1243 -
Maybe just Hedgehog Masterminds then. You get normal hedgehogs for tier 1, sonic hedgehogs for tier 2 and a frost hedgehog for tier 3?
Could those of us that aren't paying attention to things get Source to what you're talking about?
ie. What's a good move? -
Roleplayers these days, no respect. Thats what you get, no respect!
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respect? u liek respect trail? lft! wen can i fly btwomg? -
i just don't see why we should have a weapon in a fist melee row.
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What is a fist melee row? And since when have the elemental attacks been that? -
I want an frost hedgehog mastermind.
more drama lol.
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fixed that for you -
Your so good its creepy. Twilight Grasp(ing) dead bodies and Brian Blessed R.I.P are the clues.
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*runs to the hills* -
if /energy was a good powerset, the synergy between those two worked. Stone takes a lot of endurance, Energy keeps your endurance up. Sadly /energy isn't that great (until you hit 38, after which you're quite reliant on your godmode, but at least it works)
Welcome back. btw. who were you before this concept run?
You know you'll be back when I13 hits. See you soon.
More seriously: Shame to see you leave. -
Carp melee.
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Can you lot stop carping on about this.
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What, no mention of aggroing most of the enemies (and/or U'Kon Gr'ai) on the saucer with long range attacks during a rikti raid and then running past the people still placing bombs?
edit: ah, right, this article was about the griefs the devs did something about -
Or read the thread, not just the post
Great. All purpled up. Thank you @JJ, Rhi and Londoner
Damn, it seems I'm in desperate need of Gravitational Anchor set. Everything else is more or less sorted
Awesome, guys
I'm logging on with Omega Patient now, will be hanging somewhere near the arena terminals at Pocket D. -
Uhmn, hi guys
This is a bit silly of a request - Anyone around today around 6PM U.K. time who can copy me a couple of enhancements to test.
Been playing with my mostly-SO:d Dominator for the past couple of matches and would like to test out how a properly IO'd one would feel before we drop out of the competition.
I'm in need of few truckloads of stuff, so any contributions are appreciated... The list of IO's I would need is as follows:
Unbreakable Constraint: Acc/Rech, Acc/Hold/Rech, Hold/Rech, % of Damage
Apocalypse: Whole set
Decimation: Acc/Dmg/Rech, Acc/End/Rech, Dmg/rech, Acc/Dmg
Gravitational Anchor: Whole set
Ragnarok: % of KD, Dmg/End, Acc/Rech, Acc/Dmg/Rech, Dmg/Rech
LotG: +7.5% x3
GotA: +7.5% x3
Karma: KB Prot x2
Hecatomb: % of Damage, Dmg/End, Acc/Rech, Acc/Dmg/Rech, Dmg/rech
I can't really give anything in return for these but if someone wants to help out a n00b, then this is the perfect chance. There will be imaginary apple pie for everyone contributing. -
Mmhmm. The boombox is just for fun, but the standard RP griefing mechanism is to stand in between two talking characters, drop a boombox and stand there like a moron.
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ooh, that's a nice onethanks for the tip
I'd be seriously more irked about that (auras & crabs not playing well together). The Self-destruct is a bit of a gimmick, the costume and aura options are really the meat of the pack.
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Combined with Rise of the Phoenix, the Self-Destruct is an awesome thing. But yeah, the costume and aura options are the real meat and bone of the pack. -
which do you prefer? PvP or PvE? Spines is quite either-or type of set with powers that fit pvp great and other powers that fit pve great ...
The Outsiders vs College Of War (First half only) - College Of War won 49-26
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wow, looking at that footage, one could almost be fooled into thinking we had a clue to what we were doing there :P -
lol i've been on test for 5 minutes and i've crashed twice already, is there some massive issue with the current build on test?
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I was there a moment ago, could have been our egos in one place at the same time... -
I was convinced it was friday todayMedication must not be strong enough
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or too strong