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  1. Hope the guys in your SG know your pimping them out.
  2. BadPanda

    Insp/No Insp

    I turn off local and broadcast in pvp now as the utter rubbish people talk is just plian annoying. And it also make for a much more pleasant time as well.
  3. What the hell are you doing up at 8:30 on a saturday.
  4. There seems to be a lack of coustume comps on union now a days not to sure why as they used to be fun. So I have decieded to hold a class hero comp on saturday at 8:00pm.

    Your Hero must be wearing spandex and look as heroic as possible you must also have a name that suits the toon as well as Im not giving cash out to heros with leet names or villainus names.

    The Grand Prize will be 2 mill for the best out fit 500k for 2nd and 100k for 3rd. So get desiging peeps I want to see atlas coverd in spandex.
  5. Any one got any aspiren I was mugged by a bottel of J.D. last night whilst playing my blaster.
  6. They should just bin hammy as its no fun. They should keep hammy as a GM thats a challange for 3 teams. But give players some thing better than a no fun lag fest of about 4 hours where the only thing your sure to come away with is a bitter tast in you mouth.

    The Devs need to pull there fingers out of there collective [censored]'s and give the players a fun challenge. Rather than hiding behind lies such as you need to find out the way to do it only so that they can nerf it agian. Its about time they bloody well sorted a deccent end game.
  7. Im Invicible

    Was what a regen scrapper screamed out in bloody when the heros where camping the villain base and outnumbers us 3 to 1. At the time I was standing next to him and he had just had a fight with 2 brutes. And so I A.S. him bam dead it was just classic. He toke it in good Im glad to say but it was just so funny.
  8. BadPanda

    Ask A Ben

    Why dose statesman hate Assualt rife.
  9. BadPanda


    [ QUOTE ]
    The Silver Weasel, the most gorgeous, most fantastic, most wonderful, slowest levelling blaster ever, finally hit the big 5-0!

    Congratulations, I love you, go roll a WS, etc. etc. and so forth.

    My Weasel hit 50!!!!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bloody Lies I say Lies.
  10. BadPanda


    Can any one tell me what accolades there are for CoV and what badges you need for them. I only found out they where put in a few days ago and I would like to try and get them for my Master Mind.
  11. BadPanda

    Is it me or...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Where Item collecting is seen as a way of customising your character. In WoW and SWG everyone looks the same because they all go for the same 'uber' items.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bit like 1 vs 1 matchs to find the best PvP player. And every one they turns up on controllers screaming that they got da skills.
  12. We now have our own shop as well for all your 1.A.T. needs.
  13. I like you a lot in the long run.
    Full Auto is very special to me.
    You are the got me debt king.
    You are a got me debt star.

    FULL AUTO!!!
    FULL AUTO!!!
    FULL AUTO!!!
    FULL AUTO!!!

    I like you well.
    I love you a lot in the long run.
    About 43000 people like Full Auto.
    You can really rock your [censored] off.

    FULL AUTO!!!
    FULL AUTO!!!
    FULL AUTO!!!
    FULL AUTO!!!

    You really whoop Saddam Hussein's [censored].
    You can really rock your [censored] off.
    Full Auto is the best.
    Full Auto really whoops a donkey's [censored].

    Rock over London,
    Rock on Chicago.

    American Airlines - we mean business in Chicago.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh noes!! Scrappocalypse are back!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ughhhh will call to arms tomorrow as we are all very hung over after MASS 1AT [censored] up. And I got draged down the pub by me brother as well.
  15. BadPanda

    Market Day.

    its a cool idea but a local trading channel would probaly make it easier to do. It should not be global like help or arena as both these channels are spamed (hell you wouldnt thing there was a global chat system set up would you)and I dont think the idots need another channel set up for them to play in.
  16. BadPanda

    Looking For SG

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hey all Union peeps, just moveing over from Defiant cos some of me mates have reinstated their accounts and i wanna team with them a bit. Soooooo i'm looking for an active sg on union with lots of peeps to chat/team with (if there low enough for me). Remade my stone/ss tank on Union last night but hes only lvl 3 . so invite me to your SG......... Please.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Best bet mate give all the Sgs a try as you might find that one is more suited to your play stlyes.
  17. I would put rock forward but me tells of n00b lol your dead [censored] might offend peeps.
  18. BadPanda

    Phoenix Phalanx

    Hello always good to see a new SG starting up from all us at the 1AT good luck with it.
  19. "ZOMG im no longer uber some one beat me in PvP" Pfft Adapt and learn easy.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I mentioned the 1 AT just to make an example of another comunity that organized public events, not saying they're better or else, because without me they're nothing...

    I wasn't meant to be inflammatory in any way, sorry if it sounded so but I was just voicing my and maybe other's concern about the thing and pointing out how other that made similar thing handled that...

    Also Pryo's post is a clear aggresion against English, leave the slaughter of your language to us outside of the UK

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes Js our Uber n00ber that makes the rest of us look god like.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    ... and TBH the level of agression that has been shown here against MoX makes me think that maybe it's not worth it. This is obviously a forum dominated by 1AT. So in the politest possible way, if you don't want it or continue critising we'll pull it and run it internally.

    Just one question, who is the leader of 1AT, I think I need to talk to him / her.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Would just like to say we are not going out of our way to ruin your event or even trying to sabotage it in any way. In fact I have posted a link on our forums for any one interested so they can read about the event and enter if they like. Im not entering my self my reasons are my own and im not going to force any one else to have them. Hope that cleares up that the 1AT are not out to get you.
  22. Will take the dont option then thanks.
  23. Big gratz mate to you ya. I also think we can do better than just 4 gratz post peeps its his 1st 50.
  24. Big up da ice man have seen you back in game and was wondering when you would get back to the air waves. Always nice to have some thing else to listen to when some ones playing stuff your not in to.
  25. Got nothing agianst the GG coumnity some of my friends go there. I just dont get why if the game is so dam awfull Ravens stays and I dont see why he has to keep telling every one he thinks its awfull.

    Also the attiude of him and others have put me off and sevral other people I know from ever RPing in this game. He is not what I would call a good advert for the friendly RP that is siad to go on in GG now is he. I mean he praticaly called Star Jewel a net Pervert.