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I'm probably mis-remembering like all hell (and as I type this it seems pretty stupid), but I seem to remember there being a reason for a lack of responses in the actual Suggestions forum, in that there was some sort of legal trouble around officially taking ideas from it and crediting people. No idea why that stuck with me, but that's always been my explanation for it, and that it was just some place the powers that be said, "here go pretend to be an ideas guy and quit clogging up the rest of the forum."
Why aren't you posting a knockback thread?
Why aren't you posting an idea thread?
Are Steelclaw lists the best threads or what? -
They tried adding 2 (or was it 3?) extra slots as a part of the regular leveling. Supposedly it broke a bunch of stuff and they shelved the idea.
I'd like a replacement for the mid-air defeat emote, where my character flings around wildly like a rapidly deflating balloon before settling down gently on the ground.
Quote:No no no, see, you misread that. I didn't say knockdown, I said knockin. Rather than enemies going away from the attack, they come towards it. Clearly it's the perfect solution that everyone is waiting for. Though, it will likely have to wait until after reverse-butt capes, hair physics for bald characters, and the City of Dogs expansion.Ah ok. Yeah I don't see that happening. It would be bad, Bad, SO BAD if the Devs changed all the powers to KD. It would cause some people to quit and many others to take a break from COH for a while like I did when AE hit.
In seriousness, it's not a big deal. If you're on a team where someone is getting disgruntled because your powers knock enemies away and OH GOD THEY HAVE TO RUN AN EXTRA 10 FEET OR OH NO MY AOE ATTACK DOESN'T HIT HIM AND MY PERFORMANCE IS SUFFERING BY 3.87% OUR TEAM IS DOOOOOOMED!!! then you should probably not team with that person. If you are that person, well congrats, there will be ever so slightly less knockback in your life. There aren't going to be security checkpoints set up at every mission door with the Knockback Protection Agency standing outside verifying that you have a single enhancement that works in a single power either way, so it matters very little. -
The inevitable change of knockback to knockin and how it's a horrible choice that will split the community and shatter this game.
Quote:I've sort of found myself agreeing with the OP here, so I figured I'd offer my own perception of the supposed "issue."Really this thread just blows me the hell away because I literally cannot wrap my head around the concept of more choices = fewer choices. The game is not without its flaws post-Freedom (lord knows it's not), but I don't think I've seen any criticism that has made any actual coherent sense.
Post Freedom, there's been a ton of stuff added, and at a much faster pace. For a while it was all shiny and new and there was pure volume to the point where it seemed rather overwhelming. Now though, we're settled in, and our recent frame of reference shifts from, "a new powerset is a real big big deal" and "a new zone revamp is incredible and rarely happens and wowzers!" to, "oh these things happen fairly often now." We've gotten a few powersets and two (and a half) zone revamps in particular in under a year. In the grand scheme of things, that's a lot. But then you look at mission content, you look at old contacts, you look at the issues that have been nagging you forever, the stuff that's been around since launch, and you refer to your frame of reference where everything is new and shiny from Freedom and you say, "well why haven't they churned out a ton of stuff that fixes X?" Where X is whatever you look at and take issue with.
Basically, people are forgetting that Paragon wasn't always in the position they are in now, which is to say "way better financially than we were before we started selling you a ton of stuff you want." And, that they've only been in this position for a (comparatively) brief period of time. Personally, I've been pretty happy about the transition, but nothing in particular has excited me over what they've been making as of late, so I went and dropped to premium for a while to see how it goes. I think now more than ever they're in a position to do some awesome stuff that they never could have before, and I really hope it evolves somewhere beyond "just make more stuff that you already have" and into "make stuff that you want that you don't have already," or at the very least, "fix the stuff that's been broken forever." -
I coulda sworn they went on about how they had no intention to ever sell the DVD edition stuff in the Market. Guess they realized how silly that policy was.
For the record though, the CoV Collector's Editions are super cheap. I picked one up for around 5 dollars, pretty sure it came with the free month too. -
Quote:Well, I was aiming for a, "how much do I think I could get away with that would piss people off but not enough to make them quit." Which is a very entertaining thought process for some reason.Seems to me there are two kinds of "suggestions" showing up here: people who genuinely want specific changes but know that implementing them would be disastrous and people intentionally suggesting changes they don't want just to think of the worst thing they could come up with. For what it's worth, I get the feeling Bill was after the former.
For actual changes I'd like that I'm sure people would hate:
- Implement a tab next to LFG called PvP. Consolidate the current Arena listings into a much smaller and easier to understand format (level ranges, solo/team) and let players queue from anywhere. At the end of the match, winners and losers get a varying number of Reward Merits and XP, and maybe a short duration buff to a stat of their choice, ala DFB.
- Following that train of thought, implement a new style of PvP matches that grants you a pre-specified set of powers using the extra power bar thing from i23. You could pick from a number of pre-set abilities (maybe themed after characters, but you still play as your own character) and play that way. Much easier to balance. Put it in the PvP tab alongside Arenas.
- Cut all existing craftable temp powers. Make them considerably rare drops, and include offerings that we already get from the market: Mission Teleporter charges, Experienced charges, Windfall charges, etc. Tradeable, auctionable, etc.
- Consolidate existing "clone sets", offering all the weapon models/animations from the two sets in power customization, but making a pass on the numbers to bring them up to snuff and making them into one set. For example, War Mace and Battle Axe would become Medieval Weapon. Super Reflexes and Ninjitsu would become... well, probably just Super Reflexes But With A Heal.
- Create thematic equals to the patron power pools for heroes. Numbers wise the same powers, but visually tied to existing heroes.
- Allow villains into Paragon City, giving them their own content to do there. Comic book villains are always in the city, not hanging out on some remote island chain run by a creepy spider guy. Keep Rogue Isles as viable content, but let villains be villains in the city. Implement a mode of transportation that isn't a tram for them, and a flagging system that lets villains or heroes designate that they're "ok" with open world PvP. If you don't turn it on, you never have to deal with it. Using the "yellow" status to make enemies neutral, villains could be buddy-buddy around certain villain groups while in the city. Depending on who you do missions for, you could earn their favor, elevating them from flat out hostile to neutral and eventually to friendly, where they'll shoot buffs at you as you run by, help you out if you're under attack, etc.
- Add in Woofers to replace Positron as head of the Phalanx.
- Blow up Faultline. Again.
- I'm running out of ideas. -
Not sure what category this falls under, but I'd love to see some sort of aviator gear. A bomber jacket, fur lined hat with dangling straps (and maybe goggles), and maybe just some more genetic "pulp" pieces would be wonderful.
For a more short term thing, I think male and huge have a Resistance head option that's a leather aviator-ish cap, but female player characters don't. No idea how much work that is to be ported, but figured I'd mention it as well. -
What would I do to make people hate me as a dev? Well, that's pretty easy. A few plausible ones though:
- Lower base enhancement combine chance so that it never can be above 70%. The displayed average is 50%, but in reality it's actually 30%. Lie about that for my entire career. Also, it affects boosters, and unslotters would have a chance to fail as well, which would bolt the enhancement into the power, so that only a respec could get rid of it.
- Add a 70% for a random bonus objective to be added to any mission in progress just before mission completion.. Bonus objectives would either be a random NPC that requires rescuing, or a glowie that appears randomly on the map. Every member on your team can spawn a bonus objective as well, meaning up to 8 potential bonus objectives at once. They are not optional, and once a bonus objective has spawned, the mission can not be dropped or auto completed (it's a bug with legacy tech).
- Your base portal will now randomly reposition itself anywhere in your base every time you load into it.
- Enhancements purchased from store NPCs would look the same in order to cut down on total game file size. The only way to tell an enhancement apart from another is to right click it and look at the detailed info.
- Your inspiration tray will randomly re-order itself every cumulative minute you're in combat.
- On the Virtue server, Pocket D is the only zone where incarnate trials may be started.
- Any player may trigger an invasion of any variety (Rikti, Zombie, Praetorian, etc) in a zone of their choosing by paying a fee of 100k influence to a NPC modeled after Zwillinger. Triggering an invasion in Pocket D costs 2 billion influence, but will last a full 24 hours.
- Your costume will now randomly alternate colors on zoning. There is a 5% chance per costume piece that this will occur. The colors will alternate to the closest available color, meaning that your white cape has a chance to become ever so slightly off white. This will be an undocumented change.
- All SS/Fire Brutes have had their powersets changed to Battle Axe/Regen.
Aaaand that's all the plausible evil I can think of. -
Quote:If you have a Grey alignment, you summon a pack of wolves who you can ride on to your mission.The most important question of all regarding today's vehicular team teleport: is it a dog? Surely there's a 4 leg rig used here somehow.
In factual news, Street Justice is 600 points now too. -
If you try to back out of the retrieving screen, doesn't it (or didn't it at one point) prompt you if you want to lose your position in the queue? I always assumed that's what it was.
Practiced Brawler on my MA/SR. One of the few characters I would appreciate being able to mark 2 auto-fire powers for Hasten as well, but I've gotten good at monitoring its recharge.
Quote:Took it as well. Few interesting bits in there. No idea what Halloween 2 is, but if history is anything to go on, it'll be pretty cool - everyone pulls out their best stuff for Halloween for some reason.
Yeah, chalk me up as someone who prefers Corruptors. I tend to play melee or support characters most often, so I have a few corruptors (and maybe one defender, I think). SoAs are also pretty good at hybridizing support and damage. If we could get a proper melee/support AT though, I'd be a happy camper.
The handyness of /cleartray after a respec.
That you can abuse Ouroboros and start a flashback arc to get to places in a hurry.
And even though I've known this for a long time now, it was the coolest thing ever when I realized you could use ; as a replacement for /em for emotes. -
Quote:I meant, finding other people to PvP with. It's not exactly accessible and easily organizable to the same degree that a task force or trial is nowadays.Funny, 'cause I´m told about Bloody Bay everytime one of my toons gets into level range and talks to a contact. And iirc the other pvp zones have this too.
I was never suggesting it was cost effective or even really feasible from a financial standpoint for a total overhaul. You're absolutely right in that sense - the cost/return ratio on an overhaul is most likely all sorts of skewed. I was saying how ignoring a portion of your playerbase is poor form. PvPers in other MMOs aren't given the shaft to the same degree they are here. It's less about "fix PvP" and more about "quit ignoring/acting like jerks to the people who want you to fix PvP, and at least try and have a discussion about it." The reason people kept asking about PvP and bases was because they'd never gotten an answer and felt ignored.
Well, we could always change Water Blast's name to Bladder Blast, and force it to be colored yellow. Bladder Blast/Bio Armor is the perfect tool for the Wet Avenger! -
Quote:I'm not implying CoH needs it at all. It's done very well for itself without it for years. I'm saying newer games are highly scrutinized for having lackluster pvp, or just lacking it all together.To the person who implied coh needs pvp to survive... yeah uhmmm ok sure.
To that I would like to say: Sometimes I cut the crust off my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!
Quote:Ehhhh, I don't know about that.
For new mmos sure, but this isn't a new mmo. People coming to play this game the first time aren't coming to it for the riveting pvp.
Quote:But pvp was not the point of this player summit. Anyone who's been paying attention since it's been announced should know that. This event was NOT about big reveals that players didn't know about. PVP if they were doing anything about it would fall under that. So not surprising that the folks who asked about it got the response they did.
There's one thing if you're annoying and spamming every venue with the same request over and over. There's another where civil discussion can't occur around a topic because there's some sort of pre-conceived disdain surrounding an issue. Had someone wanted to ask about badges, or additional RP features during a part that was vaguely related to the panel at hand, I sincerely doubt there'd be the level of, "no we're not talking about that here at all stop it."
Quote:Also not surprising about the lolpvp. -
Quote:Yeah, you say that now...And the girl talking about murder arson and jaywalking is Polly Animatronic.
And it's humor people! HUMOR!
Quote:As for PVP. A rebalance isn't going to happen. There's too many factors affecting the game, and too many different mechanics interacting. Balancing it might be, mathematically, possible. But actually doing it would likely result in something everyone would hate even MORE because it'd be utterly unrecognizable as the game you play now. -
Quote:As opposed to metaphorically plugging your ears and saying "lalalala we're not talking about thaaaat~!" I understand it's a rough issue to go forward with, but I'd have appreciated some real discussion over it. The people who were asking questions with any regularity at the summit seemed fairly reasonable (except the one girl who was into mass murder and robbing banks because she can't in real life - that was a tad strangeIn fairness, what to do about PvP in CoH is kind of an elephant in the room at this point. And any real, meaningful discussion about it that could potentially bear fruit would need to take up the equivalent of an entire Player Summit.
Assuming, of course, that the PvP community would be willing to engage in honest back-and-forth dialogue with the developers this time, instead of folding their arms and shouting "CHANGE IT BACK NAO!".), and I think something decent could have come out of it if they tried to talk to the community instead of ignoring it and repeating "we hear you" over and over.
There was one problematic person I remember who wouldn't stop nagging about it. Otherwise there was some fairly innocent asking about it met with either indifference or mocking (from the ustream chat). There are also pvp zones, 4 of them in fact, which by any standard is a ton of resources sitting around and doing nothing at the moment. -
Quote:Which is why I liked Posi's idea of revamping Striga and giving it to villains. Even the scales ever so slightly.Well it's less that any particular Redside zone or piece of content needs to be updated as it is just that Redside needs -more- content to fill it out. It's got wonderful core content but it has -none- of the peripheral content that blueside, ironically, has too much of.
Though, the pummit as a whole was pretty good, even from watching it on ustream. The audience wasn't totally ignored, but anyone asking about PvP never heard the end of "lolpvp" from the audience, and was told to stop asking about it by the moderating staff (Hit Streak, I think) and that PvP was specifically not being talked about at the pummit. Which is weird. The entire focus of the panels was to just talk with the players and not do big reveals, but oh no we can't talk about that!
Otherwise, good show! I'm super excited for the Post Apocalyptic set, and can't wait to see more on that. Rad Armor sounds promising as well, and even though I don't particularly care for the IP revamp, I'm sure they'll do good work on it.