of the harder to find locations" type things...
This may help build interest because I must admit at first I was just like errr, so I get to pay to have a friend for a few hours??? But if you do a better job of explaining the possibilities this could be a fun diversion
well, least for those on that server...
The point? To "buy" someone's time who you would normally never hope to/think of playing with. Most of the time, players (e.g. a redname, a popular forum poster, etc) will allow themselves to be auctioned so that people who normally wouldn't get in their groups would be able to .. er .. get in their groups.
The mods, Niv and Ocho, were auctioned off in the last one, IIRC (held by someone else?). They brought in multi-millions of inf. Ocho had to do some ridiculous-stipulation ITF, and he died a bajillion times IIRC.
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Pinn's done this before, on more than one occasion. What normally happens is they'll do a TF or something of the sort, hit the pvp zones, etc. The proceeds have generally been used as prizes for future contests.
I've not participated in it, but generally hear all about it in the chat channel there.
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With sg/vg names like Explicit Content and Parental Advisory, I was thinking it was an auction for a virtual date at first.
Well Rednames being involved would definitely negate a lot of what I said, at least for their auctions
As for non redname "names" on the forum I would never otherwise get to play with? Errr, ok? *shrug*
Obviously people can and do have different views on things but I just wouldn't be interested in hanging with someone just because their active or popular on the forums. And if there is "no chance" for me to get to play with them in any other way then I'll assume they just don't play very often or are snobs... And I'll cry about missing out on my one big chance.
But to be clear, even without red or big names, I think this could be a fun, cool thing... My main point was just that I think the possible benefits should be made more clear.
You're overthinking it. It's just a contest. Player X is auctioned; proceeds go partially to Player X, partially toward event holder for future contests. It's just for fun. Why do any benefits need to be laid out? Each player will post what they can do. The event holder can't say what the auctionees can do.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
This is the same type of contest that Madam Pistachio holds on Victory once or twice a year. They normally have an awesome turnout. Ya'll should join in on EnnVee's event and have some fun in a different way!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT