Badge Tracking




The improvements to badge tracking on our toons is great. But it doesnt resolve the big issue imo. That is I still dont know what badges I have or need for an accolade. Id like better accolade progress tracking. Like what badges I have, and which I need. That way when I log in for my few sessions a month I dont have to spend half my time getting organized. Something like this would be a huge improvement for this casual player.

Btw Im looking for something like this integrated into the game

Hero Stats and Bind File




The accolades already tell you what they need, even without Herostats.

Unless you're talking about, say, having them change color when you already have them (say, you're going for the Atlas Medallion and have everything but Spelunker, it would be a different color.)

Not sure, given what we see in MA, that it's possible to dynamically change the color or whatnot. They may have a different system for them though.



They dont tell you what you have, or are missing. So yes that is exactly what I am talking about.

Changing color need not be the only option for this btw. I would think there are other ways to link/present this information.



I'd kind of agree with this; I know I get frustrated trying to figure out which badges have and have not been gotten to get Supergroup Teleport Beacon badges -- or even whether or not I've gotten all the badges for a particular zone yet. After six or seven zones, it's a long list and my eyes get tired.



I would like Vandal to be tracked somehow, and I know I've brought this up before. None of my characters have it yet, and it's infuriating since I know I must be wasting my time breaking objects I already met the requirement on...

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



I'd love for them to remove items from the list of requirements when you've gotten them. So the list initially looks like this:
Anti-Matter, Battle Maiden, Black Swan, Bobcat, Chimera, Diabolique, Dominatrix, Infernal, Malaise, Marauder, Neuron, Nightstar, Siege
So as you defeat the Praetorians, it removes them from the list, so at the end when you have only one tick left, the list looks like this:
instead of this:
Anti-Matter, Battle Maiden, Black Swan, Bobcat, Chimera, Diabolique, Dominatrix, Infernal, Malaise, Marauder, Neuron, Nightstar, Siege

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I concur, Aggelakis.
Darken or remove item from list of requirements when accomplished, please.