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  1. This has most likely been addressed before, but here I go anyways.

    If I am a member on a Team, doing MA Story Arcs, why is it that the Leader is the only one who can read the dialogue of the Story Arc?

    I know it works this way in the normal game, but most of us have been there and done that, and know the story.

    MA Arcs are different, there are so many new stories out their, and if you aren't Leading the Team, all you get to see is the Missions, and what dialogue that takes place in them.

    Would it be possible to allow members of a team to click the Contact and actually read the Dialogue from the Contact?

    Don't let them advance the Story Arc or anything just give them the capability to actually read what they are trying to do?

    Just asking.
  2. They should change their opinion about it. I doubt it will happen, but we should be able to store more.

    I sell alot of my Salvage to the Auto-Doc in my Base. I'm not doing this out of spite, or any peev against the BM, I like the BM. Use it all the time.

    But, when my Salvage is full, I usually don't have the hour or so it takes to go through every piece of Salvage and see what's worth selling on the BM, and what's not. My Salvage usually gets full when I'm having fun actually playing the game.

    As for Storage Base Permissions, It would not be an issue for me, as all my Salvage Racks are open to all members of the SG.

    Just don't suggest everyone having a streamlined access to Enhancement Tables, lol. My Leaders have a Locked Table each, full of high priced IO's for Alts and such.
  3. Oh well, why not.

    Mine will appear a bit strange, maybe. But, it seems to work for us.

    Personal Storage Vault.

    4-Salvage Racks:
    1-Common (Open to all)
    1-Uncommon (Open to all)
    1-Rare (Open to all)
    1-Special stuff, Halloweens, Candy Canes, etc... (Rank 4 and above).

    8 Inspiration Bins:
    1-Greens (Tier 1 and 2, open to all)
    1-Blues (Tier 1 and 2, open to all)
    1-Wakies (T 1 & 2, open to all)
    1-Break Frees (T 1&2, open to all)
    1-Yellows and Reds (T 1&2, open to all)
    1-Lucks/Oranges (T 1&2, Open to all)
    2-Tier 3 Wells, one in Energy, one in Control, Locked to Ranks 5 and 6, unless running SG Events, where they are opened to all.

    5-Enhancement Tables
    2-General Enhancement Storage, Open to all.
    1-Locked to Super Leader Rank, My personal IO storage.
    2-Locked to the two Rank 5 Co-Leaders, Their Personal IO Storage.
  4. I think I'll do a DP/Kin.

    Never played a Kin, 'cause of the constant barrage of Speed Boost ME!!!!!

    But I really think DP and Kin would be cool together.
  5. Well,

    I can't see them shuffling AR into DP, if that is what you mean.

    The Grenades, Bean Bags, Flame Throwers, etc...would be too much out of a pistol.

    I'm personally hoping for fast animations and recharge on several powers to allow for a nearly constant barrage of bullets.

    I'll settle for decent animations, and decent damage. lol

  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm looking forward to putting those cool pistol models to good use on something other than a MM.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yes! In fact, I may even re-roll my MM as a Pistols/FF Corr. Not sure yet.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Since when do Corrs have FF 0.o

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, you can tell how much time I have spent making Corruptors. At any rate they should have Force Fields... as was noted by someone already. Is it too much wishful thinking to ask for proliferation, Demon Summoning, Dual Pistols, side-switching and a totally new set of zones?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I dunno.

    I hated FF the time I tried it on MM's. My favorite AT is the Corruptor, and I don't see myself using FF it were to be added.

    I would avoid it like the plague.
  7. <qr>

    This has been a persistant problem. I usually run into it when doing alot of editing, but it has happened when I made minor changes too.

    I have had to log out, and log back in to get it to correct. (Out and in to the Game).

    It's a Bug that perhaps never will be fixed....
  8. Lol, it would be a deadly Combo.

    Responding to others:

    I hope Dual Pistols will NOT be all Moderate Damage Attacks. I highly doubt it will, seeing as that would screw the Set from jump. Hipsta.

  9. I was kinda happy when I saw the Thread discussing Archery/Trick Arrow for Corrs a couple weeks ago.

    But Dual Pistols will be great instead of the Bows, lol.

    I can think of a couple Combos I would like to try...
  10. Black_Strike

    Pain Domination

    Electric/Pain is pretty sweet too.

    All in all I like Pain Dom, and think it is a pretty solid Corr Secondary.
  11. I've been informed that EvilRyu lives in another world, and comments made should be taken with a grain of salt.

    I've got a lvl 50 Nin/Nin, and just created a DM/Nin.

    Just looking at the Name "Shadow Maul" brought visions of a long painstaking animation to mind.

    I won't be taking that power either.
  12. No, you are not alone. I'll not mourn it's passing.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    City of Heroes, and City of Villains will (for the most part) stay the same.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    well not sure of that. IMO lotof villains will go "hero side" (more quick tf, more people, better market)

    i fear it will "hurt" CoV

    [/ QUOTE ]

    True. Granted it MAY change the populations of the respected "sides", I meant that the game mechanics and abilities allowed in the individual areas will stay the same (generally). There may been new zones, ATs, powers, etc., but Atlas Park will still be the same Atlas Park we currently know. This in no way spells DOOM for CoH or CoV, ASIDE from some players playing on the "other side".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not so sure it will be as devastating to CoV as you may think.

    I've never played CoH, and everytime I mention trying it in my VG Chat, a vast majority of the VG Members respond; "Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt."

    There are alot of Villains players who chose to leave Heroes, because they simply had done it too many times, etc...

    I doubt that most of these peeps are going to abandon CoV just because of this Expansion.

    Just my opinion though...for what it's worth.
  14. <qr>

    In the survey it was mentioned about 10 unlockable Enhancement Slots that if all are unlocked make a 50 a virtual 60.

    Why not just add new End-Game Content and up the Level Cap?

    I know alot of folks who are tired of toiling to 50, and retiring toons.
  15. <QR>

    People are already beginning to quit because of the "Punishments".

    I had one of the Leaders in my SG Quit, and cancel both his accounts just last night.

    The Farmer Exodus is going to make the PVP Exodus look like a weekend vacation.

    Oh, one last thing...I rarely Farm, because I find it Boring. So I'm not Pro-Farming.
  16. <QR>

    I think the AE is going to drive more people from this game than any other change ever made.

    I've already had one person tonight say he was quitting, closing both his accounts.

    I've heard ALOT of others talking about it.

    I have said all along, that if they Piss off the Farming Community, and they leave the game, it will make the PVP Exodus look like a Sunday Outing.

    Unfortunately, I fear this is the beginning of just that.

    I rarely Farm, so please don't flame me for being Pro-Farming, as I take a live and let live view on it.
  17. I run an ATI HD 3870 X2, and I love it.

    My brother runs a Crossfire set up of two of these cards. He had problems at first, but got them worked out, as ATI released newer Drivers.

    Looking at his Display, though, it isn't much better than mine. Mine is crystal clear, and very sharp. I have all the in game graphics settings maxed.

    Of coarse, this card has been replaced by a newer version now, and the cost is around $250.00.

    But I have no complaints with the Card I'm running.

    Water in the game does sometimes have a wierd effect, but I like it actually.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, on the matter of not being able to access the mission creator terminal, that is a terrible move. People who are curious about this ground breaking system want to try it out before they actually subscribe to the game. My solution to this is to simply allow them to create thier own missions, to give them a taste, HOWEVER, they cannot publish the missions, thus, supplanting any idea they may have of flooding the real mission bank full of farms and other crap.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Folks new to the game wont know how to create Farms and other crap.

    If they want to try creating after seeing the results on a Team, they need to buy a Serial Code.

    I'm all for this Dev's, good job.

  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    This is a forum for base builders, you are lost.

    Whatever forum you were headed to misses you and wants you not to wonder into a forum you clearly have no interest in.

    Anyone who posts here eagerly awaits base updates. It's not uncommon to ask, "where is the base love?" in a base construction forum.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Base builders and sourpusses, apparently. It's also not uncommon to cry "DOOOOM". That doesn't make it productive.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't believe I cried "DOOOOOMMMMMM!"

    I merely asked a question.

    I very much look forward to I15 with or without Base Changes.

    I've never experienced the 5th Column before, so it should be very interesting.

    I always love new Costume Pieces.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, I did flip out a bit, huh? I guess I have just seen more than a few comment in the past directly after an anouncement stating all the things that the Devs haven't done, with little praise to what they did do. It just seems to me that people are just never happy, especially on these here forums. My apologies to the OP.

    With regard to the above who basically said "get the heck outta my forums": I am the architect for my base(s). Indeed I do wander in here occassionally to check stuff out. This particular time it was due to this thread being in the Active Threads link, and I payed no nevermind to where it was... I most definately should have.

    Also, I was a bit torqued that I couldn't participate in the Anniversary Event the way I woulda liked to... my discontentedness fell on an innocent.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Appology accepted!

    I was simply asking if anyone had seen any Details that I have not stumbled upon.

    Many times things slip past me, and then someone will Link to something in a Thread, and I'm like; "Where do you guys find this stuff?"

    Thought there was no harm in asking.

  21. I'm sure by now you've all seen Posi's Address discussing I15. He makes no mention of Base tweaks/changes at all.

    I also saw the I15 Overview, and it doesn't mention Bases either.

    Guess we get no loving this issue?

    Anyone else heard or seen anything?

  22. That's if you intend to use every single enemy in your Custom Group in every single Arc you design.

    In low level Arcs, you are not likely to use your EB's and AV's, because low level Toons wont be able to handle them.

    In Mid level and High level Arcs you would possibly use them all.
  23. Or...

    You can set up your Custom Enemy Group by Ranks,

    3-Minions, 3-Lt's (Name them "Custom Group Name Minions and LT's)

    3- Bosses, 3- Elite Bosses (Name them "Custom Group Name Bosses and EB's)

    3- AV's (Name them "Custom Group Name AV's)

    If set up this way, AE is only loading the data from the groups you are using in your missions.

    You can specify different groups on details, in different areas to get the desired spawns.

    I did a full Five Mission Arc with this set up and stayed at 85k. With some large maps, and alot of details.