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  1. AkuTenshiiZero

    Win 1 Mill Inf

    [ QUOTE ]
    Night of the Living Dead

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Used on Page 7. (I feel like such an [censored]... :P)

    National Treasure
  2. AkuTenshiiZero

    Win 1 Mill Inf

    Night at the Roxbury
  3. AkuTenshiiZero

    Win 1 Mill Inf

    Way to be totally obscure, I had to look that one up.

    Live and Let Die

    ...Bond on the brain for some reason :P
  4. AkuTenshiiZero

    Win 1 Mill Inf

    [ QUOTE ]
    Yes Man

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Already used on page 3 and 6.

    You Only Live Twice

    EDIT: Somebody's gotta start keeping track, there's a ton of repeats and it's only up to 11 pages...
  5. AkuTenshiiZero

    Win 1 Mill Inf

    Nightmare on Elm Street
  6. AkuTenshiiZero

    Veteran noob

    I can tell you that some MMs are excellent in teams. I happen to play a Bots/FF who is an excellent team supporter. The addition of Pain Domination also grants MMs a very powerful heal-oriented set. However, sets like Traps and Storm Summoning are more of a mixed bag that are more offensive-based. Overall, MMs are generaly good for team support due to the fact that they can focus on the task fully while uncontiously adding a massive amount of firepower.

    I think the reason most people don't play MMs is because it is more of a spectator sport. You don't actively participate in battle very much, despite the fact that you are indeed contributing damage.
  7. Scrappers are extremely noob-friendly. My first character was a Scrapper, and I loved it, until I got that appetite for something more tactical than "Hit it really hard!"

    Even so, I still play my Scrapper and Brute occasionally, because sometimes that single-minded, simplistic "Hit it 'til it dies" playstyle is just what you need.
  8. The CoX community?


    You're out of your mind.
  9. I know not the ways of programming, but I am fairly confident this would be an Epic Pain in the Buttocks to create. The most you might be able to ask for is Inf, though I would love to see a Day Job bar for each character.

    You're second request...Confuses me. I am probably reading it totally wrong, because it sounds really dumb. Elaborate.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    In SC & RV heroes are constantly pinned down in their hospital.
    Villains now have much more burst damage then heroes! Pvp isn't fun anymore!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Funny, the idea of holding countless heroes hostage sounds pretty damn villainous!
  11. I find it sort of odd that nobody has suggested this before, at least not to my knowledge...

    In short: Why can we not select auras based on location rather than type? Why not have it set up so you select Head, Body, Hands, etc. individually? That way you could use differant aura parts in differant places, like firey hands with electric eyes and rocks crumbling off your body.

    Not certain how many people would mix things up. Not even sure if I would use it. But at least it would open up a ton of new options.
  12. Is it high-tech or low-tech armor? If it's low-tech, make a high-tech version, or vice versa. And if it's high-tech, and you don't like the idea of a casual outfit, you could make an undersuit (Think Zero-Suit Samus).
  13. Heck, it's easy for me to relate to Paragon City...It's in my home state of Rhode Island, after all. It definitely calls to mind Providence, where I spent a good portion of my youth hanging out. Then again, that's probably entirely intentional.
  14. "Ever dance with a Rikti in the pale moonlight?"

    "Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the Rikti."

    "There is no Rikti."
  15. AkuTenshiiZero


    Its like Kabuto had so much drama that they had to recharge the Drama Battery for a season But that's okay, because we got Ryutaros.

    And OH GOD NO! Kamen RIder Dragon Knight...at least what I've seen...Is decent, but good lord that theme song is awful. But hey, it could have been worse.
  16. AkuTenshiiZero

    Guest Stars

    It's an interesting concept, and I do like the image you evoke with the idea. It's the "X-Men + Spiderman" sort of thing, classic crossovers. However...It's an oddball concept that probably wouldn't catch on very well with the masses. It would be better just to do it the old-fashioned way, finding SGs to work with now and then.

    It's too bad this wouldn't catch on, people forget that this is a comic book game...Nobody does comic book stuff like this.
  17. I think we're due for another powerset. A new blast or (deargawdplease) a new MM primary, something along those lines. Melee's gotten some sweet upgrades with DB and SD still sorta fresh, /Pain is cool, so if we're gonna cycle through the set types...Blast or MM is next.

    ...Which may well be Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning. It'd be awesome to get that sooner than GR, some of us are getting antsy...Maybe a control set to hold us over? Another round of proliferation?

    Eh, just musing. I think a new set would be enough to placate the masses, myself included.
  18. Hmm...Well, I'm 42 so it should be over 20HP then. Now that I think about it, I may just be having a dyslexic moment and it was 50HP (Note: I am not dyslexic, just...Dumb). Even so, it's not what I was expecting. Then again, if it were better than it would probably be overpowered.

    I guess I'll keep it on and see how it affects me in the long run. I'm considdering swaping it for Energy Manipulator: Chance to Stun eventually, maybe both if I end up liking Entropic Chaos.
  19. I got this IO the other day, and I was absolutely giddy to have found it. I figured slapping this thing on my Charged Bolts would save me alot of pain, since I use the power so often it seemed logical to throw a self-effecting proc on there.

    But I was horribly dissapointed at the results. 20HP!? I have over 1,000HP right now, 20 is nothing! And it hardly ever procs!

    Am I the only one who finds this to be a waste of a slot? Am I missing something here? Please, tell me if this is all I can get out of the IO, because I'm sorely dissapointed.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I'd go with a SS/Inv brute. A brutal viscious killer with no angst or remorse. I know, shocking, but I think it's a neat idea to make a vampire that kills people and drinks blood. I'd certainly be unique.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I remember when vampires were unholy monsters who fed on humans like cattle. Nowadays they're sparkly teen sex symbols. Next up: Zombies in love!

    ...Oh wait, that was Resident Evil: Apocalypse.