1) Paragon Store and Paragon reward Icons always on top of any other window that's over them. Because of this I removed them from my screen.
2) Window opacity always resets back to 53% every single time I zone. Makes playing extremely difficult as I have a hard time seeing certain things in some windows that are key to playing. Also reading chat becomes too straining for my eyes for any length of time.
3) the "/vault" command opens the vault, but doesn't close it, makes using it as a macro less effective. I have "/auctionhouse" set to a macro and it works great, click once to open, click again to close auction window.
4) QoL fix, for crafting UI, stop the recipe spam if you know all (or a great many) of the recipes please. A toggle to remember how you left the window would be swell too, and it's something that we actually had at one time, and I don't have a clue why that functionality was removed
5) QoL fix, can you please make the game save window positions more reliably. Many of the UI windows don't stay resized or in the screen position where you placed them. Some even re-dock to their parent window, specifically the mission window. I place that in the top center of the screen, undocked, and every so often either when I zone, or I log in, it won't be how I left it. It will be re-docked to it's parent window.
6) While running the new Signature arc which puts you into TF mode, I had to log before completing it, so I headed to my Day Job location (DUST Ranger) when I noticed no day job icon appears. The moment I exited TF mode the day job icon appears. I don't know if you can or can't make day job progress while in TF mode if you can't see the icon. Not sure if this is working as intended, but I figure I'd mention it and let you guys sort it out.
7) Zones keep randomly refogging after they have been unfogged using the Reveal Power.
8) This is an old bug that's I've suffered with for ages, but as of i21 it has been happening near constantly instead of once in a while like before, magnifying it's frustration a thousandfold. I customize my UI layout dramatically from default. I specifically put the mission window top center of my screen and undocked. Every time I zone it re-docks itself with it's parent window off to the left of my screen.
9) When running forward using Ninja Run, and activating fly, my wings do not flap, they remain in the closed position, looks odd.
"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.
"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.
1) Paragon Store and Paragon reward Icons always on top of any other window that's over them. Because of this I removed them from my screen.
2) Window opacity always resets back to 53% every single time I zone. Makes playing extremely difficult as I have a hard time seeing certain things in some windows that are key to playing. Also reading chat becomes too straining for my eyes for any length of time.
3) the "/vault" command opens the vault, but doesn't close it, makes using it as a macro less effective. I have "/auctionhouse" set to a macro and it works great, click once to open, click again to close auction window.
4) QoL fix, for crafting UI, stop the recipe spam if you know all (or a great many) of the recipes please. A toggle to remember how you left the window would be swell too, and it's something that we actually had at one time, and I don't have a clue why that functionality was removed
5) QoL fix, can you please make the game save window positions more reliably. Many of the UI windows don't stay resized or in the screen position where you placed them. Some even re-dock to their parent window, specifically the mission window. I place that in the top center of the screen, undocked, and every so often either when I zone, or I log in, it won't be how I left it. It will be re-docked to it's parent window.
6) While running the new Signature arc which puts you into TF mode, I had to log before completing it, so I headed to my Day Job location (DUST Ranger) when I noticed no day job icon appears. The moment I exited TF mode the day job icon appears. I don't know if you can or can't make day job progress while in TF mode if you can't see the icon. Not sure if this is working as intended, but I figure I'd mention it and let you guys sort it out.
7) Zones keep randomly refogging after they have been unfogged using the Reveal Power.
8) This is an old bug that's I've suffered with for ages, but as of i21 it has been happening near constantly instead of once in a while like before, magnifying it's frustration a thousandfold. I customize my UI layout dramatically from default. I specifically put the mission window top center of my screen and undocked. Every time I zone it re-docks itself with it's parent window off to the left of my screen.
9) When running forward using Ninja Run, and activating fly, my wings do not flap, they remain in the closed position, looks odd.
"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.
"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.