Couple Warshade slotting questions and a bind question...
I've got a 50 WS but I can't say I feel comfortable answering more than Q2 and Q5
A2) Yes, I generally slot Black dwarf for resistance.
A5) Yes, new binds totally overwrite what was there before. I suggest looking at plasma's guide it contains binds to easily switch between forms.
For Black Dwarf Mire, you can go one of two ways. You can slot it as an aggro management tool or as a buff (though there is overlap). If the former, I'd recommend 2 Accuracy / 2 Damage/ 1 Recharge/ 1 EndRedux. If the latter, 1 Accuracy / 2 Recharge / 2 Damage / 1 EndRedux, For Black Dwarf Drain, I'd recommend 2 Accuracy / 2 Recharge / 1 Heal / 1 EndRedux. It's more important to have recharge than heal enhanced. In fact, recharge is a good idea across the board for Dwarf powers.
Question 1:
I'm going to respec my Tri-Form Build at level 27 or 28 to flesh-out Dwarf form, slot-wise. (currently it's not slotted much at all and I spend almost all my time in Nova... but once I respec I want to be shifting between Nova and Dwarf more often, etc... make it feel more Tri-Form heh). I know how to slot Strike/Smite, but how do you suggest SO slotting: Black Dwarf Mire and Black Dwarf Drain? ...not sure to treat them more attack-like? ...more utility like? How would you specifically slot them for SOs? |
Question 2:
For my Tri-Form Build (respec @ 28), should I add any additional slots into Black Dwarf itself... maybe a few Resistance Buff SOs? ...or do you just leave it with the one default slot like Nova? |
Question 3:
For my Tri-Form Build (respec @ 28)... how do you suggest slotting the Human form Sunless Mire with SOs? ...and how immediate is the need to get these slots in (i.e. could you put off slotting it up for a later level or is it a 'do it NOW!' kinda thing)? ALSO, how would you slot Sunless Mire with SOs for my Human-Only Build (if diff)? |
Question 4:
Similar question... Stygian Circle - how would you slot it with SOs for my Tri-Form Build? ALSO, how would you slot Stygian Circle for my Human-Only Build (if diff)? |
Question 5:
The bind question. Never messed with binds in CoH. If you use the slash command to create a bind to a key... does it totally overwrite whatever that key was previously bound to in the keybind options menu? I'm sure it does but want to make 100% sure. I mean, I don't want to bind my form change to Key X only to have it switch my form and try to do something else just because it's in the keybind menu previously. Odd question, just making sure the slash command binds completely overwrite anything that key would have been previously. |

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
These questions are being asked in regards to my level 28 (well, nearing 28... but that's the range I'll just say I'm at heh) Warshade. He has two builds going - one a Tri-Form Build, the other a Human-Only Build. I occationally solo but spend most of my time duoing with a friend's same-level Kin/DP Defender (so, for instance, I'm normally Speed Boosted, etc heh).
Question 1:
I'm going to respec my Tri-Form Build at level 27 or 28 to flesh-out Dwarf form, slot-wise. (currently it's not slotted much at all and I spend almost all my time in Nova... but once I respec I want to be shifting between Nova and Dwarf more often, etc... make it feel more Tri-Form heh). I know how to slot Strike/Smite, but how do you suggest SO slotting: Black Dwarf Mire and Black Dwarf Drain? ...not sure to treat them more attack-like? ...more utility like? How would you specifically slot them for SOs?
Question 2:
For my Tri-Form Build (respec @ 28), should I add any additional slots into Black Dwarf itself... maybe a few Resistance Buff SOs? ...or do you just leave it with the one default slot like Nova?
Question 3:
For my Tri-Form Build (respec @ 28)... how do you suggest slotting the Human form Sunless Mire with SOs? ...and how immediate is the need to get these slots in (i.e. could you put off slotting it up for a later level or is it a 'do it NOW!' kinda thing)?
ALSO, how would you slot Sunless Mire with SOs for my Human-Only Build (if diff)?
Question 4:
Similar question... Stygian Circle - how would you slot it with SOs for my Tri-Form Build?
ALSO, how would you slot Stygian Circle for my Human-Only Build (if diff)?
Question 5:
The bind question. Never messed with binds in CoH. If you use the slash command to create a bind to a key... does it totally overwrite whatever that key was previously bound to in the keybind options menu? I'm sure it does but want to make 100% sure. I mean, I don't want to bind my form change to Key X only to have it switch my form and try to do something else just because it's in the keybind menu previously. Odd question, just making sure the slash command binds completely overwrite anything that key would have been previously.
Thanks a ton in advance for any info/suggestions!