The preference.
50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM
Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad
Disclaimer: This post is long, AGAIN THIS POST IS LONG! If a person dont have time to read it, that is fine, come back later when you do have the time and it's ok if you dont read the post at all because you don't have the time. Yes, there may or may not be spelling and grammar mistakes, just like any other thread on this forum. I know that, no point in pointing them out. The format of this post is single spaced sentences with an extra space between paragraphs. I'm not a mind reader and dont know everyone's format preference but if it the point is not clear, just ask in a respectful manner or dont worry about it. If this format is not for you, this may be a good time to stop reading as the rest will be a waste of your time and at this point is not responsible if you choose to continue and waste your time. There are not many questions in this post; this is not a post about help. Help is really not needed here but if you insist on offering it and it is turned down, dont get rude. Once again, I am not responsible if you decide to not heed this and feel like you wasted your time trying to be "helpful" anyways. I'm not trying to be rude for turning down your help, but really, none is needed here. Criticism, negative criticism, or "constructive criticism" that isnt actually constructive, is not needed here. Apparently I have a hard time distinguishing between people trying to be "helpful" and people who are not here as some "helpful" people have ways of showing it that I find odd. So lets do each other favor and just let it be. Just post your version about how you would play and keep to the topic. Lastly, this is my experience and my view, if your view is different, that is cool too, do tell, but please be respectful. The point of all this is so people now knows what they are getting into. If this is fine, continue reading. If not, it would be best to move on to another thread. Of course this is free country and you are free to do what you want, just keep in mind, so am I and that alone is enough reason for this post. Not trying to be rude at all, just letting people know exactly what they are getting into. For those that dont know or dont see the point of this introduction, this is to prevent any problems from past threads to carrying over to here and to keep things [b]strictly on the subject[b] at hand. If all of this is ok, read on and have fun. If you have anything to add about your experience with electric armor, by all means share. This is my Electric Armor build that fit my play style which may or may not be fitting for everyone else's play style thus I'm making not and guarantee, assumptions, vouching, or suggesting that my way is the way to build the Electric Armor nor am I insinuating, suggesting, or trying to prove that my opinions are fact. They are just my opinion and if your opinion differs, that is good too. Please share your version here but try to be respectful of my opinion and others as you would want them to respect yours.
This disclaimer is not to cause problems, flame, troll, and excite a riot or anything. It is to just clarify things so things will not be misconstrued, misinterpreted, misquoted, or wasting anyone time because they didnt know what they was getting into. That is all, nothing more nothing less, no disrespect intended, just trying to prevent repeat negative actions on threads from happening. Remember words on the screen are words on the screen. There are no physical social queues, tone of voice, nor other things that can be picked up in face to face contact. While it is best to not direct anything personal at me, or probably anyone else for that matter, keep in mind how the words can be interpreted by just reading. Let's not make a big deal out of nothing, again. Remember everyone is not the same nor will perceive messages and words on the screen the exact same way as you may have intended them to come out in your head. Reason for this disclaimer is to prevent the same things that have been happening in the past from re-occurring and that is all. Remember, as mentioned before, this is not to be rude at all. I just dont want anyone feel like their time is being wasted, or feel they was blindly lead into a long post, or got the wrong assumption. On the same token, I'm not responsible for your time you feel you wasted, or offer help and feel dejected for it being turned down as I'm politely turning it down and all "help", "constructive criticism", "suggestions" right now. "Thank you for your concern and trying to help but I have the build and any other build the way I have found that I have the most fun with playing in the manner that I find the most enjoyable for my experience." Any help on a personal basis is turned down also in a polite manner also- "Thanks for your concern and trying to help but I think your help would be more helpful on someone else who is probably itching for that type for information you have available to share. Thanks for understanding." If you choose to not heed this information, then all I have to go by is what you write and what I perceive, which may be right or may be wrong but I'm leaving nothing to chance this time. If I missed something, it will be added to the next thread. : End Disclaimer !!WARNING!!-This is my experience and going through the thoughts of the time I spent in the game. This is not in any manner, way or fashion is trying to insinuate, suggest, tell, or demand that others should have same experience. This is neither a right nor wrong situation and thus everyone may not have the same experience as I have and thus I can only speak on mine and my time I spent in the game. There is no expectation to agree with anything here or meant to incite anything or hinder efforts, put anyone down, bring down hope, or anything. This may or may not be in the lines of the hopeful way of thinking. THIS MAY OR MAY NOT BE IN THE LINE OF HOPEFUL THINKING! Making sure I said it twice just in case it got missed so that no one has to go out of their way to point that out or feel like this was pushed upon them. This way of thinking may or may not be in line with anyone or everyone's view and way of thinking. This is a fair warning. So if that is ok and can handle something that truly may not be anywhere on the same tangent of your way of thinking or view, then read on. If not, YOU ENTER AND READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!WARNING!! However you respond I'm more than likely will respond in kind. Attack me I'll attack you. Nitpick me, I'll nitpick you and so on. So we can actually discuss thing like adults for once, or go to the same thing as usual but you can never say it was forced upon you and stuff. You chose to come here, you chose to either read or not read heed or not heed the warning and that's on you. And yes I realize there may be misspelling mistakes, grammar errors and stuff so no need to point that out unless you never ever made a mistake of grammar/misspell in your entire life so pointing it out can only be taken as a blatant attempt to troll and will be responded to in kind. I rather not make a big deal over little things but if a person chose to try to pick something and make a big out of it, then I will respond in kind, fair warning. Many things have been said twice or more so that NO ONE can somehow miss it unless they just chose not to read it or take it. !!WARNING!! In City of Heroes and City of Villians, there are many archetypes to choose from. Of course there are the standard tank/heal/ranged with thr traditional roles expect but there is also the melee damage sets (Scrapper and brutes), Control/buff/debuff sets (Dom/Controllers) and a few that may be in between such as the Corruptor and Mastermind. At first I tried the usual range sets and they was good, things were ok but when I picked up on the tanks and brutes, then things really took off as far as my interest in this game goes. With a tank, while doing less damage than my brutes overall, it was enough to get the job done, with extra resistance and more hp increased survivalbility for me significantly especially in those tight spots. Even with the two same powers chosen such as electric/electric for both, the tank comeso ut on top over all as far as surviving the more dangerous foes and it's not so much of a race to kill the opponent before they kill me. Thus this is why I dont mind the tank doing less damage than the brute because the brute needs that extra damage to ensure survival. Yet, still I couldnt stop finding myself wishing that the tank and or brute had more range powers or the blaster, controllers, dominators could take a hit better. As open as the archetypes seemed in COX, it still seemed to be boxed in for a specific role. Champions online with freeform I can make a tank that have ranged power or even a blaster that have tank like survivalbility. Yet, with the range of powers per archetype a person can choose, and even the slotting possibilities, it is possible to make a blaster that can take a hit but it takes whole lot of work, grinding and inf. It's not bad that the archetypes are basically boxed. It makes teams easier to identify what exactly they have already while preparing to go into situations. It's easy to say in COX "Ok, we have four blasters, that covers range damage but we might need a tank or two." And then they go search for a tank to fit in. Another reason tanks and brutes I find preferable is that soloing is a simple process with them. All you do is walk/jump/superspeed/teleport/sprint/fly over to a mob and smash them. When I find myself on a blaster or other squishy archytype I find myself more hopping around like a jumping bean and trying to stay alive more so than actual concentrating on tryign to kill the mob. With a tank or brute, it's the mob that must concentrate on tryign to stay alive while I bash their head in. In Champions online, a feature that I love, it seemed to be made with the soloist in mind. Here in COX, it seemed more like a side affect or more like an after thought of just in case. In CO, just about any build that the mind can come up with in combinations can solo more than 99% of the content without it feeling like a grind fest like in COX leveling while brisk for a MMO that have the solo ability feels like forever compared to the XP bonus and the speed when teaming. It seemed to me that teaming was prefered, while not mandatory, in COX. While in CO it seemed that solo is prefered while teaming is ok. Yet teaming in CO and trying to build a team with a specific set of people/builds in mind is nowhere as easy to do as it is in COX. There are so many combinations so many powers and combinations that one that may be carrying the tank icon or in tnak mode may not be a "tank" at all. Although I prefered the more simple days prior to when things started to be implemented that was standard MMO grind fest fare, even prior COX wasa fun game to play and the new complicated stuff didnt seemed to be forced upon players, just another tool it seemed from my view, for some of the people that wanted a something more hardcore MMO grinding than COX was offering at the time. Before IOs the market and stuff, it was simple level up, grab some IOs, assign slots and keep it moving. Afetr the market came along, IOs, and the likes, it seemed like a super hero version of WoW that was more causual. Even though I didnt like that stuff, I see the logic behind it. Hard core gamers seem to pay more, spend more, invest more. Causal players seem to come and go, play alittle bit then leave, may spend a few bucks here and there but overall, just in a casual manner. So Im not knocking those features since they didnt ever become a nessecity or anything. Just something a person could do if they chose to. But still dont care too much for the way teh market works. Man did inflation really take off then. 25-50 million used to be high bragging rights back in i6-i7 but now, 50 million is mere chump change that may be able to get a good IO with some useless change left over. The market on CO is more simple, you go on there name a set price, just like WW works in regards to selling. The big difference is that in WW the buyer must basically guess the price and not much history besides what the last five or so sold for. On CO the buyer can see the listed price and actually choose which one they wish to buy. I think this is more effective way to keep priced reasonable and also keeps inflation under control. Three people can sell the same item one want 1global for it another wants 2, and another list it for 10. A player if they want can buy the 10 gold one but many people probably will go for the first two. Plus it also gives the seller a better idea of the price the certain item is being listed for and usually on that market, things are usually at a reasonable price, farming/grinding is not needed at all there. Dont think I even seen a single LFF or the likes there nor "gold" sellers that plagued this game once things got exspensive. The costume creator in this game is cool and got better over time. The weapon choices and the customization of powers is good too in COX. Only one is the weapon choices, especially of the melee one. It seemed to boil down to axe/hammer/odd objects/futuristic weapon things. While CO have over less weapon choices available, without the tons of unlocks, is less over all, I thin kit has a few more interestign weapon especially one I always wanted to see in this game but been shut down as one of those "not going to happen" things by other players is the scythe, which CO have. Also chain that can be used a whip and various other things of the likes that also said "Not going to happen" by players of the forum in this game is available there. While CO have a coloring system for powers there it does not look as good or effective as the setup in COX. Bugs in COX are a PITA. Nothing like clrearing a map and ready to exit but cant because a mob got stuck in the wall. Now some people reported that the GM pops up on average about 10-15 minutes but I never had one to show up that quick so I can base any judgement on other people's experience. But me, maybe they are always busy or not many around, it took on average about 60min-1.5 hours. Most the time I just quit the mission then about tow missions later get a message from the GM asking I need help. In CO no such bugs experienced yet, and every blue moon a mob gets into a wall but they always easily find they way back out. Even if I had to reset in CO it's less of an issue because CO missions seem to always be shorter than COX in most cases. The fighting mechanics in CO wins in the preference for me compared to COX. It's smoother, faster, easier to use and understand. No more chance nonsense. I dont feel like I'm at a casino gambling and instead actually feel like I'm fighting villians. While both games has it's up and downs, I would prefered if both stayed running and operating but that is just my preference and it seems that the people that can make that decision had a different preference. I understand CO is not COX and that what makes it's a great game for me in it's own right. |
891.8 is the classification for War and Peace not archetypes and powers.
-Female Player-
I'm sick and tired of everyone assuming I am just another white American male. I'm a white Canadian male and I will be sure to point it out from now on whether it is relevant or not.
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Disclaimer: This post is long, AGAIN THIS POST IS LONG! If a person don’t have time to read it, that is fine, come back later when you do have the time and it's ok if you don’t read the post at all because you don't have the time. Yes, there may or may not be spelling and grammar mistakes, just like any other thread on this forum. I know that, no point in pointing them out. The format of this post is single spaced sentences with an extra space between paragraphs. I'm not a mind reader and don’t know everyone's format preference but if it the point is not clear, just ask in a respectful manner or don’t worry about it. If this format is not for you, this may be a good time to stop reading as the rest will be a waste of your time and at this point is not responsible if you choose to continue and waste your time. There are not many questions in this post; this is not a post about help. Help is really not needed here but if you insist on offering it and it is turned down, don’t get rude. Once again, I am not responsible if you decide to not heed this and feel like you wasted your time trying to be "helpful" anyways. I'm not trying to be rude for turning down your help, but really, none is needed here. Criticism, negative criticism, or "constructive criticism" that isn’t actually constructive, is not needed here. Apparently I have a hard time distinguishing between people trying to be "helpful" and people who are not here as some "helpful" people have ways of showing it that I find odd. So let’s do each other favor and just let it be. Just post your version about how you would play and keep to the topic. Lastly, this is my experience and my view, if your view is different, that is cool too, do tell, but please be respectful. The point of all this is so people now knows what they are getting into. If this is fine, continue reading. If not, it would be best to move on to another thread. Of course this is free country and you are free to do what you want, just keep in mind, so am I and that alone is enough reason for this post. Not trying to be rude at all, just letting people know exactly what they are getting into. For those that don’t know or don’t see the point of this introduction, this is to prevent any problems from past threads to carrying over to here and to keep things [b]strictly on the subject[b] at hand. If all of this is ok, read on and have fun. If you have anything to add about your experience with electric armor, by all means share. This is my Electric Armor build that fit my play style which may or may not be fitting for everyone else's play style thus I'm making not and guarantee, assumptions, vouching, or suggesting that my way is the way to build the Electric Armor nor am I insinuating, suggesting, or trying to prove that my opinions are fact. They are just my opinion and if your opinion differs, that is good too. Please share your version here but try to be respectful of my opinion and others as you would want them to respect yours.
This disclaimer is not to cause problems, flame, troll, and excite a riot or anything. It is to just clarify things so things will not be misconstrued, misinterpreted, misquoted, or wasting anyone time because they didn’t know what they was getting into. That is all, nothing more nothing less, no disrespect intended, just trying to prevent repeat negative actions on threads from happening. Remember words on the screen are words on the screen. There are no physical social queues, tone of voice, nor other things that can be picked up in face to face contact. While it is best to not direct anything personal at me, or probably anyone else for that matter, keep in mind how the words can be interpreted by just reading. Let's not make a big deal out of nothing, again. Remember everyone is not the same nor will perceive messages and words on the screen the exact same way as you may have intended them to come out in your head. Reason for this disclaimer is to prevent the same things that have been happening in the past from re-occurring and that is all. Remember, as mentioned before, this is not to be rude at all. I just don’t want anyone feel like their time is being wasted, or feel they was blindly lead into a long post, or got the wrong assumption. On the same token, I'm not responsible for your time you feel you wasted, or offer help and feel dejected for it being turned down as I'm politely turning it down and all "help", "constructive criticism", "suggestions" right now. "Thank you for your concern and trying to help but I have the build and any other build the way I have found that I have the most fun with playing in the manner that I find the most enjoyable for my experience." Any help on a personal basis is turned down also in a polite manner also- "Thanks for your concern and trying to help but I think your help would be more helpful on someone else who is probably itching for that type for information you have available to share. Thanks for understanding." If you choose to not heed this information, then all I have to go by is what you write and what I perceive, which may be right or may be wrong but I'm leaving nothing to chance this time. If I missed something, it will be added to the next thread. : End Disclaimer !!WARNING!!-This is my experience and going through the thoughts of the time I spent in the game. This is not in any manner, way or fashion is trying to insinuate, suggest, tell, or demand that others should have same experience. This is neither a right nor wrong situation and thus everyone may not have the same experience as I have and thus I can only speak on mine and my time I spent in the game. There is no expectation to agree with anything here or meant to incite anything or hinder efforts, put anyone down, bring down hope, or anything. This may or may not be in the lines of the hopeful way of thinking. THIS MAY OR MAY NOT BE IN THE LINE OF HOPEFUL THINKING! Making sure I said it twice just in case it got missed so that no one has to go out of their way to point that out or feel like this was pushed upon them. This way of thinking may or may not be in line with anyone or everyone's view and way of thinking. This is a fair warning. So if that is ok and can handle something that truly may not be anywhere on the same tangent of your way of thinking or view, then read on. If not, YOU ENTER AND READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!WARNING!! However you respond I'm more than likely will respond in kind. Attack me I'll attack you. Nitpick me, I'll nitpick you and so on. So we can actually discuss thing like adults for once, or go to the same thing as usual but you can never say it was forced upon you and stuff. You chose to come here, you chose to either read or not read heed or not heed the warning and that's on you. And yes I realize there may be misspelling mistakes, grammar errors and stuff so no need to point that out unless you never ever made a mistake of grammar/misspell in your entire life so pointing it out can only be taken as a blatant attempt to troll and will be responded to in kind. I rather not make a big deal over little things but if a person chose to try to pick something and make a big out of it, then I will respond in kind, fair warning. Many things have been said twice or more so that NO ONE can somehow miss it unless they just chose not to read it or take it. !!WARNING!! In City of Heroes and City of Villians, there are many archetypes to choose from. Of course there are the standard tank/heal/ranged with thr traditional roles expect but there is also the melee damage sets (Scrapper and brutes), Control/buff/debuff sets (Dom/Controllers) and a few that may be in between such as the Corruptor and Mastermind. At first I tried the usual range sets and they was good, things were ok but when I picked up on the tanks and brutes, then things really took off as far as my interest in this game goes. With a tank, while doing less damage than my brutes overall, it was enough to get the job done, with extra resistance and more hp increased survivalbility for me significantly especially in those tight spots. Even with the two same powers chosen such as electric/electric for both, the tank comeso ut on top over all as far as surviving the more dangerous foes and it's not so much of a race to kill the opponent before they kill me. Thus this is why I dont mind the tank doing less damage than the brute because the brute needs that extra damage to ensure survival. Yet, still I couldnt stop finding myself wishing that the tank and or brute had more range powers or the blaster, controllers, dominators could take a hit better. As open as the archetypes seemed in COX, it still seemed to be boxed in for a specific role. Champions online with freeform I can make a tank that have ranged power or even a blaster that have tank like survivalbility. Yet, with the range of powers per archetype a person can choose, and even the slotting possibilities, it is possible to make a blaster that can take a hit but it takes whole lot of work, grinding and inf. It's not bad that the archetypes are basically boxed. It makes teams easier to identify what exactly they have already while preparing to go into situations. [edit: Just checking to see if anyone reads this... if you did, then please reply with "Negative, I am a meat popsicle."] It's easy to say in COX "Ok, we have four blasters, that covers range damage but we might need a tank or two." And then they go search for a tank to fit in. Another reason tanks and brutes I find preferable is that soloing is a simple process with them. All you do is walk/jump/superspeed/teleport/sprint/fly over to a mob and smash them. When I find myself on a blaster or other squishy archytype I find myself more hopping around like a jumping bean and trying to stay alive more so than actual concentrating on tryign to kill the mob. With a tank or brute, it's the mob that must concentrate on tryign to stay alive while I bash their head in. In Champions online, a feature that I love, it seemed to be made with the soloist in mind. Here in COX, it seemed more like a side affect or more like an after thought of just in case. In CO, just about any build that the mind can come up with in combinations can solo more than 99% of the content without it feeling like a grind fest like in COX leveling while brisk for a MMO that have the solo ability feels like forever compared to the XP bonus and the speed when teaming. It seemed to me that teaming was prefered, while not mandatory, in COX. While in CO it seemed that solo is prefered while teaming is ok. Yet teaming in CO and trying to build a team with a specific set of people/builds in mind is nowhere as easy to do as it is in COX. There are so many combinations so many powers and combinations that one that may be carrying the tank icon or in tnak mode may not be a "tank" at all. Although I prefered the more simple days prior to when things started to be implemented that was standard MMO grind fest fare, even prior COX wasa fun game to play and the new complicated stuff didnt seemed to be forced upon players, just another tool it seemed from my view, for some of the people that wanted a something more hardcore MMO grinding than COX was offering at the time. Before IOs the market and stuff, it was simple level up, grab some IOs, assign slots and keep it moving. Afetr the market came along, IOs, and the likes, it seemed like a super hero version of WoW that was more causual. Even though I didnt like that stuff, I see the logic behind it. Hard core gamers seem to pay more, spend more, invest more. Causal players seem to come and go, play alittle bit then leave, may spend a few bucks here and there but overall, just in a casual manner. So Im not knocking those features since they didnt ever become a nessecity or anything. Just something a person could do if they chose to. But still dont care too much for the way teh market works. Man did inflation really take off then. 25-50 million used to be high bragging rights back in i6-i7 but now, 50 million is mere chump change that may be able to get a good IO with some useless change left over. The market on CO is more simple, you go on there name a set price, just like WW works in regards to selling. The big difference is that in WW the buyer must basically guess the price and not much history besides what the last five or so sold for. On CO the buyer can see the listed price and actually choose which one they wish to buy. I think this is more effective way to keep priced reasonable and also keeps inflation under control. Three people can sell the same item one want 1global for it another wants 2, and another list it for 10. A player if they want can buy the 10 gold one but many people probably will go for the first two. Plus it also gives the seller a better idea of the price the certain item is being listed for and usually on that market, things are usually at a reasonable price, farming/grinding is not needed at all there. Dont think I even seen a single LFF or the likes there nor "gold" sellers that plagued this game once things got exspensive. The costume creator in this game is cool and got better over time. The weapon choices and the customization of powers is good too in COX. Only one is the weapon choices, especially of the melee one. It seemed to boil down to axe/hammer/odd objects/futuristic weapon things. While CO have over less weapon choices available, without the tons of unlocks, is less over all, I thin kit has a few more interestign weapon especially one I always wanted to see in this game but been shut down as one of those "not going to happen" things by other players is the scythe, which CO have. Also chain that can be used a whip and various other things of the likes that also said "Not going to happen" by players of the forum in this game is available there. While CO have a coloring system for powers there it does not look as good or effective as the setup in COX. Bugs in COX are a PITA. Nothing like clrearing a map and ready to exit but cant because a mob got stuck in the wall. Now some people reported that the GM pops up on average about 10-15 minutes but I never had one to show up that quick so I can base any judgement on other people's experience. But me, maybe they are always busy or not many around, it took on average about 60min-1.5 hours. Most the time I just quit the mission then about tow missions later get a message from the GM asking I need help. In CO no such bugs experienced yet, and every blue moon a mob gets into a wall but they always easily find they way back out. Even if I had to reset in CO it's less of an issue because CO missions seem to always be shorter than COX in most cases. The fighting mechanics in CO wins in the preference for me compared to COX. It's smoother, faster, easier to use and understand. No more chance nonsense. I dont feel like I'm at a casino gambling and instead actually feel like I'm fighting villians. While both games has it's up and downs, I would prefered if both stayed running and operating but that is just my preference and it seems that the people that can make that decision had a different preference. I understand CO is not COX and that what makes it's a great game for me in it's own right. |
/Is experiment. Will be back tomorrows to see what happens. Enjoy!
//Kinda thinkin' I might be banned for it, but.. oh well, social experiments must come with certain sacrifices...
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
This is to prove that posts with gigantic disclaimers are silly. I didn't even read whatever the OP was about. And, I'm doubtin' anyone will read THIS post.
Mike /Is experiment. Will be back tomorrows to see what happens. Enjoy! //Kinda thinkin' I might be banned for it, but.. oh well, social experiments must come with certain sacrifices... |
Be well, people of CoH.

This is to prove that posts with gigantic disclaimers are silly. I didn't even read whatever the OP was about. And, I'm doubtin' anyone will read THIS post.
Mike /Is experiment. Will be back tomorrows to see what happens. Enjoy! //Kinda thinkin' I might be banned for it, but.. oh well, social experiments must come with certain sacrifices... |
-Female Player-
about the length. You'd swear I broke post length records. My longest post is ony 4 thousand words + a few. Yet no mention about length in this post which is 5 thousand words.
Most of the rest are about 1600-2,500 words and there are more than few that fall into that range such as, yet no complaint about the length, so as muc has people say these things are too long yet seeing their silence about length in a post that is over 1,000 words longer than mine, I do not think the length is the issue even though some say it is.
-Female Player-
Warning: Terseness follows...
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about the length. You'd swear I broke post length records. My longest post is ony 4 thousand words + a few. Yet no mention about length in this post which is 5 thousand words.
Most of the rest are about 1600-2,500 words and there are more than few that fall into that range such as, yet no complaint about the length, so as muc has people say these things are too long yet seeing their silence about length in a post that is over 1,000 words longer than mine, I do not think the length is the issue even though some say it is. |
Proud member of the Cole-a-lition.
Fighting to make every reality, a better reality.
Because I got tired of people in the past assuming I'm a male but I'm female and someone made the suggestion to make note of it because their is no way to tell and most people would assume male. It was a good point and thus I did.
Unless you're a dude and trolling...which I believe you are.
Proud member of the Cole-a-lition.
Fighting to make every reality, a better reality.
Disclaimer: This post is long, AGAIN THIS POST IS LONG! I am attention starved and I'm too lazy to write in a journal. I crave attention and that is why I write this useless disclaimer. If a person dont have time to read it, I'm going to cry myself to sleep and write another one in hopes someone will give me a cookie...yes I said cookie choclate chips are fine, I'm not a mind reader so all of you that read this should READ MINE! If this format is not for you, this may be a good time to stop reading as the rest will be a waste of your time but I'm really hoping you do read this so I can have more attention becuase the truth is I really dont have a life! and at this point is not responsible if you choose to continue and waste your time. There are not many questions in this post; this is a post about help help me feed my ego! Help is really needed with my self -esteem by reading my disclaimer.
This disclaimer is to cause problems, flame, troll, and excite a riot and everything. It is to just clarify that I really am Psychotic in every way so things will be misconstrued, misinterpreted, misquoted, and I love wasting everyone's time That is all, nothing more nothing less, disrespect is intended, just trying to repeat negative actions on threads. |
-Female Player-
and 100% irrelevant.
Unless you're a dude and trolling...which I believe you are. |
Females dont play video games is what you are saying? I dont know many in my circle but I know more than few female gamers.
About the relevant part, which is really not much different than many posts on the subject. Difference is that this is my take on it and same with many other threads I created. Now many subjects that I just come up with that is new.
It may not be relevant to everyone but it is to me and to me that is what matters. You can beleive what you want to believe and call me a man or whatever but that is all I have to say on that subject.
And speaking of trolling, I dont think I say one single thing insulting to anyone in that post yet, there is one particular person here that is obvious trolling yet not a single person called him out on it. Just me and my thread because it wasnt up to their standards, too long for them, not a subject they are interested in and I'm the one trolling. Go figure.
-Female Player-
Um no Im not a dude. And secondly, this post is in no way shape form or fashion is trolling. There are other posts out there when people talk about various games including CO, and their thoughts on it and compared to COH.

Wow, jebus.
I'm a really wordy poster, bit even I think that's way, way too much in one big chunk.
I wrote a "brief" history of my eight years here that wandered over several side topics. It was roughly 10,500 words long, I broke it up into eight posts (discounting one post that said "I was going to post something larger here, but skipped it). The longest of those eight posts was about 2300 words.
So yeah, mine was like 2.5 times longer, but each post was no more than about 1/2 the size of yours, and I covered a lot meandering topics, while yours was a lot more narrow.
You did give us whitespace, at least, so that was good. Some of the paragraphs were still really large, but you could have done worse.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Recent thread lengths (last 32): In listed order in thread started list by last reply or whatever method is used there.
The Preference-2,888
The Last 56- 292 words
The Response- 820 words
Online Gaming- 4,016 words
2006-2012 (covering my time playing)-2,519
Electric armor vs WP- 1,005
The situation-2,138
Cryptic role- 174 words
Earth/Fire Dominator and how I slotted-1,850
Scrapper vs. brute- 32 words
Living with Fiery Aura/TW-1,581
Hero side main six TFs leveling up-1,488
Dark Control- 11
Electric Armor and how I played-2,379
Surviving with unorthodox WP- 3,679
Earth/Fire Dom- 37
Tanks vs Brutes-158
New stalker changes- 36
SoA- 460
How is spines now and days?- 48
Claws/WP-Played solo- 829
TW, staff and Electric melee- 533
Earth/fire dom-485
Force Field MM-23
spine/dark armor-21
Electrice/Energy Melee-58
tw/wp, tw/regen brute vs wp/tw ea/tw tank-37
Interface incarnate power-23
Very rare, Rare, Uncommon, Common-14
Average post size-914.0625
Post Over 2300- 5/32 15.625
Post under 1000- 22/32 68.75%
Post in between 1000 and 2300- 5/32 15.625%
I the prior statement I did miss one post which was 3,679 words. But only two posts are over 3,000 words, with a total of five out of 32 over 2,300 words.
22 out of 32 were under 1000 words.
So really, saying I always write walls of text is a little bit of a exaggeration as most of my posts are well below the length of many posts on this forum and as mentioned earlier I havent broke any records even with my longest post.
Quality of the subject that have been chosen is a subjective opinion.
And of course there is there is the recent The Anomaly which is not included in this number and its only three dots.
-Female Player-
Disclaimer: This post is long, AGAIN THIS POST IS LONG! If a person dont have time to read it, that is fine, come back later when you do have the time and it's ok if you dont read the post at all because you don't have the time. Yes, there may or may not be spelling and grammar mistakes, just like any other thread on this forum. I know that, no point in pointing them out. The format of this post is single spaced sentences with an extra space between paragraphs. I'm not a mind reader and dont know everyone's format preference but if it the point is not clear, just ask in a respectful manner or dont worry about it. If this format is not for you, this may be a good time to stop reading as the rest will be a waste of your time and at this point is not responsible if you choose to continue and waste your time. There are not many questions in this post; this is not a post about help. Help is really not needed here but if you insist on offering it and it is turned down, dont get rude. Once again, I am not responsible if you decide to not heed this and feel like you wasted your time trying to be "helpful" anyways. I'm not trying to be rude for turning down your help, but really, none is needed here. Criticism, negative criticism, or "constructive criticism" that isnt actually constructive, is not needed here. Apparently I have a hard time distinguishing between people trying to be "helpful" and people who are not here as some "helpful" people have ways of showing it that I find odd. So lets do each other favor and just let it be. Just post your version about how you would play and keep to the topic. Lastly, this is my experience and my view, if your view is different, that is cool too, do tell, but please be respectful. The point of all this is so people now knows what they are getting into. If this is fine, continue reading. If not, it would be best to move on to another thread. Of course this is free country and you are free to do what you want, just keep in mind, so am I and that alone is enough reason for this post. Not trying to be rude at all, just letting people know exactly what they are getting into. For those that dont know or dont see the point of this introduction, this is to prevent any problems from past threads to carrying over to here and to keep things [b]strictly on the subject[b] at hand. If all of this is ok, read on and have fun. If you have anything to add about your experience with electric armor, by all means share. This is my Electric Armor build that fit my play style which may or may not be fitting for everyone else's play style thus I'm making not and guarantee, assumptions, vouching, or suggesting that my way is the way to build the Electric Armor nor am I insinuating, suggesting, or trying to prove that my opinions are fact. They are just my opinion and if your opinion differs, that is good too. Please share your version here but try to be respectful of my opinion and others as you would want them to respect yours.
This disclaimer is not to cause problems, flame, troll, and excite a riot or anything. It is to just clarify things so things will not be misconstrued, misinterpreted, misquoted, or wasting anyone time because they didnt know what they was getting into. That is all, nothing more nothing less, no disrespect intended, just trying to prevent repeat negative actions on threads from happening.
Remember words on the screen are words on the screen. There are no physical social queues, tone of voice, nor other things that can be picked up in face to face contact. While it is best to not direct anything personal at me, or probably anyone else for that matter, keep in mind how the words can be interpreted by just reading. Let's not make a big deal out of nothing, again. Remember everyone is not the same nor will perceive messages and words on the screen the exact same way as you may have intended them to come out in your head. Reason for this disclaimer is to prevent the same things that have been happening in the past from re-occurring and that is all. Remember, as mentioned before, this is not to be rude at all.
I just dont want anyone feel like their time is being wasted, or feel they was blindly lead into a long post, or got the wrong assumption. On the same token, I'm not responsible for your time you feel you wasted, or offer help and feel dejected for it being turned down as I'm politely turning it down and all "help", "constructive criticism", "suggestions" right now. "Thank you for your concern and trying to help but I have the build and any other build the way I have found that I have the most fun with playing in the manner that I find the most enjoyable for my experience." Any help on a personal basis is turned down also in a polite manner also- "Thanks for your concern and trying to help but I think your help would be more helpful on someone else who is probably itching for that type for information you have available to share. Thanks for understanding." If you choose to not heed this information, then all I have to go by is what you write and what I perceive, which may be right or may be wrong but I'm leaving nothing to chance this time. If I missed something, it will be added to the next thread.
: End Disclaimer
!!WARNING!!-This is my experience and going through the thoughts of the time I spent in the game. This is not in any manner, way or fashion is trying to insinuate, suggest, tell, or demand that others should have same experience. This is neither a right nor wrong situation and thus everyone may not have the same experience as I have and thus I can only speak on mine and my time I spent in the game. There is no expectation to agree with anything here or meant to incite anything or hinder efforts, put anyone down, bring down hope, or anything. This may or may not be in the lines of the hopeful way of thinking. THIS MAY OR MAY NOT BE IN THE LINE OF HOPEFUL THINKING! Making sure I said it twice just in case it got missed so that no one has to go out of their way to point that out or feel like this was pushed upon them. This way of thinking may or may not be in line with anyone or everyone's view and way of thinking. This is a fair warning. So if that is ok and can handle something that truly may not be anywhere on the same tangent of your way of thinking or view, then read on. If not, YOU ENTER AND READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!WARNING!! However you respond I'm more than likely will respond in kind. Attack me I'll attack you. Nitpick me, I'll nitpick you and so on. So we can actually discuss thing like adults for once, or go to the same thing as usual but you can never say it was forced upon you and stuff. You chose to come here, you chose to either read or not read heed or not heed the warning and that's on you. And yes I realize there may be misspelling mistakes, grammar errors and stuff so no need to point that out unless you never ever made a mistake of grammar/misspell in your entire life so pointing it out can only be taken as a blatant attempt to troll and will be responded to in kind. I rather not make a big deal over little things but if a person chose to try to pick something and make a big out of it, then I will respond in kind, fair warning. Many things have been said twice or more so that NO ONE can somehow miss it unless they just chose not to read it or take it. !!WARNING!!
In City of Heroes and City of Villians, there are many archetypes to choose from. Of course there are the standard tank/heal/ranged with thr traditional roles expect but there is also the melee damage sets (Scrapper and brutes), Control/buff/debuff sets (Dom/Controllers) and a few that may be in between such as the Corruptor and Mastermind.
At first I tried the usual range sets and they was good, things were ok but when I picked up on the tanks and brutes, then things really took off as far as my interest in this game goes.
With a tank, while doing less damage than my brutes overall, it was enough to get the job done, with extra resistance and more hp increased survivalbility for me significantly especially in those tight spots. Even with the two same powers chosen such as electric/electric for both, the tank comeso ut on top over all as far as surviving the more dangerous foes and it's not so much of a race to kill the opponent before they kill me. Thus this is why I dont mind the tank doing less damage than the brute because the brute needs that extra damage to ensure survival.
Yet, still I couldnt stop finding myself wishing that the tank and or brute had more range powers or the blaster, controllers, dominators could take a hit better. As open as the archetypes seemed in COX, it still seemed to be boxed in for a specific role. Champions online with freeform I can make a tank that have ranged power or even a blaster that have tank like survivalbility. Yet, with the range of powers per archetype a person can choose, and even the slotting possibilities, it is possible to make a blaster that can take a hit but it takes whole lot of work, grinding and inf.
It's not bad that the archetypes are basically boxed. It makes teams easier to identify what exactly they have already while preparing to go into situations. It's easy to say in COX "Ok, we have four blasters, that covers range damage but we might need a tank or two." And then they go search for a tank to fit in.
Another reason tanks and brutes I find preferable is that soloing is a simple process with them. All you do is walk/jump/superspeed/teleport/sprint/fly over to a mob and smash them. When I find myself on a blaster or other squishy archytype I find myself more hopping around like a jumping bean and trying to stay alive more so than actual concentrating on tryign to kill the mob. With a tank or brute, it's the mob that must concentrate on tryign to stay alive while I bash their head in.
In Champions online, a feature that I love, it seemed to be made with the soloist in mind. Here in COX, it seemed more like a side affect or more like an after thought of just in case. In CO, just about any build that the mind can come up with in combinations can solo more than 99% of the content without it feeling like a grind fest like in COX leveling while brisk for a MMO that have the solo ability feels like forever compared to the XP bonus and the speed when teaming. It seemed to me that teaming was prefered, while not mandatory, in COX. While in CO it seemed that solo is prefered while teaming is ok. Yet teaming in CO and trying to build a team with a specific set of people/builds in mind is nowhere as easy to do as it is in COX. There are so many combinations so many powers and combinations that one that may be carrying the tank icon or in tnak mode may not be a "tank" at all.
Although I prefered the more simple days prior to when things started to be implemented that was standard MMO grind fest fare, even prior COX wasa fun game to play and the new complicated stuff didnt seemed to be forced upon players, just another tool it seemed from my view, for some of the people that wanted a something more hardcore MMO grinding than COX was offering at the time. Before IOs the market and stuff, it was simple level up, grab some IOs, assign slots and keep it moving. Afetr the market came along, IOs, and the likes, it seemed like a super hero version of WoW that was more causual. Even though I didnt like that stuff, I see the logic behind it. Hard core gamers seem to pay more, spend more, invest more. Causal players seem to come and go, play alittle bit then leave, may spend a few bucks here and there but overall, just in a casual manner. So Im not knocking those features since they didnt ever become a nessecity or anything. Just something a person could do if they chose to. But still dont care too much for the way teh market works. Man did inflation really take off then. 25-50 million used to be high bragging rights back in i6-i7 but now, 50 million is mere chump change that may be able to get a good IO with some useless change left over.
The market on CO is more simple, you go on there name a set price, just like WW works in regards to selling. The big difference is that in WW the buyer must basically guess the price and not much history besides what the last five or so sold for. On CO the buyer can see the listed price and actually choose which one they wish to buy. I think this is more effective way to keep priced reasonable and also keeps inflation under control. Three people can sell the same item one want 1global for it another wants 2, and another list it for 10. A player if they want can buy the 10 gold one but many people probably will go for the first two. Plus it also gives the seller a better idea of the price the certain item is being listed for and usually on that market, things are usually at a reasonable price, farming/grinding is not needed at all there. Dont think I even seen a single LFF or the likes there nor "gold" sellers that plagued this game once things got exspensive.
The costume creator in this game is cool and got better over time. The weapon choices and the customization of powers is good too in COX. Only one is the weapon choices, especially of the melee one. It seemed to boil down to axe/hammer/odd objects/futuristic weapon things. While CO have over less weapon choices available, without the tons of unlocks, is less over all, I thin kit has a few more interestign weapon especially one I always wanted to see in this game but been shut down as one of those "not going to happen" things by other players is the scythe, which CO have. Also chain that can be used a whip and various other things of the likes that also said "Not going to happen" by players of the forum in this game is available there. While CO have a coloring system for powers there it does not look as good or effective as the setup in COX.
Bugs in COX are a PITA. Nothing like clrearing a map and ready to exit but cant because a mob got stuck in the wall. Now some people reported that the GM pops up on average about 10-15 minutes but I never had one to show up that quick so I can base any judgement on other people's experience. But me, maybe they are always busy or not many around, it took on average about 60min-1.5 hours. Most the time I just quit the mission then about tow missions later get a message from the GM asking I need help. In CO no such bugs experienced yet, and every blue moon a mob gets into a wall but they always easily find they way back out. Even if I had to reset in CO it's less of an issue because CO missions seem to always be shorter than COX in most cases.
The fighting mechanics in CO wins in the preference for me compared to COX. It's smoother, faster, easier to use and understand. No more chance nonsense. I dont feel like I'm at a casino gambling and instead actually feel like I'm fighting villians.
While both games has it's up and downs, I would prefered if both stayed running and operating but that is just my preference and it seems that the people that can make that decision had a different preference. I understand CO is not COX and that what makes it's a great game for me in it's own right.
-Female Player-
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard.