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  1. AkuTenshiiZero

    Talsorian Wings

    /signed for energy wings.

    /signed for energy anything for that matter. Can never have enough glowy stuff.
  2. Pretty self-explainatory. Something available at AE that allows you to stash tickets, open to all characters on your account. Since much of the MA-related stuff is account-wide anyways, why not tickets? For that matter, why aren't they tradeable?

    Account-wide Ticket Storage or Tradability, either or.
  3. AkuTenshiiZero

    Energy Rifle Set


    Pulse Rifle Shot - Minor Energy Damage, -Resistance, Very Fast Recharge
    Pulse Rifle Blast - Moderate Energy Damage, Fast Recharge
    Pulse Rifle Burst - High Energy Damage, KB, Slow Recharge
    Photon Grenade - AoE, Minor Smashing Damage, Disorient
    Aim - +Damage, +ToHit, Very Slow Recharge
    Focused Beam - Snipe, Superior Energy Damage, KB, -Resistance, Slow Recharge
    Piercing Beam - Thin Cone, High Energy Damage, Slow Recharge
    Laser Sentry - Summon Laser Drone[*] Pulse Blast - Minor Energy Damage, Fast Recharge[*] Pulse Burst - Moderate Enery Damage, KB, Slow Recharge[*] Flight - Self Fly[*] Untouchable - Self Untouchable
    Overload - PBAoE, Extreme Energy/Smashing Damage, KB, High Energy/Smashing Damage (Self), -Endurance (Self), -Recovery (Self)
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I mean, they added KNOCKBACK sets. How many people do you know that actually slot for knockback, let alone slot a WHOLE FREAKING SET for it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Raises hand*

    Because I'm a Bots/FF who loves to spam the crap outta Force Bolt. MOAR KB!
  5. AkuTenshiiZero

    What's the deal?

    [ QUOTE ]
    One odd thing, though, is how extremely painful electric blast can be. Even one electric blast lieutenant keeps me gasping for endurance at times.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Electrical Assault + Ranged AI is an awesome substitute for this. I later proceeded to make a short mission where you fight my villian, and made him an Elec Assault/Regen Boss. No -end nightmare, but plenty of firepower to make him a challenge. As long as you watch out for Zapp, Elec Assault makes for a completely fair enemy.
  6. AkuTenshiiZero

    Some MA Stuff

    Really. Huh, I had absolutely no idea that was possible. Well, thank you for informing me.

    Still pushing for some sort of consolidated suggestions sticky thread.
  7. Dood...My Huge toon Pink Fluffy Doom would so rock that thing...
  8. AkuTenshiiZero

    Some MA Stuff

    FIrst and foremost, a very important suggestion:

    Can we get a stickied thread for MA suggestions? Words cannot describe how much good that would do.

    Now, on to my personal 2 Inf...

    First off, Spawn location control. I'm not the first to say this, and I won't be the last. I would kill for this ability, setting up chains of events to play out is pretty anticlimactic without it.

    Second, debug mode! Options available in Test Mode which allow you to do things like auto-complete objectives, auto-kill you target, or just flat out skip the mission. Obviously, these actions will not count towards badge credit in any way shape or form. But when I'm trying to solo a boss who I want to require a team...Yeah, I can't test the next mission. Or say you run your arc and find a bug in mission 2, but mission 1 is perfectly fine. It would be great to be able to just bypass mission 1 and test what needs to be tested.

    Side note: Weird Glitchy-ness I have seen...

    The Macarana Plague has overtake CoX! Enemies are doing some hardcore groovin'! It seems like their trying to execute multiple emotes at once, funny as hell to watch but definitely a bug.

    Failure to execute "Unaware" dialogue. NPCs are not talking when you get close, and instead say their bit when you are seen. Annoying, since I rely on that to get an early fix on their location.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Collect/destroy, same differance. All I need is a box.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe it's just the cadence but "Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun." just leapt into my head.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /Bruce Campbell
  10. AkuTenshiiZero

    What's the deal?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, my suicide combo was minions with Electric Assault/Devices and LTs with Electric Blast/Trick Arrow. Blind, immob, -recharge, and craploads of -End.

    Immob stacked high enough to work combined with -End makes a Brute very, very sad. Glad I tested that before I released it, though I only had to test it once.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I made a similar mistake. As my first experiment with MA, I created an army of clones of my main. Yeah, everything was Elec Blast/Storm. Not only did they ruin my endurance in .5 seconds, but they O2 Boosted like crazy. It was only funny because it was a totally un-serious attempt at MA...But holy crap I learned a harsh lesson :P
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    You could spawn a destroy object detail, make it a magic box or something, and say the girdle is in there, though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good point, I almost forgot about that little detail. Collect/destroy, same differance. All I need is a box.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Set up Ms. Liberty as a rescue, not an ally.
    When you rescue her she says she needs to find her girdle and runs off.

    This triggers the glowie quest to find her girdle.
    When you find her girdle it triggers her as a solo ally - when you find her again she can fight because now you have the girdle.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not quite as smooth as I envisioned...But I may be able to work with this.

    #1 is the Captive version, held helpless by enemies. RUns away after rescue saying "I need to find my belt!"

    This triggers the glowie to spawn. Collecting that triggers...

    #2, mock-fighting random enemies. Beat them and she joins you, "Hey, you found it! Alright, let's finish this."

    This would work, a sneaky switcharoo.

    As a secondary question, can you set it so that an NPC says your name? I tried $player, would it be $character or something?
  13. AkuTenshiiZero

    What's the deal?

    All I have to say is DO NOT give your minions ANY level of Devices. A lot of people are doing this for soldiers, and they don't seem to realize how busted the AI is with Web Grenade. Spammity spammity spam! It's enough to drive you up the frickin' wall! 3+ Minions and my recharges are gone! They don't even try to kill you, they just murder the hell out of your recharge and immobilize you to boot (Sucks to be melee!!).

  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't think such a thing is possible at this time. You could certainly make the switch, but the "old" one isn't going to despawn, or even run away.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Such was my headache. There was absolutely no trigger available to remove the non-combat Ms. Liberty. I'd be happy if I could just have one version, who switches modes after the collection, but alas that is impossible.
  15. B. If I get a thank-you for commenting on an arc, I take that as the author acknowledging whatever flaws I pointed out. This in turn means they may adjust their mission, which means I will gladly try the refined version. Constructive critisism is a good thing, and people who realize that will become successful MA authors.
  16. Okay, what I would like to do is somewhat complicated. After attempting it myself, I could not get a mission set up to do what I intend. Here's a rundown of the mission:

    Ms. Liberty has been kidnapped. Your mission is to rescue her and defeat a boss. The Girdle of Hera has been taken from her, so she will not fight alongside you. However, the Girdle is being held at the same location, so finding it will allow her to fight.

    Here's the goals as I would like them to be:

    Required Goals:

    Rescue Ms. Liberty (Follows player indefinitely, will not leave at exit)
    Defeat Boss (Seperate spawn from Ms. Liberty)

    Optional Goals:

    Recover Girdle of Hera (Triggers Ms. Liberty to start fighting. Perhaps triggers some text, "Payback time!" or something like that.)

    So, in essence, I want two Ms. Libertys in this mission. Ms. Liberty #1 will simply follow you after finding her. After you find her, a new optional collection objective appears. Completing this de-spawns Ms. Liberty #1 and spawns #2, the combatant version, in her place. The required Boss is entirely beatable without her assistance, but this would add a nice little variable.

    Would this be possible? If so, how?
  17. AkuTenshiiZero


    I still support Hoverboards, at least for flight. The biggest issue I can see is Foot Stomp and similar powers. Aside from that, I can't see animating a hoverboard to be too difficult.
  18. Just make a sonic/sonic...Problem solved.

    Now, I would like to see a guitar in the game. But I would make it an Axe or Mace.
  19. /signed. Just one of those things people don't think of, but is no less neccessary.

    A buff icon would be okay, but I would think something more obvious would be appropriate. I know I'm not often paying attention to the buff list. I would say an added option, a small window with a sort of pseudo-radar, which pulses with increasing intensity the closer you get. Such a tool would be useful to everyone, deaf or not.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I've made comment before about how MA will allow people to play their desired roles, but I think this has a spot in the game. Could finally add some utility to those oracles and mission computers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Come to think of it, that would probably make much more sense than just slapping them in the contacts list. Heroes accessing the PPD database, or Villains going through a list of stolen blueprints, all from the comfort of home.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yes, Mayhems are hard as hell.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ... they are? They aren't even on my stalkers, to me...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Revision: Mayhems are hard as hell on a two-Corruptor team with a daredevil attitude. I haven't soloed one in ages, but I recall they are much easier solo.
  22. True, true. Though Leviathan Mastery is just so darn cool looking, I don't argue with it.

    Out of the 4 pools, I dislike Mace Mastery the most. It seems like CoV is trying to cram Web Grenades down your throat at every turn. I really would like something differant for Black Scorpion, something a little more aggressive to match him. Mu and Soul are okay, and like I said Leviathan is cool and unique looking. For RP purposes, I've had little difficulty explaining the pools my characters will eventally have (IE, do I really need to explain why my Elec/ is getting Mu..? :P)

    I will agree, though, it would be nice to have more variety (Like heroes *koff*).
  23. Yes, Mayhems are hard as hell. Some of us like it that way. I personally prefer being able to look down on the wussy capes and their cakewalk Safeguards <Insert Maniacal Laughter Here>

    [ QUOTE ]
    My concern is more with the fact that 3/4ths of the patrons are magical.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lord Recluse = Not going there.
    Captain Mako = Mutation
    Black Scorpion = Technology
    Scirocco = Magic
    Ghost Widow = Science? She might be Magic, but for some reason I'm thinking it's Science.

    EDIT: Whoops, she is Magic. 2/4 then.
  24. AkuTenshiiZero

    New Add-On Pack

    Oh yeah, them...

    I think part of my subcontious tried to destroy all memory of them...My noob days were brimming with angry rocks denting my skull...