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  1. _Rave_

    Avatar Portrait

    Thats a whole pile of awesome!

    Maybe Echo Bravo and Echo Rave could get together some time and "trade berets"
  2. _Rave_

    Fox on arrival

    Easy, they just bring up the windows paper clip.

    "It looks like your trying to hack the Council database, do you need some help?"

    Should have used Linux

    Excellant story as usual, good to see you aren't running out of ideas
  3. [ QUOTE ]

    But surely after killing yourself it is impossible to do that? I mean, if you're in the coffin dead it's quite hard to come out and get to a PC to quit CoH.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I dunno, when Aurrius gets [censored], not even death itself can stop him.
  4. Might have helped if you stuck up our forum adress


  5. _Rave_

    InZane artwork.

    Yay a comment. Thanks

    Think I might try and draw it like you did next time
  6. _Rave_

    InZane artwork.

    You know this is the only forum where I call myself that. Anyway I digress.
    After months of saying that I can draw yet showing no proof of it I finally drawed me a City of Heroes picture worthy of posting here.

    R.A.V.E Group

    I frikin hate that assault rifle.
    Anywho these are three of my toons, probably need to write some roleplaying story thing up so people know what R.A.V.E actually is.

    Anyway comments and criticism welcome.
  7. Nice advice guys (gals). Just hit 50 (only took 27 months) and was wandering how to go about making a half decent PB. This stuff will come in handy
  8. Whoa awesome job you guys and gals.

    Gonna have to add my toons later today
  9. You don't have a brother called Ivo Robotnik do you?
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I suggest Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, lots of coffee, and of course, one of these

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Everyone needs a little beardy fella to draw curves.
  11. ..... wait I can't think of anything.

  12. No probs, got it of Dragonberry's sig in the US forums
  13. Cool idea. I RP but generally my rp is pretty much how I play normally so no one notices.

    Maybe base it of...

    Its a great wiki with everything from character bios to fanart to RP story arcs.

    Instead call it the Handbook of Union/Defiant or something.
  14. Awesome videos! I really like your latest one.

    Commented on Youtube as well (krazykupo)

    What settings do you use on Fraps? Whenever I try it it comes out rubbish.
  15. Cool pictoir

    Yea toes and hands are a pain to draw especially at angles so no one can blame ye
  16. Layout sounds cool and so does badge as I like badge designs.

    Maybe draw a villain group like the 5th or something
  17. Kudos for being able to draw that frickin assault rifle. One of the reasons I haven't posted any CoH art is because that damn thing is hard to draw.

    The other art is great as well
  18. Oh noes...
    Teh horror...
    Pwned by teh Rikti...

    Heroes unites, we needs to save the Catz!
  19. He has the same eye tatoo thingy you do in your picture

    Sweet pic, he really does look like hes made of fire.
  20. Actually there is a new influx of villains, just waiting with Kaeze till there my level so I can group again

    WoW *whoak patooey* the only thing I liked about it was the Warcraft setting and how pretty some of it looked
    ... backstabbing shamans in PvP was fun as well.

    Tabula Risa looks interesting, waiting to see what it looks like released before I make any commitments.
  21. Trip mines are very tricky to do. I once laid about 6 and a single enemy set them all of and most of them missed. Ironically very funny.

    Another time I laid about 9 and red caps would not stop running into them before flying of in every direction.
  22. Cool, mines 40 and does have trip mines... no timed mine though but Auto Turrets!
  23. I would be on mondays for trappings but I keep forgetting. Also I'm currently grinding my ar/dev blaster for Issue 10 (and I want a 50).

    However now we have the RWZ, maybe we can do a trapper/devices team as well?