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  1. I know this is probably a tall order with a massive can o' worms attatched to it, but...

    I would love to get Freakshow arms. Like those massive clawed arms for a Claws character. Maybe even a "clean" version that's not so cobbled-together.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
    Devices: Magical Items (Tracking Drone - Gemstone, Gun Drone - Gargoyle, Trip-Mine to Cursed Relic)
    That sounds really cool. Like really effing cool.

    Fiery Manipulation/Fiery Melee: Fire Axe, Fire Daggers (dual wield animation)

    Ice Manipulation/Ice Melee: Ice Axe, Ice Club, Ice Daggers
    Pretty reasonable, and again, pretty cool.

    Rifles: Built in Blasters (for power armor types that want ballistics, but don't want to carry around a rifle)

    Energy/Ice/Fire/Electricity/Radiation/Sonic: Rifle/Pistols (for people that want a gun that specifically uses that energy style)
    I suppose it can't be that hard to sort of Frankenstein the appropriate animations. I'm in favor of adding guns to elemental powers, most definitely. Particularly if new thematically appropriate guns are designed for them, like a Tesla-coil gun or some sort of sonic dish gun.

    Fire/Energy/Ice/Radiation - Energy Bow ala D&D cartoon, also thrown energy daggers and spears
    Highly unlikely, to be honest. Sounds like it would be a ton of work.

    Martial Arts:
    Wu Xia Punches
    Caopoeira Kicks
    This is sort of splitting hairs. There are a ton of martial arts styles in existance, and you can't hope to please everyone. I personally would like Pi Qua style, but again there's too much variety for the Devs to cover.
  3. Pretty much just gonna echo what's been said here...I too would get behind the idea of a Spear/Polearm/Halberd/Staff set, but just not "Blood" Spear. However, if you could rename the set/powers and reimagine the descriptions to something more generic, it would be great.

    Just explain the -Res as the Spear being good for piercing/damaging armor, that'll do.

    (On that note, I'm now imagining a secondary defensive set focused around draining your opponent. Sorta like Kinetics, only it effects you alone and would probably be toned down.)
  4. Last I checked, nobody had any complaints about Snipes...Hell, I don't know what I'd do witout my Snipe. It's the perfect opening strike and frequently gets used in my attack chain thanks to a single -Interrupt IO.

    AS can't do that much. Without -Interrupt available, you'll never get off an AS mid-fight (Well, maybe SR...).

    But I digress. It isn't AS that is causing the Fear, it's Assassination. See also, the Fear only occurs if you AS from Hide. Imagine if you could AoE Fear every time you AS, regardless of hiding or not? It would be overpowered. Throwing a Snipe every time it's off cooldown is easy, to the point you could stack enough Fear on an entire group to cripple them indefinitely, and the -ToHit accompanying Fear would ensure your Snipes never get interrupted. Now we're getting into the realm of absurdly overpowered.

    If you slotted a Snipe for Recharge and/or Fear, you would make Perma-Doms @#$% their pants in awe.
  5. Oh, so they are. Though on that note, I'd like to see them ported over to Dual Blades someday.
  6. Wait, what about CoT swords? Could've sworn those were unavailable...Y'know, the red spikey ones minions use?
  7. I seem to recall the ability to name bases at one point. While in a small SG by the name Young Freedom, we had a base known as "The Rad Pad". This was about two years ago. I'm almost positive the base was named ingame.

    In any case, I'm all for this. Also, points for the referance...My current VG is somewhat Firefly based, and I would love the ability to properly name our ship, the Twilight Lance.

    Also, duplicate names should be allowed in this case. After all, the name doesn't necessarily have to be a proper noun. You could just as easily call it "The Warehouse" or "The Sanctum".
  8. Badge: Vandal
    Current requirement: Destroy 25 Hydrants, 25 Mailboxes, 25 Newspaper stands, and 25 Pay Phones.
    Proposed requirement: Destroy 100 Hydrants, Mailboxes, Newpaper stands, and/or Pay Phones.
    Alternative: Fix progress bar/tooltip to display how many of each item you have destroyed.
    Reason: Vandal is, in a word, confusing. There is no way other than taking notes or memory to track your progress. And frankly, there's usually more important matters to deal with at the time than keeping track manually. There is currently no progress bar or other information offered besides the requirements, if the game is clearly capable of tracking the numbers why can't it tell us? If it is impossible to show progress as is, perhaps it would be best to simply merge the requirements into one lump tally.
  9. So long as it's only the rewards you've previously missed, and you can only obtain one...Then I don't see why not. Raptor Pack is so easily missable, after all.

    Though as a side note...What about the exploration badges? That's another easily missable item if you accidentally exceed lvl 10, and some of us do care about the accolade for getting all of them and/or are just badgemongers.

    (Though personally, I never miss a mayhem/safeguard on any character. It's one of my top priorities every five levels.)
  10. AkuTenshiiZero

    November 27 2009

    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    If they plan on doing something, they need to start the teasing process.

    In the U.S. that is the Friday after Thanksgiving so many will have the day off from work and school so it could be interesting.

    Unless you're like me and work in a toy store. I'm gonna be busy as all hell that day...Black Friday sucks...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
    Because Purple IOs will not get you accepted or rejected for task/strike forces.
    Because no one can see the enhancements in your powers.
    Because they require absolutely no costume change.
    Because they affect only that single power (aside from set bonuses, which are admittedly nice)
    Because there are few to no sets of enhancements that encourages the 'Holy Trinity' of teaming (i.e. there's no enhancements meant for Healers and DPS, etc.)
    Because there are not enough challenging things in this game as it is. We don't need MORE bonuses.

    And look! The devs have already included things like Spaulders, a Viser, etc!

    In short: No.
    This about sums it up.

    The game says that my Elec/Storm Corruptor's powers are stronger due to IOs.

    Capt. Stormrider say his powers are not being increased by jack, he's just had a lot of practice and exercise.

    Since nobody can see my IOs, nobody but me has the right to say what they are. I could say it's my snazzy hat that's boosting my powers, and nobody could argue. If I decide that my IOs are an obscure representation of self-training, that's just as valid.

    If you want to cobble together a suit of armor and label each piece with a fancy name and a specific fuction relative to your IOs, hey...More power to ya.

    (Side note: I always wound up severely pissed off in That Other MMO when I'd find an awesome set of gloves that looked hideous with my robe. I went as far as nerfing myself in the name of good fashion.)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
    Yeah. Or just take it a step further and let us pick villain group and objective every time. If you want nothing but Beat Up Freakshow Boss And His Crew paper missions, you can already get those over and over just by zoning if you want. May as well just let people pick.
    Meh, not so sure about that...Sounds too AE-ish. As an alternative, how about the gme tracking your Radio/Paper history (per character, of course) and making at least one of your available missions skew towards whatever trend you follow.
  13. You'd think this would come up more often...

  14. I have to agree with the idea of this game needing more "mood" music. During a RMZ raid, with the order we usually do the pillars, the Crash Site music stats up right as everyone piles onto the ship, making for one helluva epic moment that really get's you pumped for action. Whether or not that was intended to go that way, the point still stands that it sets the stage and adds to the rush.

    Now, if such a thing were to occur for every major battle in the game, it would be epic. While the BGMs in CoX are awesome, they're never there when the big climactic battle ensues.
  15. AkuTenshiiZero

    Round 3 P.P.

    Illusion Dominators. Frankly, it's not the functionality of the powerset that makes it so desirable to me, it's the concept. Deception? Trickery? Hiding behind smoke and mirrors? How much more villianous can you get?

    Sonic Masterminds. Came up in conversation once, it could be interesting.

    Regen Brutes. Yes, it would be so very wrong.

    Other than that...Well, everything else on my want list is pretty much covered. At this point my biggest request is for stuff we've never seen before.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    On a good team (or even an awesome solo character) you can run to the Smash and Grab location and trip all the alarms at the same time. It's like getting an entire mission's worth of foes coming straight to you. How can you beat that?
    Or as I like to call it: Brute Heaven.

    Definitely fond of pulling that one on my Fire/Stone. That and purposely causing the "Longbow Swarm" where fifty-some LB show up in the same location. Nothing like a good 50-on-1 slugfest for your Mayhem's grand finale...
  17. Personally, I love doing side missions. Sorry, but the bank doesn't contain nearly enough booty to satisfy me...I'll be hitting the jewelry store, the local crime syndicate's warehouse, and heck why not torch that office building while I'm counting my loot?

    Only thing I could live without is breakouts. They cause problems, because it means if I end up in the slammer, I have twice the hell to deal with getting back out. And kidnappings, because I adamantly refuse to deal with NPC's and their Artificial Stupidity...
  18. I colored all of my Dark/Rad Defender's powers "Dark" neon green, giving it an awesome effect. The powers retain their bright color, while giving off a black glow. It really has an awesome contrast and looks like it was taken right out of a comic book. Plus it's very fitting to the concept of Ectoplasm I based the character on.

    Dark Miasma - Neon Green/Black
    Radiation Blast - Dark, Neon Green/Black

    Aside from that, I'm very much enjoying the "Lava" option on Stone Armor. Now my Fire/Stone Brute can be the hulking mass of magma I intended him to be from the start!

    My only complaint about this is the lack of customization for Patron powers. I dunno what it's like for heroes, but I can't change the colors of my Mu powers...
  19. AkuTenshiiZero

    Base Items

    /signed on absolutely any new base items. That portion of the game is in serious need of some fresh content.

    And another /signed on hot tubs. Give us a Barry White boombox while you're at it.
  20. First off, I am totally in favor of this idea. I play CoV to be a supervillian. Not someone else's lackey. So any and all opportunities to inflate my villianous ego are welcome. There's just a few bits I'd like to add...

    1) The "personal zone" should be linked to VGs. On one hand, it would sort of alienate anyone who isn't head of or high enough rank in a VG, but on the other hand...If you're gonna be under someone else, you're not really the sort of character to have his own hideout anyways. I just think it would make far more sense if it were simple added on to the existing base system.

    2) During the triggered raids, rather than being "invisible and invincible", it would be better to be under "Untouchable" and "Only Effecting Self" states. What's the fun of unleashing hell on Paragon if you can't stand in full view mocking the heroes? Obviously there's still no control, but at least you're free to rant to your heart's content ;P

    3) Also concerning the raids, there is a simple solution to explaining why nothing changes if the heros fail to save the day. No matter what actions the players take, you still "lose". How? After enough time has passed without a victory, hero NPCs show up to help. A little while after that, you escape from the battle. Whatever rewards would have been given to the heroes are not, because Statesman & Co. did it instead. Should the players succeed, the end is differant in which you are defeated and captured (Really just the same thing with differant text, frankly) and the heroes recieve their rewards. Example:

    "Villian" has escaped! But even though his forces were driven out, the damage to the city is vast.
    No special rewards given.

    "Villian" has been captured! Paragon City thanks all the heroes who helped save the day!
    Rewards such as badges are given to those who participated based on their contribution.

    4) This would be an opportunity to add a metric butt-load of new badges. Nuff said.
  21. I think you've more or less hit the nail on the head, Leif.

    The older content's age is starting to show. Back when it was new, there were fewer enemy groups and the world was generally a simpler place. But now the bigger, badder, more complex stuff is here and makes the old-timers look sad by comparison. The game advanced, but the "core" content got left behind, buried beneath the shiney newness.

    This is why I want to see a massive uprising of groups like the Skulls and Hellions. It'd be great if the older, unloved underdogs suddenly got beefed and made their presence known again. Even if it was just temporary, like an event or something.
  22. Indeed. Especially problematic when your co-owner is an obsessive-compulsive organizer.

    I swear sometimes the man is trying to give me a seizure.
  23. Just to add my two cents, I suggested something like this awhile back after spending far too much time in a "Defeat All" mission. The problem is, showing their locations would sort of take some of the fun away. And even if the Fog of War hides them, some folks are toting around a map revealer to clear that up in an instant.

    My personal suggestion was to have a sort of "radar ping" trigger every so often during a "Defeat All". Let's say once every 3 minutes or so after your last kill, or after the last ping. This way, it will automatically flash the locations to you if you run out of targets and are searching fruitlessly. However, said locations would be a general area which cannot be set as a waypoint, and dissapear after a few seconds. Just enough to point you the right way.

    In any case, my two cents, take it or leave it.
  24. I would love to see Electrical Blast revamped. Particularly Thunderous Blast.

    When I first heard of TB, I assumed you would be dropping a lightning bolt from above with an impressive explosion of energy. This assumption was based on witnessing Elec Melee in action, and seeing them summon lightning to them (Forgot the name of that power). Then I used TB...And man was I dissappointed.

    So I suggest a new/alternate version, which drops a bolt from the sky onto your target. Simple, logical, and IMO would be a hundred times more badass looking.

    In addition, let me just say the SFX of Elec Blast are...Weird. They just sound too fake. After hearing some of the SFX from Mu Mastery, I'm wondering why Elec Blast doesn't sound like that. So maybe some alterations to the Elec SFX would be nice.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Unfortunately the Devs quickly "fixed" the ability to sneak RGB color changes into the saved costume files because gods forbid we have anyone running around with fleshtone-colored 'nude' characters. Whatever...
    Clearly the Devs have never seen a female character with the Mesh top. See also, women in CoX apparently don't have nipples anyways.


    This could be easily remedied by adding RGB bars (preferably on top of the existing color selecter). Personally I don't much care one way or the other, but it's a valid request and doesn't seem like too much to ask for.