idea: Name your base




I figure this is kind of a low impact, possibly high yield fluff idea that could be good for a new coder: it would be nice to name our bases.

Implementation: Set it within the supergroup settings window. Visible when using a base portal or transporter. From the old school MUD-coding days, it would have a name for general reference and a "phrase" if it were to be referred to in a sentence.

example 1: Name: Fortress of Get-Funky ----- Phrase: the Fortress of Get-Funky
example 2: Name: Serenity ------------------ Phrase: Serenity

Uses: 3 come to mind. First, in a coalition with a large number of groups, a name might go a long way towards explaining the identity of the base (for example, splitting up TP beacons). Second, some people might get the warm fuzzies having their own Fortress of Get-Funky. Third, giving it a name, especially one that can be referenced, makes it another immersive aspect that contacts and enemies can make reference to. "Mal, you owe 3100 prestige for Serenity. Would you like to pay it now?"

Potential issues: The possibility of duplicates in the base list name. Could either force names to be unique or let the coalition members settle it and use underlying unique id's to differentiate the base names.

Anyway, figure it's a small idea that could be fun to have. ( ' :




I seem to recall the ability to name bases at one point. While in a small SG by the name Young Freedom, we had a base known as "The Rad Pad". This was about two years ago. I'm almost positive the base was named ingame.

In any case, I'm all for this. Also, points for the referance...My current VG is somewhat Firefly based, and I would love the ability to properly name our ship, the Twilight Lance.

Also, duplicate names should be allowed in this case. After all, the name doesn't necessarily have to be a proper noun. You could just as easily call it "The Warehouse" or "The Sanctum".

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.