Dark/Dark Defender or Dark/Dark Corruptor for solo/duo...?
Defender, because perma-fluffy comes sooner. (Actually, do corruptors even get perma-fluffy without insane build effort?)
Fluffy is perma right out of the box, actually.
To the OP, personally I'd go corruptor for the Scourge power, especially with Dark/'s AoE.
Corruptors get the same Fluffy as defenders.
My vote goes for the Corruptor. You get your attacks earlier, you do more damage and all the kids at school will think you're cool.

Between the two, which would you suggest for primarily soloing (or duo with a friend's random character in his level range)...

Dark/Dark Defender ...or... Dark/Dark Corruptor... and why?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions/info!