You know what'd be a lovely small buff?

A Man In Black



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
what's sad is that PB Nova form isn't even the most damaging form. The human form is. So what's the point of PB Nova form besides limiting you from using useful powers like healing, build up and others?
is well designed.
As for the mez protection I use clarion destiny on my shade and it gets the job done perfectly. Clickable in forms, too...

I agree with the part I quoted here 100% though, after playing a warshade I wanted a PB too. I struggled with him as human/nova up to 20, took dwarf thinking it would round me out, and just hated playing him even more. I respeced over to all human and I'm extremely glad I did..

There are just no benefits to be had from the forms on a PB in my opinion- They don't buff each other like the warshade forms. All they seem to do is drop my toggles and limit my attacks... All human has been very fun to play though, I'm about 2 bars from 30 right now and it's probably my favorite lowbie to play.



Another very annoying issue is after you change to a form from Human, you have to click all the toggles back again.

Peacebringer just has the worst design IMO. It's like whichever path you go, there's always something that don't add up. Comparing it to SoA, you really can't make a bad SoA because every power is similarily "good" (well, maybe except for Bane's mace beams) and you can still use Soldier/Blood Widow powers in higher branches.

I don't think PB is not "fun". Fun is subjective but it has some serious design flaws. I went with a human form because I think its where PB's strength is. You've got good resistance, +HP and you can heal. There is no melee AT that can heal so it gives PB some uniqueness but then human form has so many knockbacks with Solar Flare being the most annoying one and even the Seekers knockback too. Knockback effects don't stack. There is really no point in keeping kb, kb,and kb. I really wish they could change Solar Flare to knock down.

And I don't see the point in Nova except for early levels. PB's Nova doesn't stand out at all. You can at least argue PB's Tanker form is different from Warshade with a clicky instant heal and a good footstomp. They really need to improve PB Nova form or else why would anyone choose Nova form? PB human also gets Combat Hover so it's not like Nova form is the only aerial combat stance.

My PB is only lvl 32 (and probably will be for a long time) but I believe once you take all the Shields and have set bonuses, you probably can reach Tank Form level resistance and survival (especially with cosmic buffs from melee ATs and Troller/Doms). The only thing you don't have is an auto-hit Taunt and mez protection.

So all in all, I don't think people just want all-human. I think they want all-human PB because it makes sense. Maybe dual form in Nova and Tanker is good enough but when I plan that build in Mids, I feel like I have to take many powers and skip them because the Forms can't use those. Ugh!

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



So far, the only real issue I have with my human only PB is the knockback. It's abundant and obnoxious. That, and the fact that it isn't my warshade.. A Kheldian foot stomp is very cool indeed though. I wish it worked with combat flight, but otherwise, I support that fully.

That being said-

Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
There is no melee AT that can heal

Healing Flames
You can concentrate for a few moments to heal yourself. The power of the flames can also protect you from Toxic Damage for a while.
Recharge Long
Minimum Level 4 (Brute)
4 (Scrapper)
2 (Tanker)
Effects Self Heal, +Resistance(Toxic)

And the Black Dwarf has a self heal also. Warshades are superior, end of story.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
That being said-
He means they're the only melee AT that can heal others.

...which still isn't quite true, since you can always just grab Aid Other, but the new 80-yard range on Glowing Touch makes it vastly superior.



Oh, ok.. Yeah I skipped that power anyways. I'm a self serving kheldian.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
So far, the only real issue I have with my human only PB is the knockback. It's abundant and obnoxious. That, and the fact that it isn't my warshade.. A Kheldian foot stomp is very cool indeed though. I wish it worked with combat flight, but otherwise, I support that fully.

That being said-

Healing Flames
You can concentrate for a few moments to heal yourself. The power of the flames can also protect you from Toxic Damage for a while.
Recharge Long
Minimum Level 4 (Brute)
4 (Scrapper)
2 (Tanker)
Effects Self Heal, +Resistance(Toxic)

And the Black Dwarf has a self heal also. Warshades are superior, end of story.
Oh I meant a melee-oriented AT with a "heal other". Well, it's really not that great of a power but at least it's different for human PB and you can't use it in other forms.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.