Wassy can has arts




I'm just gonna go ahead and claim my own thread here to post stuff that I'd like, uh, posted.

I just finished up this commission today! The Shadow Court



cute ...errr hardcore !!

<.< >.>

very cute



I really dig the style! Nice work. I really need to start finishing my work.



I like that. Cute.



When did alcohol and cigarettes and graffiti become cute?! I am out of the loop =(

Thanks for liking it though ^.^



Looks great, Wassy.

I've been in a few clubs that look like that....oh wait guess that makes me look bad.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



I adore this piece. Really nice work Wassy!



Looks great, Wassy.

I've been in a few clubs that look like that....oh wait guess that makes me look bad.

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah those clubs filled with amazingly cute impish patrons are the worst !! :P



Very nice
I need to get to drawing some of my toons if I can ever get the time. lol



Very cool piece. I love the way the background turned out, especially the graffiti wall. The little details on that are very good. This one ended up coming out pretty nicely.



very cool scene Wassy. love the background details and the placement of all the characters

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



When did alcohol and cigarettes and graffiti become cute?! I am out of the loop =(

Thanks for liking it though ^.^

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, didn't mean to offend. Just saying I like the picture. The idea of the gathering struck me as cute. Maybe I've had a hard life. Alcohol, cigarettes and graffiti are not things that disqualify an image from being cute. Now if they were were drinking milk that was past the "use before" date or sitting on couches without the inspection stickers....



Very cool, I like the style. I really like the coloring too.

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