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  1. (*cue 'Indiana Jones' theme*)

    (*Announcer's voice*) "The Cat in the Hat is back, and she's a kitten with a whip in what is sure to this summer's biggest blockbuster, 'Paragon Katt and the Temple of Bast'! Get in line ... NOW!"
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Yeah the chance to get your movie idea actually made into a Samuraiko video trailer is an amazing prize.
    I'm a big fan of her videos and writings.
    *crosses fingers*
    Very true, C_R! Miss Sam is a multi-talented person and even has a few AE arcs.

    Everything she touches is pure platinum!

    She is truly a gem and one of the most outstanding people in our community!
  3. If September's theme was ... say ... "Squeaky toys and the kittens who love them", then that would give Cat Star another shot at free artz! Heck, it would give *me* a shot, too!

    (*presses her paws together on Cat Star's fish-shaped squeaky toy!*)

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tartyrsause View Post
    how about just us making an animated trailer ?
    How about, "Amerikatt: She's G-Rated and animated! You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss $10 bucks goodbye!"?!

    (*Humphrey Bogart lookalike") "You played it for her, you can play it for me. PLAY IT!"
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain_Iron View Post
    *Eagerly awaits his return in Sept when he can re-enter*

    Thanks for this sort of opportunity Caemgen. Might not have been able to get art without it.
    (*tickles Cat Star and scampers away with her fish-shaped squeaky toy!*)

    I ... WINZ!
  6. So ... hypnotic!

    (*watches the kitty kreature sleep and purrs to the rhythm of its breathing*)

    Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
    The Cat-creature:
  7. Amerikatt

    I'm Back

    Welcome back, Miss Bluedarky!


    ((FIRST after Miss Golden! ))
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
    "Rescue Tunnel rat" also from Praetoria. You can't help but like Ratty.
    That's because she talks in the same somber yet frenetic tone as Rorschach!

    The Hannibal Lechter mask is a nice touch, too!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
    *cheers happily* I've got the layout already. And I'm quite content with it!
    Now I need to actually make it... and write the trailer...
    (*whispers*) "The Adventures of Amerikatt" serial, Miss DeeDee!

    (*Cheshire Cat smile fadeout!*)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    A couple mentioned they didn't like having to come up with a scene - it was too rp'ish for them ....
    Thanks for always being so incredibly generous, Caemy.

    Far be it from *me* to try to dictate how you do your contests, but the above snippet really rubbed my fur the wrong way. You are offering FREE ARTZ if people make an *attempt* to follow the rules, and there are people who are trying to tell you how to do things?

    Don't back down on the "RP" thing. If those "couple" of peeps don't like it, then that is *THEIR* loss.

    (*huggles teh Caemy!*)
  11. I don't remember if it is actually a mission arc, but the Death of Breakneck is emotional for me, especially since his memorial statue is in my birthplace of King's Row, right outside the tram station!

    I also enjoy "The Unusual Suspect", because my Mysterious Double is as much of a wide-eyed innocent as I am! I enjoy running the rescue of Sister Jocasta mission right after that and revel in trouncing Silent Blade, then telling her unconscious form, "That's for the *other* Amerikatt!"

    I concur with Miss D_R about that Protean mission. The first time I saw my poor, broken double was one of those dramatically emotional "What the ...?!" moments!
  12. What is the best guide for a Martial Arts/Willpower Scrapper?
  13. (*climbs on top of a soapbox and engages her Universal Translator to interpret her mews and purrs*)

    Primal Earth may have similarities to the Earth with which you all are familiar, but there are obviously going to be differences (some great, some small) between the two.

    (*climbs down off her soapbox and then scampers away!*)
  14. My favorite part of that mission is when the citizens shout my name as I stand in front of them and do the "Loyalty: Hero" emote!
  15. Thanks for the warning, Nihilii!

    I try to be a good healer for my team, but I only have my single "bread and butter" heal (400 HP), along with the Incarnate 1100 HP heal which goes off when *it* wants to.

    I concur that the whole idea of Anti-Matter healing himself from *us* is a bit ... uninspired.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    Maybe THAT'S why the Lynx is eyes Amerikatt? The food was all gone before they got fed???

    AMERIKATT! RUN!!!!!!
    (*suddenly realizes that it's time for Statesman's daily rescue from a Thorn Tree and scoots away, faster than ...! <well, you know>*)
  17. 1. ChristopherRobin
    2. Liz
    3. Battlewraith
  18. I would happily pay for cat and kitten models, fully customizable for costumes and powers, and properly sizeable.
  19. (*Mr. T voice*) "Ah pitteh da foo' who don't wish Da Foo a happy birthday!"


    (*birfday huggles in absentia!*)
  20. Amerikatt

    June FArt Battle

    Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
    Oh my word... the pieces are amazing sofar! *twitches nervously while looking at her own submission*
    Yes, even yours Tartysause! Even though it's not finished... it made me giggle!

    *points out again that she likes this "battle".*
    (*rawrs at DeeDee*)

    (*stares at the guy in syrusb's "The Star" card and lets out a low growl*)
  21. Gorgeous picture! You even managed to get *me* in the picture (in my secret identity, of course) and you placed me in the very front! (*huggles*)

    Um ... why is the Lynx growling at me?

    Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
    Here's a line art preview of a Mynx drawing I'm currently working on.
    Took me long enough to get even thát like I wanted!
    I'm still busy colouring it... all that fur... what have I done! *giggles*


    (*licks War Witch's nose with her sandpapery tongue*)

    ((Hmmmm ...! First Posi has a birfday, then Miss WW. Who's next? Is this the start of a trend?! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!))
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
    If I wrote it, after all the epic battles, the hinting, the deaths of iconic heroes and villians alike, the defeat of he rikti and nemesis etc....

    You will finally confront the Coming storm, and it would be a tiny grey kitten.
    F33r us!

    I said ... F33r us!

    Darn it! F33r us already!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
    You are now officially my favorite redname.

    (Sorry, Arbiter Kittens.)
    We haz Arbiter kittens? Do they haz teh 'Hello Vazhilok Kitty' backpacks with teh spidery armses?

    ((Nice thread, Z! *huggles*))
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jumpman View Post
    Way to be a jerk. You aren't even the O.P., so why does what you prefer matter?
    Because he is Beefcake, ichi bon number one badge holder and purveyor of both the best badge and map sites.

    (*huggles teh Beefy*)