577 -
Quote:That said, unlike some other games SGs are optional. (No that EQish nonsence of only a few truly good items per activity, making use of things like DKPs mandatory.)Just a note, when a window pops up blindly inviting you to an SG, that's probably not one you want to join. Most of the "good" SGs don't blind invite and in fact more than a few make you fill out a website application first. Go to the forum dedicated to your server and ask for "local" recommendations on which to join.
You participated to the death of final boss, you get your reward, period. Although these days that reward is most often merits, which work like DKPs in some regards, SGs have nothing to do with them. -
Quote:Well, for me it's the other way around. That is, team of IOed 50s at levels where they don't lose IO bonuses anyway is exception rather than the default assumption. Differences in teaming styles I guess, plus on EU servers being too picky is counter-productive.So unless you are only teaming with a random PUG full of newbs chances are your controller is going to be all you need to keep the team at the soft cap and the defender is only providing a pad against debuffs not the huge difference you are describing.
That said, sure, IOs negate most of the advantage FF defender has over FF troller. -
Quote:Not to my knowledge, although you may always try to just type it in Paragon Wiki and see if it leads anywhere...IO, SO, INF....
All are abbreviations. Is there a list of common abbreviations. I've been getting so confused.
Thanks a million y'all! :P
http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Inf -
Quote:If it is to "make an outrageous buy bid and wait" strategy more viable, then like most things on the market this works both ways... It would be also more viable to make higher sell bids.I have a mediocre understanding, and I for one would like unlimited vendor slots or at least a huge number more than we currently have.
The overall effect would probably be that bids would fill slower, so more temptation to "just buyitNAO!" making those outrageous sell bids not so outrageous...
If this is exactly what you want, uhm, ok, but frankly, although I neither believe in INFlation being caused by Ebil Marketeer Conspiracy, nor do I see any way to fight INFlation efficiently, I still don't think it's particularily good thing. -
Quote:In theory, yes... In practice...A single FF defender can keep the team at the defense soft cap. More defense doesn't make you any safer it's just a pad against debuffs. A controller can almost do this solo as well.
1) A single defender can only softcap if the rest of the team stay within the bubble all the time. Almost nobody does that for obvious reasons. (And let's not speak of those ninjas who somehow manage to ALWAYS be outside of LoS when re-bubbling time comes)
2) The nature of softcap being that it is, 33.4% a troller with Leadership has. aren't even close to softcap. And again, it's only 33.4% if everyone is within the bubble.
3) There's a little matter of bubblers themselves.
All this is excellently solved by a second FF defender/troller on the team. Two defs' small bubbles stack to nice 46% (not to mention end drain resist... Carnies? Lol. Malta? ROTFL.) they can softcap each other and well, team split at the wrong time isn't guaranteed faceplant.
Def+troller is still formidable, - although big bubbles (or just Maneuvers) are needed for softcap again, there are two of them, giving better coverage.
Was on a random PuG team lately with my FF/Ice. It was nice enough as it was, but when a Stone/FF joined we pretty much got godmode.
NO ONE'S life bar moved. EVER. I kid you not. -
Same here.
Earlier this evening, some zones crashed (Talos, and possibly bricks), there were intermittent login issues and there was stupendous lag practically everywhere, so this might be an emergency reboot... -
Quote:Respecs wipe the old build, but you can use enhancements from it in a new one (In fact, you have to, as you need circa 70 enhancements at level 50 and your character can only carry 10. Ones that weren't either slotted or put into inventory at the end of the respec are sold at rip-off prices. (Ok, theyu aren't rip-off sor most basic ones) )Hello,
I just started playing a couple weeks ago, and although i have about 100 questions this one seems to be the burning one. Lets say i have a level 50 toon (I don't yet), and i have slotted and enhanced his powers with pve in mind. If i respec him for pvp, is my pve build gone? And if so, are the enhancements i had for the old spec gone as well?
Or will I have both builds that i can switch between depending on what im doing in the game at that moment?
Sorry to ask what is probably a stupid question (it feels like it is)
Then, there are dual builds. Dual builds are the exact opposite, - you keep ypur old build, but enhancements for a new one have to be bought separately. Builds are switched by trainers (NPCs you ask for level up) and you must wait 15 minutes before switching back, but other than that there are no restrictions.
Also, if you use dual builds and devs decide to do a major change that affects both of your builds you're in a bit of trouble as you get just 1 free respec per character per major change, and you need 2 respecs to respec both builds. -
Quote:Sure. It's simply bare minimum you have to do to be in business. But peopke in the thread claimed that a) It's not advertising at all. b) TV ads would be great for CoX subscription numbers.A simple listing in an online store directory or just shelf space is not very effective advertising. Anyone with any sense should be able to grasp that.
Whether or not NCSoft does enough online advertising on right sites is another question entirely, and you're probably right, - it could do more and better. -
Quote:Would it be of any advantage to advertise those peas on TV? Not likely. Do pea manufacturers advertise? You bet. Quite a lot more than "place this on ur shelves, pls, kthx" goes into this nowadays.Sorry but calling that advertising is like saying the fact that there's a can a peas on the shelf at the supermarket means the peas are being advertised. It's only advertisement by the most technical definition. Yes, they are offering their product for sale through a retail outlet, but that's it.
First, they have to persuade distributors and retailers to place their product on the shelves instead of somebody else's.
To do so, their product must be easy to sell. Measures to ensure that are called "in-store advertising", "merchandising" (not to be confused with entertainment industry phenomenon) and a few other names, depending on what exactly is meant. Those pea cans weren't designed, placed an priced willy-nilly, but with a very certain customer in mind. An average shopper who just needs peas, any peas and doesn't care? Flashy, overpriced can on a best place. Bargain hunter? Ugly, store-branded one somewhere far away... Someone who wants to be "organic"? Yet another strategy.
And I'm not even speaking, about, say, cola manufacturers asking distributors to report any stores that place anything else in fridges meant exclusively for their brand...
Would it be of any advantage to advertise GR on TV? Well, let's see... Who is most likely to buy GR?
1) Existing subscribers. No comment. TV ad is about the most wasteful way to reach those.
2) Those who left the game: Nearly as wasteful as 1.
3) Comic book fans. While they certainly watch TV, they're comic book fans. So, if we want to reach those, we have better tools at our disposal. (And NCSoft uses them)
4) Online gamers wanting to try something that isn't Tolkien ripoff #167433. Where those would look first? Well, Internet, I guess...
5) J. Average who doesn't care about either MMOs or comics... Sure, he watches TV, but to justify the expense of reaching him, we need... Google says that the going rate for an 1-minute ad time is about $50-200 k. Ad production itself ought to cost something too. In other words, we're looking seven figures for reaching someone who is unlikely to want our product in the first place. Compare to the cost of email newsletters, website interviews, review copies, etc.
Of course, if CoX had WoW popularity in the first place, things would have been different. Then yes, everybody you could reach that way either is subscribed already, or won't bother no matter what you do, and trolling for that one-in thousands TV viewer who would subscribe after seeing the ad would be profitable. But... -
Quote:I suspect, though I can't prove, of course, that this was meow farming more than anything else. Back then Atlas was laggy and full of "PL meh!" chat even on low-pop servers. So people just started to use global chat more and pretty much stopped hanging out under Atlas. I personally certainly did so.I will certainly agree here. The visible population is down. The whole "hang out under Atlas" thing seems to have gone out of vogue on the lower pop servers a couple of years ago.
When meow farming was finally reigned in, people just got too used to the new arrangement to return. -
Serum specificaly seems to have 100% recovery buff (that is extra 1.67% of your end bar per tick) Stamina may add another 50% or so, so you still need 750% from somewhere else.
Neither, basically. What EMP crash does is adding -1000% recovery debuff. Now, your actual recovery cannot be debuffed so much that it becomes negative, but all those unused percents ARE STILL THERE. So if your total recovery buff (including basic 100%, Stamina, shinies, Serum, RA and whathaveyou) is less than 1000% you don't get any recovery. If it's 1010% you get 10% recovery and so on, until you hit recovery cap.
Quote:Actually Perkele/Perkons/Perukunas/Perun is well... balto-slavic-finno-ugric pagan god usually associated with thunder and lightning.Perkele ancient name of pagan finnish god and means devil at present but original meaning is one of strongest ancient god of pagan age here. We had many gods at those times like Ukko the overgod. Actually word ukko means very old man. Nobody knows his real secret name but Perkele is one possibility.
In modern Latvian "perkons" means "thunder", in Lithuanian "perkunas" is both this and a curse (then again, my Lithuanian is... Well, it isn't.) and in modern Russian the word is well, not used for anything.
Anyway, I can speak Russian, English, Latvian (though it's bad), and kinda-sorta-almost understand French. They tried to teach me German in high school, but it was a miserable failure. -
Quote:Wait... Siphon could be stacked with itself?Or you can just be a kinetics defender. I've got a build that's looking like it'll be less than 50 million all told (most of the build is less than 10 million). Hasten isn't quite perma (there's a three-second gap if I triple-stack Siphon Speed). Blizzard is up every 110 seconds or so, and can easily be fulcrum-shifted to the damage cap. Better still, since it's damage over time, the crash can be countered simply by popping a blue inspiration and hitting the nearest boss with Transference.
(And yes, I never played a kin to a level where I could notice)
Anyway, my other point (that you'll lose PBU at just lvl 35 and nuke itself at lvl 32, unlike blasters) still stands. -
Quote:Well, I would be at least the 3rd person to answer this...Returning player here and the whole invention mechanic is new to me. I have a level 10 blaster and already my personal inventory and personal locker at the Vault are both full of invention salvage. I've manage to make a couple level 10 enhancements, but other than that, what am I supposed to do with all this? Is there a way to get more storage space? Can I mail it to another character to hold it? Can I sell it to a vendor? Or is it mostly junk and just destroy it? Thanks. =)
1) Yes, there are multiple ways.
a) Just level up. Every now and then your salvage and recipes inventory would grow.
b) badging. http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Invention_Badges Level 25+30 badges add +2 salvage each, level 45+50 add +1 recipe each. You may want to familiarize yourself with the way auctions work before trying this, though.
c) Auctioning 50 pieces of salvage. Adds +2 salvage and a badge
D) Vanguard 500 vanguard merits can be redeemed for +10 salvage storage. (you have to be level 35+)
ADD: Except for a) all methods only increase your PERSONAL storage, not one in the locker.
2) Yes, you can mail it. It's a bit tedious as you should mail them one at a time, then claim them one at a time, but...
3) Yes, you can sell salvage anyplace you can buy or sell enhancements. but it's not recommended nowadays. Even absolute trash like Human Blood Samples is often worth auctioning. Luck Charms and Spell Scrolls are worth tens or hundreds of thousands of inf in the auctions. They're just 250 inf if vendored.
And here's how you auction stuff: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Consignment_House
Also you may want to look at "The market and inventions" forum here and various inf-making guides.
Add: No, I was the second.
ADD2: A bit more on the bidding: Basically, you trade your time and (limited) number of bid slots for inf, whether you're buying or selling.
Sell low, buy low if the item is inexpensive and there are many sellers. The faster you get rid of the stuff, the faster you can replace it with something more profitable.
Buy low, sell high if there are sellers, but price is high, say for mid-level orange salvage. http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...5&postcount=16
If there aren't any sellers, but many buyers, well, http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=223246 You either won a jackpot (if you're selling) or you're in for a long, long wait till the bid fills (if you're buying). -
Quote:It's not like the game is chock-full of /Ice defenders, isn't it? To use nuke as a main damage-dealing power you need an expensive build, your choice of primaries is limited to ones you can use without toggles, and exemped to 35 or below you're just another guy with a perma-Hasten build. Ok, you also have got a powerful rain and can permahold a single boss.In that case WTH do they get Blaster level damage with it? I don't mind when the devs don't update the pets by why on earth would they update it incorrectly?
As a power used to prevent those "OMG, they gonna wipe us" situations Blizzard is rather in line with, say, Fallout. Yes, it deals twice the damage and can be used anytime, but you get the nuke-crash to deal with.
That said I'm levelling an /Ice right now and yes, it's partly for the nuke. -
Quote:Defenders CAN get PBU from their epic, and it's 6 min recharge time doesn't matter if we're talking nukes.Finally, the Defender.They get the standard 500 from the base Damage, then 50% from there Aim.They however dont get a Build Up, or a Scourge.There additional Damage is based on there Primary, is it grants a buff or Debuff.They get the weakest Increase from all the Blizzard carrying Plague dogs of CoX, but its still enough to raise an eyebrow when you see it go off.
So Defenders get +130% from Aim+PBU, 100% from enhances, and (if we really-really want a nuke Defender) +20% from Assault. Less than a Blaster, but not much. And uf there's anything +Dam or -Res in the primary... -
Well, I think I know what I would do now.
It appears that either straight overslotting or using multi-aspects works equally well (or poorly) but mixing the two in the same power loses to either approach.
So, specifically for FF, I think of frankenslotting Dispersion Bubble with level 20 Def/Ends, and just overslot small bubbles...
If Posi's newfound popularity isn't just a fad like 5thTF, that is. This is a bit too extreme compared to what you should do to keep FF no-loss exempable to 24 (my old target). -
Quote:Yes. The problem is that for Posi that threshold is just 10% which means that you would need to 5 or 6-slot a power that works fine 3-slotted (say, FF small bubbles) without exemp and get lower values unexemped for your troubles.
By picking the right multi-aspect IOs, at the right levels, it's possible to slot a character in such a way that none of their enhancements will scale at all until you reach extremely low levels. This is difficult, and results if fairly low total enhancement values, but it is a valid slotting option.
So I tried to calculate whether just brute-force overslotting has any advantages over being clever. -
Well, sorry, found it. ED is applied after scaling.Quote:Thanks for helping me.
4. Apply Enhancement Diversification to your grand totals at the very end.
Sorry for epic reading comprehension fail. -
Quote:No, sorry, I've read that page multiple times before posting, it doesn't say anything about this particular point, namely whether ED is calculated before or after scaling due to exemp.I believe this has the answer you are looking for:
Paragon Wiki: Exemplar Effects on Enhancements
Or at least it doesn't it in a way I can understand. -
Ok, since Posi TF nowadays isn't something you either farm or do once per alt and forget about the horror, I started to think about exempability to extremely low levels, especially for things like +DEF where enhancement scaling may result in particularly nasty surprises...
So, how exactly enhancement scaling works together with ED cap?
Is it that first enhancements are scaled, then ED cap is applied, so that if I have say, 4 level 50 common +DefBuff IOs with 102% pre-ED defense buff reduced to 62.3% by ED at level 50. I would have
25.5 * 0.391 * 4 = 39.9%
Or is the game applying ED cap first, then scaling down the adjusted value?
62.3 * 0.391 = 24.4% (nearly the same as if the power was just 3-slotted) -
One thing you didn't ask about, but that is very important is that they changed rules on sidekicks/exemplars in issue 16, to the point that everything you may remember about these is now wrong. Key differences:
1) mission owner (or the star, if no mission is selected) is automatically a mentor for the whole group. Everyone is exmped/SKed to them.
2) "SK Leash" only prevents you from earning XP, it does not drop your combat level.
3) Exemped down players still earn xp, as if they were at their "natural" level. That includes TFs and Oro.
4) Exemped down players have their stats reduced to their current level, but they have access to powers as if they were 5 levels higher. So, a level 50 player on a Positron TF would still have HP, damage and so on of a level 15 player, but they would have acces to powers they selected at levels 16, 18 and 20.
5) You can switch earning XP off, either entirely or only when you're exemped in your options. In effect you can old-style exemp yourself to your current level.
ADD: Needless to say most of these changes are huge buffs, but old PLing techniques no longer work (which was part of the reason for these changes) Of course, it is still possible to PL if that's your thing, just don't ask for bridges.
Visit your outlevelled contacts. A first few would introduce you to contacts appropriate to your current level.
If you haven't got youur police scanner/newspsaper do so, do paper/scanner missions then a safeguard/mayhem, the detective (or broker) would give you a new contact.
There are also contacts that would give you missions irregardles of whether or not they are in your contact list, but the list of those is specific to level and side.
If you're lvl 19 hero, you can try Jim Temblor in Faultline (a guy in black leather jacket and jeans near a twisted monument in a park next to doughnut shop.) Or Montague Castanella (university in Steel Canyon.)