4231 -
Also, with a bit of work, /Ninjitsu Stalkers can soft-cap all positions.
Evil, let's take a look at the very post you are complaining about being "rude and uncalled for".
Quote:This was posted as a suggestion, and isn't insulting at all. He's stating that your post was tough to read (which it was), and that it contains more than a few spelling errors. He even admits that he's not the best speller himself to diffuse any possible rudeness.You might consider separating your paragraphs a bit better. My eyes sorta crossed at this as it looks like a wall of text...
FYI, there were also a few typos you may wish to fix. I'm horrible at spelling myself, so I always end up catching mine after I've posted... sigh.
You don't see people getting corrected as much as you did, because most of the time, the OPs go back and actually try to fix their errors, instead of getting defensive about something that wasn't rude. You come across as somebody with a huge chip on their shoulder. You see insults where there are none, and you read a lot more rudeness into posts than there actually is.
People pointing out that your post is tough to read on a forum (where we can only determine your message if we can read and understand it) isn't rude. It's not grammar nazi-ish. It's them saying that if you can format your posts better, more people will be able to read and understand it. -
Quote:Or, since he's VIP (sorry for not noticing this earlier), you can go to the top-level of the forum, and go to the I24 Beta forums from there.Dark Astoria was recently revamped into a Level 50 only area. However like Galaxy City there is a way to visit the original zone (echo) by way of Ouroboros time travel.
As for what's in Issue 24, the VIP beta started yesterday and you just need to install the beta client. -
IOs are a different case, in terms of enhancements: their value is static. A level 25 IO is going to give you the exact same bonus at level 22 as when you are level 50. It doesn't change. That is one of the benefits of them. They allow you to change them out only when you want to, not every few levels.
Now, whether or not you SHOULD change them out is a matter of preference. Once you get level 30 IOs in everything the way you want, increasing them to level 35 IOs might not get you much benefit, especially in cases where you're running into the Enhancement Diversification caps already. So, on an attack power, where you'd likely have three damage enhancements, increasing the IO level won't give you much more bang for your buck. But upgrading the single Acc enhancement in that power would. -
Answers to your questions, in no particular order:
1) I24 information would be sketchy at best right now, since it's still in early beta, and things could get dropped or added as the Devs see fit. However, their most recent article on it (should be on the CoH frontpage) would be a good palce to start.
2) If you've built level 25 IOs for everything you have, you DO NOT need to replace everything at level 30. That is the great part about IOs, they don't expire, and you can keep them until you're level 50.
Atlas Park 1-6 City
Kings Row 5-10 City
The Hollows 5-15 City/Hazard
Perez Park 7-14 Hazard
Steel Canyon 10-19 City
Skyway City 10-19 City
Boomtown 11-19 Hazard
Faultline 15-25 City/Hazard
Talos Island 20-27 City
Striga Isle 20-29 Hazard
Terra Volta 20-29 Hazard
Independence Port 22-29 City
Croatoa 25-34 City
Brickstown 30-38 City
Crey's Folly 31-39 Hazard
Eden 33-39 Hazard
Founders Falls 30-40 City
Peregrine Island 40-50 City
Shadow Shard 40-50 Hazard
Cimerora: 35-50 City/Hazard
Rikti War Zone 35-50 CoOp
Dark Astoria 50+ Hazard
Pocket D 1-50 CoOp
That should be more up-to-date -
I can finally have a hovering WS? Or a PB with Air Superiority to develop a melee attack chain? Nice!
Quote:What the heck did I just read?i like reading of the to your expencies wit armors of power of will and electormns moving about, i reall enjoy electo arm myselfs and are happy orz that you do oso. i tink electonic dance armo will be beastmoly if i can sav enuff monies to purchase the enhancements that arent normal but like you kil moblies and they drop recips and you get slavage and can put them together with a hammer. i do wish ithad blacksmith sound while u make it though like in wow, wow is da bomb dis game way not wow, i am sad orz. anywy my plan is for having edm armor with caped not hard missy skill of 45 percent ftw. enermize was def a huge help, dubstep armo before the change was slackin. only time i have problemos are aganst toxic wich is pretty rare, aside from spiders mobs. and if i see them the tier 9 sees me thru. kina wish graphs was diff tho, i dont like looking like a few standy things of light. don have much sperenz with WP ever1 says is good but i like not having to worry about how many mobs ar around for survivables. come to conemplates, prolly why i never got invulnimators very high neither. most of my dislikes come from more of i cant kill things very fast or do other fun stuff fast either but thats cuz i have a shield icon not any failing of housemusic armor. i find use sink offenzivles is helpful drains a big chunk then light field keeps em drained sometime i use energize just for the end discount
I don't think that you can do this directly. However, you could just give him the money, or set up a PayPal account for him to use to fund his account. But I don't think the game allows you to "gift" time.
Quote:I do a fair bit of modeling at my job. While the models are running, I usually check the forums out. I have days where the model runs can take up most of the day, so I get to post more.(Seriously, shouldn't some of you people who've posted thousands of times while you're at work be, y'know, ACTUALLY WORKING?!
[And yes, I AM partially serious, while also being partially wistful and nostalgic for when I had jobs like that myself!])
I also have days where while I am working, everything that I'm working on has been submitted for review, so I literally have nothing to do until I get some of them back with comments.
Other days, I'm completely slammed, and only get to check the forums when I get home. Those are my sad days. -
Personally, I find Greater Ice Sword to be the most skippable power in the set. Frozen Touch does worse damage in a DOT, but the hold is very helpful.
You can. It just takes a while. You just might need to pop a few reds along the way.
Ice Melee's ST damage isn't all that great. The damage on some powers is lower than it should be. However, you get good AoE damage and a bunch of control, so that helps even it out. Pairing it with Fire Armor is good, because you can use your primary powers to help shore up Ice Melee's weaknesses.
Ice Melee still has a bit of a reputation from before it got fixed, so you don't see it too often, but it's not as bad as a lot of people say. It just needs one or two other small fixes to make it a great set. -
Directing a movie like this, while also trying to star in it, is going to be a huge problem, I think. The Avengers worked because of how much time was given to each character, without one overshadowing the others. If you're the director and one of the stars, I doubt you'd give that kind of equality.
The bigger problem, in my mind, is how the DC movies have been made versus the Marvel ones. The Marvel movies tried to tie the characters together in a universe where they all existed around the same time anyways, but operated in different areas. In this way, you could bring them all together when you needed them.
But the DC movies have made the heroes out to be the only hero in their universe. Take the recent Batman movie for existence. SPOILERS!!!!!!!! If Superman and Batman existed in the same universe, at the same time, why the heck didn't Superman come and beat the crud out of Bane and save the day when Batman was gone? If Superman was around and just hadn't revealed himself yet, wouldn't the people of Gotham immediately blame him for not helping them when they were in massive misery? Or what about Green Lantern? Couldn't he have just come and surrounded the nuke in a force field, and fling it into space?
That's going to be a disconnect that the director will either have to address or just ignore, and both are bad options. -
Isn't double XP weekend this weekend? Why would they start a beta 2.5 days before that?
Probably, yes. But if you're only going to slot for one or the other, I think damage is the way to go.
I wouldn't take too much offense to it. General gamer ideology leads you to making these assumptions. There are more male gamers than female (though this is changing a bit). As such, when you don't know somebody's gender, it's usually safest to go with the male pronouns.
But Arcanaville, who is one of the most prolific posters on the forums, with over 30,000 well-read posts, still gets called a guy from time to time. and she's definitely not. -
Quote:I do have that as a super power. However, I think I only took the Taunt power from it, and the weakest possible attack.Am I the only person who repeatedly reads the powerset name as "Marital Combat"?
Come to think of it, there have been some times when I could have used that as a superpower... -
My big concern is that if this is handled poorly, it will give resistance-based sets, in their search for soft-cap Defense, even more resistance as well, while Defense-based sets will get little benefit out of it. That is my biggest concern, especially seeing where some of the status resistance bonuses are.
I think in terms of new ATs that I'd like to see, I'd have to go with:
Melee/Support or Support/Melee (one support power replaced with some mez protection)
Melee/Pets, with their pets being a bit more defensive-focused -
Well, you're already well above the soft-cap for normal content for S/L/E/NE damage, and over the incarnate soft-cap for S/L without even using Energy Absorption. Most cold and fire attacks have some sort of S/L component, especially the melee attacks. VERY few cold attacks that enemies use are pure cold damage, and even if they are, you're over the hard cap of cold resistance. Going from 31.7% Fire Defense to 28.57 Fire Defense won't affect you all that much, if you really want the slots somewhere else.
So it's really up to you. If you're good on slots elsewhere, leave the slots in permafrost. Putting another slot into Jab or Haymaker and putting the Tanker ATO Proc in there would probably help you more, anyways, if you can afford it. -
Simple answer: yes
Complex answer: KD is the same thing as KB, just very low mag. The break-even point is somewhere just about 0.7 (probably around 0.72 or something). So, if you enhance Repulsion bomb enough that it turns into KB of mag >0.72, then it will be knockback, instead of knockdown.
This will also depend on the level of the enemy you're fighting (the higher the level, the more the mag is lowered), and the type of enemy you're fighting (clockwork are weak against KB). So keep that in mind, too. Basically, if you're fighting higher-level enemies, you can get away with a bit of KB slotting before it turns into KB. -
Quote:Continuously active threads, versus one that didn't have a post in it for two years, are considered very different things, even by the Mods.true but there are threads that was created in 2007 that seems to be still going. One named Repeat Offender Network, First Thing That comes to mind, and Union: Last Night In Pocket D Thread to name a few and there are probably more that was active within the last couple of days. While old persay, it aint a records yet nor unheard of.
Please let this thread finally die. It's over two years old.