229 -
Quote:This.....soooo much this.And you'll find a large contingent of players (well people on these boards anyway) who were not only thrilled when Jack Emmert left CoX but also feel that Matt Miller has done a far better job at the helm.
Still think CO has a better costume creator, well in theory, the navigation and general art direction of the pieces is godawful but it does have a lot of potential.
<<< Wants left & right distinction for CoX -
Stil being in the Beta myself...all I can say is that I'm not leaving CoX anytime soon.
But I love the push it's given our Dev team, hopefully even more goodies will come out once the Launch of DCUO gets closer -
I love the idea of being able to directly post images...anyone abusing it is going to get Modsmacked into next week pretty damned quick anyways.
As for the general feel of the new boards...meh, it's new & different so I automatically hate it for now, I'm sure I'll warm up to them.I also don't love the grey bars it seems to leave around everyones avatars. -
They'll probably disable it soon enough, as they did with the stars.
Quote:What do you mean the English system of measurement.
Everything is still in miles, yards, feet and inches over here in Britain and it's going to damn well stay that way!
I always thought you had a mix of Imperial and Metric? Hell...I swear you still measure some things in units of "Stones" :P. -
*Sofar from what I've seen I can't recolour my Robotic minions*
There you go...a little bit of Dooooooom. -
The Chest slider is not a toy...
oh wait....yes it is, nevermind. -
I for one am loving this sky-high salvage tsunami of almost-free cash. Stay in the AE building and ensure that MY people, who do run regular missions on a regular basis, stroll about Paragon with hefty bankrolls, I implore you all.
L00T FTW... er, Inf. for the win, or both, or whichever...
[/ QUOTE ]
This....my Lowbie MM is loving the paychecks.
My namesake - 8 Ball, snagged it in Beta and made a dash to grab it during the 3 day head start
Witchface - my DB scrapper....I just like it.
Maybe they just want time to enjoy their families and the weekend.
[/ QUOTE ]
I have full access to all my work accounts, but I rarely use them on the weekends unless we have a crash deadline.
Work is work and home is home.
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed, as someone who also has a family and can log into my work desktop form home I rarely use the option unless it's an absolute emergency....I spend enough time working as it is.
Eh, only by a few minutes.
[/ QUOTE ]
Dear lord your avatar freaks me right out.... -
I love both summon powers myself but I'm about 70% solo, if you're in a team build another attack would probably be more useful.
I'd even settle for a "Delete all" option, really, in over five years of playing I've used the email option maybe once or twice. It pre-dates global names and needs to go
This is by no means an etched in stone, sealed in cement, done deal. However, in this thread Oathbound had a suggestion. I liked the suggestion and PM'd it BaBs. (Thanks again OatBound! Great idea!)
The following is the PM I sent BaBs, and his reply:
I sent to BaBs
Seeker Drone problem
Sent to: BackAlleyBrawler
They should just disable collision detection on Seeker Drones (make them so you can walk through them, like Singularity and Dark Servant).
Sure you'll occasionally see the Seekers clip through someone or something, but that's a trivial side effect for bots not getting stuck on them anymore.
[/ QUOTE ]-- as said by Oathbound
Sorry if yer not the guy to send this idea to. But it is a great idea! I mothballed my Robotics/FF MM cuz the protector bots keep getting hung up on their seeker drones. I've taken my MM out recently to see if the bug has been fixed and, sadly, it has not. This suggestion just might do the trick though. Is it feasible?
Back Alley Brawler's response:
Re: Seeker Drone problem
From: BackAlleyBrawler
I think that's doable.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's good news. I've sent in a handful of bug reports myself on this issue. I got REALLY tired of having to despawn my Protectors and recast/rearm them.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's still the only reason why I hang onto Recall friend on my mainly solo MM....would love to get rid of it. -
Whatever it is I just hope we finally get some female pets. How sexist it is to have it so only men can be minions.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well....the Zombies could be female...they're just too far gone to be sure.
Type it out into a word program first, copy & paste afterwards still works just fine
. (I think you can paste into the MA Editor anyhoo...never tried with anything but chat)
Well, there's a Shadow Shard Cave in there. But I presume you mean the outside maps used in for example Technician Naylor's stories. I haven't seen those either, and I'd love to see them very much.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sorry yeah, was referring to the outdoor shard maps. -
Any particular reason why these were exluded? (correct me if I'm wrong I just haven't seen them anywhere after hours of searching). Or are there any plans to include them in the future? Figured they would have been somewhat popular.
I beleive it's in there....just forget the name for the life of me, think it's an unlockable.
Is it sorted by Arc ID perhaps? Haven't checked it out myself however.
1 Star Bandits a problem? Try 5 Star Bandits.
Today, just about every 5 star mission arc I tried was somebody's farm mission. No contact dialogue, no plot, no descriptions, etc.
One of them had 5 stars and 6 players voting on it. I have a real mission. It got two votes of 5 stars, then one of 3 and hasn't been touched since it's now behind pages and pages of <expletive> missions with phony ratings.
[/ QUOTE ]
This...I've played several missions rated 5 stars that were nothing more than Farms, author barely bothered to add any dialouge. -
The first fix I think the rating system should have is that no one can rate an arc unless they have completed it (but can leave a comment).
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As Dorothy Parker once said, "You don't have to eat a whole apple to know it's rotten." I'm not saying that anyone in this thread has a bad arc, but I've seen a couple that were honest 2-stars.
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed...I've attempted to play a couple when upon entering I had several overpowered EB's and bosses in my face and was taking a trip to the hospital within seconds, those get one star from me.
There is a very fine line between fun & challenging and just stupid. -
What I find funny is that while it didn't allow "gambit", it did allow "phoenix".
[/ QUOTE ]
Caught that too.....pretty odd.
Good job Devs, you guys have exceeded all expectations I had for the MA