You know what'd be a lovely small buff?

A Man In Black



My wishful thinking...

Peacebringer Nova Form
Build Up
Dawn Strike
Reform Essence

Peacebringer Dwarf Form
Build Up
Essence Boost

Warshades Nova Form
Sunless Mire
Essence Drain

Warshades Dwarf Form
Inky Aspect
Stygian Circle

I also wish WS/PB's get Hasten in all forms.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



Kheldian only enhancements which make up for the fact that we only have so many slots so that we can make them do everything they could really well. Or would that lead to a big buff?

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Kheldian only enhancements which make up for the fact that we only have so many slots so that we can make them do everything they could really well. Or would that lead to a big buff?
Invention Enhancements.

But not really, we're still short on slots. The IO's help make it a smaller problem than it used to be.

Personally, I think they need to just bake some of those improvements into our powers from the start. slightly higher damage than the powers they're copied from, or better recharge, or better accuracy, etc, etc, etc...

Past that? For PB's at least...

I want cosmic balance to provide me some bonus while solo. Same thing as Defender's getting a bonus while solo for THEIR inherent. I suggest 30/30/3 dmg/res/mezprot, and have it lose 10/10/1 per teammate added (They still provide their usual bonus so it "shifts" the effect rather than a loss).

I want dwarf form to get some form of scaling taunt-aura effect. Either defense for enemies around us, or regen...or something else totally neat and useful that none of us have thought of yet. Its the one tool dwarf lacks in its toolset, and with the other changes to human form stuff I'm suggesting would probably keep it as a power worth taking.

I want Buildup on PB's to become a rage-esque effect so its not mostly lost switching forms. Lesser damage bonus out of it of course, but the longer duration will make up for it, and make it useful in all forms, which most of our clicky-buff powers should be.

I want Group Energy Flight taken out of my secondary and replaced with something actually worth taking. Some sorta group buff aura or clicky would be kinda nice. Should give us group energy flight at 30, if nothing else you might actually see a group travel power used if its handed out.

I want our shields changed from resistance to defense. I find I just don't need them on a lot of the teams I'm on thanks to a prevalence of brutes and scrappers. Changing them to defense keeps their usefulness in providing protection while not losing most of the effect thanks to grouping with characters that trigger so much of your resistance bonus inherent that you cap.

I want Pulsar or Incandescent strike changed to match the others mez type. They just don't have synergy with each other but they should. Pulsar should either become a hold, or Incandescent strike a stun. I don't much care which they go with really.

I want Photon seeker's to either become an actual "nuke", with the three pets firing off in larger than a 10 foot radius, or I want the cooldown reduced from its nova-esque state. Im open to other suggestions here as well since the seekers themselves have been dumb as dirt from day 1 and still aren't all that much smarter today.

I also want a reason really, I just think a pony is the standard thing to ask for in MMO's today...

That's what id change about PB's...couple of those are easily portable to WS's too, like the taunt aura for dwarf, the shields from resist to defense, the solo effect out of cosmic balance. Hell give em a group teleport version of their teleport at 30 to match the suggestion of giving PB's group energy flight at 30...

Here's hoping they find time to "get around to us" sooner rather than later though.



Originally Posted by Zenyth View Post
Invention Enhancements.

But not really, we're still short on slots. The IO's help make it a smaller problem than it used to be.
Don't forget about Hami-O's. They're a nutritious part of a balanced slotting plan!

I want cosmic balance to provide me some bonus while solo. Same thing as Defender's getting a bonus while solo for THEIR inherent. I suggest 30/30/3 dmg/res/mezprot, and have it lose 10/10/1 per teammate added (They still provide their usual bonus so it "shifts" the effect rather than a loss).
I wouldn't be against it by any stretch, but it still doesn't address the discrepancies between the two kheldian archetypes specifically. But I sure wouldn't turn it down, nope nosiree...

However, keep in mind that a well-slotted dwarf has 65% damres in the first place, so a solo dwarf with this change would hit its head on the cap so hard the nova would bruise.

I want dwarf form to get some form of scaling taunt-aura effect. Either defense for enemies around us, or regen...or something else totally neat and useful that none of us have thought of yet. Its the one tool dwarf lacks in its toolset, and with the other changes to human form stuff I'm suggesting would probably keep it as a power worth taking.
On the fence about this one. Seems like everyone wants to take over the tanking role, lately. I can see problems with it. For example give my Peacebringer a taunt aura with even a little +regen and you're asking for some serious balance problems. I don't even need a full team of damage dealers to be at the resistance cap. At the resistance cap with even half of what Willpower's +regen aura gives - combined with health that works in the forms now - and I'd be frickin' unkillable.

Not that I'd complain. I'm just saying that an kind of taunt aura effect that increases the dwarf's tanking ability REALLY needs to take cosmic balance into effect, so much so that I'd wonder a little if it's even possible, balance-wise. After all, a dwarf kind of needs to be on a team to tank, no?

ON THE OTHER HAND, I would be frickin' unkillable, so why would I say no to that?

I want Buildup on PB's to become a rage-esque effect so its not mostly lost switching forms. Lesser damage bonus out of it of course, but the longer duration will make up for it, and make it useful in all forms, which most of our clicky-buff powers should be.
Been there, done that. As the link says, it would bring human form damage potential up from 112dps to only 134dps. Given that a Warshade's damage potential - after the extracted essences are taken into account - is 189dps, I don't think it would be enough of a buff on its own.

But check out the link in that post to the spreadsheet and decide for yourself on that.

I want Group Energy Flight taken out of my secondary and replaced with something actually worth taking. Some sorta group buff aura or clicky would be kinda nice. Should give us group energy flight at 30, if nothing else you might actually see a group travel power used if its handed out.
Remove the accuracy debuffs and normalize your passengers' speed with yours and I'd take it. I've been on too many verticle maps with superspeeders, I suppose.

Hell, give it a little defense and let me slot another LotG in there. Not likely, but more likely than dropping it entirely.

I want our shields changed from resistance to defense. I find I just don't need them on a lot of the teams I'm on thanks to a prevalence of brutes and scrappers. Changing them to defense keeps their usefulness in providing protection while not losing most of the effect thanks to grouping with characters that trigger so much of your resistance bonus inherent that you cap.
Yes. A thousand times, yes. Keep it typed defense if you must, but make them defense. I might actually take them then.

But what to do with Light Form if that's the case? Make it a clone of Elude? Just don't think they'd let you have that level of layered mitigation.

I want Pulsar or Incandescent strike changed to match the others mez type. They just don't have synergy with each other but they should. Pulsar should either become a hold, or Incandescent strike a stun. I don't much care which they go with really.
My vote would be for the hold.

I want Photon seeker's to either become an actual "nuke", with the three pets firing off in larger than a 10 foot radius, or I want the cooldown reduced from its nova-esque state. Im open to other suggestions here as well since the seekers themselves have been dumb as dirt from day 1 and still aren't all that much smarter today.
Not /signing this one at all. Cottage rule notwithstanding, I like Photon Seekers as Pets. You've already got a nuke.

Besides, my "pet" suggestion is to give each seeker a small radius (10-12 feet) pbaoe damage buff that lasts for 30 seconds, to the amount of 15%, and shorten the recharge to 90 seconds. That's 15% +damage for 30 seconds per seeker, for a grand total of a possible 45% defense for a maximum of 30 seconds.

Used as they are typically used now, this brings PB damage potential up from 112dps in human form to 158dps, provided all three seekers explode at or around the same time and explode within 10-12 feet of the caster.

It's also a potentially nice team buff if you've teammates fighting in close range of you. They're flexible, in that you can release them all at once for maximum buffage to stack with build up, or you can use them from range (like in nova form) allowing them to protect you from meleers and let their buff fall on you - and/or your teammates in range - in layers.

And you don't have to break the cottage rule. You're essentially assigning an additional buff power to the seekers. It could also be done by the same means by which Fiery Embrace was buffed - give the caster an extra 15% energy damage on each attack per seeker exploding. (since they're pets, however, I'm not sure how doable that would be).

I also want a reason really, I just think a pony is the standard thing to ask for in MMO's today....
Pie is also acceptable.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Defences and for the love of pete SLOW resistance in Dwarf form.
Anti-mez (Mag 4) in Human form
Shapeshifting animations halved.

That alone would make life more bearable

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Been there, done that. As the link says, it would bring human form damage potential up from 112dps to only 134dps. Given that a Warshade's damage potential - after the extracted essences are taken into account - is 189dps, I don't think it would be enough of a buff on its own.

But check out the link in that post to the spreadsheet and decide for yourself on that.
The point is more to make it useful when switching forms. You lose a lot of the bonus when shifting to nova, as a rage it might not be the greatest boost ever, but its more that it would be far less time constrained, and the boost isn't losing so much of its effect waiting on the form change animation.

On the fence about this one. Seems like everyone wants to take over the tanking role, lately. I can see problems with it. For example give my Peacebringer a taunt aura with even a little +regen and you're asking for some serious balance problems. I don't even need a full team of damage dealers to be at the resistance cap. At the resistance cap with even half of what Willpower's +regen aura gives - combined with health that works in the forms now - and I'd be frickin' unkillable.

Not that I'd complain. I'm just saying that an kind of taunt aura effect that increases the dwarf's tanking ability REALLY needs to take cosmic balance into effect, so much so that I'd wonder a little if it's even possible, balance-wise. After all, a dwarf kind of needs to be on a team to tank, no?

ON THE OTHER HAND, I would be frickin' unkillable, so why would I say no to that?
How about an aura debuff with taunt then?

Say, -recharge, or -res, or just a DoT of some kind? Like I said, the defense/regen are just the obvious suggestions. All sorts of effects you could put into an aura taunt. Could do like Sonic and we just naturally emit a "Doughnut of Doom" doing -res around us. Call it the dwarf having its own gravitational technobabble or something...

But what to do with Light Form if that's the case? Make it a clone of Elude? Just don't think they'd let you have that level of layered mitigation.
Eh, leave em be? I mean we'd already be getting resistance out of our inherent, and Light form comes with its own limitations (locking out of forms, the crash at the end). With IO's and incarnate abilities layering of mitigation is already going on. Paralytic can give -dmg, -dmg is just reverse-resistance as far as I'm concerned. Same with Diamegnetic's -tohit being reverse-defense.

As for Photon seekers, I like them as pets too, but the explosion on them needs to be bigger, as in "Further than standing right on top of each other", or the recharge needs to go down. They're little suicide pets, and intended to be, but the recharge on them is too long for the small little explosion they actually do....they're also still dumb as a box of rocks, so the best way to use them is as a Nuke. Hug what you want to blow up, then trigger them.

I'd be okay with the damage buff to allies around them...I'd be okay with a lot of things really. I know one friend suggested once that the seekers should have a chance to summon their own seekers when they blow up, so you get like a chain reaction going on.



I don't entirely think cosmic balance necessarily 'needs' to do anything solo. Keep in mind kheldians have .85 and .9 at mods for melee/ranged. These aren't 'ultra high' values, no, but they only slightly behind dominators - and dominators with only about 10% more at mod, have become one of the premiere DPS ATs in the game (and even without certain bugs and unusual behaviors helping them, they'd remain quite competitive with scrappers).

I think the reason peacebringers aren't getting very good damage in human form is related to their powers... and having the wrong design thereof. PBs basically have 3.5 tier 1 attacks (gleaming bolt, glinting eye, and gleaming blast is more tier 1.5 than tier 2), no tier 2 attacks at all, one tier 3 attack (radiant strike) and a tier 4 attack (incandescent strike) that's hampered by its long animation speed. Out of the 5 single-target attacks available, only one* - radiant strike - is especially good at base. (* - gleaming bolt can be procspammed into something decent, but you lack other highspeed attacks to chain it with to make a true 'buzzsaw' either)

And dominator assault sets are the closest thing in attack set design to khelds, mixing melee and ranged attacks into one set. They even get about the same number of single-target attacks (usually, 5 if we discount snipes for sucking), but the difference is dominators broadly get better attacks. They get total focus, bone smasher, and power burst. They get blaze and incinerate and fire blast. Seismic smash, and both mallets. Etcetera etcetera.

While making PBs directly do more damage when solo from a base cosmic balance value would naturally increase their dps a bit, I think it would be treating the symptom, not what appears to be the underlying problem. In fact warshades have this same problem - extracted essence just covers for it, and the way warshades are much stronger shape-shifters helps cover for it too. The attack stats themselves need looking at, IMO, and maybe even need to get the dominator fix treatment of receiving significantly higher basic damage with appropriately bigger recharge and end costs.

Mini-rage for buildup would help too, giving it the potential to be a two-pronged fix that incorporates that change - remember part of the point of the mini-rage idea is to help nova and dwarf, not just human, output.

I really doubt photon seekers will ever be made into real pets. They are designed like a pet-delivered AOE. Even though they take pet damage sets, they act like seeker drones that do damage, and seeker drones actually don't take pet damage sets. I think it's more fitting their actual operation to treat them like an attack, ask for ranged damage sets to be added to their acceptable set lists, and balance them accordingly. This by itself won't really bring PB damage up into warshade territory unless they get turned into something with stats close to those of hail of bullets, though. I mean, if they get made into real pets, that'd be awesome. I just think that also is breaking the cottage rule by fundamentally changing what the power does (ie, making the seekers stick around instead of self-destructing).

On dwarf form...

I agree that the 'point' of dwarf form should be to act as a meatshield for groups. I think that out of the standard options for this - tanker, brute, scrapper, or dwarf - dwarf comes out behind crab spider. Modern survivability requires much more than damage resistance and self-repair, it requires strong debuff resistance and/or attack avoidance to prevent debuff stacking. At -45% def, you are avoidance-floored, and I regularly see my own meatshield character without strong def debuff resist and only moderate avoidance (an SS/WP brute) hitting -100% or worse defense values ingame. I can't imagine dwarves do any better.

Since human form can cap off its resists from cosmic balance already, and warshades have eclipse anyway... I can understand why Castle thought dwarf form needed to be 'the' mez protection, but I said at the time and will say again: he was fixing the wrong problem the wrong way there. Clarion Destiny tramples that rationale anyway.

The presence of a taunt aura would be a tremendous help to dwarf forms even if it didn't do anything to improve survivability at all, simply because dwarves have limited attack chains and holding aggro is going to be a huge struggle for them in a modern, high-output team. Other meatshields mostly don't need to work very hard to keep aggro, in fact, most of them have a harder time not having aggro.

Sadly I think group energy flight won't be removed, that's too drastic of a move, but it could be made into a useful buff. I actually hope it doesn't stay 'flight' though, cause then a lot of characters who have to be on the ground - not near it, but on it - to use major powers, won't want it.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



You know what I'd like for my warshades: Hover.

That's right, a nice, slow, highly controllable form of flight. Don't get me wrong, flight in nova form is dandy, but I just HATE the whole "cautious glide" I have to engage in on missions so as not to overshoot something and aggro the ENTIRE.FRIGGIN.PLANET.

That or flight speed de-buff enhancements.

On a side note, I like that idea of Kheldian only enhancements.

My in-game spell check is 6 slotted for damage.

" I assure you, my good man, Nemesis is most definitely 'down with the street.' Word up, my homie, as it were."



Originally Posted by Flux_Vector View Post
I think the reason peacebringers aren't getting very good damage in human form is related to their powers... and having the wrong design thereof. PBs basically have 3.5 tier 1 attacks (gleaming bolt, glinting eye, and gleaming blast is more tier 1.5 than tier 2), no tier 2 attacks at all, one tier 3 attack (radiant strike) and a tier 4 attack (incandescent strike) that's hampered by its long animation speed. Out of the 5 single-target attacks available, only one* - radiant strike - is especially good at base. (* - gleaming bolt can be procspammed into something decent, but you lack other highspeed attacks to chain it with to make a true 'buzzsaw' either)

And dominator assault sets are the closest thing in attack set design to khelds, mixing melee and ranged attacks into one set. They even get about the same number of single-target attacks (usually, 5 if we discount snipes for sucking), but the difference is dominators broadly get better attacks. They get total focus, bone smasher, and power burst. They get blaze and incinerate and fire blast. Seismic smash, and both mallets. Etcetera etcetera.

While making PBs directly do more damage when solo from a base cosmic balance value would naturally increase their dps a bit, I think it would be treating the symptom, not what appears to be the underlying problem. In fact warshades have this same problem - extracted essence just covers for it, and the way warshades are much stronger shape-shifters helps cover for it too. The attack stats themselves need looking at, IMO, and maybe even need to get the dominator fix treatment of receiving significantly higher basic damage with appropriately bigger recharge and end costs.
Remember that thread you recently pointed to that I started?

For reference, here are the links again to the spreadsheets referenced therein:



Now, if you'll go in and look at those spreadsheets, you might notice that - apart from the pets, Peacebringers have the following Single Target damage potential (expressed in dps):

Human: 99
Dwarf: 74
Nova: 101

Warshades have the following damage potential:

Human: 68
Dwarf: 77
Nova: 91

AoE is as follows:


Human: 119
Dwarf: 96
Nova: 214


Human: 76
Dwarf: 143
Nova: 177

Single Target, Peacebringers HANDS DOWN out-damage Warshades outside of pet/nuke damage, so far as those spreadsheets are concerned (important caveat, there). Even Black Dwarf with its double mires only pulls ahead of White Dwarf by 3dps.

These numbers are due to two things: The power of Incandescent Strike, Radiant Strike, and Solar Flare (which, despite its knockback, is up more often than its Warshade Counterpart Gravitic Emanation) and the efficiency and consistency of Build Up verses the long recharge and accuracy-dependent nature of Sunless Mire.*

*The catch is rather large, however; you have to drop to human form and use Build Up every time it's recharged. In that sense the numbers will be heavily dependent on player skill at switching forms and hitting the power to keep up the damage (in a way, kind of like brutes have to keep their fury going, not that I'd ever compare the two) Human Form Peacebringers have less trouble with that, obviously.

AoE-wise, Warshades need to hit much more than three with their mires to compete with Peacebringers until the pets are taken into consideration.

In other words, it's not that Warshades are that much better at doing damage than Peacebringers; it's more like Extracted Essences are that much better at adding to the damage than Photon Seekers.

Outside of the pets, the two archetypes are pretty balaced, damage-wise. Asking the developers to go in and disrupt that balance by buffing multiple powers for Peacebringers when all that would suffice would be to fix a single pet power that's clearly broken is not something I would do, but whatever floats the nova, I suppose.

Since human form can cap off its resists from cosmic balance already, and warshades have eclipse anyway... I can understand why Castle thought dwarf form needed to be 'the' mez protection, but I said at the time and will say again: he was fixing the wrong problem the wrong way there. Clarion Destiny tramples that rationale anyway.
One thing to note: Since Cosmic Balance works in forms now as well as human form, Dwarf and Nova can cap their resistance the same way Human Form can. I can't tell from what you wrote, so you may well have meant to say it and I'm just thick, but it is a valid point that - since Dwarf Form can cap its resistances from Cosmic Balance now (and couldn't when Castle made that decision) then there is more reason to take Dwarf than just mez protection, and by extension that giving some sort of mez protection to human form (or at least defensive shields) might be something worth revisiting.

As a dedicated triformer who really doesn't have a stake in the debate one way or the other, I'll leave the finer points of that argument to others.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



As this is another thread and another point/argument, I'm not just comparing PBs to WSes, but to the 'game in general'

Particularly, I think more damage at bigger rech/end cost' is particularly attractive because in the context of IO'd endgame builds, longer recharge and higher end cost can readily be compensated for, whereas low base damage is rather harder to. And animation times can't be compensated for by players at all, which is where incandescent strike loses a bit of its shine.

Secondarily... I'm not assuming that warshades won't have their pets (and eclipse or stygian circle) toned down as opposed to PBs being brought up. Indeed there may be some combination of the two. I'd rather PBs be brought up, but history tells me the nerf bat swings faster and harder than the buff tennis racket. Or whatever sports equipment they use for buffing. As a result I wouldn't want to suggest a PB fix that couldn't at least be considered for porting to warshades, whose relatively powerful abilities are covering for them having what I consider to be the same underlying problem.

The status protection thing is really not my point on dwarf, though - I'm saying dwarf deserves modernized survivability (ie, debuff resistances or avoidance) and improved aggro control because it no longer has a very strong survivability or status protection (clarion) advantage over the other two forms - notably for PBs, essence boost and reform essence basically give you bonus hitpoints and a powerful selfheal without having to shoot your damage output and overall utility in the foot to get it.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



Originally Posted by Flux_Vector View Post
Sadly I think group energy flight won't be removed, that's too drastic of a move, but it could be made into a useful buff.
Why not simply turn it into an inherent power and replace its spot on the roster with a useful team buff?

Group Energy Flight is a fundamentally bad power in the day and age of i20. Sure, back when the game was first released, it was kind of a fun power, and it had some limited benefit in being able to move teammates around a map much more easily, but it is now possible for everyone in the game, regardless of AT or side, to either buy a Raptor Pack or simply make one from a recipe (they were somewhere in the range of 50 Inf per recipe, last I checked). There's no point for it, aside from roleplaying.

Giving it some kind of useful team buff would help to make Peacebringers more desirable to teams. Right now, you're much better off bringing along a Widow or Soldier, as they give more dependable team buffs and can pump out extremely good damage. Pulsar, Glowing Touch, and some kind of team buff would help to form the core of Human Form's utility.

Just listing some potential possibilities, how about:

-World of Pain-esque buff with an increase to resistances and damage for a short duration.

-Team buff that provides a bonus to maximum health for a short duration.

-Team buff that provides resistances to various debuffs (Defense, Regen, ToHit, etc.).

-Copy of the Corruptor version of Soothing Aura.



Because the devs haven't actually removed and replaced a power from any set since issue 1 (IIRC, it was dark miasma's Chill of the Night, which several NPCs still get). It's a design move they have consistently resisted considering seriously. Changing it to inherent and replacing it in the set would go against that.

Adding useful buffs to it and keeping it is more likely to be their approach of choice.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



Originally Posted by Flux_Vector View Post
Because the devs haven't actually removed and replaced a power from any set since issue 1 (IIRC, it was dark miasma's Chill of the Night, which several NPCs still get). It's a design move they have consistently resisted considering seriously. Changing it to inherent and replacing it in the set would go against that.

Adding useful buffs to it and keeping it is more likely to be their approach of choice.
Conserve Energy in Electric Armor was replaced with Energize since then, to the complaints of none and the praise of many. Likewise the inherent Health/Stamina change.

There's no reason that Group Energy Flight couldn't be upgraded to do something useful, or made inherent and replaced with something useful. It's been done before.



Originally Posted by A Man In Black View Post
Conserve Energy in Electric Armor was replaced with Energize since then, to the complaints of none and the praise of many. Likewise the inherent Health/Stamina change.

There's no reason that Group Energy Flight couldn't be upgraded to do something useful, or made inherent and replaced with something useful. It's been done before.
Actually, Energize still does what conserve power originally did. It does more than that now too, and they renamed it, but it wasn't a full 'swap and replace.' Castle even posted about how it didn't break their rules.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



Originally Posted by Flux_Vector View Post
Secondarily... I'm not assuming that warshades won't have their pets (and eclipse or stygian circle) toned down as opposed to PBs being brought up.
This is a good point, and one I'd like to hilight. I've actually worried about this a bit, but one thing keeps popping up in that cluttered head of mine. In order for something to be nerfed, it has to be demonstrated that it is actually overpowering other key aspects of the game.

With incarnates tossing out judgment AoE's on every other spawn, Soldiers of Arachnos soft-capping entire teams and Fulcrum Shift completely trivializing entire spawns, I don't see how Warshades are overpowering anything in the game that wasn't overpowered already by a dozen other archetype/powerset combinations already.

But that's my point: you can prove empirically that Peacebringers are underperforming when compared to the vast majority of the game in general, but the only thing you can prove with respect to Warshades being overpowered is that they're overpowered when compared to Peacebringers. With everything else in the game, they're holding their own. In other words, they're balanced.

The problem is that Peacebringers' aren't. So I'm not really worried about any kind of nerf sports equipment visiting Warshades any time soon.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Zenyth View Post
Invention Enhancements.

But not really, we're still short on slots.

If you were to make Kheldian only enhancements you could make 4 KO slots do what 6 IOs do and so you won't need extra slots and so wouldnt give a **** about it.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post

If you were to make Kheldian only enhancements you could make 4 KO slots do what 6 IOs do and so you won't need extra slots and so wouldnt give a **** about it.
Except there is no need for kheld only enhancements.

If all you want is an enhancement with more damage boost than a normal enhancement then again...Common IO's at 50 give more boost than an SO.

If you want enhancements that improve more than one aspect of a power, again already in the game...IO's and Hami-O's.

If you just want Squidlobster Brand Enhancements (Now with 30% more pwn!), well...more power to you, but I really doubt we'll convince the dev's to give us our own designer fashion enhancements. That's a whole heap of work that could be better spent fixing our wonky powers, and adjusting our numbers up slightly to compensate for the lack of slots.

Also solves the problem of separating us from the rest of the game more through our own little private section of the IO system. We've been separated long enough as is. The standards for other AT's and the standards for khelds are so out of whack with each other its ridiculous that its gone on this long.

I don't want us to be special snowflakes judged in a vacuum. I want to be judged with everyone else.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Defences and for the love of pete SLOW resistance in Dwarf form.
Anti-mez (Mag 4) in Human form
Shapeshifting animations halved.

That alone would make life more bearable
I'd agree with the shapeshifting. I doubt you're ever going to see that kind of mez protection in human form, outside of maybe a solo only buff to Cosmic Balance (which I think is a good idea, especially with the precedence of Defender's inherent).

Anyway, as I have said plenty of other places, I'd just like to see the adjustments Peacebringers (and Khelds, to a lesser extent) need to get balanced. Frankly, even costume adjustments to the forms goes behind those needs.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Flux_Vector View Post
Because the devs haven't actually removed and replaced a power from any set since issue 1 (IIRC, it was dark miasma's Chill of the Night, which several NPCs still get). It's a design move they have consistently resisted considering seriously. Changing it to inherent and replacing it in the set would go against that.

Adding useful buffs to it and keeping it is more likely to be their approach of choice.
There was also Fold Space -> Singularity
While it wasn't replaced, Telekinesis used to grant flight to a teammate.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



I don't remember fold space. Did it make it out of beta?

And yeah, I remember telekinesis's old ability.

And again, I'm not saying that the devs won't change GEF. Just that they're a lot more likely to 'change' it than 'replace' it considering they've come out and said they will basically do everything possible not to replace powers, and the only recent example came (energize) with the lead powers dev at the time writing up a piece to justify how and why they did it.

You can get your hopes up if you want; I won't.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



I just want glinting eyes added to dwarf form - I'd never step out of it again ^_^



Peacebringer Human form should have some sort of mez protection (at least for stun and hold).

And what's sad is that PB Nova form isn't even the most damaging form. The human form is. So what's the point of PB Nova form besides limiting you from using useful powers like healing, build up and others?

Peacebringer has the worst design in the game and I hate to say it. Warshade is well designed.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I'd simply want toggles active in human form to suppress when I switch to Dwarf or Nova form.

This is the reason I don't take any of the Human form toggles, having to retoggle them every 5 seconds because I tend to switch forms rapidly from Human to Dwarf to Nova and back to human etc.

Oh and how about something to make Light Form more of an actual FORM, than just an inferior clone of Unstoppable.

Perhaps Make it a toggle, lower it's buffs a tad, and when you deactivate it, it has a cool down period before you can reactivate it, plus you get some minor debuff effect representing the effort it takes you to use that power, say a modest recovery debuff for around 5-10 seconds or so.

The main reason I never use Light Form is because I have Dwarf form on demand, it basically does what Light form does, makes me tougher and gives me mez resistance without all of the headaches.

Yes Yes, I know I can use human form powers while in Light Form, but as I stated above, I *LIKE* to play my Kheldian by swapping forms constantly, which Light Form seems to go against that whole shape changer concept that are Kheldians by locking you into one form.

"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.

"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.