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The following is just a pipe dream, but I figure no harm in sharing my whimsical thoughts.
I've always thought that Kheldians needed an inherent that also worked while solo, like pretty much every other AT has.
To that effect, I always thought, gee, why is my inherent limited to team mates only? Why can't I juice up from my enemies?
Granted the buffs gotten from enemies would almost definitely have to be reduced greatly per foe. I'm not even sure how it could work since mobs don't belong to Archetypes I don't think.
So I'm thinking perhaps use their rank to determine what buffs you get.
The following list is just off the top of my head:
Underlings - 1% Recharge per foe in range
Minions - 1% Endurance recovery per foe in range
Leutenants - 1% Health Regeneration per foe in range
Bosses - 5% Mez resistance (not protection, just to be clear) per foe in range
Elite Bosses - 5% Accuracy and 10% damage per foe in range
Arch Villains - 5% Defense and 5% Resistance to all per foe in range
Giant Monsters - 10% Defense to all per foe in range
Note: All of the above buffs are capped at a maximum of 10 from each rank. So for example, 10 underlings would cap you at +10% recharge, more underlings wouldn't buff you further.
Perhaps this could be turned into an inherent aura that requires a to hit check, and cycles once every 10 seconds and the buffs last 10 seconds. This way you aren't guaranteed to get any buffs constantly, but odds are you're likely going to hit some foes, just not all the foes around you. The to hit signifies that unlike your willing team mates, your foes do not want to willingly part with their energies, so they resist your attempts.
Or perhaps instead of a PBAoE aura effect, have this tied in to your attacks, sort of like how a tanker taunts when he punches a foe, you instead juice up from your foe when you successfully hit him.
After looking at my list, I sort of think the last two are almost pointless to include because I can't think of any Kheldians that can solo many AVs or GMs, but I included them on the list for the sake of completeness.
So let me revamp the list and the buffs to only go from Underlings to Elite Bosses:
Lets keep the same buffs listed above, but have them cumulative with the ranks prior, so for example:
Underlings grant 1% Recharge per foe
Minions grant 1% Recharge per foe and 1% Endurance recovery per foe
Leutenants grant 1% Recharge per foe and 1% Endurance recovery per foe and 1% Health regeneration per foe
The cap will still be 10 regardless of how you mix rank types.
Finally, I'd like to say that I am terrible with numbers, so the numbers I used above are VERY rough and should definitely be adjusted by someone who understands game balance far better than I do.
EDIT: Heck I'd even be OK with giving Warshades an additional source of buffing just because it really fits their power scheme, an automatic short duration buff from corpses that are in range of their inherent. With no to hit check because, hey, they cant fight back and resist because they are dead. -
Just a heads up for folks using the /friend method to check for names.
It doesn't quite work how you think it does.
Any name you find using friend simply means there is a character on that server using that name.
However, this does not mean that the name is not available. Names that are below the threshold set by the Devs (I forget the exact level/time period offhand) are in fact available.
If you take a name that belongs to this category, if the person ever comes back (it will definitely be from an inactive account and one that's been inactive for quite some time at this point) they will get a free rename token because their character will not be able to log in with that name, due to being generic'd.
Granted, the odds are probably slim that you will find a name in this so small a pool of names that exist but are actually available, but it is worth mentioning. -
In preparation for what I assumed would be a furious spastic scramble for names, I made a list of 12 names I would attempt to secure. This was so I wouldn't sit there wasting time at the character screen trying to remember what names I was trying for. I even ordered my list from most important to least.
Then I added about a dozen more names to that list because I figured I might not get all of the original 12.
Then a few days later the spastic frenzy began.
I got none of the names I tried for, none of my original 12 on the list, nor any of the extra names I added to my list.
And that was during the first hour that the server went live.
Congratulations to folks who acquired the names they wanted. -
Sadly, when I want my KB to actually help me, it doesn't.
I don't need to KB that minion running at me, I NEED to KB that AV about to one shot my head from my shoulders, but for the most part, they are immune to all of my KB attacks. -
Quote:I'm not sure what you're getting at, crafting tables in the base wasn't the issue, it's the lack of /auctionhouse that makes it more frustrating now. It was so much more streamlined and less frustrating when it used to work in bases.You do know that it costs like 25k Prestige to put a crafting table in your base, right? Why bother summoning a crafting table in there?
Edited for typos. -
Quote:AND reduce the recharge timerTo compensate, they should make the crafting table accolade account-wide.
AND remove the duration, so that you can have it up indefinitely. With the caveat that if you step away more than say 20 feet from it, it explodes.
I don't craft FAST, nor should I be forced to feel rushed.
AND, even with all of this, it still will kind of suck because my base is where the bulk of the salvage that I need is located.
Having to constantly enter/exit/enter/exit the base in order to work on crafting badges, is a bit off-putting.
How about a compromise, can "/auctionhouse" be made to work in bases but NOT in other instances like missions? I can definitely live without being able to use it in missions.
Thanks for reading.
A thought just hit me. If their reasoning is that it puts a strain while you are in an instance, how about adding some code to the Vault interface (as well as to the "/Vault" command) that brings up a menu listing all of your SG bases storage bins?
This way you have most of the functionality of being able to use the /auctionhouse while in your base, without actually being in your base instance. -
Yeah.... I think I tried that once, and nearly gave myself a heart attack. Scary stuff.
I've had this crazy idea rolling around in my head for months, and today I finally decided to post about it.
I've had two monitors for a while now, and it makes playing the game a million times better for me. I have the game on one monitor, and notes and other misc information that I use while playing displayed on my other monitor which is off slightly to the left of the main monitor.
So, I was wondering if it's even feasable to be able to move some game UI windows off of the main screen to the second screen?
I know that doesn't currently work, I'm just wondering if that's something hard to code for so that it can work.
I would love to have several windows that I use often just open all of the time which normally I don't because if I did they would clutter up the whole main screen, like the minimap, extra chat windows, scriptui window, /search windows, playernote windows, and several others.
Thanks for reading. -
1) Paragon Store and Paragon reward Icons always on top of any other window that's over them. Because of this I removed them from my screen.
2) Window opacity always resets back to 53% every single time I zone. Makes playing extremely difficult as I have a hard time seeing certain things in some windows that are key to playing. Also reading chat becomes too straining for my eyes for any length of time.
3) the "/vault" command opens the vault, but doesn't close it, makes using it as a macro less effective. I have "/auctionhouse" set to a macro and it works great, click once to open, click again to close auction window.
4) QoL fix, for crafting UI, stop the recipe spam if you know all (or a great many) of the recipes please. A toggle to remember how you left the window would be swell too, and it's something that we actually had at one time, and I don't have a clue why that functionality was removed
5) QoL fix, can you please make the game save window positions more reliably. Many of the UI windows don't stay resized or in the screen position where you placed them. Some even re-dock to their parent window, specifically the mission window. I place that in the top center of the screen, undocked, and every so often either when I zone, or I log in, it won't be how I left it. It will be re-docked to it's parent window.
6) While running the new Signature arc which puts you into TF mode, I had to log before completing it, so I headed to my Day Job location (DUST Ranger) when I noticed no day job icon appears. The moment I exited TF mode the day job icon appears. I don't know if you can or can't make day job progress while in TF mode if you can't see the icon. Not sure if this is working as intended, but I figure I'd mention it and let you guys sort it out.
7) Zones keep randomly refogging after they have been unfogged using the Reveal Power.
8) This is an old bug that's I've suffered with for ages, but as of i21 it has been happening near constantly instead of once in a while like before, magnifying it's frustration a thousandfold. I customize my UI layout dramatically from default. I specifically put the mission window top center of my screen and undocked. Every time I zone it re-docks itself with it's parent window off to the left of my screen.
9) When running forward using Ninja Run, and activating fly, my wings do not flap, they remain in the closed position, looks odd. -
Hi folks, I've scoured everywhere for this, but couldn't find what I was looking for.
I checked the window save file in the root directory, I even checked paragonwiki.
Im just looking for the "windowname" for the mission info window, you know, the one that pops up when you get close to the floating Hamidon Seed in the first ward, and the ones on all of the iTrials, etc.
It's enormous, I wanted to scale it down to .64 without affecting any of my other windows.
For the sake of completeness, here's the command:
/window_scale window_name scale
And an example of how I use it to make my life easier screen real estate-wise:
/window_scale Combatmonitor .8
Now if only I could figure out the windowname for that darn mission tracker.
Thanks folks. -
My first character that I created when this game came out was an Energy/Energy Blaster, he will forever hold a special place in my heart.
That being said, I don't care what changes the folks over at Paragon Studios decide to make except for one:
When I run up to an AV and I summon all of my power and strength and let loose with a Nova, I EXPECT the knock back to make him go flying. The same goes for Giant Monsters.
I can't remember ever seeing an AV get knocked back from any of my Novas, nor do I think that could in any way be gamed to keep an AV from fighting back, the recharge is simply too long to make that happen, even on a team of 8 blasters you couldn't do it. -
So um... about City Traveler, do we lose that? I mean from what I see in this thread everyone essentially gets a better version of that reward for free. Maybe it's me, but what amounts to taking away one of my rewards seems wrong. Hopefully they will replace it with some other reward gimmick.
Quote:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMnt5...ature=youtu.beUmm, issue 21 is not 'The Coming Storm'. In fact, in a Non-Ouroboros mission, I don't believe we can or will experience the so-called 'Coming Storm'. It's possible that our one previous (and scheduled future) Shivan meteor assault event are precursors, but there's nothing I know of that indicates that the Shivans are the 'Coming Storm'.
Sorry, the Apocalypse is not on the calendar.
Be Well!
Yes, it is. -
I do not, nor will I ever use Face-Twit-Space-Linked-Ning, or anything like them.
With the "Coming Storm" slated for Issue 21 (and probably beyond) and Kheldians being heavily tied into the story behind it, I hope the Devs see this as a great opportunity to do something about the Kheldian issues.
On the topic of updating bases I would love to see them add in a new base object that would go in a teleport room, perhaps called a "Telereformation device" or somesuch, which would grant everyone in the SG a clickable temp power similar to how the base teleport powers work.
Basically, say you are in Atlas Park and wanted to go to Dark Astoria, you either tram it to Talos then hoof it to Dark Astoria, or you Enter your SG base and hoof it to the teleport room and teleport to Dark Astoria, which is only slightly quicker than the above example, and that's assuming you have a small base. On really large bases the loading time actually makes using the SG teleporter a slower method.
Now, my suggested power would have you standing in Atlas, click the power, and up pops a list of locations that your SG base has teleporters to. You go directly from Atlas park to Dark Astoria. This brings back a reason to go through the time and effort to have an SG teleport room again, because currently, those reasons have over time been kicked to the ground and stomped on. -
I don't honestly know.
But I have to believe it would be much easier for the Devs to run through a few AE arcs a month and pick a good one (or several) than it would be for them to create from scratch a traditional content publish of the same length. -
You're right, although I guess I didn't really elaborate upon this point, since each arc would have to be hand picked by a Dev each time, I guess I just assumed they wouldn't chose a one mission arc on the smallest map with no foes and the only objective was to click a single blinkie.
Although, I suppose the Devs could work out some sort of informal scaling reward, the longer the arc, the more rewards at the end? Perhaps a minimum limit of 2 or 3 missions, with the max being 5 of course.
Off the top of my head something like:
1 mission arc = Chance for shards to drop off of mobs like in all other content + a few threads
2 mission arc = Shards + a few threads + 1 Astral
3 mission arc = Shards + a few threads + 1 Astral + Drop of Well
4 mission arc = Shards + a few threads + 1 Astral + Drop of Well + 1 Empyrean
5 mission arc = Shards + a few threads + 1 Astral + Drop of Well + 1 Empyrean + 1 random iSalvage
Mind you, since the Devs have to hand pick the arcs, one of their goals is to pick arcs that make good use of the AE system to create challenging fights, either by using existing mobs or creating mobs that you can't just steamroll through easily. For the average pug at least, some super teams will be able to steamroll though just about anything like they do now, but that's another ball of wax.
Perhaps they could hold a weekly (or monthly) contest where they would create a thread and let the player population sift through the many arcs and vote on a top ten or so, then the Devs would just run through those 10 (instead of hundreds) and select one from that much smaller, more refined, pool of content. Then the process would repeat again next week (or month).
Just to be clear, each time an arc is picked it gets added to the pool of AE incarnate arcs that are available, so that over time they will be able to build up a huge number of arcs that can be selected along side of whatever the WST is for that week.
One thing I'm on the fence about: Understanding that the drop of the well reward is a one time reward for that week, just how it works now. Part of me thinks that the rest of the rewards should be given each time you complete that arc, the other part of me thinks that there might be some player backlash at that and I might suggest also making the other rewards a one time gain, so at most you could gain them ONCE each week. I.E. 1 Astral, 1 Empyrean, 1 random iSalvage per week. This would eliminate any possibility of anyone farming them, not that they would be a good way to farm for those rewards at one of each at the end of an arc. At that point, it would be much more efficient to run a real iTrial instead. -
I was thinking perhaps that the Devs could over time pick some good Canon oriented arcs and toss one each week into the WST pool, "not in place of", but rather "along with".
You wouldn't earn two rewards, but it would be another alternative to whatever the current WST is, especially if it happens to be one you don't like very much.
It would be a source of near infinite content for the Devs to draw from, also it might spark some more interest in the AE system, all of which are good things.
If this takes off and works out well, the Devs could consider expanding it to also reward Incarnate drops, not many of course, we wouldn't want it to become a superior way to earn those things, but more like an Xmas stocking stuffer, nothing you really need, but a nice surprise when you get it.
To be clear, the arcs would work similar to the other Dev choice arcs, once they pick an arc, it remains locked and can't be altered to prevent exploits etc. Ideally the Devs would pick arcs with challenging opponents and missions, and even more difficult ones for Incarnate reward arcs.
Anyhow, was a simple suggestion that crossed my mind recently, figured I would share.
Thanks for reading. -
I'd like to see Kheldians get the new "power tree exclusion" mechanics added to them, especially because they are denied epic pools AND patron pools.
What I mean by that is how VEATs can pick one power, and that locks them out of picking another power.
How this would translate to my PB for example is, the Devs create 2 or more different pet powers and if the player selects pet A, then pet B and C are locked out.
Now onto what I would like to see for Pet choices:
A) Photon Seekers (The current existing power), with whatever fixes are needed like improved AI etc. To maintain the cottage rule
B) Photon Spitter: A ranged damage platform. A glowing ball of energy resembling a Photon Seeker hovers around you like a targeting drone and periodically spits out a small globe of energy at the nearest target in range (say 60 feet max), which explodes as a small AoE doing modest damage.
C) Photon Aggressor: A melee offensive defense. What the heck does that mean!?!
You are covered in a nimbus of energy that lashes out at any foe that gets into melee range doing modest energy damage. How often it attacks and how much damage it does I leave up to the Devs to hash out.
All of these powers are clicks with a decent recharge, but not ridiculous like 300 seconds. This way it can be used in forms, simply click the pet power then transform into squid or dwarf and go to town.
P.S. I don't think any of these pets should get the Mastermind's ability to actively control them, that's the purview of Masterminds and the Devs have always said that's what separated the Masterminds from controllers and everyone else. But ideally these pets as presented should work just fine under the direction of their A.I because their function is limited enough to be easily controlled by the A.I.
P.S. part two: The same power exclusion can be used to add more forms to Kheldians, for example picking the existing Dwarf form would lock out other melee/tank forms that have slightly different powers, perhaps less tankish and more scrapperish, or picking the squid form would lock out other ranged damage forms that might specialize more in higher single target damage instead. Just some ideas to mull over.
Thanks for reading. -
Used to be that every other AT benefited from their inherent even while solo, with the exception being Defenders, that was changed so that they now benefit while solo.
Teaming was never an issue for me with my PB, it's when I'm solo, which happens to be much more often than when I team that's the issue. Please make our inherent do something for us when solo.
Just to throw some off the cuff ideas out:
1) If we can "feed" off of our teammates, why cant we feed off of our foes?
2) If we don't have to expend energy/effort to maintain our inherent when we are not on a team why can't we redirect some of that energy/effort elsewhere?
3) If we have more that one form, why can't those qualify to feed our inherent as pseudo team mates? Our pets?
4) Why not borrow the dual pistol mechanics and give us two toggles, one toggle activates Cosmic Balance the way it currently works to feed off of our teammates, the other works to feed off of our foes (which would work while solo for obvious reasons).
This gives us a more tactical choice to pick from while actually teamed since we can control what buffs we want to get, those from our teammates or those from our foes.
That's all my brain can push out at the moment in terms of ideas, I'm sure with time I can come up with better ones. :P -
I'd simply want toggles active in human form to suppress when I switch to Dwarf or Nova form.
This is the reason I don't take any of the Human form toggles, having to retoggle them every 5 seconds because I tend to switch forms rapidly from Human to Dwarf to Nova and back to human etc.
Oh and how about something to make Light Form more of an actual FORM, than just an inferior clone of Unstoppable.
Perhaps Make it a toggle, lower it's buffs a tad, and when you deactivate it, it has a cool down period before you can reactivate it, plus you get some minor debuff effect representing the effort it takes you to use that power, say a modest recovery debuff for around 5-10 seconds or so.
The main reason I never use Light Form is because I have Dwarf form on demand, it basically does what Light form does, makes me tougher and gives me mez resistance without all of the headaches.
Yes Yes, I know I can use human form powers while in Light Form, but as I stated above, I *LIKE* to play my Kheldian by swapping forms constantly, which Light Form seems to go against that whole shape changer concept that are Kheldians by locking you into one form. -
I would like to see a Live Action alternate universe where the game was actually a feature length live action movie.
What we need is something so bizarre and so extreme that watching it would be like getting a left jab to the face by a heavy weight boxer.
I'm talking about a reality show about a group of normal everyday people who think they are super heroes and dress up in spandex (yes, even the fat guy!) and go out and stop crime... REAL crime.
Or at least they make the attempt, and I expect them to fail.... often.
Like a psychotic twilight zone version of Cops, only things go horribly bad a lot. People would be glued to their TVs in shock horror!
"Commander Elmer busts in on a 7-11 holdup, throws a ball of elmers glue at the thug with an actual handgun and some snappers on the gound for sound effects. A few seconds goes by as the stupefied thug takes in the surreal situation then blasts Commander Elmer away.... we segway to a commercial while everyone at home is stunned and mortified that that just happened.
When the show returns after the commercial break we see him being rushed to the hospital and we learn that he only barely survived because he was wearing a kevlar shirt under his tights... still though. The next few episodes deal with his physical therapy sessions and learning how to not drool when eating."
Make it happen!