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  1. I've heard people mention it. I've seen it in screenshots. But I have no idea how to turn the thing on or what it does precisely.

    It's that little window that displays your stats. I've noticed it seems customizable, in that you can choose which stats to show and which ones to omit.

    I appologize if I seem vague in my description, hopefully you'll know what I'm talking about. Sort of noobish to ask about this, but I never knew it existed until recently. So...How does it work/How do I turn it on?
  2. I don't know about a Corruptor, but I've been using a Dark/Rad Defender lately, basically the same thing barring Inherant and damage.

    I don't knwo what it is that makes the combo so awesome, but it is. I think it's the sheer debuffing power you weild: Acc/Dam from several Dark powers, Def from Rad, and Res if you use Tar Patch. Add in a ST Hold and cone Fear, and you're just a crippling machine. One advantage I've found is using Rad to set up for Twilight's Grasp, which IMO is one of the more powerful heals out there.

    The way I see it, Dark is probably the best set for sheer debuffing. Rad has the wonderful power of "If I hit you, I'll keep hitting you" by killing their Defense.

    And besides...Rad has the best SFX period.
  3. The problem I see with taking SS is that the animations don't call to mind the ferality of a werebear. But perhaps alternate animations would look more brutal. It really depends on how human you want him to seem.

    As an alternative, a WP/Ice Tanker. Since he's a polar bear, you could play off the Ice as his powers being an enchantment or curse. You'd lose the Fury angle, but it could be interesting.

    Edit: Or Fire/WP Brute, or WP/Fire Tanker, with the fire colored blue/white. Cold air rather than solid ice.
  4. Awesome. Firefly is one of the greatest shows ever.

    I'm kinda curious now, how many people have Firefly-inspired characters? *Points to sig* Capt. Stormrider is, albiet somewhat loosely.
  5. I'm gonna say Claws/WP Brute for sure. When I think Werebear, I think of a beast which ignores pain, and recovers quickly, fitting WP perfectly. Claws because, frankly, it just fits better than anything else. And Brute because of Fury, if you attack a bear they will only come at you harder...

    Nice concept, by the way. Werewolves are overrated!
  6. Before you suggest higher than 8-man teams...

    Try cramming more than 8 Masterminds with full summons into a mission. I'll bet you the game engine will be crying for mercy.

    Food for thought.
  7. St. Martial. It looks cool, and I generally like the missions there but...

    It doesn't matter where you're standing. Your mission will be as far from you as possible. I have way too much travel time logged in that zone.

    Nerva. Don't ask why, I just don't like the place.
  8. War, I woud make a SD/Mace Tanker. Pretty self-explainatory.

    Famine...Plant/Rad Controller. Diseased crops.

    Death...I would say Dark/Dark Defender, but you are against Dark Miasma...

    Pestilance...???/Dark Scraper or Dark/??? Tanker. Dark Armor representing clouds of flies.

    EDIT: ...Except you want all 4 in one. In that case...No clue.
  9. Quite simply, I'm fine-tuning my build, and need advice. Specifically on Voltaic Sentinal and Thunder Clap

    When I first got VS, I loved it. Nowadays, I forget I have it. Lightening Storm is just just plain superior in every way, so I just don't even bother summoning the VS anymore. Is it worth keeping?

    If I do get rid of VS, I'm considdering Thunder Clap as a replacement. I'm finding myself always in close quarters, so a PBAoE might not be a bad idea. I didn't like it at first, and respecced it out shortly after taking it, but was I wrong to do so?

    So, is VS not worth keeping? Is TC worth taking?
  10. Acctually, a semi-valid complaint...

    Damn you Devs for proliferating Rad Blast to Blasters after I settled for a /Rad Blast Defender! Seriously, that's just mean...

    And I'm too lazy to reroll...Plus the Defender's grown on me
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I am guilty of tanking with my controllers

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My Corruptor has made a career out of tanking...
  12. AkuTenshiiZero

    Win 1 Mill Inf

    Reign of Fire

    I think the OP gave up on us.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    You'll note that that particular Serpent Drummer mission IS pretty much just "beat up everybody and rescue this hostage," just like pretty much every other mission. All it has extra is a cutscene and a room full of clickable NPCs that never notice that you just had a massive firefight in their base and that Nemesis apparently kidnapped six negotiators. I suppose locking the door leading back to the conference room might help mitigate that little loophole.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, yes. It does just boil down to the typical mission. But the point is that it's choreographed in a way that makes it feel differant. It's all in the presentation.
  14. AkuTenshiiZero

    Win 1 Mill Inf

    National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
  15. Where's my paisley, dammit!?!
  16. All I can say is...I want to gamble at the Golden Giza. How is it not immersive? Gambling and crime are just made for each other! Of course, you can't cheat...Kinda spoils it.
  17. Contact: Serpent Drummer
    Arc: Dreams of Peace and Acts of War
    Mission: Help with Security Conference

    If you don't know what I'm talking about, play the mission. You'll see...

    What starts off as a peaceful conference between Vanguard and the Rikti ultimately erupts into total chaos. But the point is: It's a completely normal conference until the combat portion is triggered. It's interesting! It's well-programmed! It's something I have never seen anywhere else in this game! And what makes it even better is that it feels like you're right smack in the middle of a comic book, something strangely lacking in CoX.

    Why can we not have more missions like this? These "Kill X, Rescue Y, Click Z" missions are just the same thing over and over, there's no variety. Then this gem shows up and breaks all the rules. Whoever wrote/programmed this mission has my praise, it was a well-needed breath of fresh air.

    I am not usually one to cry out to the Powers That Be, but...DEVS! We need more of this!
  18. AkuTenshiiZero

    Win 1 Mill Inf

    So...Is this still on? Well, just in case...

  19. I don't know how one would earn these badges, but I'd like to suggest differant names to better suit the heroic/villainous theme.

    "One-Man Army"
    You've stood up against impossible odds and defended the city alone, proving you are a one-man army.

    "Lone Wolf"
    From the day you broke out of the Zig, you've never depended on anyone but yourself, a true lone wolf.

    Just my 2 inf.
  20. I am totally in favor of more explosions. There are never enough explosions.

    Somebody hire Michael Bay for the next issue.