199 -
I agree with the "oil" draining from the crotch issue. Albeit I do love the "oil" draining from the crotch... for I did make a few (more than 3, less than 10) toons that played upon that "undesirable" effect. he he he... uh-hem.
Purely suggestive:
The Victorian Aura would be neat if it could remain more visible instead of "ripple fading". Maybe a subtle "pulse" effect from, say, 10-15% opacity increasing to 30-40%. Hell, even a combat aura only version that stays on with no fade. I just really love the aura... and get sad when it fades away... -
that is flypose2... maybe flypose3. you trigger it as an emote during flight...
/em flypose2
/em flypose3
(there are 4 total poses...) -
FINALLY!! I can use these damn bloomer pants!
as long as you keep him topped with coal he'll punch the bahjeebus out of baddies... but I suppose he'll also draw the wrath of the EPA for not being a "green" hero... oh well.
2 quickies... both proving that you can hide every inch of skin with the new Steampunk set.
this one had the "Clunker: Trail" aura on set to blood red... sadly it looked like she was bleeding from under her dress... it was a nice touch of rage to the character, but not the rage I wanted. -
why didn't they put it up on all the billboards in the game?... I mean after those 2 RL ads ran there haven't been any other ad dropped on the billboards. If you can't get real companies to shell cash for your ad space, then use it yourself....
but that would require the players to have "in game ads" enabled... oh well.
maybe if enough people complain then the dev team might have another sale... like around the 8 year anniversary... I'm just gonna go ahead and say it...
Stay tuned! BIG SALE planned for 8 year Anniversary!
there, is that enough warning? -
On Topic: The dev chat was awesome... lots of cool stuff. The Steampunk pack is sold!
Off Topic: Mirror universes are a dime a dozen, don't sweat it.
Really Off Topic: I want that rainbow streaky thing from the competitors.... even if CoX just adds a rainbow trail as a new Sprint Aura. Trotting around the Rogue Isles leaving a wake of multi-colored joy spatter would piss off soooooo many darkity darks that I am litterally frothing with joy... in my pants ;D -
I made a DA forum post regarding this jerk and got a few responses.. one even alerted another DA artist of one of their pics being ripped. Hope more will take notice.
I just browsed this jokers store on ebay... he's got a ton of copywritten images in his poster section. Some even from other DA artists.
This is one of the reasons I love and hate DA. Too many scumbags lifting work of the site and lording ownership of it. To a lesser degree tracing/retouching an original and claiming ownership. I use DA and I browse DA...
A few words of advice:
never allow download of image(if they want it so badly then they can do a screen grab and entertain themselves with the low res capture) and use the watermark feature. Never upload a high-res version. If the piece you have done is a commish, then send the high-res file to the client. You cannot trust the people that use services like DA have your best interests in mind. Protect yourself.
I'm gonna try and see if I can track down some of the other DA artist that have items in this jackholes store.... f'n sunofa.... -
glad you are digging the Inspir system... one of the only MMOs I'm aware of that offers something so useful for everyone to use and freely abuse.
It's a shame some players still consider using them cheating. The whole concept of them, I love... think of all the heroes who dig deep to that one thing(or multiple things) to give them that little umphf to take down the baddie. Well done devs... I love my little tray of "go get'ems". -
Quote:SoA and Kelds are story(content) based UNLOCKABLES. One has to ACHIEVE something in order to gain playable access to them. Saying that their NOT appearing in the GR means that his statement regarding a "superworld" where all ATs are available at creation is not something "they were ever aiming at" may not be so correct. After all, if someone buys CoH now they wouldn't be able to play as a Keld or SoA untill they UNLOCK them. Hell, until they merged CoV with CoH, players weren't allowed to play as half the ATS at create... the player had to have a copy of both CoV and CoH.Kheldian and Soldier of Arachnos powersets are still unavailable to Praetorian characters. You may call this trivial, but it's pretty solid precedent that they were never aiming for a game which allowed you to take EVERYTHING at create, but more one that allowed for a different subset.
I do however agree that the exclusion of the SoA and Kelds is strictly enforced due to their unique UNLOCKABLE status... which was reset to obtaining a lvl 20 hero/villian which makes it now an auto unlock for anyone who plays through the GR arc. So with that, I might say that having the SoA and Kelds as Starter ATs is now valid... due to the fact the games main content and features become available to all at lvl 20... the new defacto BEGINING of the game somewhat.
As far as a paid expansion, well... maybe... depends on the future of CoX. I am leaning towards CoX2 personally. With the amount of features the devs have been adding to the core system... all of which is in an attempt to get the game to the original concept as pitched way back in '02 IMHO, it would be ALMOST be better to go ground up instead of having to keep jury rigging the now very jury rigged system again and again.
again, just my 2 cents... which in these economic times means... I still owe... DAMN! -
I personally haven't tried +4/8 on my MMs. I have done quite well set to +2/8... that is in arcs not papers... granted I haven't taken on any AVs or completed any arcs (this due to my mass armory of alts that need constant attention). Papers set to +1/8 are awesome for shard farming... was averaging 1 shard per mish... popped 6 total after roughly an hour of play. Not bad for not being on a TF/SF.
side note: in regards to the /Dark conversation... does anyone open with Howling Twilight? I have found that it is awesome at getting the drop on any mob. With Fluffy spawned at the front of the mob he takes aggro from anyone who is not staggering (which is rare)and then Tar pops and Darkest gets sprung. Web grenade locks the mob... by that time my thugs have shredded the lot of them. -
I have had a bunch of MMs... Male MMs with slave boy henchmen, Female MMs with slave boy henchmen. Hell I even had a lonely science geek girl MM with slave bot henchmen. It just comes down to RPing it... after all anything can be made sexual... thanks to Clinton, we all look at cigars a little differently. ;D
Quote:ok, that guy LOVES standing in lines... bureaucracy must be his fetish.My grandfather's in the hospital with some life-threatening problems; my breaks were dedicated to talking with my family.
Here you go then.
Can someone explain to me two things, here (and I'll be very impressed if a redname clarifies this):
1) How did this get past the Quality Control stage of the design process?
2) What in the NPC skeleton would cause the "tent" so to speak? -
Gemini? meh, kinda a let down from my previous....
Code:{ CostumeFilePrefix male HeadScales 0, 0, 0 BrowScales 0, 0, 0 CheekScales 0, 0, 0 ChinScales 0, 0, 0 CraniumScales 0, 0, 0 JawScales 0, 0, 0 NoseScales 0, 0, 0 SkinColor 255, 210, 155 NumParts 28 CostumePart "" { Geometry Tight Texture1 leather_01 Texture2 !HIPS_Sharp DisplayName P887196332 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Right_Amp Texture1 leather_01 Texture2 !CHEST_Peak DisplayName P566009771 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName RoboticArm3 Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Masked Texture1 V_Mask_No_Eyes Texture2 !Face_V_Asym_5050 DisplayName P687117166 RegionName Head BodySetName "Full Masks" Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Robotic_03_Lft Texture1 Robotic_Clean Texture2 None DisplayName P3937616722 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName RoboticArm3 Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Smooth Texture1 smooth_01 Texture2 !BOOT_Sharp DisplayName P2104750136 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Vee Texture1 test_01a Texture2 test_01b DisplayName P177456852 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName RoboticArm3 Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2793026233 RegionName Head BodySetName "Full Masks" Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_Eyes.GEO/GEO_Eyes_Scanner_01 Texture1 !spadr_v_Warrior_02 Texture2 !spadr_v_Warrior_01_Mask DisplayName P2371314042 RegionName Head BodySetName "Full Masks" Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 127, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Tight Texture1 Base Texture2 Masks DisplayName P2281134661 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName RoboticArm3 Color1 212, 0, 0 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_SPADR.GEO/GEO_SpadR_Skull_05 Texture1 !X_V_Emblem_Skull_Metal Texture2 None DisplayName P772741860 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName RoboticArm3 Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2488029243 RegionName Head BodySetName "Full Masks" Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Robotic_Full_03 Texture1 Robotic_Clean Texture2 None DisplayName P3133012715 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName RoboticArm3 Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Shoulder Texture1 !Cape_shoulder_top Texture2 None DisplayName P1987928225 RegionName Capes BodySetName ShoulderMantle Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 255, 255, 255 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Asym_01 Texture1 Generic_01a Texture2 Generic_01b DisplayName P33398819 RegionName Capes BodySetName ShoulderMantle Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx capes/CapeShoulderMale_long.fx Geometry Shoulder Texture1 !Cape_shoulder Texture2 Cape_Diagonal DisplayName P4269015351 RegionName Capes BodySetName ShoulderMantle Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 255, 255, 255 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 255, 0, 0 Color2 255, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P1848153390 RegionName Head BodySetName "Full Masks" Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx WEAPONS/Custom_Pistols/Male_PistolLeft_SemiAuto01_LaserSight.fx Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2828614709 RegionName WEAPONS BodySetName WEAPONS Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx WEAPONS/Custom_Pistols/Male_PistolRight_SemiAuto02_LaserSight.fx Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P3962878527 RegionName WEAPONS BodySetName WEAPONS Color1 31, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P546439883 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } }
glad you all liked the Koi... I edited the post to include the costume code. TY airhead. =D
Pisces... going for a Japanese Koi thing. FF/Sonic Def, cryogenic body aura (water mist/vapor).
how do you attach the costume file?
Code:edited to show costume code... TY Airhead =D{ CostumeFilePrefix male Scale -5.025 BoneScale -0.6953 ShoulderScale -0.8476 ChestScale -0.05954 WaistScale 0.2371 HipScale -0.8476 LegScale -0.1 HeadScales -1, 1, 1 BrowScales -1, 1, -1 CheekScales -1, 1, -1 ChinScales -1, -1, -1 CraniumScales -1, 1, -1 JawScales 0, 0, 0 NoseScales 1, -1, -1 SkinColor 255, 255, 255 NumParts 28 CostumePart "" { Geometry Tight Texture1 !X_Skin_V_Hips_Reptillian_01 Texture2 !Hips_V_Pattern_Cells_01 DisplayName P887196332 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 255, 124, 59 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Robe Texture1 !X_Skin_V_Chest_Reptillian_01 Texture2 !Chest_V_Pattern_Cells_01 DisplayName P566009771 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName "Sleeveless Robes" Color1 255, 85, 0 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Masked Texture1 skin_v_head_62 Texture2 !face_V_Asym_Symbol_01 DisplayName P687117166 RegionName Head BodySetName "Full Masks" Color1 255, 103, 28 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Finned Texture1 !X_Skin_V_Glove_Reptillian_01 Texture2 !Glove_V_Pattern_Thorn_01 DisplayName P3937616722 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName "Sleeveless Robes" Color1 255, 85, 0 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Flat Texture1 !X_Skin_V_Boot_Reptillian_02 Texture2 !Boot_V_Thorn_01 DisplayName P2104750136 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 255, 124, 59 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_BELT.GEO/GEO_Belt_Warrior_01 Texture1 !belt_V_Warrior_02 Texture2 !belt_V_Warrior_02_Mask DisplayName P177456852 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName "Sleeveless Robes" Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 103, 28 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Crown_01 Texture1 masked_matt_01a Texture2 masked_matt_01b DisplayName P2793026233 RegionName Head BodySetName "Full Masks" Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 253, 53, 53 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Astral Texture1 Costume_01a Texture2 Costume_01b DisplayName P2371314042 RegionName Head BodySetName "Full Masks" Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2281134661 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName "Sleeveless Robes" Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P772741860 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName "Sleeveless Robes" Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Mustache_03 Texture1 Beard_01a Texture2 Beard_01b DisplayName P2488029243 RegionName Head BodySetName "Full Masks" Color1 255, 82, 82 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Shoulder Texture1 !Cape_shoulder_top Texture2 None DisplayName P1987928225 RegionName Capes BodySetName ShoulderMantle Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 85, 0 Color3 199, 199, 199 Color4 255, 85, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Asym_54 Texture1 Generic_01 Texture2 None DisplayName P33398819 RegionName Capes BodySetName ShoulderMantle Color1 255, 190, 63 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx capes/CapeShoulderMale.fx Geometry Shoulder Texture1 !Cape_shoulder Texture2 Cape_V_Trans_01 DisplayName P4269015351 RegionName Capes BodySetName ShoulderMantle Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 85, 0 Color3 199, 199, 199 Color4 255, 85, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx Auras/Male/Cryo/Cryo_Body.fx Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P3636920680 RegionName Special BodySetName Cryogenic Color1 0, 87, 255 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_TOP.GEO/GEO_Top_Robe_Warrior_02 Texture1 !Top_Robe_Warrior_02 Texture2 !Top_Robe_Warrior_02_Mask DisplayName P1552531240 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName "Sleeveless Robes" Color1 255, 124, 59 Color2 255, 190, 63 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P90216369 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName "Sleeveless Robes" Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_CRANIUM.GEO/GEO_Cranium_V_Pointy_Ears_03 Texture1 !FACE_Skin_V_Head_06 Texture2 None DisplayName P1848153390 RegionName Head BodySetName "Full Masks" Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P546439883 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 143, 143, 143 Color2 212, 0, 0 Color3 143, 143, 143 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } }
Yes, sorry, Lightning Storm... the reason I may skip it is due to my play style. I'm a push/steamroller. I don't camp long enough in a spot (with the exception of AV or tough EBs) long enough to have a static pet. Especially since this is a toon a regular with it's doppleganger and we tear through maps at break neck speed. Don't get me wrong, I like Lightning Storm, I just am on the fence about taking it at this stage of this toons progression.
Starting playing a DS/Storm and love it. Only level 20 atm, but not my first Storm. It is indeed a tight build, but the combination of the Demons and Storm is pretty darn cool. Thunderclap is worth skipping, but I think I'm also gonna skip Thunderstorm... haven't decided yet. The unique damage types delivered by the Demons helps in early lvl progression and combined slows and -recharge from Storm and the Demon Prince make me giddy.
I do know for a fact that when my DS/Storm is teamed with her companion DS/Storm toon played by a friend the carnage is most chuckle worthly. -
I think it does, but if you have Howling Twilight use that for the -Regen instead... AoE>ST.
Better use of your time and End if you pop HT then Tar Patch and then grind harder targets (AVs) with Twilight Grasp (rinse, repeat). Of coarse dumping DK on them too... Fluffy being popped next to them also is a bonus... HELL, Dark is just mean. -
EA is definately a love it or hate it set. Frankenslotting and taking Tough and Weave will have your toon standing at the end of most every encounter... if you have the deep pockets then by all means, IO crack that sucker. Combining DB with it allows for some minor crowd control thanks to the Sweep combo. I have had much luck with my Claws/EA and see similar results for DB. Go ahead and give it a whirl... the worst that will happen is you hate the combo...
The DB/WP is as you say, "safe"... but the DB/Stone has the fun value of being "unique". Got an Egyptian theme built in and with the unlockable Redcap knives will make the Granite form look almost like he's punching the targets into a bloody chum. Never have seen a DB/Stone... if you are looking for a break from the norm, why not? Besides, DB+ whatever is gonna be an expensive build... might aswell have fun instead.
Frozen_Fire, that was a very well delivered post. Excellent use of example as well.
Expanding buildings beyond the classic brick and mortar design is key. Adding style and actual community areas in Paragon will help make the city feel alive. -
I was joking. The devs would be happy to make some more Pulse Rifle models for us, especially if this Powerset was actually introduced. I'm just joking about the lame amount of models already avail for poor Bots MMs... there are 3 upon creation, the absolute bottom of the barrel as far as opening customization for any AT.