Inspired Characters




I figure that I would create this thread cause I wanna see what inspires a person to create some of the heroes / villains that they play. I'll go first.

Baroness Venom => The Baroness

I've always thought that the Baroness was the most sexiest woman in cartoon history.



I usually get inspired by people I meet, their personalities, or general concepts, not so much specific characters. Sometimes though I'll run into something where I just go 'I want one too', for instance with my character Gunslinger Pete, inspired by a Malta Gunslinger.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Reading "Watchmen" for the first time actually inspired me to make a few characters. My Stalker Schwarzpunkt was based loosely off of Rorschach and my Dominator Aperture is even more loosely based on Dr. Manhattan.

I have a Scrapper who was inspired by the concept of Green Lantern. Basically a charcter who can create solid objects by will alone (though my character invented the device to do so himslef).

And my namesake character is based on the character that I created a few years ago. He has the powers I would want if I were to have superpowers (Telekinesis is envisioned as Gravity Control).

And, I am currently working on a few charaters (they have yet to be created) that are based off of in-game characters (Viridian and I hope my boy-friend will make a version of Shadow Spider) and I saw an interesting use of the Enforcer style armor that makes me want to make a character who has had impervium grafted onto his body after surviving a fire.

Whew... more than I thought when I started typing.



Created a few tribute chars over the years, one for the Magdalena, another for Aeris/Aerith from the FF series and lastly for Hericane.

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



I still have a couple of my tribute characters I various servers. I was even inspired by Alex Ross's Project: Superpowers and designed some forgotten Golden Agers.



I figure that I would create this thread cause I wanna see what inspires a person to create some of the heroes / villains that they play. I'll go first.

Baroness Venom => The Baroness

I've always thought that the Baroness was the most sexiest woman in cartoon history.

[/ QUOTE ]

I haven't made any characters that are patterned after specific comic book characters, except for using a general theme that can be said to be similar, the way "Blaster" or "Tank" are basic riffs on powersets.

I have, however, linked a number of my characters to in-game lore in a variety of ways, because there are so many factions one can play off of. For instance, my Blaster Tommi Gunn's father is a former Family boss who turned state's evidence against them, but the scandal forced Tommi to resign from the FBI. Things like that.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



well, I have a Vill modeled after a Harpie. She is a Fire/Pain Corruptor

here is her bio, and a wiki link and pic links

I am Forelorn Lust, a direct decendent of Iris, Messenger of the Gods. I was born into this world half human, half creature and all in sin. I may bare the cross of healing, but I can harness the flames of Hade's as well. If you cross me you will surely feel my rage! I long to feel a mortal's heartbeat. . . . clutched within my deadly grasp !

Human form

Harpie form

Wiki link to better understand where her Bio came from



Most of my 'inspired' characters tend to be more thematic, then they are looks-wise. Or have certain idealized personality traits.

I think the closest I can even come to having a real 'inspiration' for a character is in Steel Voltaic Knight (whom I've yet to acquire a picture of - I don't really think of him that often for such things), who's based in concept off of Jason Blood/Etrigan , from DC Comics.

Except... his tale's a bit darker. A self-serving knight locked into a cursed suit of armor he can't remove (a theme that's common in a lot of places), that at the same time grants immortality (but not invulnerability, much to his chagrin; He can 'die', but will rise again to fulfill his curse) and certain magical favors.

He hasn't quite figured out how to remove the curse, and has really given up caring at this point. There's a lot of possible inspirations for him, to be honest, but I always think of him sort of as Jason Blood (or one of the interpretations thereof): He sold his kingdom out for power, and got it. Not what he wanted by a long shot, and the only real difference between the two is apathy finally claimed SVK.

...Me and my sob story villains. >> I should probably write another campy one out of spite.

EDIT: Delicious notes! I must eats them. Omnomnom.



Desmodas, my first character, was heavily influenced by two of my guilty pleasures at the time I roled her; Xena and Buffy. The Xena influence was the heaviest as I liked the idea of an oppressive warrior that reverted and then tried to make up for her misdeeds. I liked the concept of a "chosen one", or rather a hero who never chose to be in their position and is constantly add odd with their 'destiny'. I had Faith more in mind from the buff series, but most of her characteristics I transferred to
Desmidas , (Desmodas sister) to explore the concept of destiny absolving responsibility.

Most of my characters are conceptually tied to Desmodas for various reasons; mainly for a combined desire to un-demonize non-evil demons. (it's a fun concept) They all pseudo-worship her as royalty despite her insistence not to.

Desmagda (BS/WP) is only loosely tied to Desmodas, and is based on large part off of Valeria from Conan the Barbarian. As kids, my siblings and I loved to re-watch the assault on the orgy scene. Valeria. I wanted her background to be more CoH related so I made her mother a succubus and the character involved from there. Desmagda in black most resembles Valeria's orgy assault costume.

Several of my characters start out being based on other characters, and then altered significantly avoid being an outright copy.

Desatanica for example came about from Lady Death images. I took away the sword, made her a defender and evolved the story from there.

Some associations are rather obscure.
How Desnocta Blades came about from this is something I'm at a loss to explain.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!




Some associations are rather obscure.
How Desnocta Blades came about from this is something I'm at a loss to explain.

[/ QUOTE ]

noct is short for nocturne/nocturnal. nocturnal synonymous with dark. Sidious uses the Dark Side of the Force.

glowy/nictus sword roughly equates to a dark jedi's lightsaber.

At least, that's how I'm connecting them.



most of my inspiration characters come from my background, my uncle use to have a comic book store. And I use to go there and read comic books, And it was the Dark Phoenix and Ms. Marvel that caught my attention. So much so that I created Dark Sunstar my main character on infinity.

And than later on I created States, which was inspired when I got into the military, I got huge into the Patriot act. And than I use to watch the old X-Men / Spiderman comic cartoons on T.V. and it made me want to create my own, so when CoH came out I thought it couldn't get any better.



Heraclea's inspiration was originally Wonder Woman, of course. She's since switched to the Valkyrie kilt and some more earth/leather tones, a bit of Xena influence.

The Amazoness web comic has also inspired a number of characters, including Melaena. But Lampito is a character from Lysistrata, and she's a Spartan, of course.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



My character inspirations come from all over the map.

My longest played hero was inspired by the old Marvel villain Graviton.

My longest played villain is a disillusioned Hooters girl.

I made a toon over the holidays that is a psychotic, living gingerbread man.

My most recent villain is a woman with multiple personality disorder whose one personality thinks she is Dorothy and the robots she controls are her friends from Oz.

I also have a toon named The Pittsburgh Pirate who has a hook for one hand and carries a baseball bat in the other. I used to have a villain dressed in a simulated football uniform called The Pittsburgh Stealer, but I deleted him to make room for other characters.

My most recent hero is a huge robot dressed in a tuxedo and top hat who was partly inspired by the Malta Group's Titan robots. His name is Titan of Industry. It was between that and The Steel Magnate.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



PinUp Girl is a pretty unsubtle homage to Bettie Page, as well as the classic pinups and nose art of the WWII era.

The Shrike was influenced heavily by the Rocketeer, Valkyrie (of Airboy comics) and Russell Keaton's fabulous Flyin' Jenny Dare.

Cavalry McClellan is (conceptually) the love child of Indiana Jones and Annie Oakley.

Busting heads since 1938

Character references * My DeviantArt gallery * I am an altoholic



While moving some of my inactives around, for day job progression, I ran across this guy, Back Alley Bizzaro. Guess we know where his inspiration came from.

Nyghtwing is an homage to the piece of art called "Nightwing" by artist R. Sanders.



My first hero was based heavily on Guyver and Kamen Rider. I always loved the idea of a transformation into a combat suit, and I was suprised when several people caught the Guyver inspiration in my armor design.

Zeta Silver

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



I have plenty of insired characters. Though, like many have said, I like a specific part of the characters. Example, my AR/Dark Corr. Johnny Grim was concieved after I saw the movie Hitman. The biggest catch? His overall lack of emotions. Johnny hits that hard. I also love the whole Black Suit thing.

I have a couple inspired in game. Wyld Pyre was an Outcast who, after a violent falling out with the group, has wound up a registered hero. Crater Fist is an Outcast as well. He and Wyld have quite the history together.

I love shapeshifters and couldn't pin down something that would stick. Till I saw Rorsach (sp?) from Watchmen. I lost the hat and tranchcoat and went with the whole camo white and black. That made The Scheiber, my DM/Regen Scrapper on Pinnacle. Other just, you know...Poof into my mind

Self-Proclaimed Number one Fanboi of the RP Forums and it's writers.

Me: How about "Zeus, The Pimp God"?

A friend: It'd be too hard to dress him up like a bull



I have a few.

My main hero Wyndine is inspired by Nina from the Breath of Fire games. Not a remake of the character, just of the same race/world.

I also have one that was inspired by the Golgothan from Dogma. A Dark/Stone Brute named Rubber Poo Monster.

Of course, early on I also made an easy homage, the invisible woman with light blue tights, the horoscope symbol that looks similar to a number 4, the scarred eye face, and a bio involving the other unnamed companions who had died. And she was named the Invisible Storm.

I think there was a few others, but none are very memorable.



My Villain "Necramort" reminds me a lot of 'Poison Ivy' though it was completely unintentional, i suppose she would be the only one out of my characters who's remotely like anyone else..

this is a comish that was done of her necra - click me!



My fire/energy blaster, Spitfyre, is a direct homage to a comic character, but I'll be damned if I can remember who it was I was going for. LOL
(The woes of an altoholic...)

EDIT: After consulting the compendium of comics geekery (aka my boyfriend), it was Firestorm. (homage costume) (non-inspired costume)

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.