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  1. Addicted

    Opengl struggle

    I'm very happy at the moment. Right before the servers went down I enabled ambient occlusion in the nvidia control panel. (It's disabled by default) I"ll tell ya ! It made a distinct impression on me immediately in game. Firm FPS, around 40-50 in Imperial City. I did even notice some nice lighting effects. Even with the occasional dip in FPS my eyes couldn't "feel" it. Was a really nice experience.
    I'll get on again tomorrow and play in my usual fashion/s to see if I'm getting closer to my perfect settings in game and out.

    1900x1024 (windowed mode) Ultra Mode
    i5, gtx 580, win7 <<, reference for anyones interest and comparison
  2. Addicted

    Opengl struggle

    i5 750-4.0ghz
    8gb ddr3 2000mhz
    SSD Corsair
    EVGA GTX 580 stock
    24 inch Samsung

    I spent a lot of money on ths pc to play a game that I've adored since 2004.
    SHould I RMA all my components and get a walmart email machine type pc?
  3. Addicted

    Opengl struggle

    Why didn't you answer my questions?
    And yes, DC graphics are quite stunning.. Even more stunning than you and your selflessness, Precious.
    We should team up. I like you.
  4. Addicted

    Opengl struggle

    In all the market there isn't a Single GPU that can max. this games settings on a 24" + monitor without fierce struggle. This is astonishing to me, since this is a "dinsosaur" of a game.
    Why even list some of the settings if they really can't be utilized? Perhaps it's the manufacturer, might I need an additional 3 Gtx 580's? Maybe they don't update this type of platform much anymore?
    Please help fight the struggle. PLease contact Nvidia or ATI for more efficient drivers or something or to get Paragon Studios out of their ______________________ <fill the blank>

    Don't accept 10-20 fps.. I hear that new super stuff hero game glides performace wise and is visually stunning
  5. According to your goal it's important to consider a nice CPU (generally OC'd) with your gpu platform.
    I use an i5 processor and if it's at stock I cannot really enjoy much of Ultra settings, my sweet spot comes from an OC of cpu to 4.0ghz coupled with my stock gtx 580 for this.
    Also, Ambient occlusion is set to ULTRA on my 1900x1080 monitor but I can't raise it beyond this without suffering considerably with low frames. If I just stay on ULTRA even Praetoria is fine. I also notice that the Ultra system runs much better in Praetoria zones.
  6. I did have less performance at first, I too have a 580. Since getting frustrated I uninstalled drivers and deleted the NVIDIA folder that held other drivers, rebooted and reinstalled with a clean install and had good performance since then..

    i5 750 4.0ghz
    EVGA stock gtx 580
    8gb 2000mhz
    24" monitor full resolution
    shadows Ultra/maxed
    Ambient Occlusion is set to Ultra ( not maxed internally)
    other settings maxed except world detail 100%
    Note * I have exceptional performance in Praetoria comparatively to the "old Cov" zones
  7. A friend of mine is getting a new "Sandy rig" and regardless of CoX performance it will have SLI. I'm curious if the latest updates to City will allow any benefit for one of his favorite games. What evidence is there that CoX is or isn't capable of this technology?

    Thanks in advance.
  8. I believe the command you are 'thinking' of is -renderthread 1
    This is for assuring multicore support for CPUs nothing to do with ram.
    Just open up windows task manager and see how much ram you are using while in game.
  9. Darn!
    I think I have one last question.
    While playing in City what is the refresh rate set there?
    Menu> Options> Graphics Audio > etc etc

    Please disregard the above question, that setting no longer shows in the City client, that I can see. Just checked.

    My in game global is @Mighty Neph
  10. Hello again,
    According to what I've been able to see via your file it shows the smaller resolution @ 60 and the 1900 x 1200 at 59, is this what you find also ? As to why the panel says differently I don't have a real answer for that

    If the smaller resolution/smaller monitor will stay at 60hz you may want to give that one a shot by itself. Hopefully the crashing subsides this way.

    Also, try right clicking desktop and changing the refresh rate in the NVIDIA control panel AND the regular Windows area. ( I think the option for the Windows-resolution section will be called /PERSONALIZE/) I would also see that the hertz refresh rates match in BOTH sections when you attempt to change one and or the other.
    Also, try disabling any third party software for multiple monitors too; if any.
  11. Do you have two monitors running in different resolutions and refresh rates? This could be an issue, or THE ISSUE.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Desmodos View Post
    You're saying it lower it to 59Hz?

    Currently it is set to 60Hz
    I'm saying that the file you uploaded to our forum lists your monitor running at 59hertz. I too have NVIDIA cards, and at times when installing a new driver the refresh rates on my monitors have auto'd to 59hertz intead of 60hz. Most standard monitors default at 60 not 59. Furthmore, while playing CoX at 59hz instead of 60hz I've experienced crashes and lag.
    I was hoping that by you switching it back to 60hz (if that is your monitors regular default refresh rate) that your issues would lessen or go away.
    Rightclick desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel and on the "leftish side" should list monitors resolutions. Inside this section you should be able to change your monitors refresh rate to its intended default, which I'm almost certain is not the 59hz that your DX-report states.

    My apologies if I've misunderstood your report initially when I thought it LISTED your refresh rate at 59 and not 60
  13. Try going into your NVIDIA control panel and turn your refresh rate to 60 instead of 59, or your standard monitors refresh rate.
    Does that help ?
  14. What kind of resolution are you running @ Ancient? Also, would you mind telling me what kind of frames you get in your Ultra mode standing near Imperious in Cimerora, looking out, what is the lowest you can get your frames while looking out? Also, what is your cpu and O.S. ?
  15. Hi,
    I have a GTX 580 and have issues running SHADOWS on their highest setting. Does anyone else ?
    I've tried both resolutions 1900x1080 and 1680x1050 and have the same issues, I've even gone lower and found the same thing occurring.

    In my estimation, the drivers I have might not be able to perform well in certain aspects of this game.
    Thanks in advance for any specific information that may help me

    I'm curious about NVIDIA 400 series or higher owners
  16. Thank you for this information and these specific DRIVERS.
    You are a Legend mate!! Ty.
  17. Hiya AQUA,
    It's always hard to pinpoint the exact cause of low frame rates, especially at first. To me, with the hardware you mentioned and a smooth running system you should have a great deal of fun and smoothness in gameplay. Also, (I can't remember your resolution size- or if you even mentioned that) I'd /strongly/ research what an overclock on your quad 2.4 to say 3.4 + would do for you as far as frames per second in this game. Another thing that has helped me is reasearching/trying new drivers from NVIDIA coupled with clean installs of them.
    *** I really think NVIDIA drivers struggle with ULTRA shadows PERIOD too. (Just my thought)
  18. In my small opinion , the most ideal advice I can offer is;
    Overclocking your cpu just a tad, perhaps to 3.3ghz coupled with a new ATI Raedon Graphics card 5xxx series. The 5850 or higher series seems most excellent at this time. I have a few mates with a version of this card that just absolutely fly with this game. One has 23 inch monitor- full resolution, q6600 OC to 3.3Ghz with 8gigs of ram (1066 DDR2) and a 5850 (1gig ram) with Win7 64bit and can literally triple box with most Ultra settings on.
    You also will need a proper CPU Heatsink and efficient power supply . I do believe your CPU and RAM slightly OC'd with a good 5850 will make this game smooth again even with dual boxing in Ultra. You will even be able to raise your resolution to native 24 - 1900x1080 HD from my experience, perhaps higher .
  19. Please add your CPU and Monitor Resolution, this will help determine a full answer and advice from me.
    Off the top of my head I'd say dual boxing with 9600GT on mainly Ultra settings isn't going to be ideal with even 300 gigs of ram.
  20. lol
    I have this issue too. I have no clue what causes it or how to fix it. The way that I finally enter the game is by running 1-4 instances of the client simultaneously, one of the 4 doesn't hang and I sign in successfully. Good luck.
    I also have a buddy that has this issue periodically . Both - post issue17.
  21. Addicted

    Need tech help.

    I'm not sure if this will help you with the "black screen error" but try minimizing your desktop resolution prior to starting the city client. I've had a similar black screen upon installing city before and this helped me load it initially. Once inside city I went to windowed mode, and then restarted the client with the full resolution my monitor is capable of successfully
  22. Rabbit,
    Why is your paging file so high with only 3 gigs of ram initially?
  23. Curious as to how far any individuals have pushed Ultra Mode with anything around GTX 260 or higher. Please state CPU and resolution size if you would, please.

    I'm on 1980x1020 HD the settings that ruin me our Shadows and Ambient Occlusion, rest of UM is easy
    Cpu Q6600 3.2ghz + Gtx 275

    Thanks in advance
  24. Heya..

    I believe you mentioned you have the lastest drivers for your card from NVIDIA. When I run those exact drivers I have similar issues and a bit too much lag in open zones- which is 197.45 drivers.. I currently use drivers 169.21 and really notice a much smoother game. That is my small suggestion. Give 169.21 a whirl.
    I have a Core2Quad Win7 64bit, GTX 275, 24 inch monitor. Good luck.

    Don't forget to give a good uninstall and reboot if necessary for drivers.
  25. For a while now I"ve been curious into certain matters in this game that just seem absolutely absurd.
    On my mind currently is the amazing degradation in performance that we seemingly accept blindly in the zone of Cimerora/ ITF maps specifically.
    Would someone please explain why a company/game currently celebrating it's 6 year condones such lousy care of its own game?? My real purpose of this thread is to seek out information that would allow anything to be done about such a beautiful TF/SF performance increase. I mean it's one of the latest advances in the game and plays worse than the first ever TF in 2004. Not to mention it is one of the best experiences as far as I'm concerned, well, if you have a great imagination to mentally negate the visual lag it is.

    P.S I"m a huge fan of this franchise. I'm not attempting to cause trouble- I'm just surprised about certain things that have gone on and continue to.