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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    that was the other Golden Girl

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Does that mean we should petition GG to prevent Marvel from suing NC? I am not sure I am evil enough to do so.
  2. 3th and final video:

    I se no reason to be even thinking about animated facial features, maybe once clothing have the same animations as capes, it could be considered. But then again, with no in game voices what would you sync the lip movements with.
  3. Assailant

    PPD on the job

    What ever they are getting paid, it to much. To prove my point here are two screen shots I took tonight.
    So the cop is just casual leaning against the wall in atlas part while a citizen is getting mugged a stones throw away.
    And here some skulls are in the progress of braking in to a garage just across the parking lot from the police station in Kings Row.

    N.B. sorry for the resolution, ImageShack are still resizing my pictures.
  4. Just checked my numbers again, must have written something down wrong while I was comparing the sets.
    So yes, WP give only 22.5% S/L resist (un enhanced) as opposed to Invulnerables 33.8%.
  5. I trust the devs enough to think that if they nerfed MoG, then they had a good reason to do so. Bringing back something that was quite possible overpowered will not fix anything.

    Now it is entirely possible that MoG was nerfed to much, so perhaps a better option would be to find some middle ground between the current MoG and the old MoG, to bring it in line with the other ‘god mode’ powers. And then apply that middle ground to both players and NPC’s.
  6. Yes /WP seems really overpowered at times. Though as my level 50 brute is a War Mace /Will Power I feel like I need it at times
    I have experienced a fast and brutal death several times at the hands of vanguard rangers, actuarially every time I have fought vanguard rangers. I assume that the many other times I have died have been from the elemental damage as well.
    And anything with -regain -recharge powers really hurts as well. So arachnoids and cold based mobs can be though as well.

    If we compare it to fire aura that is a far more offensive set, with a aoe damage in Blazing aura, Burn and rice of the Phonix, and a self +damage power in Firey Embrace.
    FA still have the same S/L resist and far more resistance to F/I/E/N/T only leaving Psy with a lower resist. While loosing minor defenses to the elementals and moderate defenses to Psy. To top it off it has Debuff Resistence to recharge and runspeed.

    Invulnerability in comparison to WP have about the same resistence to S/L and defense to F/I/E/N but far better resistance F/I/E/N/T and far better Debuff Resistence to: recharge, run speed, and endurance.

    In short: You could say the big weakness of WP is debuffing.
    Mind you the only secondary brute power I have experience with is WP. Just used mids to look up the other sets.
  7. If you really stretch the truth, you could call Longbow a group of vigilantes. They operate out side the law, and in many cases they invade the territory of a sovereign nation. Not to mention the many time when parts of longbow decide to play Judge, Jury, and Executioner while on paragon soil.
    As such I see no problem with a heroic badge for beating them up.
  8. I can accept the need for kill all missions, story wise. However putting them on a timer or on very large maps have no justification.
    An example of a good kill all mission is the, “kill all snakes in casino” mission on mercy isle (red side).

    One thing I would add here is that the missions where you have to click a glowy, and then clear out nearby mobs, it seems to be all enemies in the same room. The worst of thoughts are of cause the CoT maps with the large multi layered cave.
    There is no excuse for it that kind of mission, other then the fear of players ghosting the mission and thus getting to much xp for the effort.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    And would an Empath one be a care bear?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Please do not give them any ideas. My sanity could not handle ending up on a team with something like that.
  10. Dr Aeon is my favorite. After that one arch in Cap au Diablo, where I found out who he use to be, and what he will become. A mad scientist that will only wake up to what he is and what he is doing after it is too late. And running in to him again in the patron arch was just a bonus.

    The back story of Ghost Widow and Wrench, comes a close second though, story line that explores it is a good enough reason to level at least one villain

    Most hated would be Manticore, he just seem so one directional. He is a boring version of batman with a bow. Just with out the originality to come up with a name and costume for him self, instead carrying on his fathers.
  11. /signed
    I have tried a thermal corrupter, and the buffing drove me nuts. The healing I was ok with, but trying to keep the two shields on a big team. Well I deleted the charter.
    Having a much longer time on single target buffs would have helped a lot.

    With my Brutes (and my new Tank) I never experts buffs. I can understand everyone buffing up like crazy before an AV fight or something like that, but for most of the time I think it is better to go with out buffs. However as long as groups tend to only want to fight 3+ enemies that is not going to happen.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Dungeon Keeper had some fun things to do with captives...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You mean like torturing or starving prisoners to death, or do you mean that female minion why liked being tortures and even begged for more?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Probably something gross - and as CoV is still only 16+, I think you can forget it

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I just checked my old Dungeon Keeper 2 box, it was 15+ (though I doubt anyone could get away with anything even remotely similar now a days, even in 18+ game)
  13. Big post there, I better chop it to bits before trying to respond or this could get confusing.

    [ QUOTE ]
    First, what are villains like?
    To me it doesn’t make sense that villains just attack every other villain group randomly. Of course finally, villains have no allegiance or loyalty to anyone. But they sure form some sort of ever shifting alliances! They´re not stupid!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Players are different from the regular members that are part of the villain groups around in the isles. In short they are the potential destined ones, and they se them self as better then everyone else (speeking general turns here, anyone my RP it differently). As such, all the regular villains hate them and would love to take them down a peg or two.
    Add to that that most often when you work for a contact that is actuarially part of a know group, you do so covertly, therefore know one lese in that group knows you work for them and as such still attack you.
    So every NPC might know that the player villain beat up an entire cave of CoT, and stole several magic books, but know one knows why or who he was working for.

    As for peace with a villain group, it would more likely come from beating that group up sufficiently, so they would conclude that picking on you was to risky.

    [ QUOTE ]

    If u are assigned to kidnap someone, and he screams “I don’t wanna come with you!” – why is it, that he runs after you like a little duckling???!

    Villains abduct with force! They are ruthless! They´d AT LEAST tie up the guy and carry him out on the back (like one of these money filled bags ,the NPC badguys have during a bankrobbery)!
    There would be a hundred ways to abduct a person villain style. A tech themed villain would capture the whiny bug in a floating force field!
    The thought of one of these confused bastards floating helplessly in the air like a space-born fetus, that alone is worth the work!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Got to agree on that one, can not even count how many times I would have liked to simply pick up the hostage and the fly out, rather then having to lead them out. I never take kidnap newspaper missions if I can avoid them.
    On the same note why can TP Foe not be used to pull them along if they get lost. And TP Friend on the ones who wand to follow you.

    [ QUOTE ]
    3) ARENA?
    Does it make sense that villains have an official building for duels??
    Duels should be held on the streets!

    Instead of an arena, if u wanna have a quick fun battle with a fellow villain, make it so that u can invite a villain to duel, and if he agrees(given he has the “allow invites” option activated) you enter the duelling options screen(or however u call it) and pick the rules, price(if u want) etc.!
    You would become intangible for NPC enemies for the entire length of the duel, of course(if u choose).

    And if u want a more fancy duel, incorporating the upcoming level editor, u can go to an Arcade kind of place called “Virtual West”(for example) and enter a virtual reality fight with your pal at any place the psychic mutant called “Cowboy”(he´s running the place) can think of

    Give it a sincere thought.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I think that is a technical limitation, as well as the “blue healer” and similar issues.

    [ QUOTE ]
    4)Now a series of questions without solution:
    a) Why cant villains kill civilians?
    b) Why cant villains abduct civilians and bring them to a cell in the villain base and hold them like tamagotchies?(the newly announced feature update screems for stuff like that)

    c) Why cant villains steal on the street?
    Why cant they rob civilians and get a little influence as reward?Why cant a group of longbows come and try to help the civilians?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    As per nr 1. I think that peaty theft is simply beneath the player villains. Could you imagine any of the cartoon villains say the Green Goblin or Dr Octopus, sop on the street to mug a civilian.
    As for killing civilians, there is nothing to gain by it. OK you could kidnap civilians to use in scions experiments if you RPed a mad scientist, but that is about all you could use them for. CoT mages would make better sacrifices to daemons. (or at least that is who I keep getting send to capture souls from when a contact needs to bargain with daemons)

    As for the Longbow, the rouge isles are not part of USA territory, and Longbow is technically a part paragon city or something like that. So what few longbows there are outside their jurisdiction, and in violation of local laws, Archons is the official military for all the isles after all.
  14. You should consider Franken slotting. As in throwing in multi aspect IO’s from various sets.
    For example in healing flames you have 3 heal and 3 recharge. That gives you a 99.08% enhancement on both. But if you slotted the Heal/endurance/recharge ffrom each of the 6 healing sets you could enhance all 3 aspects by 97.37%. Or you could add the Heal/endurance/recharge and Heal/recharge from Numinas and Doctored wounds , for a bonus of 91.78% to heal and recharge and 42.40% to endurance. (and get the first of the two set bonuses to boot)

    The same can be done with any shield. 4 Res/End will get you to 95.19% End and 56.13% Res.

    You can get a lot more efficiency out of the build that way.
    A 2 aspect IO gives 10/16 of a single aspect IO on each value
    A 3 aspect IO gives 8/16 of a single aspect IO on each value
    And a 4 aspect IO gives 7/16 of a single aspect IO on each value
  15. I think it would be useful if we could add map markers client side. Not even for the team, but just for your self.
    A simple txt file, in a profile folder for a character.
    Say: map_name X Y Z “marker name”

    It would allow us to mare the known locations of any mob we was hunting for a badge, places with interesting views, entrances to the mission in a TF/SF, day job locations we have found, and for people with out a vertical travel power places where there are staircases to ascend.

    Sure some people would also use them to mark exploration badges and history plagues, and then share them. But that is already done throe various sites, and the only difference would be less need for alt+tab.
  16. Happy new year everyone.
    I hope you all made it in to 2009 with all appendages intact and still attached to your bodies.
  17. Darn that spell checker... when will they invent one that can read minds so it can see what I mean, rather then just checking that the word exists!!!
  18. Well that depend on what badges you are missing. If you try for the epic healing badge with only heal other... not even one
  19. Have you tried “/sync”?
    I had some rubber banding problems a while back, and it worked every time. I would have gone completely insane my now if I had not been told of the command over the help channel.
  20. So I wend to RWZ to se how well RttC worked. Brought up the combat stats window where I could see my regain, and found a group of Malta that conned green to me.
    After I got the 6 of them to attack me, I just stood still and did nothing.
    3 of them were up close, but still mostly using range weapons. 3 stayed further back. Yet the buff icons under my health bars showed a 5 over the RttC icon. And just to confuse the issue even more, the regain from RttC showed as 1.48% for most of the time, jumping to 2.11% for a faction of a second, with very irregular intervals.

    So does RttC work as descried adding regain for each enemy in melee range, or is it only adding regain while an enemy makes melee attacks on you?

    Also I could swear that at times, like under a Rikti raid, the number over the RttC icon have jumped as high as 21.
  21. The problem goes deeper then just perm-dominations. It goes to the very root of the dominator design. A dominator is design to lock down a target, then move in to melee range for the kill. It is a good concept for PvE, but for PvP it is not so good. A perm-dominator can just keep the hold long enough to overcome almost anything.

    So in PvP the dominator gets beefed up damage and the ability to de-toggle some offensive powers, instead of the lock down ability. Better for the target, worse for the dominator.
  22. Well it is a nice thing if you wand to maximize you day job gains to with in the hour. But if you just take them as they come not that important.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    PvP needs rewards. Simple as. Rewards means that both the "hardcore" are happy because they get to do what they pay for, and it will also increase the amount of people because there is extra added incentive for.
    (Here comes the "Doesn't matter how much reward there is for PvP I still won't do it" comments. Regardless of how many people state that they wouldnt PvP for anything I can guarantee there will be players that would)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So you wand players that have no interest in the PvP style of game play or in the PvP trash talk, to feel that they have to PvP in order to stay competitive in PvE?
    They will only increase the hatred that some PvE players already have for PvPers.

    I think it is the way WoW do things. With PvE players taking part in PvP zones to get last seasons arena epic gear or something like that. (Never played WoW only read a bit about it)

    ------------- below this line is a general response not a specific to one person ----------------

    The only way to make PvP more popular is to make it fun for more players. And that means removing the elements they find un-fun. And I would bet that on the top of the list is getting swatted by seasoned players when they first try their hand in PvP, along with the trash talking. So basally the things current PvPers consider essential.

    The end result is the same. With is properly why this argument pops up year after year in game after game. Nothing can be changed, and PvP will never be widely popular.
  24. The correct thing to say would properly be:
    Patent Laws are overzealous, illogical, and to some extent stupid.

    Sure I get that you should be able to patent a specific process. But to patent concept? That just outrageous.
  25. First off you have to look at why people PvP.
    Some players PvP for the challenge, they care less about winning or loosing. They just want to fight something they can not predict and that might out smart them.
    Then you have the players who PvP for the achievement, they care about winning more then about the challenge. They want to get the best possible kills/deaths ratio.

    What you have is conflicting interests, even among the dedicated PvPers. Now add to the mix the people that PvP for the tangible rewards, like Shivas or Nukes, or who are just trying out PvP to se how it is.

    To get more PvPers, you have to keep the new PvPers interested. And you do not keep people interested in general by killing them in a few hits or giving then a snowballs chance in h*** of winning against a dedicated PvPer.
    Sure, a few people will respond by trying to overcome the challenge, but most will write off PvP all together.

    I think the PvP zones should be recycled as corporative PvE zones, or regular PvE zones (say Bloody Bay as co-op, and Sirens Call and 2 different versions 1 hero and 1 villain). The back storry in the zones would be better served in PvE.

    PvP on the other hand should get some smaller zones with fewer NPCs, and make them accessible throe Pocked D. That way it should be easier for PvPers to find a fight when they want it. There could even be zones with special rules, like no travel powers, no temporary powers, or no invention bonuses. That should also make it easier for new player to try PvP.