599 -
This week. Gentleman sent me an email a few days ago and I checked in my villain base the other night.
Sorry to necro but this topic came up recently in conversation. I had no idea /stuck (twice) took you back to the base door - thank you for that. Good to know since I visit many bases and am not as spritely in following the owners back out through a maze.
As for map identifiers, I was telling a friend earlier that I'd just be happy with an icon showing which 2x2 is the door and perhaps a city-style drop menu providing keypoints to things like storage units and ouros crystals. Functional items are more important to me than the type of room itself. I know base builders who will use 10 control rooms because it allows them to place (although not necessarily attach) crafted items for the sake of decor. -
Marry form and function. One of our medical rooms is an art gallery displaying all of the basic and auxillary items.
Start with your favorite artists. I'm mad for Chihuly and created a hanging piece using spirit signals and lanterns.
It looks bigger and more impressive when logged in the base. Translation: It looks bigger and more impressive in my head.
Sent mail but realized you might not see it. Usually, I just browse forums without ever logging in. When you say, "there is a ton of crap blocking the door, including "stairs" embedded in the floor", is it completely unusable now? If so, consider a petition.
Anyway.. lazy copy/paste of mail below.
"Read your post. Sorry to hear. This is a longshot suggestion but.. twice when my base was borked beyond belief, I sent a petition and provided approximate time for said bork. NC was nice enough to .. I forget the exact wording.. "revert or roll back to a time before the event occurred".
The first time this happened, they asked me to advise all SG mates to vacate the base in advance. No one reads message of the day so I asked NC to please do this "rollback" during maintenance hours. They did and all was fixed.
That situation may have been different so no guarantees. Wish you the best of luck." -
It is "broken" though not by his wrongdoing. It just amused me to title the thread that way.
Recently received an e-mail by another base-builder asking how to reproduce the soda machine previously posted in this forum:
Long story short, neither they nor I could nudge or rotate the small brass tech tank to peek out creating brass detailing. I asked a few other friends to try in their bases. They could not.
Are there other recent small changes? I really enjoy base-building and have spent as much as a year on one base before moving to another and might not notice a subtle change but hope it will never affect a room styled off one item used repeatedly for effect. -
Used a few steampunk pieces in each of my carnie's new costumes:
1. Ringmaster - belt and lace neck detail
2. Clown - jacket, sleeves and lace neck detail
3. Carnie Mistress - corset, belt and lace neck detail
4. Juggler/Street Performer - jacket, gloves, belt, bottoms stripe pattern, and lace neck detail
5. Animal Trainer - jacket, corset, and lace neck detail
2nd issue. Hot dog!
You've inspired me to take a fresh look at many of my costumes now. Thank you for putting this together Pinky. -
Welcome back, old man.
Apex - most folks I know have their time split between the incarnate trials and weekly strike targets... so there's plenty of teams when Apex -is- the weekly strike target. Give me some notice and I'll run one with you. -
^5. That's a winner. <3 Beautifully done, Antoinette.
Sentimental value keeps my heroine and villainess both on the trophy hunt. Characters become beloved no matter where you adventure with them, whether they're in a book or a television series or a video game.
iNorite! Kinda scary when I added every badge of every alt.
Quote:Congrats on getting the second badger past 1,200. I wonder if you're the first to manage that?
Anyway I'm not too far behind on that myself. Spent too much time on my main's Partner badge in the last month to work on my second badger enough.
Also, no more tired posting for me.Ew, too late. It's 4 am.
<- Only villain at 1200 via City Info Tracker (as of this post)!
Dear peeps, don't let this oversight continue. I know there's more 12K's hiding out there! Please consider adding your characters onto CiT. It's fun and easy and has chezburgers. Plus, it's a good way for me to find badge partners.
Seriously, I love Sentinel. CiT just had an update which caused me to readd but it took seconds with their verification program.
Oh. On topic:
Una, scrapper - 1201
Exotica, corruptor - 1200 -
Villainy is always the way to go
Selecting "villain" on Alignment mission: The Dagger of Caernoz will earn your character the Whip Cracker badge. I always find her to be in the first mob from the mission entrance. I like this one because she's not the only objective so I can exit and set her aside for fellow badgers. -
To do list today: purchase two 30 day time cards just in case.
Subscription: 12 Month ($)
Renewal Date: Jun 1, 2011
Subscription: 6 Month ($)
Renewal Date: Apr 2, 2011
Subscription: 12 Month ($)
Renewal Date: Apr 1, 2011
Subscription: 6 Month ($)
Renewal Date: May 30, 2011
Once more. Just for effect.
For other global channel mods: made a tiny url to save space on MOTD. http://tinyurl.com/VanguardPack rather than http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=250173 -
Quote:Absolutely. Yes.You can save costumes to a file now. You get piles of free costume change tokens from Vet rewards. There's no reason not to make a costume in advance, and there's no reason to reroll if all you want to change is the costume.
Though, when I compile a massive wishlist in hopes of one name, I never have an idea of powersets. If a name shows as available, I take the first AT, first powerset and go go go. After a few days of thought into a backstory, I carefully mull over the most complimentary origin, powersets and costume details.
There is something seriously wrong with me. Do you have any idea how many Peaches I have? Because those are easy! Peachy Kin is a kinetic controller. Peaches 'n Scream is ice/sonic. Peach Psi is mind control/thermal. Peach Buzz is elec. When I get a name like Berlin, I stare at inkblots and throw spaghetti against walls for prophetic revelations.
Quote:Rushes like that is the exact reason why in my conspiracy theory, they're stealth purging. It's what I'd do. But of course I'm an *******.
You have conspiracy theories about everything. You know why your keyboard is broke right now? American Christian fundamentalists deplore your forum influence, pay off your landlord to add nanomagnets to your vodka bottle and keyboard, and employ invisible leprochauns to jack the building foundation just enough to make you clumsy. Why? Thou shalt not kill.. but one cannot suffer a WitchSlap (ha, see what I did thar?) either. Face it. You're a bad influence.< That's not a wink. That's me rolling one eye. Hahaha.
****. Eye strain. So painful.
So, here's a 9 cent 9 AM idea.
Wouldn't it be easier if the devs did the same things to names as they did to inactive globals in channels? Set a policy by level and days unpaid and set a perpetual timer. No more purge 'dates' for all names on the same date.. there would be continuous purge cycles.
Millions of peaches. Peaches for me. -
Off topic but related.. advice in case they have another purge:
- Make a wishlist, well in advance, of names you have always wanted. This way, you're not madly typing in names last minute and forgetting one or typing another in over and over.
- Check each name from your wishlist for availability from the character selection screen. There is a difference between a response of "The character name is already in use." and "The character name is not available." I could be wrong but the latter is a list of blocked names like Wolverine and Trinity.
- Log into your server of choice and check your wishlist for globals. Say you want "Stranglehold". Type: "/getglobalname, Stranglehold". If you recognize the global as that of an active player, bump that name to the bottom of your wishlist. Sure, he might, for some unforseen reason, release that name but it is unlikely. A better bet (on the actual purge day) when you and a thousand other people are checking 200 names each is to first check names of people you have never heard of.
- For that matter.. don't alphabetize, weight your list by desirability. Who cares if you get "A perfect name" right off the bat if what you really want is "Z perfect name" and only have one slot. Time's a tick'n.
- Take the day off (so hardcore.. inorite!!!) or ask help from a friend who has the day off. If they name purge during maintenance and you get home at 10 pm, an open name you desired may have been gone at 10 am.
- Make sure you have open slots set aside. It would suck to find two of your dream names and only have one slot open. Use a trial account if you must - just don't forget to remove it before the 10 days/ 14 days expires. If you change your mind, be kind, delete.
- For the love of sparkle ponies, do not make a costume on purge day. Some people can take an hour to make a costume. Some take five minutes. By the time you make a costume and write a bio, that name may be gone. It won't kill you to use a random costume for a day or two.
- Have a friend help you move any found names. Let's pretend you got something truly spectacular like "Nom Nom Bunnycakes". .. if you delete lil Nom nom to make a costume, folks who logged in a day later and heard about the name purge may swipe that out from under you. Can you really live with yourself then? Call a friend. Release the name to him. Work on your costume for 15 hours and then call him when you're ready to enter the actual name and click on the starting zone. Same thing for folks deleting a found name which will be used on a renamed character later.
Sure, my advice may be overkill but I've found a ridiculous number of names from my wishlist on purges. Also doesn't hurt to keep a permanent wishlist and check it once a month or to randomly type in names when a whim hits. -
[NPC] Infiltrator: Vanguard doesn't scare me. I don't care if they're cloaked in Impervium or fairy petals. I'll still find a way to take 'em down.
I could easily say that I missed the one on the floor but that would be lying.Sentinal is no longer working for me this morning. I'll just attribute it to my inability to count anything without a program.
PS. You're now the lil sleepy one on the floor. -
There are only four baby penguins. You're the one in teh middle. -
I'm now a proud member of:
- Master Blade's Adventurer (750) Club!
- Graystar_Blaster's 1000 badge club.
- Turgenev's The Questing Club (1000+ Badges!)
Quote:On a side note, you missed:
Saber_Spectre's 900 club
Chad Gulzow-Man's The 700 club, round 2
_23X_'s 600 club
among others...
and now...- Snow Globe's 1,100 Club.
Tomorrow, I nap. -
Yay, done and done. Hero badger and Villainess. Where's my toaster.
I'm late to the party...
Sometimes, mines are placed on rafters. Other times, teammates are unexpectedly grounded. All the while, up there, none are directly contributing to the defeat. For these reasons, I don't recommend continuing the flight-based strategy.
My understanding is that the mine layers do not appear for 30 seconds following the Director's arrival. There is a method which involves the team assembling (without flight needed) near the entrance and taunting the Director into the hands of the team and their pets to defeat him before that time expires. I've seen this fail. A brute had difficulty taunting the AV to the door right away. The next run, we took our team directly to his spawn location and avoided losing those few precious seconds on the clock. This has worked, so far, everytime.
Temporary powers can be both training wheels and a team-building experience. Something to pull the team together (in terms of time spent at MS raids and PvP zones) and to keep them standing long enough to figure out not only the mechanics but also where to make permanent substitutions. RA's, debuffers, vengeance, etc. can take the place of heavies and nukes.
Right now, very few folks I know have all of their characters' incarnate slots unlocked and slotted. It's not as easy to say, "ok, we need this ... you and you switch to this and that." We'll get there. I do enjoy badges but I'd also like to keep motivation to keep trying before we're onto the next batch of content and it's all but forgotten.
I read this thread and recalled the debate with CoP to wonder: in which instance(s) should a nuke or a heavy be acceptable? I'm starting to feel mixed signals. They are not allowed on Master of States, LSRF, Imperious, Lady Gray, Kahn or Barracuda. They are allowed on Master of Tin Mage and Apex. They were initially allowed on Cathedral of Pain. They are no longer allowed on Cathedral of Pain. They are allowed outside of the arena in which they are procured but not needed in those arenas - I've never heard of any MS raid success that hinged on RWZ heavies or PvP match that hinged on shivans and nukes. These temporary powers would be inefficient for everyday use in missions or -now commonplace- taskforces and trials such as Citadel or Hami Raids. Where else is there a practical place to use them at all?
My group has run a number of raids and unique events. From the current Hamidon to Cathedral of Pain, we were usually the first or some of the first to do so on our server both in-house and out. The reason I have no qualms on using temps? Even with our size, it's not always easy getting enough -regular-participants (24 on CoP and 50 each when we did Hami blueside and red) to try something new over and over with less than ideal resources and staggered, varying & tight schedules. We have families and jobs. No one wants to faceplant repeatedly for 2 hours a night every night. Our energy is better spent observing, learning and adapting. I do think it's worth it to keep people optimistic on any given trial or taskforce no matter the size until we 've improved and shed those training wheels - previously farmed EOEs, nukes, heavies, etc. Initially, we were criticized for bothering with Hamidon at all (HOs being availanle in States and LR). Since then, our server can run it as many as five nights a week. Over time, things become common place, more enjoyable or at least less fustrating to a greater number of players. I'm excited to see what the final solution (without temporary powers) is for this badge but until then, I'm plugging away with temporary powers.
Personally, I wish there was a solution so that temporary powers were a welcome training aid but not a despised overkill solution. Something like.. if the net benefit from temporary powers carried caps unique to teams. Eight chemical nukes are overkill. Most teams are using three for Dodger right now. The other night, we just happened to have two rad corruptors and only two chemical nukes. It would have been silly to say, "Oh, we only have two chem nukes. Let's reform when we have a third nuke." We did complete and badge for that team without stopping to gather another nuke or switching characters. What if teams were automatically analyzed behind the scenes and generated a number in the system which would cap the effectiveness of any given temporary power. Say team A had one debuffer and team B had 6 debuffers. Each -could-, if they so wished, still spend the arduous amount of time farming as many nukes as they could carry but Team B's chemical nukes wouldn't even effect the AV or in such a miniscule way as to not warrent farming... whereas Team A's nukes wouldn't completely do the job alone. It would be like ED for temps per team per experience. The sole debuffer couldn't just stand at the door. If he didn't contribute, the team would fail. It would be a shame to fustrate the late hours players and smaller population servers by telling them they absolutely have to wait longer to assemble an ideal team or the reverse - to allow primetime/high population server players to just sail through without motivation to shed the training wheels. If I had a nickle everytime someone said they came to Virtue because we do run raids on a more regular basis - Hami, CoP, MS. I doubt anyone wants to use temp powers over and over and over again but I'd rather not have folks lose motivation out of the gate. -
Quote:Still not working. Sent a petition this morning.I completed the new "An Instant Army" arc a few days after I18/GR went live but the "gold star" for it did not trigger.
I reported it as a bug and have been patiently waiting to see if any of the recent patches have fixed it.
It'd be great if anyone could report whether the gold star for this arc is now working or not.