229 -
Was one of those that got super lucky, Black wolf pet in the very first pack of cards I ever opened
, just been using whatever spare PP I have around for them, they're fun but I don't see them as worth the cash.
Quote:This, I haven't read the books so I don't know when his end comes but I will enjoy it when it does.Geoffrey, the twisted lil punk at it again! Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I also love Tyrion more with every episode He's in.
Shadow baby was uhhhh.....disturbing. -
I heard that if you team with someone using Staff your whole team gets Monkeyed for a week and all your paragon points get deleted....truth?
We have always been at war with Eastasia....
I know what you're talking about...very excited, I'd post the pic but I'm pretty sure it would be an insta-ban. My guess is massive leak.
Quote:I think Palpatine doing the Bantha rider might just now show up in my nightmares...
I swear this game has the worst info leak control ever....
Love the upcoming stuff though -
I've actually read the three Enders books (not the Enders shadow however). Enjoyed them greatly though my opinion of Orson Scott card is diminished a bit now as our world views are greatly opposed.
I'm not against deep or heavy Sci Fi, hell I read through all of Tad Williams Otherland series (and damn did that go on too long) and most of the William Gibson "cyberpunk" novels. Lately I'm actually on a hard sci-fi trip with Clarke. But I figure for this trip I'll have a bit of trouble getting deeply entrenched in a novel.
Don't hate the YA stuff either...I was actually going to ask about the Hunger games books, never really considered them until now. I know they're dark but I figure they'll be a bit easier to go through while distracted by Bikini's
EDIT: Thanks Fore, I've been through the Thrawn trilogy in comic book form, awsome story. -
So the wife and I are heading off to Cuba next week (yay!) to a nice relaxing resort to unwind, looking at bringing on some reading material.
Anyone have any favourites in the Sci-Fi genre (never been much for swords & sorcery etc..) that wouldn't be too deep or heavy, not looking for any depressing end of the world type of stories, just some light stuff for the beach.
73) replacement for the worn out Rikti test dummies in the RWZ
74) Aggro magnet -
Have to admit....I squeeled....
Looking forward to seeing this when it hits the theatres (and I hate going to theatres) this better damn well not suck -
Well that just makes me sad....
I read these books as a child and have made it a point to read them to my daughters now...RIP -
Y'know...I love IO's too and I think they're just peachy.
However...many of us were playing a great deal of the exact same content that is in game right now for years with nothing but SO's (maybe some HO's if we were lucky) and Y'know what? WE DID JUST FINE.
Rant over...now get offa my lawn. -
Quote:This...A million times this, I'd actually pay for the set all over again just for those masks.I'm more interested in the simple masks in the upper right corner and on the female character on the left and the hood that are in the pictures. So nice and simple.
Also we love you Dink. -
Watched it, was really good (nice to have some of the old voices back) DCAU scores another one
I actually still love the show and will be sad to see it go (but yeah, it's getting a little predictable and long in the tooth) I wonder if they'll actually kill off house at the end.
The obvious answer but the original Star wars movies here
As another 7 year member, Farwell Zik, hope you return someday.
Most of the presents are focused on our two girls but I did get a few cool things.
Batman & Green lantern Logo hoodies.
Also a pack of Stay Puft marshmallows
Honestly just wanted the box for my desk at work