20 -
I'm kinda surprised so many people are commenting that they enjoy Stamina-less builds. To each their own. (...and I suppose if you're running with someone Speed Boosting you all the time or have some kind of uber-slot-sets or something... or just like working without Stamina - more power to ya).
Personally, I found most characters of mine were painful to play before Stamina and all of them felt better once I got it. Hell, I've even been known to take Stamina on my Regen & Willpower characters (though I don't slot it out till the 40s). /shrug
That being said, I got used to (IMHO) having to take Stamina a long time ago... but the extra 3 power choices could prove handy for some of my characters. Though, as has been mentioned, slotting could get tricky (unless you take other powers that don't require lots of slotting). -
Probably not the best board to ask these, but oh well...
Question 1:
Is there any way to change your character's height post-creation? I would kinda like to change the height of one of my higher-level characters... is there any way to do it?
Question 2:
After not playing for so long I totally forget... at what level does your 4th costume slot open up and where do you go to quest for it? (I know by your 30s you have 3 costume slots - your original look + 2 other slots... and I know one slot is for SG outfits... but when do you get the 4th slot?)
Question 3:
A question that at least kinda fits here heh...
The Domination power (that Dominators get, of course) - I know it boosts the effectiveness of your control powers, but by how much specifically? Does it double the mag of the effect? ...or increase the mag of things by 1 (or another set number)? ...just curious how it functions mechanically behind-the-scenes.I know the power has changed a LOT since I've been away from CoH (gotta say the inherant dmg increase to Doms and not having to deal with the "up & down" damage of domination being on or off is actually pretty nice)...
Thanks in advance for any info! -
I'm assuming they can but figured I'd verify (been away for awhile but I have two upper-30s Scrappers once again on the move heh).
Revive in the Regen line... does it resurrect you disoriented/stunned (like the inspirations do)? ...or do you just pop up fighting?
OK... just to verify...
So if I'm only concerned with my Vigilantes and Rogues having access to the Epic Power Pools (i.e. the ones like the original Hero Power Pools), they just get access to all of them automatically?
However, if I want the Villain Patron Pools I have to go full Villain, do any Patron mission chain, then all Patron Power Pools are unlocked for that character (regardless of future alignment)?
All correct? -
So let's say I'm a level 37 Hero and I do the missions and become a Vigilante (and stay one). I level into the 40s and want to take some powers from a Hero Epic Power Pool. Do I have access to the Hero Epic Power Pools (or can I, as a Vigilante, quest to unlock them or however it's done... never taken Epic Power Pool powers before heh)? ...or do I have to go back to being a Hero, unlock them, then go back to being a Vigilante?
Same question for the Villain Side... say I'm a level 37 Villain and go Rogue then level into the 40s. Can I as a Rogue do the quests to unlock the Villain Epic Power Pools (patron powers, whatever they're called)? ...or do I have to go full Villain again, unlock them, then go back to Rogue?
Thanks a ton in advice for any info! -
Wasn't sure where to ask this so figured I'd ask it here...
Once you do your "5-per-day" alignment quests, when can you do them again? 24 real-world hours after finishing the previous ones? ...do they reset at a specific server time? Anyone know? -
I didn't ask about roles... I asked a specific question regarding each class.
By the way... solo Defenders nowadays have a higher base damage than Corruptors (not counting scourge)... so I wouldn't say damage should never be one's consideration depending on their goals. Not saying this to argue... just pointing it out. (as your reply really didn't address my question)
Thanks for the info! -
I'm sure I'm missing the info somewhere... but now that you have Vigilantes and Rogues running around - who exactly can join a "guild" together?
Can Vigilantes and Rogues join a Hero OR Villain "guild"? ...or are they forced to side with whichever side they're closer to (i.e. a Rogue has to join a Villain guild)? ...or hell, are there Vigilante and/or Rogue-only guilds mechanically?
As you can tell, I have no clue how it works....please enlighten me.
These questions are being asked in regards to my level 28 (well, nearing 28... but that's the range I'll just say I'm at heh) Warshade. He has two builds going - one a Tri-Form Build, the other a Human-Only Build. I occationally solo but spend most of my time duoing with a friend's same-level Kin/DP Defender (so, for instance, I'm normally Speed Boosted, etc heh).
Question 1:
I'm going to respec my Tri-Form Build at level 27 or 28 to flesh-out Dwarf form, slot-wise. (currently it's not slotted much at all and I spend almost all my time in Nova... but once I respec I want to be shifting between Nova and Dwarf more often, etc... make it feel more Tri-Form heh). I know how to slot Strike/Smite, but how do you suggest SO slotting: Black Dwarf Mire and Black Dwarf Drain? ...not sure to treat them more attack-like? ...more utility like? How would you specifically slot them for SOs?
Question 2:
For my Tri-Form Build (respec @ 28), should I add any additional slots into Black Dwarf itself... maybe a few Resistance Buff SOs? ...or do you just leave it with the one default slot like Nova?
Question 3:
For my Tri-Form Build (respec @ 28)... how do you suggest slotting the Human form Sunless Mire with SOs? ...and how immediate is the need to get these slots in (i.e. could you put off slotting it up for a later level or is it a 'do it NOW!' kinda thing)?
ALSO, how would you slot Sunless Mire with SOs for my Human-Only Build (if diff)?
Question 4:
Similar question... Stygian Circle - how would you slot it with SOs for my Tri-Form Build?
ALSO, how would you slot Stygian Circle for my Human-Only Build (if diff)?
Question 5:
The bind question. Never messed with binds in CoH. If you use the slash command to create a bind to a key... does it totally overwrite whatever that key was previously bound to in the keybind options menu? I'm sure it does but want to make 100% sure. I mean, I don't want to bind my form change to Key X only to have it switch my form and try to do something else just because it's in the keybind menu previously. Odd question, just making sure the slash command binds completely overwrite anything that key would have been previously.
Thanks a ton in advance for any info/suggestions! -
I have a decent idea how I think I'd do it... but I too am interested in a build or two... as it's always a good way to catch anything you might be missing / not considering, from the experienced Warshades.
Between the two, which would you suggest for primarily soloing (or duo with a friend's random character in his level range)...
Dark/Dark Defender ...or... Dark/Dark Corruptor... and why?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions/info! -
Will likely be soloing a lot with the character...
I've decided I want to try out Dual Pistols... and either /Dark Miasma and /Kin fit the character concept just fine.
Between the two, which would you go with and why?
Thanks a ton in advance for any suggestions/info! -
I'm newly back after about 2 years away (yeah, was longer than I thought hehe)... and my friend and I have been wanting to start up some new characters to duo with... and want to try out that new (well 'new' for us) Leveling Pact system to keep them together and keep earning both xp even when soloing on the side.
My friend is definitely going to be a Kin/Dual Pistols Defender.
I'm trying to decide between three options that I'm interested in (please keep your comments focused on these three options)...
One I'm considering a Dual Pistols/Kin Corruptor. My friend and I could be Speed Boosting each other (and Increased Density-ing, when needed) and doubling up on all the good Kin buffs (hell with Speed Boost alone we could easily skip the Stamina line)... and though we end up very very similar, he'd be getting Fulcrum Shift early, I'd get the final sweet Dual Pistols attack early, which could be handy. However, that's both nifty and... well... kinda boring. I mean, we'd be VERY similar.
Another I'm considering is a Human-form Warshade... which seem very cool to me. Problem is, I'm concerned about his ability to solo on the side (I remember specifically anti-Kheldian enemies being a real prob). ...and it would kinda suck for my friend to lose me Speed Boosting him heh.
The third I'm considering is a Dark/Dark Corruptor. I've always been a fan of the Dark lines... and have made several Dark/Dark Defenders in the past... but always quit/deleted them as back in the day their damage was horrible - making solo a pain. Yes, yes... they weren't supposed to be great damage (which I knew going in), that's not the point hehe. Still, I dig the Dark lines (the Tentacles are still my fav power visually in the game)... and a Corruptor might be a good way to go. Biggest prob here is... I've flat-out played Dark/Dark many times in the past... it will technically be nothing new and I might get bored with it too quick (even thought I like the lines - it might still leave me with the 'been there, done that' feel). However, if you highly recommend it for the duo, I'd strongly consider it... but otherwise it's easily the least-interesting of the three to me (as Human Warshade would likely feel fresher but still cover the dark-blasty feel).
So what do you think I should roll, for duoing with a Kin/Dual Pistols Defender (using the Leveling Pact and soloing on the side)?
- Dual Pistols/Kin Corruptor
- Warshade
- Dark/Dark Corruptor -
I'm newly back after about 2 years away (yeah, was longer than I thought hehe)... and my friend and I have been wanting to start up some new characters to duo with... and want to try out that new (well 'new' for us) Leveling Pact system to keep them together and keep earning both xp even when soloing on the side.
My friend is definitely going to be a Kin/Dual Pistols Defender.
I've never tried the Kheldians before, but Warshades look very cool to me... and I find myself considering making a Human-form Warshade to duo with him. Thing is, I remember back in the day that the game was always popping in those ultra-hard-hitting anti-Kheldian enemies everywhere... which I'm assuming could be a huge prob when soloing.
Question 1:
Basically, how painful is it to solo as a Warshade (for when my friend is not on and I wish to do so)? ...do those anti-Kheldian enemies (if they still exist) make it neigh-impossible to do so without mass frustration? ...or do Warshades solo well?
Question 2:
If they do still spawn those anti-Kheldian enemies... (just verifying) do they do so in Newspaper missions as well? ...how about in the new architect created missions?
Question 3:
This one is faction related. I know Warshades can only start out as heroes... but can you do the quests to make your Warshade a Vigilante (for access to both sides like I hear Vigilantes and Rogues do)? ...or are you 'stuck' a Hero forever. -
Do not broadcast something akin to the following:
"lvl 20 troller lft PST"
^Seriously, you're begging for a team on broadcast and you want them to send you a tell? How arrogant can you get?
[/ QUOTE ] its not arogance its common sence. I broadcasted "lvl 12 blaster lft", lastnight and got picked up by a team where the highest player on the team was 4 lvls below me. So i promptly quit and sent the same message and got picked up buy a person running solo missions but got to one tjey couldnt finish by themself, so i figured we would be getting a team togeather but they didnt want to, they just wanted me to help them defeat a boss so they could get a new contact. i helped defeat the boss then they quit the team saying that a friend was calling them or somthing. So no it is not arrogance.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you missed the point here...
It's not the "lvl 20 troller LFT" that was arrogant, it was the PST part. If you want a team bad enough that you anounce it in broadcast then dont' expect anyone to send you a tell. Just click that team window when it comes up and be done with it.
[/ QUOTE ]
That has to be the silliest thing I've read in awhile.
Just because you're looking for a team doesn't necessarily mean you're looking to "help that one guy 20 levels below you kill a single boss then get booted" or "spend the next 4 hours on a TF"...
There is absolutely nothing arrogant about saying "hey, I'm looking for a team, drop me a message and lets see if I'm the right fit for your team (and their current goals)" ...that's what the "PST"'s there for.
At what point did "LFT" become "blind invite me so I have the pleasure of dealing with whatever crap I'm dealt"? -
PM him again and ask for a response in this thread!
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed... see if maybe he'll clarify it better in an actual thread (this one would be a fine place)
Figure it's worth a shot as the current "answer" has us more confused than before -
Kinetic and Power Shield were judged to be 12.5% before the boost... /shrug
Sounds like either you asked the question awkwardly, he answered poorly or incorrectly, or somewhere along the line we were mistakenly told EA was boosted when it was not.
Hopefully it's not that last one. heh