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  1. _Ilr_

    Impale vs. Focus

    Fine... whatever. I don't think this is over with though and we'll know for sure halfway through issue 8
  2. _Ilr_

    Impale vs. Focus

    [ QUOTE ]
    No snipe, No targeted AoE, one narrow cone. Plenty of logic there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Damnit EG.... Why does your rationalization function only have 2 settings?

    This is the kind over-compensating that allows Focussed Accuracy to remain Perma and allowed InstantHealing to be an archetype-defining power for 3 whole issues rather than meerely a situational backup for an already very-unique powerset. From the very start, these powersets were already designed to play very differently, they don't need unbalanced powers to further seperate them.

    I mean really, where do you get off saying that "oh the rest of that set is mediocre so one of the powers should be allowed to be Uber" ....By that logic, WarMace should be given a 37.5 BI "Goard Thumper of 1000 truths" attack. (I won't even go into the Dead-Carp attacks)
  3. _Ilr_

    Impale vs. Focus

    [ QUOTE ]
    *cough* ripper is a cone that can catch 5 people in it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    The angle isn't bad, but the Range of that "cone" is a Joke so it almost never comes into play.

    [ QUOTE ]
    bitter ice blast is part of ice blast that has no snipe, and two rain powers.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Which is the exact reason why most ppl prefer Ice... Snipes are a Detriment to DPS, not a selling point.
    ...speaking of which... how do you answer the charge, lil miss stalker... that snipes continue to get the shaft on interruption while Assassin's Strike is no longer interrupted by Debuffs, Hmm?!?
  4. _Ilr_

    Impale vs. Focus

    [ QUOTE ]
    Unbelievably, Impale is 80' range.

    Disclaimer: No, that does not imply an impending range reduction for impale or increase for Focus.

    [/ QUOTE ]It SHOULD, and you guys have a lot MORE Explaining to do on this topic...

    Scrapper: Level 32(both attacks slotted DMG) ... Foe: level 15 charger
    Impale(High DMG): 435.02 3 slotted (range:85ft + immob, -RCH, -FLY)
    Ripper(High DMG): 449.79 3 slotted (KB, -SPD, -RCH)

    What the hell's up with that Castle? I thought Ranged/Melee
    Modifiers were supposed to be the largest governing factor here?
    ...The Range Advantage = DPS advantage, plus Impale also recharges FASTER too...
    Why does a level 8 power trump a level 26 in DPS and PvP in the same set no less?

    Bitter Ice Blast also defies all logic-for-balance to the Nth degree in a similar
    fashion. You gotta deal with this issue at some point man.... might as well be now.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Wake me when there's an MMO that A) allows me to be *a* Green Lantern and B) doesn't stick me with only energy blast, force field and flight.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Okay.... but don't complain when someone puts on a yellow thong and teabags you.
    I just wanna make ppl aware that realism is a double edged sword in MMOs
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Cryptic Studios and Microsoft’s

    [/ QUOTE ] doooooo00000000000000000000000000oooooommmmm!!!!!1 1111!
  7. I'm against PvP now b/c it might send me to PocketD and the crappy trance music threatens my manhood
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Dominators are getting a buff that should make them more desireable on LRSF in I8 as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    *Jaw Drops*
    And I'm really glad there's so many other issues being addressed too, but....

    [ QUOTE ]
    We are constantly datamining PvP, seeing which side is winning more. The results are not what you expect. One side wins, then the other side, then the balance shifts back, and then back again.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's Zone-PvP ... that's normal. What about Arena?? Every high level Arena match I've been to is almost exclusively Hero AT's with a light smattering of Corruptors b/c Villains have no Alphastrike potential at that level, inferior buffs, and the PPP's-VS-APP's only made things worse. "Dataming PvP" doesn't work If you're not reading the PvP boards too so you know what ALL to Datamine in the first place...
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    You now have TA radar zoned in on you btw!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Uh oh... had a feeling that would happen tho Don't worry it won't be my only one,
    got another piece planned featuring Cricket... muahahaha. Thx everyone for the warm responses.

    Will posting it here be enough, or should I mail it to the CoHsubmissions address too?
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Well, this was after the Posi inteview which answered most quetions regarding I8. The purpose of the interview was just to give a more general direction of how things are going and the insight of Statesman himself regarding those directions. You can only ask the same questions regarding the next patch so many times.

    As far as where it's coming from Roach, thanks for making my job that much easier.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I won't take issue with that, but I also didn't see tough questions being asked. All this interview did was further confirm that Statesman isn't the least bit technically inclined like Castle, Positron, or Geko are ... and so he was "bumped upstairs" where he "doesn't have time" to Micro-Manage and studiously datamine the Game & forums like he used to. Thus the biggest arguments over balance details and bugs that still persist among the community are getting ignored b/c the Technocrats in charge are working for the bottom line.... He confirms this with the very ominous " i9, i10, i11, there are a lot of cool things we are adding in the future, that i5 allowed us to do." which shows that yes we may have been over-gimped and no they don't wanna haggle over base numbers.

    They'd rather screw us now, and buy us back later with little candies here and there... also b/c these little trinkits aren't as complex and don't really effect anything else in the game so Statesman can oversee their additions like a true Bafoon director/CEO "on cruisecontrol" would. And there's so many Badge-wh#&%$ (who love other meaningless crap too such as worthless temps and insignificant buffs with eye-candy) that *almost* half of the community will love him even more for it. And Considering Positrons roles in this, it just Screams negligence over the basic to advanced mechanics of the game which are still unbalancing for several AT's, and even more so for the Villain faction in General.

    But no... Posi's the Rewards/Badge guy and they're just "done" with base stats now? Wheres their numbers to support that claim? Simple search of the servers shows major imbalances. While game-killing Bugs/Crashes are a daily event for many long-time players. I myself still can't do the Thorn Respec b/c a bug they intro'd in I-7 now causes my entire computer to freeze if I so much as rotate my screen towards the Thorn-Tree's room.

    Tough questions and "The Direction of the Game" should focus on these issues that are making the game Un-Fun right now... not the crap we might be getting in the future or patting Posi on the back for his few rare appearances regarding actual game balance compared to dozens more that are clearly obsessed with Gladiators and Base widgets (which States himself admitted got a poor response in-game).

    Playing the "We'll give the players what they want" card just means you can filter out the tough ideas and pick out softball feature-creep and *look* like you're busy.
  11. _Ilr_

    Top Issues 8.10

    [ QUOTE ]
    * Debt in PvP Zones. Currently we "Pro-Rate" debt depending on how much damage you took from NPCs vs. PCs. When this is fixed we will zero out any debt if the killing blow comes from PCs, and Pro-Rate debt if the killing blow comes from NPCs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Again, THANK YOU, but plz plz plz Hurry! It should have been in the last patch darnit

    [ QUOTE ]
    * Salvage disappearing from storage objects. If you click too fast, some salvage may get lost in the transaction when pulling from a Storage Object. This is a high priority bug to fix.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Z0MGoRRz!!11! Wh47 1F s0m-1s DuP1ng R4r3z??1?!?!11
  12. ACK! Damn you TabRasa!
  13. _Ilr_


    [ QUOTE ]
    I think boomtown is going to be a construction zone. mainly because the villians get a mission to sabatoge the reconstruction efforts.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah that was actually a really fun little mission even htough it was stinkin Longbows.
    Wish I could remember who I got it from tho.
  14. Haw haw

    ...another PvP Nerf.

    (My Traps Corr was leaning more towards Mako or Scirroco anyway )
  15. Lol, my Dom didn't die once during that thing and he's a Grav/Nrg Gimpoid.
    ...PhaseShift--> PowerBoost--> AidSelf FtW!

    If dying 3 times in 1 room alone is the Devs' idea of a "good run" that ends in succes on these trials... then I'd hate to see what they think should be a bad run that still succeeds...
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    *Hides the thread from Sleepy_Kitty*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good luck on that now that Positron responded.
    But yeah... the whole "respawning in Base" to get Inspirations, then reappearing right outside the mission door was a HUGE Quality of life Improvement over the old Jello-Schtick... hoof it back to a Contact for Skittles... zone 3 times, THEN finally get back into your mission. If it's a time-sink issue, then give us some new Temp power + an SG device that let's us go straight back to the misison if we plant a Beacon in it.... sorta like the old-school "Diablo" portals.

    Not asking for a whole lot here Devs, it would just be nice to have the OPTION.
  17. [ QUOTE ]

    Power alteration
    Reduced in effectiveness
    Strength modification
    Debuff to the power

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nerf those terms, they're Too Long!

    Plus it reminds me of every piece of spin a Politician throws out when they "Gerrymander"
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    Actually, I was kinda thinking about the irony of everyone always saying how devs never post or read the dom boards and how they would be happy if one just posted occasionally, and now that one does, its all doom and gloom.

    Cant have it both ways.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's not "Both ways" to want atleast 1 Dev actually addressing the State of Doms themselves, or responding to some of the major issues effecting us... and then be worried or ANGRY when we see the only thing they're interested in is kicking the crutches out from under us
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    You mean that the only time a dev has ever posted on this forum is to point out a likely impending nerf rather than addressing any of the hordes of problems that we talk about on a daily basis?

    Nope... Irony? What's that?

    ::wanders off in a bemused daze::

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...Kinda like how when I posted my Grav/Nrg melee Dom was doing well in Siren's... then we learned that all Toggle drops had gotten stealth nerfed to almost nothing regardless of AT. Or like how /DarkArmor scrappers back in Issue1 discovered they could make the set playable by altnerating between Provoke and CoF...then that got Stealth-Nerfed too and was labeled an exploit. And how Controller DPS was totally out of whack depending on Primary/Secondary choices so Minions were nerfed into "Pets" the first time around...or like how... well you get the point...

    Which is that the real imbalances don't get fixed until months and months and month down the road...

    So if there was ever any bit of doubt as to whether the devs scan for FotM's and work-arounds, aka: "exploits", on ATs/Powerset that generally under-perform at necessary tasks... well that's a given. But do they really read what any of us have to say??
  20. NO way it's 200... I've gotten it from runnin just one mission on a large team set to Malicous (that one from Marshal Brass ...find ...whatever-her-name is "Vines"....
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Multiple empowerment stations will stack the buffs that are offered (by design). If we made the buffs as good as players "expect" right out the gate, they'd be WAY too good when stacked.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    uuahhh?.... what the hell, I'll just ask it...
    So then why don't they last a lot LONGER?
    How well do you think Viagra would have sold if it only lasted 10 minutes?
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I think the pool powers values were all based on a fictional AT with all mods of 1.0 -- so if you apply your AT mod to the values, that should get you pretty close. Oh, and also, all the values are calculated at level 50. So, in many cases you'll get lower values at lower levels.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Arg.... Won't matter, people will still quote only 1 set of numbers like it was the Bible just like they already do with Hero Planners.

    Why not just release the actual power-data spreadsheets in one huge data-dump with each major patch to everybody like a few other games have done? ...Y'know, some of us read those things faster than any website or guidebook can disseminate the info to us.
  23. *Attempts to cut the arrogance with a knife*

    *fails to scratch it*

    *gives up on thread*