599 -
Grabbing a small group tonight. The forums were down earlier so I had a tough time finding most by other means.
Confirmed, coming for either badge or assist:
01 Ara
02 Dogma
03 Exxcaliber
04 Xanthicsnow
05 Equation
06 Celestial Might
07 Dancing in the Darkness (needs Challenge but not Green)
08 Carnada
09 HPuppies
10 Sandolphan
Not available at start time, coming if more than 1 run:
-- Green Bear
-- Grim Saint
Waiting on response from:
11 GM 87 (needs Challenge but not Green)
12 Lothic (you have a pm in game)
** free for assist if space > Faust
** free if space > Topaz
** free if space > Xero
Berry and Xeden, did either of you need the badges or posting for assist? If you're free tonight, send me a pm in game @Ara. Looking to start around 7:30 pm CST / 8:30 pm EST.
Assuming Fuegos is just here to nap with everyone before Spring Fling ends. Bad boy. -
I'd use stick figure drawings for better illustrations than my wordy explanations but I'm not very good with stick figures either :P
Final note - successfully ran it the other day. Strategy still works. Best of luck to anyone preparing for this. -
Quote:Best times: weeknights and weekendsI would like to run with 12 people, for ease of "avoids the green stuff".
... advice.
Places to find Leaguemates:
- SG
- Badge channels
- Trial channels like "Speed Trials" because you have more players who run trials often (need less practice).
- Badge sites. Sometimes, I'll click on leaderboards specifically looking for folks missing the same badge we're running.
Generally, folks will avoid the patches by:
- making certain their camera is out, being able to see their avatar and area around it
- avoiding slow animation attacks
- avoiding queuing up a 2nd attack (though hitting Escape wil cancel queued attacks)
- asking teammates not to fly. It's harder to avoid green patches which are less visible in the air.
Optional but handy:
- one or more leaguemates using League teleport to move bodies
- conference calls (Skype, Vent, TS) are great for team morale and gentle audible reminders during final phase
None of that matters if the AV casts Obliteration while everyone is frozen, especially if there's a longer freeze. Manage Anti-Matter's freeze time:
- taunt AM to the terminals before freeze time. The further he is from the next correct terminal, the longer the freeze time is. Terminal points on Wiki map. AV starts North, travels SE (lower right) and ends up SW (lower left).
- Pre-advise there will be a cease-fire call near 85%, 55%, and 25% of AM's health. The league will wait for AM to cast an obliteration ray, move out of the way and burn him down quickly. He freezes time at 80%, 50% and 20% HP; this means he will not have a new Obliteration ray available/recharged during freeze time.
Because of this, if it's a "must have" green badge run, I recommend 12 not 24 w/out casting a horde of pets. While pets do not count against the badge, too much damage burns the AV down very quickly without a chance to manage the cease-fire and freeze times. He just burns from 100 to 80 in a blink of an eye with a fresh Oblit ray.
This is also why I recommend friendly conference calls. That, or having macros for cease-fire and burn directions. It's better and easier to compensate if everyone understands the logic behind the strategy. For example.. if AM casts an Obliteration ray at exactly 85% or 86% then there's no point in calling cease-fire as the timing would allow the league to burn AM down to 80% immediately without fear of a 2nd ray right before or during freeze time.
Really, most will eventually get this badge on casual group runs using league teleport as a safeguard. I don't want to give the impression that badging has to be strict and severe but recommend extra measures for those who have tried casual attempts a few too many times and feel disheartened.
GL. -
Stumbled across your video on YouTube just now and really enjoyed it! Glad you posted so I could find you for a ^ HIGH FIVE! ^
Love the detail to her face and hair. Changed my wallpaper to Mother Mayhem and Desdemona right away.
Many thanks to the Art department for their work. Happy Holidays. -
Belated "Grats!", Jot.
Welcome to the 750 Club!
Hope you are doing well, still in game and working on the other clubs.
Most of my heroes have slowly scratched out badges in the City over several years. I'll be wrapping up their 300 odd Exploration badges and moving them in here for safe-keeping. Amazing how quickly that set of badges goes!
American Anthem 819
Alt 778
Freeze Frame 767
Apparently, iTrial badges add up quickly!
Dakota 764
Noa 756 -
Tah dah. Catfight. Got my hero and villain kicking and pushing each other the whole way.
Una: 1303
Exotica: 1302 -
Although I've encountered some Nightmares twice as often as others, the *end result* (in my experience) is very even. Between them, my two badgers ran MoM (either to completion or initial phase only) 30 times.
Exotica ran MoM 16 times and obtained all 16 Nightmares. Note: She obtained the 16th and final Nightmare on her 16th run, see Code/window below.
Una ran MoM 14 times and sits at 14 of 16 Nightmares. She obtained those 14 Nightmares in her first 10 trials.
Here's the breakdown :
Avatar of Hamidon 10
Adamastor 8
Bat'Zul 8
Lanaru the Crazed 8
Eochai 7
Paladin 7
Jack in Irons 6
Deathsurge 5
Jurassik 5
Ruladak the Strong 5
Babbage 4
Lichen-Infested Extinction War Walker 4
Crystal Titan 3
Kronos Titan 3
Lord Winter 3
Caleb 2
Unknowns due to crashing 2
Total 90 (30 runs x 3 Nightmares each)
In case anyone was curious as to possible patterns in groupings:
Code:At any rate, it is random. Nice randomy random with random sauce.Tuesday Una: 12-06-2011 18:52:28 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>The Messenger is among your memories! Come, Avatar 12-06-2011 18:53:21 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A being of pure energy pulses through your thoughts! Deathsurge 12-06-2011 18:54:50 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A golem of stone emerges from your thoughts! It is time, Jurassik 12-06-2011 21:12:16 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A being of pure energy pulses through your thoughts! Deathsurge 12-06-2011 21:13:47 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>This must be what Primals think are Clockwork! Babbage 12-06-2011 21:15:22 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>I have heard tales of a being such as this... Lanaru -- Wednesday Una: 12-07-2011 19:09:10 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A creature born of snow and ice! Lord Winter 12-07-2011 19:10:02 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A golem of stone emerges from your thoughts! It is time, Jurassik (crashed) 12-07-2011 21:10:17 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A beacon of pain and suffering alights in your mind! Jack In Irons 12-07-2011 21:11:10 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Quite a fearsome machine! I wonder what it can do! Behold, the Kronos Class Titan 12-07-2011 21:12:19 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Such a being is only legend among us, but I see it is real! I summon you, Ruladak -- Thursday Exotica: 12-08-2011 18:43:26 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Ancient demon! Be trapped beneath the surface no more! Awaken, Bat'Zul 12-08-2011 18:45:12 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>What strangeness is this? A fey creature with a pumpkin for a head! No matter! Eochai 12-08-2011 18:47:51 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Death and decay exudes from your thoughts! Adamastor 12-08-2011 19:51:59 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Such a being is only legend among us, but I see it is real! I summon you, Ruladak 12-08-2011 19:53:13 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>I have heard tales of a being such as this... Lanaru 12-08-2011 19:55:19 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A golem of stone emerges from your thoughts! It is time, Jurassik 12-08-2011 20:29:21 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>I have heard tales of a being such as this... Lanaru 12-08-2011 20:31:10 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>This looks familiar... and yet... not quite. Lichen Infested War Walker 12-08-2011 20:32:18 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>The Messenger is among your memories! Come, Avatar! 12-08-2011 20:40:05 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>What strangeness is this? A fey creature with a pumpkin for a head! No matter! Eochai 12-08-2011 20:40:58 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>This must be what Primals think are Clockwork! Babbage 12-08-2011 20:42:00 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Quite a bizarre machine! So primitive... so powerful. Paladin 12-08-2011 20:47:53 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>I have heard tales of a being such as this... Lanaru 12-08-2011 20:48:58 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Death and decay exudes from your thoughts! Adamastor 12-08-2011 20:50:23 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Quite a bizarre machine! So primitive... so powerful. Paladin 12-08-2011 20:56:00 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A demon ghost truly pulled from nightmares! I call upon you, Caleb 12-08-2011 20:56:54 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>The Messenger is among your memories! Come, Avatar 12-08-2011 20:58:02 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>I have heard tales of a being such as this... Lanaru (crashed) 12-08-2011 21:08:01 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>I see a giant crystal... it moves! The Crystal Titan 12-08-2011 21:09:15 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Death and decay exudes from your thoughts! Adamastor 12-08-2011 21:17:47 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A being of pure energy pulses through your thoughts! Deathsurge 12-08-2011 21:19:13 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A demon ghost truly pulled from nightmares! I call upon you, Caleb 12-08-2011 21:20:41 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>I see a giant crystal... it moves! The Crystal Titan 12-08-2011 21:26:35 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>I see a giant crystal... it moves! The Crystal Titan 12-08-2011 21:27:45 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>The Messenger is among your memories! Come, Avatar 12-08-2011 21:28:50 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A creature born of snow and ice! Lord Winter 12-08-2011 21:35:10 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A golem of stone emerges from your thoughts! It is time, Jurassik 12-08-2011 21:36:04 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Ancient demon! Be trapped beneath the surface no more! Awaken, Bat'Zul 12-08-2011 21:37:05 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>What strangeness is this? A fey creature with a pumpkin for a head! No matter! Eochai -- Friday Exotica: 12-09-2011 18:22:26 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>The Messenger is among your memories! Come, Avatar 12-09-2011 18:25:56 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Quite a bizarre machine! So primitive... so powerful. Paladin 12-09-2011 18:28:55 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Ancient demon! Be trapped beneath the surface no more! Awaken, Bat'Zul 12-09-2011 18:36:23 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A beacon of pain and suffering alights in your mind! Jack In Irons 12-09-2011 18:37:47 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>The Messenger is among your memories! Come, Avatar 12-09-2011 18:39:20 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>This looks familiar... and yet... not quite. Lichen Infested War Walker 12-09-2011 18:46:56 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>The Messenger is among your memories! Come, Avatar 12-09-2011 18:48:46 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Death and decay exudes from your thoughts! Adamastor 12-09-2011 18:50:12 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A being of pure energy pulses through your thoughts! Deathsurge. 12-09-2011 19:02:25 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>What strangeness is this? A fey creature with a pumpkin for a head! No matter! Eochai 12-09-2011 19:03:28 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A being of pure energy pulses through your thoughts! Deathsurge 12-09-2011 19:04:36 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Quite a bizarre machine! So primitive... so powerful. Paladin 12-09-2011 19:12:41 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>What strangeness is this? A fey creature with a pumpkin for a head! No matter! Eochai 12-09-2011 19:13:47 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Such a being is only legend among us, but I see it is real! I summon you, Ruladak 12-09-2011 19:14:51 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Quite a bizarre machine! So primitive... so powerful. Paladin 12-09-2011 19:20:45 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Quite a fearsome machine! I wonder what it can do! Behold, the Kronos Class Titan 12-09-2011 19:22:17 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>This must be what Primals think are Clockwork! Babbage 12-09-2011 19:23:40 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>What strangeness is this? A fey creature with a pumpkin for a head! No matter! Eochai Una: 12-09-2011 19:33:19 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Death and decay exudes from your thoughts! Adamastor 12-09-2011 19:34:09 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A beacon of pain and suffering alights in your mind! Jack In Irons 12-09-2011 19:35:21 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Ancient demon! Be trapped beneath the surface no more! Awaken, Bat'Zul 12-09-2011 19:41:21 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A beacon of pain and suffering alights in your mind! Jack In Irons 12-09-2011 19:42:01 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Quite a bizarre machine! So primitive... so powerful. Paladin 12-09-2011 19:43:04 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Death and decay exudes from your thoughts! Adamastor 12-09-2011 19:56:31 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>The Messenger is among your memories! Come, Avata 12-09-2011 19:57:18 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Ancient demon! Be trapped beneath the surface no more! Awaken, Bat'Zul 12-09-2011 19:58:22 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>I have heard tales of a being such as this... Lanaru 12-09-2011 20:37:13 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>The Messenger is among your memories! Come, Avatar 12-09-2011 20:37:59 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A beacon of pain and suffering alights in your mind! Jack In Irons 12-09-2011 20:38:52 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>I have heard tales of a being such as this... Lanaru 12-09-2011 20:46:34 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Quite a fearsome machine! I wonder what it can do! Behold, the Kronos Class Titan 12-09-2011 20:47:24 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Ancient demon! Be trapped beneath the surface no more! Awaken, Bat'Zul 12-09-2011 20:48:26 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A beacon of pain and suffering alights in your mind! Jack In Irons 12-09-2011 20:54:46 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>This looks familiar... and yet... not quite. Lichen Infested War Walker 12-09-2011 20:55:44 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>What strangeness is this? A fey creature with a pumpkin for a head! No matter! Eochai 12-09-2011 20:56:59 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Death and decay exudes from your thoughts! Adamastor 12-09-2011 21:02:26 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Ancient demon! Be trapped beneath the surface no more! Awaken, Bat'Zul 12-09-2011 21:03:26 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>This looks familiar... and yet... not quite. Lichen Infested War Walker 12-09-2011 21:04:25 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Quite a bizarre machine! So primitive... so powerful. Paladin 12-09-2011 21:17:12 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Such a being is only legend among us, but I see it is real! I summon you, Ruladak. 12-09-2011 21:18:31 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A golem of stone emerges from your thoughts! It is time, Jurassik 12-09-2011 21:19:49 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Ancient demon! Be trapped beneath the surface no more! Awaken, Bat'Zul 12-09-2011 21:27:49 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>This must be what Primals think are Clockwork! Babbage 12-09-2011 21:29:00 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>The Messenger is among your memories! Come, Avatar 12-09-2011 21:30:23 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>A creature born of snow and ice! Lord Winter -- Saturday Una: 12-10-2011 01:54:45 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Death and decay exudes from your thoughts! Adamastor 12-10-2011 01:57:31 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>I have heard tales of a being such as this... Lanaru 12-10-2011 02:00:04 [Caption] <scale 1.75><color #CC99FF><bgcolor #220055>Such a being is only legend among us, but I see it is real! I summon you, Ruladak
1. Adamastor
2. Avatar of Hamidon
3. Babbage
4. Bat'Zul
5. Caleb
6. Crystal Titan
7. Deathsurge
8. Eochai
9. Jack in Irons
10. Jurassik
11. Kronos Titan
12. Lanaru the Crazed
13. Lichen-Infested Extinction War Walker
14. Lord Winter
15. Paladin
16. Ruladak the Strong -
I'd gush for hours but I'm Halloween badging until I fall into a sugar coma. -
Depends on "how" you twist it sometimes. Jarhead robot could be fun if he was -more-. A sentient computer that's recently become self-aware but most importantly - mobile. Our technology keeps getting smaller and smaller. Imagine Skynet not sending Terminators after you. He is the Terminator. Or some goody monitering station not sending Heroes after you. It is the Hero. Maybe a grey-area Cleverbot run amok in search of life experience.
Sleek tech suit and the jar filled with coolant. If he was Rogue or Vigilante, three nearly identical costumes could be crafted. Each jar would have a brightly lit red, blue or gold aura and detailing depending on the factionside it was adventuring in. Same fashion as Alienware lights changing for City of Heroes based on location. -
The queue kept "falling off" after assembling for an Incarnate trial yesterday. Double checked: everyone was 50, there was no network chatter about new bugs and the star was passed between team leads to see if the same thing would happen. Finally, someone suggested the possibility of a Premium player on league. There was one. He honestly didn't know. Some folks don't read forums and casually delete update emails from the game. So my question is, is there a notification inside of the game itself that advises Premiums/F2P of their inability to join an *Incarnate* trial? A pop-up or a system message?
Here's my concern: although he was a very nice guy and excused himself from league, someone could grief Incarnate leagues by accepting invitation and not self-identifying if asked. We'd potentially end up waiting for someone to excuse themselves and eventually disband. Currently, there's no way for league leaders to identify who is not VIP. A league compiled completely from LFG would not have this problem but some do assemble private/public call leagues to run with friends first. This is common on my server where many meet up in RWZ and call LFG/LFM in broadcast specifically for Incarnate trials.
Would it be possible to give league leaders a way to identify non-VIP? An icon after invitation? If there was a concern about discrimination for non Incarnate leagues, thought about different scenarios:
- No identification given but the system would automatically remove non-VIP players once an Incarnate Trial was selected (with a system message to the player explaining why). The downside to this would be closed league teams. If a league dropped below below the minimum requirement, I'd wonder if it was a bug or if the players crashed and add time waiting for them to return or message me. Another concern would be if the league did *not* drop below the system minimum but did drop below the league leader's personal preference with a closed event.
- Or a blind notification? Once the trial was selected, the system would remove Premium players but provide League leaders a notification. "4 players were removed for not having Incarnate unlocked. Please re-select queue options." That would allow league leaders to either proceed with their private invite/open-queue league Trial (likewise to proceed with their private invite/closed league Trial) and not substitute lost bodies -or- invite substitutes *before* restarting -or- change their league from closed to open (if it was previously closed) and let the system pick up extra bodies. -
From the City Life section, additional suggestions for decreasing unrelated Help spam by activating a seperate channel > http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=274748
Hoping tomorrow includes a fix for MM's current pet woes.
Between trials and Freedom, the Help channel has become a catch-all channel for LFG/LFM request, gold sales, and general chat (some trolling).
The thing I find most odd is the use of Help channel for the new low-level sewer trial (is that because F2P's can are limited in global options?). That's what the League system is for? If advised (to be helpful), folks are met with retorts about "channel natzis".
There is a channel listed from the chat window edit as "Looking for Group". To the best of my knowledge, there's no command or way to access this channel. Is it something that was meant to be added later? I realize activating that channel wouldn't be a solution in encouraging people to use the queue, but it would cut down some of the Help channel spam.
Otherwise, would a cooldown in Chat be so bad? Maybe after 5 lines? 10 minutes cooldown? Sometimes the conversation isn't a quick Q/A but community input for questions on powersets (for example). Providing everyone a few lines every 10 minutes still allows for a Help-oriented discussion but would encourage more meaningful input per exchange.
Global ignore has limited space. I found this out quickly when RMT was new to CoH. Constantly adding names to that list would indiscriminately bump off stalkers and my friends. -
Quote:Curious, where did you get that information? My searchfu isn't finding that information either way - that it is confirmed as a Tuesday reset or that it is bugged.the SSA reward already is reset along with the weekly strike target, when the new targets are active the SSA reward is reset so 1 should be a non issue
if it was not reset with the weekly target they either stealth changed what they said was gonna happen or there are some bugs floating around with it
Since there is a 7 day timer and it appears to be per character/specific reward selection, I do hope the devs reconsider making it into a Tuesday reset. Right now, if I want to earn rewards per alt, I have to either guesstimate or start a spreadsheet.
A Tuesday reset (like Weekly Strike Targets) would be great. It means we'd still have a 7 day gate but have the ability to gain rewards on our own schedule. I might take my mains Friday night one week but not be free except Monday the next. -
I don't take numbers into consideration so much as attitude. In my opinion:
- "Badgers" self-identify, enjoying obtaining and/or having obtained badges (not the same thing) and therefore make special efforts to collect badges on their own and/or with a group. They enjoy badging but don't place it front and center of other things they might enjoy more after logging in.
Casual badgers might not work on a badge if they consider that particular badge to be grindy - not because they're lazy or not a "true" badger but because they just don't need every badge. I also know a lot of casual badgers who will opt to get badges as the 3rd thing to do (behind making and leveling new alts, reading through new arcs, etc) when a new issue is released.My friend Xan probably has more badges than most. He comes to all of our Master badge runs when new content comes out. To paraphrase a thousand Skype calls where we tease him that he "is" a badger and should just work on getting them all.... he joins us because he enjoys the experience and our company and "wants to help". If asked, he always says, "I'm not a badger." Man says he's not a badger, whaddaya gunna do, Dog?
- "Hardcore Badgers" are badgers who make efforts to obtain 1. every badge (possible for their abilities) and/or 2. as soon as it comes out.. and 3. make every possible effort (their kids and school come first) and 4. contribute in ways great or small.
Dinah has far less time than the others in our group. If her numbers don't climb as quickly as others, she doesn't get upset. I consider her a hardcore badger because when she does have precious few free minutes to play, she makes the most of it, makes efforts (on her own or with us) without complaining or expecting help. Right now, her main is in the top CIT 50 with 1277 badges including Master Keyes and Master UT - considering the amount of time she has, I'd say she's pretty ******* hardcore.
Europa switched servers. I don't recommend it for everyone but she did what was right for her. Here's what makes her hardcore. She switched servers and brought friends. She got on every major channel and Mo's within a heartbeat of a new badge going live because she hustles - she asks - she tries - she helps and people like and remember her. She Mo's before most other longtime hardcore badgers on a server new to her. Seriously WTF and GG, m'lady. Nicely done.
Debated adding two cents to the till on one more clarification on numbers versus attitude but it's a conversation I had recently with someone in this thread. I don't consider high number achievers to be "hardcore badgers" if they don't actively contribute to their own or team success. This is not to bash casual badgers (and really has nothing to do with them so much as folks who self-identify as "hardcore") because there's many casual badgers who go above and beyond to help themselves and one another. It's just that I don't consider a high number to be the mark of a "hardcore badger" if they earned that by always tagging along and doing bare minimum to help themselves or others while complaining about the badge or efforts nearly the entire time.
Case in point, my steady badge group salivates when a new issue is about to release. We make plans on when and where to meet after launch - as a few months go by, work schedules might change. "Is every night at 7:45 pm CST good for everyone? No? <waits for feedback> 8 it is and twice on Sunday." We assemble, work together to figure things out by having meetings before or after any initial incompletes to get the job done and return night after night to help others who haven't badged yet. These folks will also, if asked and without complaint, alt to an AT/powerset that is preferred for balance for initial attempts. That being said, we have a really good track record of badging fairly quickly, even on new Mo's. But here's the difference....
Because we have a badge group, we get a lot of pm's such as "When you all run, can you send me an invite." No problem, after our SG badgers and SG-mates get first spot dibs. Here's my problem: I know folks who have high numbers and want to get every badge possible but never contribute beyond participation and, most importantly, want help at their convenience sometimes weeks later. "Can't make it, wanted to work on a new build." Not a problem; catch you tomorrow same time. "My friend just logged in. Darn. Catch you next time." "I heard it's bugged. Call me when you get it and I'll make the next run." I'm low on damage, got an hour? "Yeah but my badger is a controller. Sorry. Call me when you need a controller." "Got a spot? I don't think I can do the last mission. Can I just sit in the hospital?" (that gets a no answer/no invite from me) - this goes on until everyone has badged within 7 days of our marathon and ends weeks later with "Hey, when are you guys going to run again? I don't have it yet." sent to each of our trial leaders.
Here's my interpretation of that week's responses from the same individual:
- I have no problem with: "Can't make it, wanted to work on a new build" or "My friend just logged in. Darn. Catch you next time".
- I wince a little at: "I heard it's bugged. Call me when you get it and I'll make the next run." if there's no confirmation it's bugged. I like folks to get fiesty and make an effort to try it even for the sake of getting to know the lay of the land before a solid Mo attempt.
- I wince a little at: "(you already said you're short on X) but my badger is a controller. Sorry. Call me when you need a controller." This is situational for me. Some folks are really busy. I might not make special efforts to run an 8th night for that individual who couldn't make it the other 7 days and has a habit of only coming when it was ideal for them.
- I hate responses like: "Can I just sit in the hospital?" and (weeks later) "Hey, when are you guys going to run again? I don't have it yet." if it gets pushy. Constant requests aren't so bad as much as the expectation that someone else will gather bodies much later and run it "for them" until they badge.
To me, that is a third type of badger. -
Quote:I always felt that maxing league size and having everyone on the field was better for MoKeyes. Added bodies increases the damage output, defeating AM faster, and decreasing the number of times he would have to use Obliteration and Disintegration. Besides which, I'd rather they rip through the first phases so they're not mentally worn down for final phase.Every person you add beyond that number increases the probability of failure, even if you can get it to work.
Same thing with MoUnderground. Initially, the recommendation was for meleers to sit out while a smaller ranged-only unit cautiously worked their way down the bomb corridor. This is akin to sitting out a team in a hospital (in MoKeyes) as they are not actively contributing to the success of the badge or trial at that point in time. We've had our best success using every body on all 3 teams mow down the bomb hall. Everyone shares the big "Win" feeling and no one feels like a gimpy tag-along.
If anyone has yet to badge MoUT and is curious about a method for the Preservation Specialist badge, try running the 3 teams seperate but coordinated. Move ranged damage dealers to Team 3. Evenly distribute your melee on Team 1 and 2. Assemble in the small nook opposite the bombs. On go, all teams will move forward. Team 1 targets through their lead only on bombs on the left side of the hall... hugging that side of the hall. Team 2 targets through their team lead on the right side of the hall... hugging that side. Team 3 targets through their team lead who keeps a sharp eye between the left and right side. Their job is to help whichever side may be a bit slower than the other. There's no stop and go action, it's just a steamroll down to the very last bomb. No one should use slow animation attacks, just high damage quick shots. If your team (with the help of Team 3) is fast enough, you really only get one shot off per bomb. This method includes us using Desdemona rather than have her handler wait off to the side.
^ clarification: this is for that tight little bomb hall. We have everyone use stop and go, league leader initiated attacks on the other bombs. -
Great thread!
My villainess is sitting in First Ward at 1284 right now. She gets a little weepy about the first year anniversary badge for heroes until I remind her of what dorks those guys are.
At 1281, my scrapper is counting down the hours for five more tip missions and re-alignment. Sometime Soon[tm!], she'll smack my villain on the back of the head with a hefty 1285 badge-bejewelled baseball bat. -
Barring out and out griefers who won't get invited again, the team isn't being penalized for someone getting defeated. They're being penalized for not pulling together to make certain no one is defeated.
Virtue has a healthy number of badgers and amazing tf/trial community. While I do see folks gathering in RWZ (mostly) and through the largest public channels for tf's and trials at all hours, I don't see folks doing many Mo runs outside of late afternoon/evening US hours. I'm sure some do but I mostly ignore channels to focus on solo endeavors.
Well, there's always weekends. Not sure if that would meet your scheduling needs.
I posted ad nauseum here earlier > http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...9&postcount=21 -
Quote:This may be a very long post so please don't read it unless dinners off the stove.Is there a magical mystery server where badgers roam free, eat pistachios and max out easily? Or is it a horrible lie and only a myth like a good episode Galactica 80?
My previous two-word answer of "Virtue Server" was in response to "Is there a magical mystery server where badgers roam free." Yes. But I'll amend my answer to "Virtue -or- possibly yours if you're up for some time-consuming legwork."
I'll start with Virtue as most folks think of it as the roleplay server. Primarily, it is. But there's also a strong speedsters, farming and badge community - probably far more than you'd think. All of those playstyles mesh well for a badger-friendly environment. You don't necessarily need other badgers for difficult or mundane tasks. I know plenty of speed freaks who will Master with you -just- for the bragging rights; the same speed freaks who could give a **** less about other badges like History and Ouroboros badges. Why speedsters? Speedsters labor over meticulous builds. They thrive on stats and teamwork.
I also know plenty of farmers who will run anything a million times over if there's something in it for them. There's potential for badge allies if you consider the objective, rewards and look around.
Right now, my go-to badge buddies are my SG. They're not all badgers. Maybe ten are "hardcore". The rest come for rewards, challenges, company, etc. When CoP came out, thirty-six signed up just because it was new and was not run much publically in the very first weeks. The badge itself was incidental to most.
When I don't fill from our channel, I call in private badge channels. I seldom have to go outside of the two channels to fill. We had Cathedral of Pain, MoLam, MoTin, and MoKeyes for everyone who asked and came night after night within 1-2 weeks (amended.. I said "from launch" but to be fair it was "from the first day of trying" which was sometimes a few days to a week after). Most have MoUT now. We ran a perfect trial tonight. I want to say that we're great players. Most are. I do recognize that a few are timid players and easily stress. So why do we succeed relatively quickly for a mostly casual group? We already know what to expect from one another and are in touch with one another from day one every new issue. Look around. Ask around. We're far from the only group that runs this way.
Also, nowadays, private global channels are replacing the function of a supergroup. There are private badge channels, including one I belong to, that offer the same benefit. Day in and day out, every issue, it's a homing beacon for badgers. Create one. Open up City Info Trackers leader page and BadgeHunters lead stats page. Make note of the top 50 - 100 badgers in your server. Pm them, "<insert name here>, "XYZ Badgers" is a new private channel for the most dedicated badgers on our server. We meet for casual conversation and new badges every issue. PST for more information." Give members an option to add their closest badge friends.
This is not to be elitist but practical. Virtue's public badge channel seems dead compared to the small goal-oriented private badge channel I belong to. If you're at 1278 and s/he's at 1278, you can be certain s/he'll be there when i22 goes live.
Sometimes I make temporary channels for just one badge this way! Case in point - the last influence badge that previously sat at 2 billion (lowered since) was not something my SG was interested in doing one DXP weekend ages ago. They had new alts to level and I respect that. I opened up CIT and badge hunter and made note of all top 50 without Leader, advised them that I was running a Katy-marathon that entire DXP weekend. Those people started inviting their friends that just wanted influence aside from the badge and I had full teams the entire weekend.
Not to break train of thought but why not invite everyone publically? Griefers and Jenkins accolytes ruined that for me. I have and will run with public shout outs invites much later but not if a friend's badge is on the line. Same reason we wouldn't call "RV AV badges. Heroside. PST" in Virtue public badge channels - pvp lot are not griefers but I'm not looking to set up a neon colored flag yelling "rare recipe drops here" either.
I do think it's possible to create a strong network on any server if you're willing to do the legwork but if you're unable to dedicate time then my answer stands at "Virtue Server" for migration recommendations. There's many really stand out groups and channels.
Personally, I'm staying where I am. I don't think Exalted will become the "main" server for badgers. Too many people are probably already entrenched in their server's networks. For those who do go to Exalted, consider networking early. Good luck to you all. At least we have forums to stay in touch. -
Quote:Tinkered with it because of the differences from permanent convention code powers. Not only is Pirate listed under and as "Temporary", it also provides an option to "Delete" which the convention codes do not.That looks like the details for the halloween pirate outfit. Might not be updated.
Created a level 1 character, selected "Delete" then confirmed deletion pop-up with "Yes". The power icon in the menu seemed to disappear for a moment and re-appear. I dragged one convention code power and the Pirate power to Tray 1. The KoA worked. The Pirate did not.
I would not normally do that (purposely or accidentally confirm deletion of a power) on a regular character but have had the misfortune of having my cat button-mash me into chaos before and friends whose small children button-mashed them into odd new global names. -
Quote:The Store also states: "Pirate Costume Power (Permament)"the Permanent, account-wide Pirate Costume Power for 600 Paragon Points!
Powers àPermanent Powers àNPC Costume Powers
Confused. Purchased the costume thinking it was permanent. The power is listed under "Tempory Powers" on my Power selection and states (from the information window): " This costume will let you dress up as a Pirate at any time for the next two weeks."
Convention code costumes, which are permanent, are listed under Inherent Powers.