577 -
??? There's exactly ONE such power you can buy, it requires you to spend $300+ before you even allowed to buy it, and it's not like there weren't comparable powers available for free since at least RWZ revamp, which was years ago...
You may want to read this thread: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=275643 It's about FF/Beam but there's a lot in it that will apply to any FFer.
And yes, FF/anything can work pretty well without any IOs. No need for global recharge or defence from sets. (well, defence would have been nice, but you can live without it and/or compensate by picking pool and epics.) and lots of slots and power picks you can free by not taking things like cage or repel powers. -
It's okay. FF is fun primary to level, esp if you like teaming. It may be a little redundant in the megabuild land most of the regular posters inhabit, but no, it's not useless even in a fully IO'd out team, just not as good as it is while levelling.
FF (and other powersets with "small bubble" type powers) were buffed recently by making all such powers AoE clicks, now applying small bubless is mich less of a tedious chore.
Elec... Well, I have a slight prejudice against the set, and never really played it to high levels, so I might be not the best person to comment on its strengths and optimal strategies. But it's a blast, it has attacks and causes damage, so it can't be all bad choice too. -
Quote:*Orz bubbles* aren't incomprehensible. Even *silly cows* from *slow time* eventually learn to almost understand them. And the more you understand, the more mysterious and horrifying The Orz and his/her/its *fingers* become...Well, at worse they could have made Dillo COMPLETELY incomprehensible and speak like the Orz from Star Control.
Which, actually would be a little cool.
Dillo-speak on the other hand, makes me *frumple* and wanting to *dance* with *silly cows* who thought he'd be cute.
[*Silly cows* appears to be Orz term for organic lifeforms...] -
Plus it was well, Trapdoor.You either need enough damage to knock him out before his gimmicky regen kicks in or have some way to attack him and his copies simultaneously.
Quote:This is very real (and the only) issue with rad emission and as far as I can tell, the only reliable way to deal with it is to mez them first. Minions/lts, can be rather reliably perma-held before they do anything nasty by Choking Cloud, if you slot it for hold and add Lockdown proc into the mix.2 Rad - for spawn-to-spawn fighting, as good as it gets, but when something does go wrong (you get mezzed and debuff toggles drop),
That leaves dealing with bosses to your secondary and epic. Fire has no mez of its own, so you would want an epic with hold in it to stack with Choking Cloud... Which is a bit chancy, but probably would work most of the time (never tried that myself.) Rad/rad can get 2 ST stuns one from secondary, one from epic.
Also, pets (patron, crafted, shivans, whatever) for really control-spamming EBs (like Honoree in Mender Ramiel. You can't keep toggles on him unless he's tanked by something.) -
Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all. /Churchill/
Quote:Umm... It is. Semantics is a branch of linguistics that studies word meanings. So, in other words, quoted poster pretty much admitted that his entire analogy may be wrong, but used a long and sciency-sounding words instead of outright saying "Of course, it all depends on whether "not giving" and "taking away" mean the same thing." They don't.
The difference between "This is no longer available." and "I am taking away your possessions." is SEMANTICS?
Sesquipedalian loquaciousness and attempts to frame your argument to look like it came from a thesis on moral philosophy can briefly confuse your interlocutors, but they don't make a fallacious analogy any more valid than it is when stated in the way recommended by Mr. Churchill's maxim. (Mind you,. this kind of jargon, like any specialized subset of language, has its proper uses... When both parties understand it and use it as a tool to make meaning more clear and precise, not as means of showing off their knowledge of long words. There are discussions where calling semantics simply "meaning" would make the issue more difficult to understand.) -
And sorry for posting in the wrong forum, was a bit sleepy.
Less probability of a horde of Fire/kins and MMs farming everything in sight? Not that you can't build most other ATs (incl. doms) into combine harvesters but it's usually easier with trollers and MMs...
And they needed some kind of pet-based AT being available, so they choose the least game-breaking of the 3. -
Are you kicked outright or is your membership just "withheld" and restored immediately if you switch back?
And then they give us TPN, which, as it's now, NEVER downgrades all the way to Astrals. Hoarders aren't in any way, shape or form limited by all these changes. It would be easier than ever to hoard Emps for a hardcore raider than ever if this goes live as it is.
I don't believe devs are so stupid as to not to see this, so I think that whatever the reasoning behind those changes, hoarding as such plays no part in it.
Most probably, they're just disappointed no one plays their new shiny trials and are trying to fix it with rather extreme stick-and-carrot. -
One more thing...
Quote:It isn't that much on FF either... FF are somewhat different set since http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Patch_Notes/2011-06-28 patch... Re-bubbling is much less of a chore, although you still need to pay attention to who was and wasn't in AoE. Power Boosting your small bubbles is now much more cost-efficient too, of course, and a lot of small things like that should be kept in mind while reading old posts on FF.Okay..
I would do a search for Force Field or FF on the Defender forum. See what you find.
Your not going to of course find that much on beam.
Also, I just noticed, in that old guide to defence I linked, an old "Heroic->Tenacious->...->Invincible" difficulty system is used. New, more flexible, system has no "level 3." Conversion table for old and new difficulty settings is here: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Difficul...toriety_System -
FF is somewhat under-appreciated on this forums, because too many forumgoers think in terms of IOed builds. It may be also sometimes under-appreciated in-game because of "Defender=healer" mentality of some novice players. It's in fact a very good set, if somewhat limited in what it does.
Good pool and epic powers you may want to pick are Maneuvers, - it provides even more defense from you and teammates and Power Build Up/Power Boost (although latter requires you to be a villain/rogue at level 35 or higher.) to make your small bubbles even more powerful. For prersonal survivability, you would get more mileage out of powers like [Combat Jumping] and so on than most other sets, see the link below as to reasons why.
You need to understand your main tool, that is, defense buff, very well. This guide: http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html explains wwhat those %s meen in gameplay terms and why 45% (and now 59%) are "magic numbers" everyone wants to have for their defense.
Repel/knockback powers: Force fields have plenty of those, but, please, think what you're doing with them on teams. Most melee armors have a power that works better when a character is surrounded. Shields gets [Against All Odds] (a damage boost), Willpower gets [Rise To The Challenge] *lots of HP regeneration( and so on. All Brutes get bonus to their powers damage when they're attacked. Melee archetypes, thus, understandably, are very annoyed when that nice pile of enemies they assembled around them is thrown away by a "helpful" repeller. Ranged ATs are usually counting on most enemies being around melee characters to use their area attacks most efficiently.
So, however awesome those powers are solo, use them VERY SPARINGLY on a team. Repulsion bomb, and anything that does less than 1.0 of knockback are the exceptions: This kind of knockback doesn't (usually) throw anyone away any significant distance, just on the floor (often referred to as "knockdown") This is in fact, a good thing, except, maybe, for Brutes.
"Cage" powers, like [Detention Field] are a big and unconditional no-no on team, though you may get some mileage out of them solo with a secondary like Beam Rifle, which is geared towards defeating enemies one-by-one. -
Awesome! Thanks for the info.
I remember they altered it so that TFs, Ouro arcs, and so on always start as x0/+0 a few years ago (to prevent people from getting easy MO badges) but promised a better fix sometime in the future. So, when trying SSAs I noticed that they reset to x0/+0 and that a few TFs I've been on so far were apparently +0 too... So, that future didn't yet come?
Quote:But you do have powers that benefit from it. Rest and Health.I don't think you really get my point.
Even on a a scrapper brute or tanker... an Immobilize resistance bonus does SOMETHING. If you somehow get detoggled... that immob resistance is doing something. If you somehow get overwhelmed with immobilizes that resistance is doing something. Your AT having a power that supersedes the set bonus is irrelevant to the discussion at hand. It is not the same as having a set bonus that specifically does nothing for you at all because you have no powers at all that can benefit from it.
And the benefit is about as (in)significant as a few percent of immob resist is for a scrapper. (For one, not every type of armour even can be detoggled of mez shield. The only way clicky shields go down is if player didn't click on them and/or if you faceplant. For two, they are usually too low to matter anyway. Immob lasting, say, 30 seconds, won't be much worse than an immob lasting 29 seconds, which is about all a HUGE 3.3% mez resist bonus gives you. )
EDIT: That said, I'm against the whole AT-specifi sets idea, and especially if they will go live with these set bonuses and procs. Some are obviously underpowered, some are too good to be true, and since they'd be store-bought you can't nerf them without opening a HUGE can of worms... -
I assumed that poor Twinshot was babysitting her team of... Umm... CRCs for so long that she sort of assumes any super interested in joining her is "kiddo" until proven otherwise. And, well, any sane superhero would run from her crew like plague, whether Twinshot herself is personal friends with FP members or not...
Hmm... If you mean I-Trials, then softcap is higher there. Honestly, I can't quite see a squishy having 59% def without too much sacrifice in their buffs and attacks.
Quote:Well, I think they never were and still aren't here ENOUGH. What they do is in some ways as big as Rikti War. But apart from the First Ward and 40-50 content they're nowhere to be seen. The whole zones got invaded with little consequence. No remnant IDF troops making last stands, no NPC chatter, no arcs, no tips, no nothing. Especially jarring since one of the invaded zones was Steel, easily within range for use of standard Praetorian mobs.I think pushing Praetoria has become a larger problem with the game as a whole. It used to be relegated to level 40-50, but now it feels like it's everwhere.
Return of The Fifth was handled much more gracefully by the devs. -
Quote:??? Most of the old origin content doesn't show up in Ouro. It wasn't technically story arcs or badge-awarding missions. EDIT: Just went to Ouro and checked. NONE of it is there. That is, nothing from the now-unattainable contacts, like Azuria.Orobouros, level 14. Better late than never.
OR are you in *that* much of a hurry to get to 50?
And in any event, you have to level up to 14 somehow. Which is, well, possible with street sweeps and radios, but if they aren't your thing either, you re left with DFB (may as well PL), new contacts or radios and the Hollows (past lvl 5.) -
Quote:Jam every other day... And today not being any other day it's understandable there's no jam. But there wasn't jam yesterday either! Even Red Queen wasn't THAT wicked.I would like to point out that they can always add more with these characters at a higher level.
It's understandable though, - with a huge "content" issue there bound to be something that was produced on a bad day and rushed out before being thought through... It's just unfortunate that it was the game's new extended tutorial this time. (I actually like new starting arcs, the only issue with them being that they don't give any standard contacts, so you have to run KR radios whether you want it or not. Just when they introduced changes that mean you don't have to run them for your raptor pack...)
On the other hand... It almost looks like the devs decided "Hey, all this tutorial stuff is boring, we can't make it interesting, so let's make it funny." But humour is a high-wire act, - tiny slip-ups that wouldn't matter in a more serious arc (Like living disproof of Poe's Law in ParagonVerse, that is, Icedrone.) completely ruins effect of a humorous one. So, it's not a cheap way out of a difficulty of telling about game mechanics in interesting way. -
Quote:Which would be fine if used for something actually interesting, not just cheap lulz... Like Grym's belief that all dogs are actually like him...Grym and Dillo aren't idiots, they're just experiencing big time culture clash right now.
PC: But wait, they aren't intelligent, like you. They're just animals in our world.
Grym: Everybody believes that? This can't be true. Your world is in the grasp of some very dark illusion, and I'll do my best to dispel it.
And then, later, something involving Grym teaching dogs to talk... and succeeding.
That would be awesome. But... of course, we don't even get a chance to tell Grym of his mistake. And I bet nothing along those lines ever happens.
ADD: So, n o, this isn't a clever "fish out of water" story, which I'd be a number one fan of. So, yes, they're acting like idio, strike that, "comic relief characters." With a cliché justification for their behaviour, to make things worse. And why they needed 3 of them, if they barely had any good jokes to make one such character work? -