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  1. Artic_Chill_44

    Switch Server!

    Second like others have told u alrdy im just going to say it as well,( Speaking for myself right now though ) i learned how to pvp by fighting tough ppl not fighting newbies vs newbies . You learn better ( my opinion ) when fighting tougher guys . As for even trying to say that my SG along with other SGs r as u said " bullies " is the most BS excuse u can come up with? lol honestly i dont give a **** if i sound liek a dick right now or not u just seem dumb to me honestly. Your members wont even learn how to pvp if u keep this **** up and btw didnt u say in a different thread u have like 15+ or so members n ur SG that is rdy 2 pvp? i know IOing and Lvling can be diffcult for some/many and ya but its been a while and i have yet 2 c even ONE member come out to arena or even a lol zone , blue or red side.

    But honestly if u would have gone thur with the match we would have just have given u more of r respect for even doing it , honestly i was shocked u said yes 2 it n the first place but i absloute hate how u ******* made me and my members and ppl watchin come out and waste their ******* time that was total BS and u know it.
  2. Artic_Chill_44

    Switch Server!

    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    Just curious here, Felicia: When you accepted the challenge of an established PvP SG, what exactly did you expect them to bring to the fight? Were they supposed to bring characters that they don't PvP with? You knew what you were getting into when you said yes. It's up to you and your team to make the best of it.

    You're the one that will never learn if you don't compete against people that are better than you. Ask anyone who plays a real sport, or plays an instrument. They want to practice with people that are better, not the same or worse, because it makes them better too. They learn tricks and techniques that work.

    Wwwwwwwoooooooowwwwwww, looks like i got bak just n time. First of all this guy that i quoted is TOTALLY right dont ******* accpet a challenge if ur not willing to go thur with it.
    Like this guy said also what did u think we were going to bring lvl 1 Tanks lol ? You wasted r time by saying ya to the match and was all saying how this is going to be fun blah blah blah and ******* right when even OTHER ppl came to watch it just for fun u come just by urself and start saying that we r lol " Bullies? " wtf ?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Felecia_Divine View Post
    Sorry you never learn, your event still pits 5 yr vets purpled out against 3 month vets with no bonuses. Your still convinced someone with set bonuses giving them 100-500% damage bonus, 90% defence, and 20-30% more health and stamina is on equal ground with a new person? The only way to make it fair for new people is to have 2 seperate classes.

    You have lots of great ideas for vets but your still in the dark about new people.
    Your dumb , thats all i have 2 say stop complaining and just learn how 2 pvp like the rest of us. I start pvping bak n i6 when ESK/HVND were n their prime and VORI was still like starting out. I mostly only zone pvp until about i8 yes but after i got use to it a lil bit i start arena pvp like i said n i8 and became alot better then what i was at first. EVERYONE starts out a nub EVERYONE u just gotta learn how to pvp and work ur way up fighting the better ppl helps u learn 2 even if they dont tell u how to fight them better.
  4. Artic_Chill_44

    I have failed :(

    I have been gone for the past 5 days so im getting caught up on what has happened but ...

    Scribe im sry 2 c u leave servers , ur a good guy and good pvper and ull be missed on champion and im sure i speak for everyone in Exile when i c we have had alot of fun kicking it on vent sometimes and arena pvping u and messing around n zone .

    Its also sad 2 c so many ppl leave champion other then just u 2 but i guess everyone has there own reasons and i guess fighting the same ppl over and over again can get boring 2 some so i c farwell to the ppl that moved a few toons or All of there pvp toons else where and gg.

    i will miss arena'ing u all.
  5. when did u beat my fire/em n a 1v1 n arena ?
  6. Ill join in i have alot of new toons i want to get more into on 1v1s as well as bringing my blasters n though i wont use them against new pvpers only ppl who i know have some skill.

    but if we r reopening this then put me down for

    range/debuff/melee toons as my 1v1 toons if u r making a list or something
  7. Artic_Chill_44

    Champion PvP?

    Welcome to Champion who ever it was that transfered the corruptor .

    and yes ren we love ur pocket emping
  8. N who would u say thoses 18 pvpers r ? the 8 srs and 10 casual ?
  9. Havent been playing much due to RL and the game has been a lil boring 2 me and Hai Ren!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SonicBang View Post
    Teams were premade, i figured if i wanted to win i gotta do something extra special...

    I gathered up some stalker friends, and came up with a plan

    Yes, we used an all stalker team. And for some reason it was the most fun I've had at a pvpec event ever....was really funny and I was laughing for alot of the matches

    I imagine kat is going to restrict the number of same AT's per team next round haha
    Nah i hope she doesnt that would just be dumb, restrictions would make events less fun , i mean the more that ppl have fun in i13+ is a good thing at least we dont lose more ppl but u know its good ppl went and had fun and again gg.
  11. So where the teams random or actual made teams ? and im shocked by the winners and gratz.
  12. Sry but i have to go to newport 2day so i will not be going to the event my team will still probably go but have someone else n my place . rl > this game

    u know how it is and since im unable to log in to tell my team due 2 party yesterday , i didnt find out that i was going til friday 25 sept. and glhf and if any teams wana do the whole talk of the smack just send me a tell at @artic chill- 44 and we can setup a 3v3 match same rules as this event and we can fight it out
  13. Sonic r u talking about the pvpec event or the DXP event ? im not following im sleepy atm :/
  14. No way ?! DXP weekend is coming soon lol ?
  15. More Teams gogo

    btw Masque i like ur lil " Haxasaurus " thingy u got there
  16. Team Triple A :

    @Artic Chill- 44
    @Aka Killing Machine

    c u @ teh event
  17. Lol nah i only do a Dr.Q if its with my SG cuz if its a pug and team chat isnt " booming " then it will/can be boring better if u r all on the same vent and have a sense of humor
  18. Artic_Chill_44

    Death to a.e

    Lol we all knew it was coming so we cant complain about it just go back to GV or PI farming sadly its just going to be a lil lower cuz of the new SuperSide Kicking stuff.

    AND what u REALLY should be complaining about is the damn drop rate got like ******* lowered or some **** i did 9 runs of BM just 2 accounts n there set for 6 and ******* best recipe i got on the whole damn thing was a crushing impact tri lol ? fix that **** dont complain about something u knew was 2 good 2 last
  19. They should have just put a i12 button option n arena instead of all these dumb no dr , no ts and no hd . i really dont care about zone so n my opinion do w/e u want there but arena come on now

    BUT the one option i do like so far n arena is the new i16 one with the diff insp allowed , so u can just put small insp only in the option and not have to explain to someone that u werent using tier3s
  20. Lol the funny thing is why didnt u c this from when beta opened on test and also u dont need a team to fill the map at least not any more but it does take a lil longer 2 PL a toon now

    BUT i actually do like the coloring just a lil bit and the ONE thing i get annoyed by is that stpuid option which asks u if u wana quit the team or stay on it if ur being sked or ex'd .