Wait, what the heck just happened?
It's a pretty clever move to reduce or eliminate powerleveling, I think, along with letting people create solo missions with as many villains as a full team.
I knew something would come along and yank that MA powerleveling rug out from under.
Goldbrick 50 inv/ss tank
Other 50s: Power Beam, Rocky Mantle, STORMIE Agent, Matchless, Major Will, Knightmayor, Femstone, Space Maureen, Crimebuster Ako, Dr. Twilight, Doc Champion, American Gold Eagle
Now I realize that some people abuse systems, that's just how things work. However what if I'm trying to catch up a friend in levels?
I know people PL, but mostly they offer to PL for two reasons.
1.) Get a toon to 50 for PvP.
2.) A Side Effect of Farming; Filling teams to populate the map.
But doing it to "catch up a friend in levels" is altogether different somehow?
It souds like you're saying, "but I'm not doing it the way they're doing it and for different reasons so it should be okay to do it my way." But is it really that different just because of the way you spin it?
There's also the Level Pact option.
I'm just playing devil's advocate here for the sake of discussion.
turn off your xp then
Have the mission holder crank up their difficulty levels. That way you're still fighting higher level stuff, and getting the corresponding xp. The whole point to the new system is not having to have to play matchmaker with sidekicks and mentors, and not having to exclude doing hazard zone mishes or not accepting lowbies if they can't get into a zone.
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
I'm just playing devil's advocate here for the sake of discussion.
However I still don't see the problem with PL'ing in all honesty.
What difference does it make if I want to PL a toon?
Who really wants to play all 50 levels of a bubbler. I did, and I was bored quite often.
The whole point to the new system is not having to have to play matchmaker with sidekicks and mentors, and not having to exclude doing hazard zone mishes or not accepting lowbies if they can't get into a zone.
And what's wrong with playing matchmaker? I and most people I know didn't really have issues with this. So it's a fix to something that I didn't need fixed?
I'm not trying to be argumentative however it just seems strange and IMHO not really necessary.
Since I've now spent more time with it, every time I zone, I'm required to reaffirm that I want to be Exemplar'ed or SK'ed. What happens if my team zones or I zone and D/C? I only have 30 secs and if I'm on a TF did I just lose because there was a network hiccup?
Just extra things I'm seeing.
Bonuses so far, I can be SK'ed to someone and be in a totally different zone from them and then can solo things I normally wouldn't be able to.
i.e. if my friend invites me to a team while they are level 6 in KR and I enter the sewers on my level 1, I can now solo the sewers because I'm still SK'ed even though I'm across zones.
You can set it to auto-accept within a certain threshold supposedly. I haven't messed with it myself, but this is how I understand things.
I think they just wanted to get rid of PLing altogether. maybe they thought it would be unfair if normal players couldnt PL but the vets with farming buddies could get PLs.
I dont get this at all you can easly lvl a friend up still. Get a 50 run missions. How hard is this or if you had a guy who was killer at farming then well set the mission to 8 and well lvl him up
Lol the funny thing is why didnt u c this from when beta opened on test and also u dont need a team to fill the map at least not any more but it does take a lil longer 2 PL a toon now
BUT i actually do like the coloring just a lil bit and the ONE thing i get annoyed by is that stpuid option which asks u if u wana quit the team or stay on it if ur being sked or ex'd .
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
Lol the funny thing is why didnt u c this from when beta opened on test
I like the releases themselves to express newness to me. Not test. Let me try to 'test' something only to have to do it all over again. Just a matter of preference I guess.
I think they just wanted to get rid of PLing altogether. maybe they thought it would be unfair if normal players couldnt PL but the vets with farming buddies could get PLs.
That being said, competent people will still be able to PL, it's just that it will be much slower than I14 and even pre-I14 (since you will no longer be able to have that 7-level spread between lowbie and the mobs, instead you'll have at most 5).
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Just out of curiosity have the TF requirements changed at all?
And what's wrong with playing matchmaker? I and most people I know didn't really have issues with this. So it's a fix to something that I didn't need fixed? I'm not trying to be argumentative however it just seems strange and IMHO not really necessary. |
Since I've now spent more time with it, every time I zone, I'm required to reaffirm that I want to be Exemplar'ed or SK'ed. What happens if my team zones or I zone and D/C? I only have 30 secs and if I'm on a TF did I just lose because there was a network hiccup? |
Just extra things I'm seeing. Bonuses so far, I can be SK'ed to someone and be in a totally different zone from them and then can solo things I normally wouldn't be able to. i.e. if my friend invites me to a team while they are level 6 in KR and I enter the sewers on my level 1, I can now solo the sewers because I'm still SK'ed even though I'm across zones. Odd. |
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
I did find something likable about the change. I don't think I read enough of the patch notes however let me relate the moment I basically peed myself last night.
We were having difficulty with an arc in Faultline due to a couple players having to AFK and one having to leave for 20 mins (he was playing at work... I'M JEALOUS!) so I got out my level 39 tank and had them exemplar me so we could take care of the problem we were having.
Then I dinged. I hit level 40. My opinion currently is now, screw it. If I can play any toon at any time on any team and get experience, whatever. I'm good with the changes.
Man if I'd have known that's what WHF meant by preventing the matchmaking issues, ahhh....
Screw it. My friend doesn't need to catch up. This is now too cool.
WHF, that's hilarious, you addressed things I discovered and wrote about them 1 min before I came back to write about them myself. How funny.
WHF, that's hilarious, you addressed things I discovered and wrote about them 1 min before I came back to write about them myself. How funny.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
I really have to accentuate how truly unique CoX's teaming system is; especially now that I16 is out.
In how many other MMOs can players of completely different levels form a team and everyone make money and experience together? I can't think of one.
I was on my little level 25 dominator Tuesday when a level 43 corrupter sent me a tell, "Hey, I'm a level 43 corrupter, interested in joining a team doing missions?" I was going to send a knee-jerk response, "So I'm assuming you have lackey room?" Then I realized that I16 made all that moot. I can now team with anybody at anytime and still make money and experience. I caught myself mid-typing and send a reply, "Thanks, but I'm in the costume screen coloring my powers!"
Global: @FuzzyOne
Find me playing these servers: Champion, Justice, Freedom, Virtue and Pinnacle
Originally Posted by Dark_Friar
If I can play any toon at any time on any team and get experience, whatever. I'm good with the change
I think we need to remember what it's like in other MMOs.
What other game makes Teaming so easy?
Never in my gaming history have I ever had it so easy.
It's so easy, in fact, I'm now spoiled. I can actually turn DOWN teams (read: PuGs). I don't think I ever turned down an invite to a full team in Final Fantasy XI. Cause if you fit in the team, you've beaten the odds!
Now I just have to be online to be available for teaming!
Thanks Posi!
Have a Cup of Chicken Noodle Soup on me!
Just not literally. That's freakin' icky.
Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*
And hmm...does this mean that while my better half is standing in WW for hours, If I am teamed with him, I can go to The Shadow Shard and kill Eyeballs for the Sword???
Need to experiment.
So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try
***Dennis DeYoung
I did find something likable about the change. I don't think I read enough of the patch notes however let me relate the moment I basically peed myself last night.
We were having difficulty with an arc in Faultline due to a couple players having to AFK and one having to leave for 20 mins (he was playing at work... I'M JEALOUS!) so I got out my level 39 tank and had them exemplar me so we could take care of the problem we were having. Then I dinged. I hit level 40. My opinion currently is now, screw it. If I can play any toon at any time on any team and get experience, whatever. I'm good with the changes. Man if I'd have known that's what WHF meant by preventing the matchmaking issues, ahhh.... Screw it. My friend doesn't need to catch up. This is now too cool. |
Yes, well, now we can play anything we want (aside from 50s) and still level up, which I think is the best feature in the game now.

Check the auto-Sk sliders in the Options window. Setting them does work, thank the Lord.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon
"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight
And hmm...does this mean that while my better half is standing in WW for hours, If I am teamed with him, I can go to The Shadow Shard and kill Eyeballs for the Sword???
Need to experiment. Lisa. |

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon
"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight
So if I create a team, they all HAVE to be SK'ed or Exemplared? I can't NOT sk or exemp people? Really? That's a major turn off actually. You HAVE to play at this level. Aion can't start soon enough. Wow. I mean colors are awesome but I'm a bit stunned at the control that was just taken away from me.
I realize I can change the level of the mission and how many people are in it, etc, but that doesn't mean I wanted to give up teams ranging in 5 levels.