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  1. Blondeshell

    Master of Lambda

    Originally Posted by Bohmfalk View Post
    Now I just need to find a couple of hours (when everyone else is on) to jump on and get these 4 badges.
    ^ This
  2. You don't mention whether your in the Hero or Villain version of those islands, so my suggestion would be to make sure you're looking at the right info for the zone. (Remember, Hero badges are actually part of Peregrine Island's map.)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    I think I have to repeat myself: I hear there is a badge in Brooklyn that is for sale.
    Fixed for context.
  4. And to catch up on all the other things that have changed in the City besides what to do with your 50s, check out this link on ParagonWiki:
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by joebartender View Post
    Once the fix for the badge goes in on tomorrows patch you are going to have to make 3 runs to get the MO badge.
    Have we gotten confirmation that the patch on test really contains the fix to this, or is it yet to come? I didn't see anything in the notes about it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post

    • The 5th Column Gladiator badge is now also awarded to anyone who completes the Dr. Khan TF or Barracuda SF. This award will be retroactive
    Now those of us who missed the first anniversary (even if just barely) can get access to this gladiator.

    /em thumbsup
  7. Whew! Finally squeaked in at 1200 by purchasing about 6% of my Lore slot after my BAF run last night.
  8. Yes, you can still break it down into 4-6 Incarnate Shards.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    The 3 "extra" respec badges are not new. They were possible before, if you met certain specific circumstances.
    Since those certain specific circumstances are now not required, those three badges are now considered "normal" badges for anyone to get. That's why they're included with the Issue 20 list.
  10. Blondeshell

    HellBane / Caleb

    Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
    Since you've been able to spawn him successfully, care to share the trick? I've been on multiple teams that were going by what's on paragonwiki and were unable to spawn him after an hour or more of trying. That is one of the badges I just pretend doesn't exist in the game at this point, it's too frustrating trying for it.
    I can't remember what day of the week I did this, whether or not it was soon after a server reset, but this is what I did to get Caleb on my Scrapper.

    1. Find an NPC in the Crimson Cove neighborhood whose name starts with "F" and follow them around while clicking on them.

    2. When the NPC says that the Paragon City time is around 5:30am, SS or Ninja Run up to Thorn Isle so it should be 6:00am by the time you get there.

    3. Just blitz around the shore of the island, wiping out the Spectral Demons. If you don't have a high-damage, high-recharge character you'll probably need to team with someone else for this.

    4. When you get the spawn message, go on a mad dash in the air around the island using the search techniques mentioned above.

    When I did this, I was actually able to solo kill enough demons to get Caleb to spawn just as it was starting to get dark. Then I used a /targetcustomnext bind to track him and his posse down. After I finally found him, I stayed invisible and followed his flight path so he wouldn't despawn. I just stayed on him while putting out the call on my server's badge channels, finally getting enough people to bring him down.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blondeshell View Post
    What I really wanted to know is if it's possible with a current version of Windows (Vista or 7) to take existing system RAM and allocate it into a separate drive. I'm thinking about the old ramdrive.exe program that you could load into the CONFIG.SYS file of DOS and DOS-based versions of Windows. Is this something that's just not possible with the present structure of Windows these days, or does no one really feel the need since they can just throw better processors at it?
    I realize I'm quoting myself here, but I just wanted to bring this back up since no one touched on it. Is something like this possible these days, or is the add-in card the only option?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    Is there somewhere to download it from that doesn't require a login?
    Not that I'm aware of. It won't hurt to create a login (and confirm it via e-mail) for Badge-Hunter, though. There's lots of good information there and it'll let you post questions on their boards, too.
  13. Just download the Enemies and Zones Master Chart from VidiotMaps, freshly updated with all things Praetorian.
  14. It's not even that the standard in-game map images have changed, but rather that the mini-map mechanism appears to be busted for Safeguards and Mayhems. If you uninstall the VidiotMap overlays, you'll still get the same bizarre performance. For example, your position will change sporatically as you move around the map, or even as you adjust the zoom slider. Until the bug gets fixed, the best suggestion I have is to print out the VidiotMaps as a reference, or alt-tab between the site and the game.
  15. You can access the screenshots on Badge-Hunter in two different ways. First, if you go to the Badges listing under "Badges & Maps", clicking on the name of the badge will bring up a window with a description, coordinates, and other info. Clicking on the green exploration badge icon there will show you a screen shot of that badge's location.

    Second, you can go to the Vidiotmaps section of the site (also under "Badges & Maps" or at and click on the zone you want to review. The following interactive map will have those same badge icons that you can click on to see the screen shots. You can also click on the history markers on the maps to see their screen shots.
  16. For the longest time, I'd assumed that the only spawn points for Deathsurge in Cap au Diable were in the New Haven neighborhood on the north side of the zone. However, I'd recently been made aware in another thread that he sometimes will spawn in the Aeon City neighborhood, although possibly not as frequently.

    With some help and blind luck, I've since logged two of the locations in Aeon City, but there's supposedly a third location in the NE corner near the ramp. So I'm requesting help to please post here if anyone sees Deathsurge in that area, with a /loc and screenshot, if you can. That way I can get all of my maps as up-to-date and accurate as possible.


  17. Great job to the team that finally helped us get this badge last night. It seemed to take forever getting the ambushes spawn, but we stuck through it and got it done. Hope y'all got some sleep last night.
  18. Yeah, as cool as that is, it's a bit outside my reach at the moment.

    What I really wanted to know is if it's possible with a current version of Windows (Vista or 7) to take existing system RAM and allocate it into a separate drive. I'm thinking about the old ramdrive.exe program that you could load into the config.sys file of DOS and DOS-based versions of Windows. Is this something that's just not possible with the present structure of Windows these days, or does no one really feel the need since they can just throw better processors at it?

    Edit: Yay for post #500!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    the endgame does though
    True, the endgame stuff can be grindy if you let it, but I was referring to the standard Invention system.

    And even though it goes against my desire not to hint at the genre of the game, the point about time-travelling Nazis was just too good to pass up.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coolio View Post
    Erm, sadly for your European counterparts this is still untrue!

    Gives you access to 48 character slots out of the box, 24 of those on English speaking servers and 12 each for the French and German servers, with the option to triple that amount.

    And we still pay more than you...

    EU @Coolio
    Yeah, I did think about that when I first assembled the list, but I decided to keep it American-centric since that's my point of reference.

    Here's to hoping that the NA and EU servers get merged into one client at some point!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
    Lets you design your own guildhouse.

    {also, I thought a realm was a server. What's the difference between the two?}
    A "realm" is traditionally meant to indicate the "side" you're playing. So for CoX, we would have Hero, Villain, and Praetorian realms.
  22. All good points, guys. I've updated the list and added a few more things I thought of:
    • Doesn't penalize your character's advancement or participitation in content for not using the crafting system
    • Has complete transparency of your abilities' stats and costs so you can see exactly what they do and what you want to enhance
    • Gives players the option to travel to other realms to experience content on a non-PvP basis
    • Has compelling stories and quests to encourage players to enjoy the journey to the level cap -- the game doesn't "Start at Level X"
    • Doesn't have an ever-increasing level cap that invalidates or makes obsolete lower level characters, content, and equipment
    • Has an end-game system that can be used by solo players
    Keep 'em coming!
  23. I have some co-workers who play other MMOs (mainly WoW and DCUO) and know that I've played CoX for a while. I found portions of this list elsewhere on the forums (apologies to the original poster, I couldn't find the link again) and thought it would be interesting to find a way to sell someone on CoX by listing features that are better-designed than or non-existant in other MMOs. The catch was to not reveal the genre of the game or give any other hints as to what it is. The people I showed the list to were impressed and amazed that one game could have all of this stuff, and none figured out what it was until I told them.

    So here's the list. What things have I missed that you can think of?


    I know an MMO that:
    1. Has seven years of content and updates
    2. Is the first, and still the most popular, MMO of its genre
    3. Doesn't limit you to only playing one realm per server
    4. Gives you access to 132 character slots out of the box, with the option to triple that amount
    5. Has over 750 different ability combinations for each of those 132 character slots
    6. Lets you customize the visual effects of your abilities
    7. Doesn't boost your character's abilities with ugly clothes that don't match
    8. Has literally millions of costume combinations available right out of the box, with hundreds more options you can earn, unlock, craft, or purchase
    9. Doesn't base your character's advancement on gear that can break, get lost, need repairing, or be stolen
    10. Doesn't involve politics for loot distribution -- all drops are 100% random for every member in your group
    11. Allows you to obtain any drop you want or need through the market or through regular play within a reasonable amount of time
    12. Doesn't require membership in a guild to participate in content
    13. Allows you to build massive guildhouses with medical, crafting, storage, and transportation facilities
    14. Doesn't have XP loss or make you run back to your body when you die
    15. Leaves your character with all their stuff when you log back in -- nothing decays
    16. Doesn't require spawn camping for specific kills/objectives -- quests are your own private instances for you and your team
    17. Has a crafting system that anyone can use without grinding raids
    18. Doesn't penalize your character's advancement or participitation in content for not using that crafting system
    19. Doesn't require your character's build to be min/maxed to be effective, though you can do it to your heart's content
    20. Has complete transparency of your abilities' stats and costs so you can see exactly what they do and what you want to enhance
    21. Has over 120 levels of content across three different realms that can be soloed at will by anyone willing to do so
    22. Gives players the option to travel to other realms to experience content on a non-PvP basis
    23. Has compelling stories and quests to encourage players to enjoy the journey to the level cap -- the game doesn't "Start at Level X"
    24. Allows you to go back and play lower-level content you might have missed
    25. Doesn't have an ever-increasing level cap that invalidates or makes obsolete lower level characters, content, and equipment
    26. Has quests that can be customized to be easier for the solo player, or as difficult as being on a full team
    27. Lets you call fighting 10-on-1 a fair fight, where you are the 1
    28. Has a quest creator that allows any player to make their own quests of whatever difficulty they want
    29. Already has thousands of solo-friendly quests made by other players up and available to play right now
    30. Allows you to team with anyone for most content, regardless of their level, and still earn XP credit
    31. Doesn't require the Holy Trinity (Tank/Healer/DPS) for group composition -- any combination of characters is viable for virtually all content
    32. Has PvP but doesn't require you to participate in it to advance your character
    33. Has an end-game system that can be used by solo players
    34. Gives you your own travel abilities instead of using super-expensive mounts -- or one cheaply at level 1 if you don't want to take an ability
    35. Has global chat abilities that allow you to talk to players on other servers, regardless of the character names or realms they're on
    36. Has a development team who will occasionally log into critical lore-based NPCs and roleplay them on the live servers
    37. Lets you fight time-travelling alien Nazis with giant robots in Ancient Rome (yes, really)
    38. Has one of the friendliest and most helpful communities of any MMO on the market
    Sound too good to be true?

    It's not.

    Want to play?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Largo View Post
    But the group will still get to keep my prestige?
    Yes. You keep both your prestige and join date.
    I will still be listed as a member on their roster, but not SuperLeader?
    Yes. When you're logged in, you will show as pink on the SG roster, meaning that you're playing on the other side.
    When I go back to villain (I may eventually) will I then be allowed back into the base?
    Yes. Everything will be back to normal, and you'll maintain the same rank as you had while you were on the other side. If you were demoted from leader, you'll stay demoted unless you can get the new leader to re-promote you.
  25. Yeah, loading times are exactly the area of CoX that's my biggest gripe, primarily just since Ultra Mode was introduced. I've become even more aware of this as I've been doing some rapid-fire teaming on speed LGTF runs this weekend.

    The loading times are so bad that I can be the first person to click out of the mission, but by the time I finish zoning out, travelling, and zoning into the next mission, it's literally half over already, whether it be the Riders or Honoree. I can only imagine what my teammates have been thinking when I've happened to been leading because I know I'm gonna take at least 1:10-1:20 before I can actually regain control and move on to the next mission.

    Any idea how much one of those cards cost or if they're even still available? The rest of my computer is acceptable for my in-game performance, albeit maxed out at 3GB of RAM, and I'd rather not increase my monthly costs of bumping up my Internet speed. If one of these will make a big difference, I'd like to try it.