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  1. The OP didn't ask the Tanker people "loved", he asked what was the second best tanker.

    Also, justifying the answer with the damage it deals isn't really counting towards Tanking ability, imo.
  2. I have lvl 50 Stone Tanker, INV tanker, WP tanker, Ice Tanker, Fire Tanker and I used to use my Peacebringer for Tank-mode in Dwarf-form.

    I don't have a lvl 50 Shield Tanker, Dark Armor (only scrapper) nor Electric...yet.
    But I do have all the others.

    So, all things considered, if you spend roughly the same amount of IOs on each build, with a good player, I would say:

    After Granite, the best tanker is WillPower, hands down.
    I mean Tanker as in "The guy that doesn't die and grabs the agro, defending the team from any harm". Damage isn't an issue here.
    WP has very good defenses, good resistances, good tier-9 power, and AWESOME regen. Regenerating means that the Tanker doesn't really care about what actually hit him, if it was fire or energy or whatever. He's going to regen the same whether the damage is S/L or Psy.
    There's NO way that an INV tanker performs as well as a WP tanker. It might perform better on a very specific task, but overall, the WP will out-perform the INV tanker.
    (again, let's compare an INV tanker with IOs with a WP tanker with the same IOs. Let's NOT compare an SO tanker with a purpled IO tanker).

    The general perceived issue with WP having trouble keeping aggro is a mistake.
    It does have a weaker taunt aura but really....that's a laughable "issue" on a tanker.
    The player can slot the aura for extra taunt.
    But above all, the player that thinks that his taunt aura will do all the job for him is dead wrong. Taunt and AoE attacks should be and must be used, on all tankers.
    And both Taunt and AoE attacks (AoE aggro) are not weaker on WP tankers.

    At the end of the day, will a WP aura loose agro to, say, an Ice aura? Sure.
    But when you play on a team, being the only tanker, the WP aura will work just fine and will keep the agro just fine.
    An INV tanker might have taken the agro from the WP, but he'll also be dead a lot sooner.
  3. Yes it does help with regen .

    And you should have manuevers, of course. It's vital!

    Grab physical perfection (+regen, +recovery) to help with both regen and endurance.
    Then, grab maneuvers.
  4. I suggest Tough/Weave, Manuevers and CJ.

    I also suggest build for(in order):

    +HP (including accolade): for a target of 3200-3300ish HPs (unless you swim in influence and can afford the Billion inf sets).

    +Regen: aim for 70ish hp/sec without RttC.

    +Defense: hard to do with all the other requirements.

    But you WP will always be vulnerable to burst damage, +hp (bonuses, accolades) will help against that.
    Plus, the +hp will also help you regen more, with the same regeneration rate.
    Defense is always nice though but it's tough to get into the build
  5. Still, nova is severely lacking in damage especially if you keep in mind that it trades most its defenses and utility for pure damage. And it is lackluster on its own, even more when you consider the penalties of nova form.

    Dwarf for is lacking in Tanking ability (no aura, no debuff resistances, no auto-taunt, low resists) even more if you keep in minda that it trades most its defenses and utility for Resist and Mez Protection.
    Yet again, its resistances are lackluster on its own, evenmore when you consider the limitations imposed by Dwarf form.
  6. Dudes, Butane will NEVER be happy. Ever.
    He seems only to be happy when he's complaining.
    Just let him be.

    Worse than the blind man is the man that does not want to see.
  7. PS - I sent Black Scorpion a PM about this issue. I hope he reads it.
  8. Good reply.
    Yes, somewhere along the way (40s? 50s? IOs?) *everyone* else got better but PBs didn't.
    So, if A, B and C get better but D stays the same (or worse, but I'll concede that point), then generally speaking D just got worse.
    Remeber: A,B and C evolved, improved, got better. They all did. But D (Peacebringers) didn't get better, they stayed the same.

    It's like if you had a group of friends all with Pentium I computers.
    But now, they all got a new I7 PC but you and only you didn't get a new one, you got stuck with your Pentium I.
    Now, everyone's standards got improved but yours didn't.
    Your friends can now play games like Mass Effect, Modern Warfare II, City of Heroes......
    but you're stuck with...Pacman. (lol).

    That's the issue.
    Every AT got better, we expect them to perform to higher levels than before.
    But not Peacebringers. We can't do stuff that the game now expects us to.

    I don't want my Human-form PB to be a GOD unkillable Hamidon-Solo machine.
    I don't want my Nova form to be a uber pwnxor blaster.
    I don't want my Dwarf form to be the best tanker in this game and the next.
    No, I want my Nova form to be a good enough blaster. I want it to have BENEFITS to counter-balance Nova's lack of defense and utility.
    I want my Dwarf for to be a good enough Tanker. I want it to have reasonable BENEFITS to counter-balance Dwarfs lack of damage.

    Currently, we have neither.
    Is that too much to ask? A *reasonable* change to balance the pros and cons of the forms?
    I say *reasonable* so that people don't assume I want uber-mode unlocked.
    But I don't want minor, irrelevant buffs that do not deal with the issues Kheldians have.

    Again, just to finish, the issues are:
    1- the penalties of being in a form are WAY over the top considering the form's benefits.
    2- The forms overall "power" is lacking considering their roles.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Titan_III View Post
    You're also using a sub-par build. You admitted that you'd gone past the ED cap on your attacks, effectively wasting an entire slot per power that could have gone into something like recharge, accuracy, or to-hit debuffs, or endredux. You overslotted stamina (4 End Mods) as well, then slotted your Nova form with even more End Mod that was completely un-needed.

    In short, you have a horrible build that, for some reason, you expect to perform as well as an optimized IO'd build, when its actually underperforming even by SO build standards. Please fix your build so it's not wasting half your slots before claiming an AT is so horribly underpowered.

    By way of contrast, my tri-form PB was built with non-wasteful slotting and a decent array of set IO's (no purple sets, but several of the rare uniques earned on the cheap via A-merits). My PB slammed through the Mender Ramiel arc without even slowing down (the Honoree was a speedbump) and has been among the most survivable when running any of the high-end TF's or raids (amusingly... even more so than a WS in one case).

    Do I think PB's could use a little buffing? I wouldn't mind it, but nothing radical.

    I stand by my initial suggestion that all they really need is a little resistance debuff (say a 5% debuff for 6-8 seconds on each attack) added to their attacks (either in addition to or in place of their current defense debuffs... which is not as noticable since nearly everyone is already hitting most targets 95% of the time).

    This would not only allow them to do better damage (as the mag of the debuff builds with each hit), but it will also "give back" to their allies by making their attacks do more damage too.
    I ah....think you missed the part of HOs...
    Yes, i went over the cap... on ACC, DMG, RANGE on each nova power. With Recharge not capped but good numbers. Some of them (not all though) had also Defense debuffs, courtesy of HOs.
    I think you missed the part of over the cap..on ACC, DAMAGE, RECHARGE on each Dwarf attack power.
    Also, over the cap on HEAL and RECHARGE on dwarf heal power, with end reduction not capped but quite nice.

    Also, I used 3 end mods, 3 tohit buffs, end rection on nova form, courtesy of HOs.
    Dwarf form capped for RES, with end mod and End redux, courtesy of HOs.

    So, while definately not an overpowered IO'd out PB, with plenty of sets bonuses, I did have a definately more powerful than usual PB.
    Yes, because over the cap ACC, DMG and RANGE on each nova attack plus defense debuff on some and over the cap ACC, DMG, RECHARGE on each dwarf attack with Dwarf Res capped....
    You say I didn't have enough recharge? I did, courtesy of HOs.
    You say I didn't have end redux? I didn't need it, courtesy of 3 sloted End mod Nova form, Dwarf form and 4 slots on Stamina (my mistake there).
    You say I didn't have defense debuff? I did, on some (not all) of the Nova attacks.
    I did have all that AND over the cap ACC, DMG, RANGE/RECHARGE on my attacks.
    ... I wouldn't say that is a horrible build.
    Not min/maxed, like some of my other Tankers, but definately not weak.

    At least, it's not a weak enough build to justify the horrible feeling I had playing with it.
    Maybe you're so used to your PB that you don't notice it anymore.
    But I, I had an over the top PB pre-ED/GDN. I didn't play it since then (3 years? 4?) and I just picked it again and did the quick HO build that I had.
    It felt a LOT worse, a lot weaker than my other toons.

    Like I said, it seesm like my other toons evolved (in the positive way) but the PB devolved.

    PS -
    You guys keep talking about Human form damage and stuff, but I am talking about the forms here.
    Like I said, I used Nova form for damage and, even though all my HOs and despite the fact that Nova form is meant to be the best damage a PB can do, my attacks did LESS damage than my lvl 50 Tankers...

    My Dwarf damage was pitiful, being lower than most defenders BUT it didn't have the survivability it should have.
    Like, it feels I was playing a Granite tanker but with more penalties (less damage, slower, no pool powers, etc..) AND less survivability. LOL.
    Something is wrong there.

    Being a damage dealer isn't just about pure damage, it is also having self buffs, some defenses to allow to do the job, some secondary effect. But nova form trades all defense for....less damage than a Tanker at lvl 50?
    Survivability isn't just Resistance, it's defense, it's Debuff resistance, End drain resistances, etc, etc....
    Dwarf form trades offense and secondary effects....for less survivability than most tankers?

    Something is wrong here. How come can't you guys agree on that?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    That is so not when that happened, or why.

    And no, there's no way it would become a toggle at its current power. I'm not saying the level of power is the same, but this is fundamentally like asking for Strength of Will or Build up to be made into toggles. Sure, they could be, but they would not be nearly as strong as they are as clicks.
    Well...except that IH was a toggle in the first place. It was a toggle from I0 to I5 (GDN/ED).

    The reasons? I remember them well.
    The devs said they would be changing Regen since it was too powerful.
    When we asked what "too powerful was", after much asking, they said that a Regen could solo a 15 mob of +8 baddies.
    Imagine! Soloing a +8 mob of 15 baddies!!!
    Everyone was like "NO WAY". Other people (fanbois) said "It must be true, why would they lie".
    The rest of us was..."It can't be. NOBODY solos a +8 mob of 15 baddies. NOBODY. Not even an INV tanker with perma-Unstoppable. There's NO way you could survive or in fact even SCRATCH that +8 mob".
    Then the Jack Emmert posted a video of a Dev ACTUALLY soloing a +8 mob with 15 baddies with a DM/Regen....
    We were like...WTF? Then someone noticed that the Regen was ONE-SHOTING a +8 mob. There's NO way anything could do that, even in the good old days. Not even with BU + AIM + 6 slotted Headspliter could you do that on a +8 mob.
    Then some dudes did the math and came to the conclusion that the Devs internal playtest server musn't have the PURPLE PATCH (the one that makes your powers less effective as the level gap increases).

    Jack Emmert said " Hm.... I am going to check on that one after the weekend, on monday".
    Come monday, he announces : "Hm, we realized our internal test server didn't in fact have the purple patch. OOOPS. Our mistake".
    "Small concern=smal tweak. Don't worry regeners"
    (remember that at this point, on every Issue, from 1-5, regen had been nerfed in every single one of them. Every single one. It was a recurring joke on the forums, one that even the Devs joked about).

    Rejoice on the forums! Everyone was happy! We had done it, we had proven the Devs that they were wrong, it was THEIR mistake, not ours. They had been using a faulty server, one which lacked a patch that was active for like 5 issues at that point.
    Regen wasn't going to be changed, since the reason for its change was proven to be a mistake.

    Then, 2 weeks later or so, I5 comes and the Regen change comes as planned, without any difference. We as players, discovered that the Devs had been making assumptions based on faulty data.....but still they didn't alter ONE BIT to the nerfs. It was as if we were nothing.

    That's the story.
    I quit CoH soon after. I am still angry about it, about a guy that lies and makes mistakes but doesn't care. I couldn't pay money to a guy that tottaly drops the ball, but ignores it completly.
    I only came back after Jack Emmert left CoH.

    So, that's the story.
    IH got changed due to faulty data.
    Was it strong? Without any doubt!
    Was it overpowered? Yeah, as so many powers in CoH are.
    After ED, being reduced to only 3 heals would have made it more in line with the rest of the game? Unquestionably.

    /rant off.
  11. Just finished playing with my Peacebringer, since GDN/ED. I hadn't picked him since.
    Took him with a scrapper through the Mender Raimiel Arc.

    First, I did a respec and rearranged him. I have like 30 HamiOs, so I had like 4 Damage/Range HO on each nova attack (above ED cap, I know, I know) and +2 ACC.
    Nova sloted with 3 end mod, 3 to-hit buff.
    Dwarf attacks 3 slotted with ACC/DMG HOs, 2 recharge, 1 end.
    Heal Sloted with 1 HO Heal/End, 2 Heals, 3 recharge.
    Taunt 2 ACC, 2 Taunt, 2 Recharge.
    Dwarf 3 Sloted with Damage Res, 3 sloted with End mod.

    Stamina with 4 End mod

    Really, just a quick, basic build. The other HOs were left out.
    Then I took him for the Mender Raimiel Arc, with a Scrapper, who was giving me +10% res, going for 68% res.

    Well...what a shock! I was a true pain! I couldn't believe HOW weak it has become.
    It's just not that it has become a lot weaker due to not 6 sloting with ACC/Damage, but also it's that ALL other toons went up in Power, due to massive IOs sets and bonuses.
    But the PB came all the way down.

    Honoree was a challenge, instead of the breeze it was with my other two tankers (one of them soloed Trapdoor, and Both Honoree AND the other dude at the same time.)
    But this...this was painful.
    Died a few times, due to agro from Rikti, psy-damage, with no defenses. Only my heal and it wasn't enough, clearly.

    I am still quite shocked. It has become weaker than I remembered. Or it might be that since our toons got powered-up, the PBs were left behind.
    Reminds me of an old relic that was never quite updated!

    Black Scorpion, please, take a look a PBs.
    Dwarf needs a Taunt Aura, or at least, its taunt to be Auto-hit.
    It needs Psy resist, since it has 0 defenses to all.
    Dwarf damage is PITIFUL. It's awfull!

    Nova needs some kind of defense. It needs BU on it. It needs its base damage to be increased, even 4 sloted with Damge/Range HO, the range was pathetic and the tanker deals more damage than him.
    It's true. My WP/SS tanker, my Ice/Energy Tanker, my Inv/SM tanker, my Fire/Fire tanker all deal more burst damage, and a LOT more Damage Per Second.
    A lot more than Nova form.

    Please, look at them.
    I think I won't allow a PB anytime soon on my teams. Geee........
    Sorry guys, I am still shocked!
  12. I think the may issue with Peacebringers is that they were designed back when GDN/ED wasn't still on the horizon.

    Before, a PB could be almost as good as a Tanker, on his own reaching 85% damage res, good heals with a heal which could be 5-6 sloted with heals (pre-ED) or deal good damage with Nova form 5-6 sloted for damage (Pre-ED).
    Human form could be 6 sloted for damage on some powers, using to-hit buffs (tactics) to get extra accuracy.
    So, while not a real tanker nor a real blaster, it could be almost as good as one.

    I am not saying everything was perfect, because it wasn't. They improved a few stuff (stamina on forms, Cosmic Balance working while on forms...).

    But, with GDN/ED, the Kheldians and Peacebringers lost much of their former power, especially solo-wise, and their forms, which gave some benefits but also bringing "locking" onto a specific role while on that form, those forms are now worse then before.
    So, they came to a point in which a PBs versatility does not compensate its lack of sheer power.
    Yes, they can change between Tanking and Blasting, but they do those roles so badly due to lack of supporting options (pool powers not working on forms, not enough slots....) that a team is basically better off trying to get something else.

    I think what I am trying to say is that a "Jack of all trades, Master of none" is only good when they can be reasonably good at all trades.
    When they aren't good enough, then they suffer.

    I don't think Kheldians need big buffs, but they need a few things.
    Like, Nova form might get its on Build Up, or get an extra attack at level 50, or maybe a clickie with some kind of defensive skill.
    Maybe Dwarf form should get some extra Status Resists, or Debuff resistances. Maybe it should get higher base res, or higher base damage, or some kind of Aura.

    There's also something that has always bothered me.
    Kheldians *want* to be on teams so that they will get benifits from it (Cosmic Balance).
    One way to make Kheldians more desired for teams would be if Cosmic Balance also gave some kind of bonus to the other members on the team.
    That way, teams might really want Kheldians onboard.
  13. Yes, it seems the Devs made life harder for Pure-Defense sets.
    I think they are trying to change into a little bit more the Holy-Trinity from other games - Tanker, DPS, Healing.
    With 2 -damage auras, and buffs from VEATs, a Pure Defense set should be quite able to tank most stuff. Possibility of defeat should always be something to fear, but it should be more like a possibility rather than a certainty.

    The way the new TFs were made, I think they want us to use a more "balanced" combination of Tanking, Healing and DPS, rather than the usual unbalanced teams (say, with all defenders, or 1 Tanker and all DPS, etc...).
    I am not saying that I agree or disagree, I just think we've just seen a difference in TF design.

    And I am not saying it's good or bad, just a change.
  14. It doesn't marginalize Tankers.
    Maybe it does marginalize BAD Tankers or BAD meleers but that is not the Dev's fault now, is it?
  15. Dude: it's possible to do with melee.
    Learn to kite.
    It's THAT simple. I've done with 4 melees and myself. The trick? Don't stand there tanking the flames as a champion of scrapper-lock.
    Hit her a few times, run. Hit again.

    If the tanker is good, he'll make her run out of the flame patch, thus allowing the SCrappers to keep dealing damage.
    If anything, I prefer scrappers since the can stand being toe-to-toe with the swords. The squishes die too fast, sometimes the tanker can't really do anything to protect the squishes since there are so many mobs.

    As for her "not moving out of the patch"....that only happens when people spam -imm or -slow on her OR if the tanker doesn't move out of her range.
    It's that simple.
    Tell people NOT to use imm or -slows and you'll see her moving well enough.

    Last but not the least: I enjoy "tank-and-spank" fights. But as all in life, too much is too much. A change every now and then is good.
    Apex is a change for regular fights. For example, Tin Mage is a simple tank-and-spank, the difference is that it has plenty of AVs.
    But Apex requires you to move, requires you to think out of the box.

    Move around. Hit her when you can.
    Enjoy a different fight.
    If you don't like it, well, there's like...a bajullions AV fights/TFs that are all as you enjoy: Tank and Spank.
  16. You're right, I had forgotten about: RUN AWAY FROM THE BLUE FLAMES.

    Seriously, even though it seems easy on paper and when you explain to people (aka: Scrappers :P) that they HAVE to run away from the flames, there's no such thing as "just one more attack", just RUN out of there............... actual game play, I've seen scrapper killing themselves for just "one more attack while BU is up". It's incredible.
    Well, for that matter, I've seen Blasters trying to go melee with her WHILE she is on the flames (dead pasta blaster). I've seen Rad Trollers trying to do "something" in melee range while she pops up her flames (resulting in a bloody stain of a Troller on the floor).

    I mean, it's true. People do these stuff. You can explain that they WILL die if they stay there, you can explain it's auto-hit, you can explain it's unresistable (not true, but still....), but Squishes are SO used to being near +4AVs (due to softcapped squishes and whatnot) that they have a hard time getting into their minds that this is one AV where you DO NOT want to be near.

    I think I managed to explain myself well in my last Apex (sucessful) when I said:
    "Dudes, I am a tanker and as SOON as I think I imagine a possibility of a blue flame, I am running out of there like a blaster running from ...well, everything.
    So, if I, your tanker, run like hell when I see a blue flame coming, you guys should already be all across the map praying to god not to die".

    Kinda dramatic, but I think that was what made them stop trying to be in melee with her.
    I can't emphasize this point enough: RUN FROM THE FLAMES. And you'll see how easy the Apex TF becomes.
  17. I have only Tanked Apex with my WP/SS tanker, which is rather pimped up (plenty of sets, almost HP cap, base regen with 1 baddie=100 HP/sec, but not purple sets).

    I don't have too many issues with her. Did a Mo Apex TF on my 3rd-4th TF, without really trying to go for it.
    Sometimes, she and/or the Bosses and/or Swords will get a lucky streak, debuffing considerably my defense so sometimes I might need my Tier 9 or some inspirations. It depends on the RNG basically, but generaly I don't need more than my Tier 9.

    1- RUN out of the blue flames (duh)
    2- RUN OUT of the blue flames
    3- Don't try to squeeze an extra attack when you see a blue flame - see 1 and 2
    4- Tell EVERYONE not to use any immobilizing attacks on her. Avoiding slow attacks might help.
    5- As soon as a blue flame pops up, immediately jump away clicking taunt in midair, so that you'll be out of her range and she *has* to come to you, usually meaning that she won't be standing inside a blue flame (thus, your melee is free to engage her).
    6- Remember that when a new flame pops up, the old ones fade away. That is sometimes useful when she's standing in a blue flame and you see plenty more new ones poping up around you. Timed correctly, you can jump into the "old" flame as it vanishes, landing near her which is now safe (the old flame vanished) and thus, allowing a free space for your melee to keep attacking.
    7- Try, when you can, to taunt any living enemies from time to time. Taunt will make them come to you and then your aura will keep them glued to you. Protect the squishes.
    8- Last but not the least: RUN OUT OF THE BLUE FLAMES!
  18. Hello all.
    Long time ago, I had this PeaceBringer that was a machine of tanking and killing (nova form).
    That was pre-ED / GDN and since then, its power was reduced dramaticaly.

    Recently, with the buffs to Cosmic Balance, Inherent fitness and overall IOs, I've been thinking on updating my good old trusty PB.

    My ideas were the same as before: Be the best damage dealer you can be (nova form) and be the toughest tanker you can be (Dwarf form). That means, dual form build, with human only as support.
    The idea is that when I need to tank, I'll be in dwarf form, with the bonuses from Cosmic Balance to help me get to the res cap (and maybe a slight increase in damage if I have an appropriate team mate). When I would be needed to deal damage, Nova form would be there also be some bonuses to damage (hopefully).

    Then, the major goal was to be at the HP cap in Lobster form (without needing to go back to human for Essence Boost) and also to try to have as much regen as possible.
    Defense would be nice but I couldn't fit it all into the build.

    So, here's the build:
    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1,90

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Level 50 Natural Peacebringer
    Primary Power Set: Luminous Blast
    Secondary Power Set: Luminous Aura
    Power Pool: Speed
    Power Pool: Concealment

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Glinting Eye
    • (A) Ruin - Accuracy/Damage: Level 40
    • (46) Ruin - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 40
    • (48) Ruin - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 40
    • (48) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50
    • (48) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (50) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50
    Level 1: Incandescence
    • (A) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%: Level 30
    Level 2: Shining Shield
    • (A) Empty
    Level 4: Essence Boost
    • (A) Healing IO: Level 50
    Level 6: Bright Nova
    • (A) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod: Level 50
    • (7) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Endurance: Level 50
    • (7) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Accuracy: Level 50
    • (9) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff: Level 50
    • (9) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Endurance: Level 50
    • (11) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Recharge: Level 50
    Level 8: Hasten
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
    Level 10: Super Speed
    • (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50
    Level 12: Build Up
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
    Level 14: Thermal Shield
    • (A) Empty
    Level 16: Group Energy Flight
    • (A) Flight Speed IO: Level 50
    Level 18: Incandescent Strike
    • (A) Empty
    Level 20: White Dwarf
    • (A) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Endurance: Level 50
    • (27) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod: Level 50
    • (29) Titanium Coating - Resistance/Endurance: Level 50
    • (29) Titanium Coating - Resistance: Level 50
    • (31) Titanium Coating - Resistance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (31) Titanium Coating - Resistance/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    Level 22: Reform Essence
    • (A) Regenerative Tissue - +Regeneration: Level 30
    Level 24: Conserve Energy
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
    Level 26: Quantum Shield
    • (A) Empty
    Level 28: Quantum Flight
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50
    Level 30: Solar Flare
    • (A) Empty
    Level 32: Dawn Strike
    • (A) Eradication - Damage: Level 30
    • (43) Eradication - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 30
    • (50) Eradication - Damage/Recharge: Level 30
    • (50) Eradication - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 30
    Level 35: Photon Seekers
    • (A) Empty
    Level 38: Restore Essence
    • (A) Miracle - +Recovery: Level 40
    Level 41: Light Form
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
    Level 44: Glowing Touch
    • (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal: Level 50
    • (46) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge: Level 50
    • (46) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    Level 47: Pulsar
    • (A) Empty
    Level 49: Stealth
    • (A) Empty
    Level 1: Brawl
    • (A) Empty
    Level 1: Sprint
    • (A) Empty
    Level 2: Rest
    • (A) Empty
    Level 1: Cosmic Balance
    Level 1: Energy Flight
    • (A) Flight Speed IO: Level 50
    Level 10: Combat Flight
    • (A) Flight Speed IO: Level 50
    Level 4: Ninja Run
    Level 2: Swift
    • (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50
    Level 2: Hurdle
    • (A) Jumping IO: Level 50
    Level 2: Health
    • (A) Numina's Convalescence - +Regeneration/+Recovery: Level 50
    Level 2: Stamina
    • (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End: Level 50
    • (45) Performance Shifter - EndMod: Level 50
    • (45) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Accuracy: Level 50
    • (45) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Recharge: Level 50
    Level 6: Bright Nova Bolt
    • (A) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50
    • (3) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50
    • (3) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (5) Ruin - Accuracy/Damage: Level 40
    • (5) Ruin - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 40
    • (11) Ruin - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 40
    Level 6: Bright Nova Blast
    • (A) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50
    • (13) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50
    • (13) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (15) Ruin - Accuracy/Damage: Level 40
    • (15) Ruin - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 40
    • (17) Ruin - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 40
    Level 6: Bright Nova Scatter
    • (A) Javelin Volley - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50
    • (17) Javelin Volley - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (19) Javelin Volley - Accuracy/Damage/End/Rech: Level 50
    • (19) Javelin Volley - Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (21) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 50
    • (21) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50
    Level 6: Bright Nova Detonation
    • (A) Javelin Volley - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50
    • (23) Javelin Volley - Accuracy/Damage/End/Rech: Level 50
    • (23) Javelin Volley - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (25) Javelin Volley - Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (25) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50
    • (27) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 50
    Level 20: White Dwarf Strike
    • (A) Touch of Death - Accuracy/Damage: Level 40
    • (31) Touch of Death - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 40
    • (33) Touch of Death - Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 40
    • (33) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50
    • (33) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (34) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    Level 20: White Dwarf Smite
    • (A) Touch of Death - Accuracy/Damage: Level 40
    • (34) Touch of Death - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 40
    • (34) Touch of Death - Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 40
    • (36) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50
    • (36) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (36) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    Level 20: White Dwarf Flare
    • (A) Eradication - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 30
    • (37) Eradication - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 30
    • (37) Eradication - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 30
    • (37) Eradication - Damage/Recharge: Level 30
    • (39) Scirocco's Dervish - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50
    • (39) Scirocco's Dervish - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 50
    Level 20: White Dwarf Sublimation
    • (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge: Level 50
    • (39) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (40) Numina's Convalescence - Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (40) Miracle - Heal/Recharge: Level 40
    • (40) Miracle - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 40
    • (42) Miracle - Heal/Endurance: Level 40
    Level 20: White Dwarf Antagonize
    • (A) Accuracy IO: Level 50
    • (42) Perfect Zinger - Taunt/Recharge: Level 50
    • (42) Perfect Zinger - Taunt/Recharge/Range: Level 50
    • (43) Accuracy IO: Level 50
    • (43) Perfect Zinger - Taunt/Range: Level 50
    Level 20: White Dwarf Step
    • (A) Range IO: Level 50
    Set Bonus Totals:
    • 5% DamageBuff(Smashing)
    • 5% DamageBuff(Lethal)
    • 5% DamageBuff(Fire)
    • 5% DamageBuff(Cold)
    • 5% DamageBuff(Energy)
    • 5% DamageBuff(Negative)
    • 5% DamageBuff(Toxic)
    • 5% DamageBuff(Psionic)
    • 3% Defense(Smashing)
    • 3% Defense(Lethal)
    • 3% Defense(Fire)
    • 3% Defense(Cold)
    • 9,25% Defense(Energy)
    • 9,25% Defense(Negative)
    • 3% Defense(Psionic)
    • 3% Defense(Melee)
    • 6,125% Defense(Ranged)
    • 3% Defense(AoE)
    • 3,6% Max End
    • 10% FlySpeed
    • 361,43 HP (33,75%) HitPoints
    • 10% JumpHeight
    • 10% JumpSpeed
    • MezResist(Immobilize) 12,1%
    • MezResist(Sleep) 2,2%
    • MezResist(Stun) 2,2%
    • MezResist(Terrorized) 7,7%
    • 15,5% (0,259 End/sec) Recovery
    • 100% (4,471 HP/sec) Regeneration
    • 10% RunSpeed

    The HPs assume that I'll have all the hero accolades, naturally (that I do have).
    What do you guys think? Suggestions for improvements?
    Is such a build able to tank the end-game content? I mean as in really do hard-core stuff, like LGTF with players debuffed, enemies buffed, or tanking 4 WarWalkers at the same time, LR +4, etc..
    I know that lack of defense (S/L or melee) will be hurting me a lot.--
    Please be kind to me, dear sirs, since this is my first time posting such a gentle

    PS - I do have some influence for the regular and not-so regular IOs, but I wouldn't be spending bajullions of influence on the purple and PVP sets.
    Although, I am fully loaded with HOs, from the "good old days" but again I am not sure at this point that I would be willing to sell them to get the cash for the full purple sets.
    So, for now, no purple sets and PvP sets.
  19. Bio_Flame

    Kheldian Guides

    How about a dual-form Nova/Dwarf PB guide? I've noticed there's NONE out there...
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
    Willpower is:
    • Quite adequately survivable with any sensible build;
    • More fun to play than many other tanker primaries, IMO, but
    • Though I dearly love the set as a defense set, it's not the best choice for a full team main tanker, and
    • If you're not a full team main tanker for difficult endgame content, any of the primaries are quite adequate. You don't need the "best tank for pure defense". So I didn't figure that was what the OP wanted.

    1- THE most survivable tanker?
    Stone-tanker, with Granite, hands-down. THere's no other option for THE most survivable.

    The OP didn't ask for the most fun, most adaptable nor the most scrapperish nor the most damaging. He asked for THE most survivable and even though Granite-tankers disgust me, they are the toughest tankers out there.

    2- WP being "Not the best choice for a full team main tanker".
    Well, of course not, that's a Granite tanker since it is the most survivable tanker out there.
    Now, I assume you mean that WP is not good enough for a full team.
    I think you are wrong.

    If you build a WP tanker and a INV tanker with roughly the equivalent amount of INF and Accolades and stuff, then WP is more survivable than the INV tanker, and it is more adaptable and less holes in its protection.
    The supposed hole with WP - the theoretical weaker aggro aura - in practice doesn't make any real difference in actual gameplay.
  21. Yeah, SS would be very nice, in fact any powerset that's heavy on endurance should work fine with Electric armor since it has powers that help with endurance.

    That being said, I don't like repeating powersets, and I've already played /SS , /SM and /Energy so even though they would be a good mix with Electric Armor, I would prefer something else.

    I might go Electric Melee and see how it goes.
    Like I said, I know perfectly well that Electric Armor isn't the toughest powerset around here - namely, it seems to have been designed with Brutes and/or Scrappers in mind, rather than Tankers.
    It lacks a scaling protection which enemies around it and its strengths (namely, Resistance to Psi) don't really outweight its weaknesses (no defense, only moderate SL res).

    There's probably SOME reason (some were already explained by previous posters) why Electric Armor isn't a popular set.

    Slightly off-topic, as far as Tankers go , the most popular powersets are Inv, WP and Stone.
    The others come far behind, or at least, they seem to be way less popular.
    (note: I say "less popular" and not "weaker").
  22. Hey guys.
    Long time since I've posted here.

    i have plenty of Tankers - WW/SS, Ice/Energy, Fire/Fire, Stone, Inv/SM...
    I am going to roll a new Tanker, an Electric Tanker.

    I know that they aren't the toughest Tankers but I never really played an Electric Armor toon, so it will be fun to try new powers.

    But, as a secondary, what would I chose? I don't like repeating powersets, so that leaves Axe, Mace, Electric melee and Ice.

    I am thinking towards either Ice or Eletric melee. But if I recall correctly, Ice is fairly low on damage even with the updated version of its Tier 9.
    Electric melee is more AoE oriented, but not too good on single-target, correct?

    Any suggestions?

    Oh, and btw, why is it that Electric armor is so rare to see, on Tankers and scrappers?
    Any reason?
  23. Btw, Arcanaville, I think that Geko's Strategy was indeed successfull once.
    It was back when Devs nerfed our ability to use Enervating Field while PSed (remember that nice bug? We could go PSed and use EF on Hami and then run back and turn PS off out of Hamidon's Range. When you turned PS off, EF would "kick in" so to speak. Then we'd use LOOOOOOADS of rads with 6 sloted ranged snipes AND AM to boost their damage to the cap...yes, that's LOOOADS of rad defenders)
    When they fixed that bug, some people thought in what we now know to be "Geko's Strategy" - and executed once or twice I think.
    BUT...but when Devs increased Mito's range by 100% (people were using HOs to snipe from out of range! lol) that idea of a three-pronged attack was made obsolete since now ANY mito ANYWHERE inside the goo had the range to attack you.

    Untill Tremere found out about the Hold-thing that is