Champion Dueling Ladder
dueling ladder 0_o
What rules did you have in mind
Once again I would like to say that this idea for a dueling ladder is NOT mine. I am simply trying to peak interest in / and support PvP.
All credit is due to Terp and those who helped him create these rules.
Ranking Rules:
When you first join you are placed in the "Unranked" category of the Ladder.
You become "Ranked" after winning your first Ladder match. (Unranked users can play each other and the winner becomes ranked at the bottom of the ladder.)
When you defeat a higher ranked player you move up half the distance between their rank and your own.
Your rank on the Ladder does not go down if you lose a match unless your opponent is ranked DIRECTLY below you.
When other players beat people above you and jump over you in rank you will slide down.
Some special rules exist for players ranked in the Top Ten. These rules will be covered in a later section.
Guidelines for Matches:
2 Matches Per Day: You can only play the same person 2 times each day. You can play as many different people as you'd like on any given day.
Verify Information: We recommend that you make sure potential opponents belong to the Ladder before starting your match. This way if you have a problem you will have all of the information you need to resolve it quickly.
Report Losses Promptly: To make the ladder work, you need to report your losses.
Priority: If you have multiple people challenging you at once you should play the person with the highest rank.
First Come, First Served: The priority rule for accepting challenges only applies when you have multiple challenges at the same time. If you are challenged by someone you should not go to chat and actively seek someone higher in rank to challenge you, rather you need to accept the first challenger.
Specific Ranks: It is illegal to refuse matches based on Ladder rank. You may request a specific rank or range when advertising for a challenge, but you may not refuse a valid challenge simply because the challenger is not the rank you are wanting to play.
Playing a Match:
Once you have found an opponent and you are ready to start your match, there are some rules about the match to keep in mind.
Match Settings:
There are no illegal settings for Ladder matches as long as BOTH players agree to them before the match begins.
The Standard match is 10 minutes with no additional options
Failure to Finish a Match :
Once you start a match you are responsible for completing it. If you have to leave before the game is finished for any reason it is considered a loss and you need to promptly report it.
Disconnects: Although it does not happen often it is possible that you or your opponent may be disconnected from the game or the Internet entirely before your match is finished. If one player was clearly losing at the time of disconnect then that person should be a good sport and report the loss. If there was no clear winner at that point in the match and it is not a game that allows you to continue then a rematch would be suggested
Reporting a Match:
Report Immediately: Losses are to be reported immediately after a game is completed.before any further Ladder matches are started. Not reporting promptly will result in penalty.
The loser of the match reports by posting in the "Report Losses" thread in the "Report Losses" forum.
Unreported Matches:
Most unreported matches are a simple case of forgetfulness on the part of your opponent. If your opponent has not reported your match within an hour of the match you should send them a friendly reminder to post. In most cases this is all that is needed to get them to post.
If they still have not posted an hour after your reminder and you see them online playing other matches you should submit an unreported match claim against them. Admin's will handle the situation from there for you.
If, however, you do not see them online after sending your reminder you should give them 24 hours to post their loss before submitting an unreported match claim against them in order to give them time to receive your E-mail.
You should never harass another user in chat or interrupt their other Ladder matches in an attempt to get them to report. If you see them online giving them one friendly reminder is acceptable, but beyond that you should let Admins settle the dispute for you.
If a player is repeatedly caught not reporting losses, even after being warned, the player may be penalized (and I would advise not playing against said player until he/she proves willing to report losses).
The ladder requires good sportsmanship to function properly. This includes treating other ladder members with respect before, during, and after matches. Reporting your losses promptly after each match is a part of being a good sport.
If we receive repeated substantiated complaints about the behavior of a ladder player, steps will be taken to deal with the problem (Suspension and possible removal from the ladder)
Cheating will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, breaking rules, reporting false results, or otherwise tampering with Ladder rankings.
If you encounter another Ladder user behaving in an unacceptable manner in chat the best thing to do is just ignore them. If you notice one particular user being abusive repeatedly please let us know. Please be sure to include all pertinent information, such as the offender's username, and a brief explanation of the problems that you encountered.
Other General Info:
Hopefully, there will eventually be many players available to challenge. It is illegal to continually harass one specific player for a match. If you need a match with a specific person and are having a problem getting it let us know rather than harassing that individual, and we will help you resolve the conflict.
We encourage you to try to solve problems on your own before bringing it to the attention of Admins, but not to the point of creating hardship to yourself or harassing other users.
It is illegal to abuse or harrass another Ladder member. If you are observed being abusive in chat it could result in penalty. Depending upon the extent of the abuse you might not always receive a warning in these cases. It is important to remember that two wrongs do not make a right. In other words, if you are being harrassed by another Ladder member come to us for assistance. Do not take matters into your own hands or return the abuse, or you could find yourself in trouble as well.
Nice Guy Rule: Please note that behavior guidelines apply for all methods of communication. This includes chat, E-mail, message forums, ICQ, etc. Treat other members with respect!
Top Ten
Top of the Heap: Everyone wants a shot at #1; consequently there should be a lot of activity and movement in the top ranks of the Ladder. Remember that rank has priority when it comes to challenges. Keeping that in mind, the number one player should play the number two player as often as possible.
Inactivity: Players in the Top Ten must play at least once every 3 days. If they don't they may be dropped five rungs (players will not be dropped if they have made a concerted effort to make themselves available to challengers)
Rank Hounding: Players in the Top Ten are expected to be as active after they reach the top ranks as they were before. In other words, if you are fighting 10 times a day to make it to the Top Ten and then only play once a week to hold your rank you may be penalized.
Leapfrogging: Players in the Top Ten should try to play the person ranked directly below them at least once every three days. If you are found to be avoiding challenges that put your rank at risk your account will be penalized.
Challenges from Different Ranks:
Top Ten players must take challenges in order of rank as with other users.
Unless you are ranked in the top 25 of the Ladder you should not repeatedly contact Top Ten players requesting a match. Even then challenges should be reserved for situations in which you have failed in attempts to get a match via the traditional methods. If you receive a an email from a player outside of this range you should reply and gently remind them of the rules.
Fair Play: It should go without saying that other Top Ten players who challenge you should be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy. You should do your best to see that challenges of this nature are played as soon as possible for the benefit of both parties. Avoiding or delaying challenges from other Top Ten members will result in penalty.
Because everyone has got their eyes on the top ranks of the Ladder we expect the members of this elite group of players to conduct themselves appropriately. This means we will be keeping a closer eye on them than most. You are among the Top Ten players in the world in your chosen game. Set a good example!
There is a lot of competition and pressure associated with being ranked in the Top Ten. Remember that this is just a game and above all meant to be fun!
Fill in the Blank
We can't cover every aspect of Dueling sportsmanship in our rules. We have tried to be as thorough as possible and cover all the basics. However, just because something is not listed doesn't meant that it is allowed. Use common sense. If it is something that will adversely effect other players and you might think twice about doing it's probably against the rules. Our staff have the final say in such matters. If you have a specific question please feel free to contact us via E-mail.
***Also, All matches will be with Diminishing Returns on. It is up to those that are fighting to decide if they want to enable Travel Suppression or not. If a agreement can not be reached, then the two fighters will rock-paper-scissor or coin toss to solve the issue.
As far as inspirations go, only arena store bought insp are to be used. The only way to monitor this is to do a insp swap. If you choose not to inspiration swap, that is your choice.
If you have any interest, Please post in this thread with your Global name, and toon(s) that you want to enter, What AT they are, and the primary/secondary that they use.
I would like opening day for this to be Monday, March 2nd, 2009. Hopefully this date will give people enough time to level a toon, buy IO's, create a build and so on.
I guess I will be the first to sign up.
Global: @ENEMY 0F M4N 3
Character: Comatose Verbal
AT and Powers: Cold/Sonic Defender
Global: @BIGG BANG or BIGGBANG(cant remember:P)
Character: Temportantrum
AT and Powers: Fort
Well! Well! LOL by Well! To this to ever hit the surface.... LOL champions. You would need a consist support.. Meaning someone with a job or a life to be on this game for many hour's. Sounds like a good idea since lately other a event or too. PVP in champions been lame... all I really do now is sit in Recluse Victory and Farm. Here and There I would go after a hero. Good Luck.... and You could say I'm up for soem PVP.
Beerman, Ice/rad
might enter another toon but not sure what yet, whatever looks good with good ol HOs and SOs =). seems like fun tho cant pass it up.
So far we have:
Comatose Verbal
Cold/sonic defender
Ice/rad controller
Hey Pokeman! I did say I was down?
If you have any interest, Please post in this thread with your Global name, and toon(s) that you want to enter, What AT they are, and the primary/secondary that they use.
[/ QUOTE ]
Watch out Scribe. I might hafta level up a Dual blades/Dark armor tank and get serious.
I guess !! ELF STALKER doesn' summon it up... and my @ELF STALKER
Comatose Verbal
Cold/sonic defender
Ice/rad controller
@Elf Stalker
Elf Stalker
EM/SR stalker
Watch out Scribe. I might hafta level up a Dual blades/Dark armor tank and get serious.
[/ QUOTE ]
This sounds pretty cool, unfortunately, I still don't have a really good PvP AT. I'll throw my name in the hat, I'll need some expert opinion taking one of my L50s and making a viable PvP build.
I have 2 L50 MMs, but I learned the hard way that pet recharge is way too slow, I spent about half the match w/o pets.
My other 50s:
L50 invuln/ss tank
L50 mind control/empathy controller
L50 rad/rad corrupter
Next toons in the pipe are
L43 fire/fire tank
L32 dm/da brute
L28 em/regen stalker
L23 kin/sonic defender
Which one has a snowball's chance in hell, if properly built for PvP, of sucking the least?
My global is @kiloton.
My CoX characters
This sounds pretty cool, unfortunately, I still don't have a really good PvP AT. I'll throw my name in the hat, I'll need some expert opinion taking one of my L50s and making a viable PvP build.
I have 2 L50 MMs, but I learned the hard way that pet recharge is way too slow, I spent about half the match w/o pets.
My other 50s:
L50 invuln/ss tank
L50 mind control/empathy controller
L50 rad/rad corrupter
Next toons in the pipe are
L43 fire/fire tank
L32 dm/da brute
L28 em/regen stalker
L23 kin/sonic defender
Which one has a snowball's chance in hell, if properly built for PvP, of sucking the least?
My global is @kiloton.
[/ QUOTE ]
As of right now, I'd say your Invul/SS tank is your best bet, if you are willing to make a few changes to it. Super Strength is extremely good in pvp now, and double stacked rage is beautiful. Taking the fire epic (get char & fire blast) or the stone epic (get stone cages and fossilize) will give you excellen ranged damage as well as a mez, which isgood for dropping offensive toggles such as Radiation infection or hurricane.
You rad/rad would be pretty good for duels as well if you put some procs in neutrino bolt (touch of lady grey chance for neg dmg, achilles heel proc which both are pretty cheap). You get global resistance bonus for being a Corr, and with shark skin from your epic (if you take mako) you will be pretty close to the res cap, not to mention you'd get hibernate as a check out power. You have AM which dramaitcally decrases the duration of mez, and boost your damage, which is good, and lingering radiations is still good for -recharge (not movement slows anymore), and scourge is ftw.
MM"s are still good when properly used.
Thats just a quick break down for you Kilo. Send me a in game tellif you wanna talk or PM me here. my global is in my sig.
I will be opening a dueling ladder channel once we have enough people signed up, so we can all communicate easier.
Whe you have decied what you want to use, PM me which toon(s) and I will add you. I'll also help you with any questions you have as far as build and tactics go.
This sounds fun, I'd like to give it a whirl.
@Terminal Bliss
LvL50 Fire/ Em Tank
LvL50 Ice / Em Blaster
LvL50 Bs / Reg Scrapper
LvL50 Dark / Sonic Defender
LvL50 Ice / Em Tank
LvL50 Fire / Em Blaster
LvL50 Mind / Storm Troller
LvL50 Dark / Reg Scrapper

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
Comatose Verbal
Cold/sonic defender
Ice/rad controller
@Elf Stalker
Elf Stalker
EM/SR stalker
@Terminal Bliss
Chongo *****
Ice/Em Blaster
Fire/em Tank
SR/FM Scrapper
Acidic Scorpion
Dark/Cold Corr
Im curious to join but how much work will I have to do to be in the ladder?
>.> I'm a lazy SOB.
This is not for sure but here you go
Sonic Bang: Sonic/EM
Well done scribe thank you for driving this you have my full support. Let me know if you need anything. I can always ask the PvPec if we can get some NC Soft timecards or other prizes.
Ice/therm troller
Your PvP host with the most.
4shes and Enigma 2v2 PvP
Open your Eyes to I13 PvP
An Introduction to I14 PvP
lvl 50 Claws/Regen Scrapper
lvl 50 Fire/Energy Blaster
Im rich because you trust the previous 5 bids!!
My market signature is the highest bid!!!!
Hey guys. Please Do not list any toons you are NOT using for the 1v1 ladder.
I would also like to say although you can enter more than 1 toon of yours in, you cannot enter more than 3.
Shinobi Illusion 50 Ill/Storm Controller
Mystic Shinobi 50 Cold/Dark Defender
Sunset Shinobi 50 Fortunata
--editted names in--
I was toying with the idea of creating a dueling ladder (1v1 pvp) For the Champion server.
This idea in no way, was created by me. Infact it was created by a dude name Terp, I just want to bring something similar to his idea (which was originally for test pvp) to Champion.
If there is any interest in this, I will post the rules, ranking system and so on in this thread, but I dont want to put alot of effort into something that will go on ignored.