Bill Z Bubba

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    And that really makes me wonder how this new game that is in the works is going to turn out. The PS people seemed to know and or had the knowledge to do some pretty amazing stuff in this game that may or may not be able to be easily replicated. I think the new replacement game will turn out ok but being recognizable as the new COX is something that may not be able to be seen until the new game is done or near completion.
    Don't you mean how the new game WAS going to turn out? The one that doesn't exist anymore because it was first shot down by NCSoft and then fully killed when all the devs were laid off?

    Unless you're talking about what Titan network is talking about.
  2. Right... like anyone in their right mind would trust their money with brokers these days.

    What? Well... guess there's a lot of people out of their minds.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RoleplayerX View Post
    I keep seeing people say this and I think it's bull. I don't like the invention system and tried to play without it for months after it came out. I eventually gave up because I wasn't able to keep pace with teammates. Characters that were great before the invention system were suddenly dying left and right.
    That's only because those using inventions pumped up their difficulty settings.

    Once upon a time the max difficulty was, what, +2/x1? Now we can punch it to +4/x8. The game itself, if running at +1/x1 blue side, is the same as it ever was. Red side can be a bit rougher and gold side was designed to be even rougher.

    But in any zone, you can still level from 1 to 50 using actual content without ever touching inventions. Edit: Ignoring incarnate content. All of that was geared around cranked up builds.)

    Except for my main, I generally only use the one-offs early on (procs like the chance for +end, numina +regen/+recovery, etc) and basic IOs after 30.

    But yes, if you want to run around at cranked up difficulty, you're going to need help and you can get a lot of help from inventions.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    I recall Castle saying they had a guy working on it for a month (KB->KD) and they couldn't do it.
    If only they would have kept working on the big redraw removal.

    I also would have loved to see things like this fixed: Claws/Followup when hovering cycles between both hands but when on the ground there's only the right hand animation. In my mind, EVERY animation that could be done with either hand should have been done. (Yea, I know it means a whole new animation.)

    But, alas, such things shall never be seen now.
  5. Some of that might have eventually happened. I was told point-blank that Kheldians weren't getting the fly and teleport pools unlocked because the devs didn't want to hear the whining from people choosing the same movement power twice.

    They finally unlocked them in I-24. I wish I could get a transcript of the conversation that flipped that decision.

    I never thought that they'd throw an enhancement in to drop KB to KD.

    A lot had changed over the years... some of it FAR too slowly, sure, but changed nonetheless.
  6. I would have preferred Assault/Armor.

    You know, a peacebringer with mez protection.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    I wish more people were clear on the distinction between "this is bad" and "I do not like this." CO is not a bad game (although it is definitely below its potential), but disliking it for not being CoH isn't a mark of quality, but preference.
    Or people could just accept that when someone calls something bad they are stating a preference.

    Can you find me something that's universally and objectively bad?

    CO is a bad game because it's an ugly game. I am allowed to call it bad because I consider a bad game. And, yes, I killed the black outline and had everything set to max.
  8. Bill Z Bubba

    The preference.

    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    This is to prove that posts with gigantic disclaimers are silly. I didn't even read whatever the OP was about. And, I'm doubtin' anyone will read THIS post.


    /Is experiment. Will be back tomorrows to see what happens. Enjoy!
    //Kinda thinkin' I might be banned for it, but.. oh well, social experiments must come with certain sacrifices...
    I read your post but only because I saw your name pop up on the screen when I hit the New Posts button. I haven't read the OP and have no plans to do so.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
    Hrm. I went and changed my forum/game password for nothing? Dang.
    I changed mine with the same password I've been using. Honestly thought I had just been banned...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Tings be fallin apart yo.
    This. I'm betting that we should expect more of such things.

    Edit: Or maybe deleting (edit)that one Very off topic threads broke something.
  11. As it turns out, apparently I did get some points. My account suddenly has 550. Not enough for staff, but interesting anyway.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    What if I just made him a zombie like in Serpent and the Rainbow?
    I hope that you never want to hear me scream.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Do you still have points coming in Oct/Nov? I can't remember if you went VIP towards the end or not.
    Actually returned to VIP with a box code After the closure, so I'll be very surprised if any points come my way. At least I can still play my staff/bio brute on beta.
  14. Bill Z Bubba

    It's Over

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Sometimes pride and fact take precedence.
    Damn skippy. I've allowed both to cause me ill will and will do it again.
  15. Too bad that the game is going to die without me being able to play staff on live. REALLY wish I had gotten that instead of titan.

    As for street versus staff, staff is more fun to watch for me, but street is something I wanted for ages and finally got, so street wins for me.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    If anyone is looking for a cheap single player game right now, Torchlight II deserves your $20. They have a demo out as well.
    Yup yup. Berserker's at 20 something. Engineer is next.
  17. Nah. Cheaper to solo in single player games.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    CoH's fairly deep and wide lore and its massive character customization allowed me to create characters that really felt like "mine" in ways I don't see any other game on the market or even the horizon doing.
    This is the primary reason I'll miss the game and have missed it during my vacations.

    I will miss Bill Z Bubba, the claws/super reflexes scrapper/brute.

    As for MMO games in general? Can't stand 'em.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_True_Shot View Post
    NOW it all makes sense. Arcanaville was going to be the COH universe had to implode.

    Like dividing by zero!!!

    *shock face*

    It all makes sense now.
  20. He's implying that GG is living in a fantasy world where the game is saved.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    Really? You'd rather be left believing that negotiations were still ongoing?
    It might have left some people playing other NCSoft games that they'll now quit.

    But even that's a stretch. I'm glad they came out and said it.

    Now all we have left is the hope that someone reengineers it and gets it running on private servers. However, I suspect that the probability of that actually occurring is very low.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I'm skeptical as to what "exhausted" means in this context. If they were actually attempting to sell the IP or the studio for a significant amount of time, that would be interesting considering no rumor of such activity emerged and the studio itself was unaware. It would imply they were pretending to grant full support to Paragon for new development while they knew such support was false and guaranteed to be unsustainable.

    The alternative is "exhausted" means they thought about all the options and decided not to actually engage any of them.
    Does that translate into, "Damn liars?"
  23. Quote:
    /boycot on (well... sustained)
    Yea, this. But, no, I'm not surprised either.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    People love tossing that word around for everything nowadays
    Here's a story for ya:

    At some point in basic training for the Army I ended up having to carry 2 M16s, 2 ruck sacks and 2 duffle bags because one my my platoon mates wussed out and went to the medics. There I was, trompin along and growling when my squad mate looks up with bright eyes of realization and screams, "LOAD BEARING TROLL!!!"

    That's all it took, of course, so for the next 2+ years I was Troll. When I got to college, my dorm buddies and I were all getting hammered and handing out nicknames. When my turn came up, I told them not to bother. "I've been Troll for two years, let's keep it going." It stuck.