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  1. AkuTenshiiZero

    New Add-On Pack

    As far as the "Living Level" GM idea goes, it would work if with a bit of clever masking.

    1) It doesn't have to move. The GM could easily be rooted in one place.

    2) Not every part has to be "alive". Only limbs and the like. It's central mass could be stone-stiff, just as long as a few parts are moving it still looks good.

    Out of my [censored] I will pull this idea:

    Some unnamed volcano releases a wonky magma beastie. Several tendrils of magma are flailing about from the mouth of the volcano, cracks in the sides, etc. Probably a head too. You can land on the volcano, sure, but don't try and land in it because it's frickin' lava (Oh shush with your "I'm a /Fire though!"). You can also enter caves surrounding it, run a short mission, and smack down whatever magma beasties have for vital organs. Complete X number of these, and the beast is vulnerable to outside attack.

    Just an example. I would love a GM like this, but then again I'm addicted to Shadow of the Colossus :P
  2. Disclaimer: I know things like this have been suggested before. However, I haven't seen anyone acctually suggest how they could work.

    Right now, both Heroes and Villains are at the mercy of their contacts. We work for NPCs. Sure, we can do Radio or Newspaper missions, but that's it. What if we had something added. Two new contacts, akin to the Radio and Newspaper...

    Heros would get the Wanted List:

    Opening up this contact displays a list of NPC Villains. Upon choosing one, you begin a story arc in which you investigate crimes, interrogate enemy groups, and rescue witnesses. It could be 3-5 missions long depending on your level. For the final mission, you infiltrate their lair and confront them. Congrats, you've just arrested a dangerous Villain! Unfortunately, Villains have a tendancy to get loose...You may be seeing them again someday.

    Villains would have access to Schemes:

    Opening this contact gives you a list of evil plans which you can carry out. Perhaps you would like to build a giant laser and demand ransom from Paragon? Well, first you'll need to steal the proper components and a building site. Perhap kidnap a scientist and force him to work on it. Again, 3-5 missions based on your level. In the final mission, you must defend your creation from a Hero. Should you succeed, your demands will be met, but don't expect the Heroes to forget what you've done...

    In short: These are in no way differant from normal missions in terms of rewards. Taking down a Wanted Villain or recieving ransom from Paragon really just translates to the typical chunk of EXP and Inf you would expect from a mission. The differance is flavor. You get a chance to be yourself rather than just do what the NPCs tell you to.
  3. I would be happier if they made legitimate Hellions and Skulls up to level 50. I kinda miss thrashing the punks.

    Well, I don't know jack about MA yet, but why not just make a custom enemy and call it a Hellion?
  4. While player-made emblems are possible in another MMO (Which will remain unnamed), they will unfortunately never be made avaiable here. Why?

    Captain Endowment!
    The Turd of Midnight!
    Funbags Girl!

  5. AkuTenshiiZero

    Badge Tracking

    I would like Vandal to be tracked somehow, and I know I've brought this up before. None of my characters have it yet, and it's infuriating since I know I must be wasting my time breaking objects I already met the requirement on...
  6. AkuTenshiiZero


    So, while running a RWZ Raid, I had a bit of a headache caused by the FX. With all the chaos going on, a lot of people were using powers that cause the nifty earthquake-ish effect (Myself included with Lightning Storm).

    In most cases, this is a cool and unproblematic effect. However, when you are attempting to manuallly target one Rikti Magus amongst the swarm of bodies...Screen shaking is more a hinderance, especially when it is almost non-stop.

    I don't understand how these things work, but it would certainly be nice to disable this effect for such scenarios if possible.

    If it is already possible, then please kindly point my blind [censored] in the right direction.

    EDIT: Clearly I just need to look hard enough. I'll find it eventually, thank you.
  7. Stupid question:

    Do the Devs care about the epidemic of cowardice amongst mobs?

    I would like to at least see some sort of response defending the AI, rather than see silence concerning the subject. This is an absurd issue, there is something wrong with the world when a hulking Behemoth Overlord runs like a scared little girl across the gorram instance at 80% health. Or when I'm forced to face the Longbow Yellow Unit, who don't even try shooting before executing Operation GTFO. Seriously, any response. Even "We know" would be enough. I feel like CoX is populated by effing Kobolds.
  8. I demand Quidditch!

    ...What? It looks like a fun sport!

    In all seriousness, some sort of sport would be awesome. A [censored] and a half to create, but awesome.
  9. Cannot...wait...to...create...evil...schemes...

    Way to get everyone pumped and ready, Samuraiko!
  10. My first hero was based heavily on Guyver and Kamen Rider. I always loved the idea of a transformation into a combat suit, and I was suprised when several people caught the Guyver inspiration in my armor design.

    Zeta Silver
  11. Never took a look in this thread, but now that I have...

    I am extremely supportive of more evil in CoV. Branching story arcs would be excellent. Let's say you beat down a target enemy to 5% health. They get a temporary buff making them unkillable, and they drop to their knees begging for mercy. In a moment, that buff wears off...And the mission is complete. You can leave, or kill the dude in cold blood. Your actions will effect the Contact's reaction, and your next mission.

    Heck, add a badge for it! "Merciless". X# of enemies taken down after surrender.

    The only thing I'm concerned about is CoV's rating. Then again, you acctually kill somebody in the "O Wretched Man" story arc (The Huntsman dude...Ohanko, was it?).
  12. I don't know what the Hero equivallent would be, but how about logging off at the WSPDR building in Cap au Diable?

    Badge: Reporter
    Description: You spend your off-time researching the recent events of the Rogue Isles, giving you a wealth of information about what your enemies are up to. Logging off at the WSPDR building will grant you a random Temporary Power when you complete a mission, for a set amount of time.

    In short: Logging at WSPDR will give you a time-based buff. Completing a mission will give you a random Temporary Power based on the same list that Mayhem Raids follow. The reason being that you know about recent heists and therefore know what your enemies have stolen.


    Reporter + Thief
    Badge: Infiltrator
    Description: By using your resources and theiving prowess, no valuables are safe from your clutches. Logging off at WSPDR or inside a Vault Reserve will grant you time for your Sneak temporary power.

    Sneak: Toggle, self Stealth.

    Thoughts? I have no idea what the Hero equivallent would be.
  13. Nice guide. To add my two cents: Always research your origin if it's based on something in reality or in the CoX universe. IE, I play a Djinn character, and thus researched the mythology of Djinn. It really makes you look like an idiot if you have no idea what you're talking about.

    And RP seems limited to Pocket D, honestly. The only other places I've seen active RPing was under the Atlas statue and one occasion in the Hollows. The following scenario really blows:

    Random Villain: "Hay! Wanna help me in a mish?"
    Emerald Dervish: "Mortal fool...One so pathetic does not deserve my aid!"
    RV: "Uhh, wut?"
    ED: ((RPing, dude...))
    RV: "You're a jerk!"
    ED: ((Um...My character's a jerk. I'm a villain, after all...))
    RV: "Whatever..." *Walks away*

    At which point I teleport to the ol' D and console myself with some good RPing. Conclusion? RP in the field dammit!!