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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Star Ranger 4 View Post
    I dont think that your the only one not upset. Its just that as far as I can tell everyone else who feels like you just shrugged and uninstalled the game on the 31st of august.

    Will we succed? who knows. But we're the types who identify with the sort of creed our charecters espoused that we HAVE TO TRY.


    WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO
    This this this. FTW, You deserve a signature quote.

    American Valor
    Sentinel of Liberty

    Edit: And now it is.
  2. American_Valor

    Roleplaying SOS

    Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
    /em facepalm

    Because, FloatingFatMan, that would be a smart way to do it. Thank you for detailing this option!

    First I tried it at 20 posts, to see the forums as I've enjoyed them all these years. The copies in a Word Document were... disastrously messy.

    So after over twenty hours of work, I started over with a second attempt at 100 posts per page, no avatars/signatures. That has been better over the last two weeks. Usable but still a bit messy.

    Third times a charm, right? Using the Printable Version looks to be smaller and much more readable. There are some things that don't translate the way I want, but it looks like it will be the best option, 95% better than everything else I have tried. Think I will keep it at 100 posts, that length works well for me.

    What's the phrase? Try, try, again!

    *rolls up sleeves*
    I saved them as PDF's using cute pdf printer program PCU 25 pages at 500 post per thread only took 2 hours as I kept getting intrupted.

  3. American_Valor


    Okay until I find it in my heart to say it, this will be my last post in the farewells.

    I meant you GEL at the begining. I had just moved to Liberty from the unnammed server now known as Freedom, I posted the really bad screenshot before. You helped me out then and I never forgot it, or some of our other teammates (Bret Hart) and you gave me a Training Enhancement, I was suprised and you said to me, just pay it foward. It was simple but met alot to me, obviously cause I never forgot. Some will say I have, I still do. You always helped make Liberty great and helped some of us be better heroes. "Nuff said."

    ALOHA truly in all it's meaning.

    American Valor
    Sentinel Of Liberty
  4. American_Valor

    Magey Mondays!

    Raven Lord ran our first run this past Monday but we didn't win. I thought we did real good with our two teams but then again I was just jazzed to fight tryant, I mean Cole. We plan on being there for the next runs we need to unlock out Hybred slots. and of course badges would be great too.

    Thanks for running these and will see you next run.

  5. Rex I will be bring Valor and Sgt Pandora. and as long as we have 8 raiders we will have a slaming MSR.

  6. American_Valor

    I'm Heartbroken

    I known, you'll be missed. But Until that day, I'll keep the light on for you.

    ALOHA, my friend.

    American Valor
  7. American_Valor

    Thanks everyone


    I missed ya. Thanks for all the fun times.

  8. Sounds good Partner. The world needs saving and Liberty has just the heroes to do it.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tahliah View Post
    I wonder if this doesn't contribute to people leaving the server (and a great many have, not just since the announcement)? But I suppose the "elite" are happy to see the "riff-raff" leave. Really sad. I remember when Liberty had the "nice server" reputation; that's long gone (and not just evident in this filter out riff-raff stuff, but as that was brought up . . . . ).

    As a member of the riff-rafferati, I think it's a shame that Liberty has become so riff-raff averse (to the point of setting up private channels to ensure that the unwashed masses cannot *gasp* get a spot on an itrial or tf), but then, there is that element on most servers. They're just not usually so self-satisfied, even gloating, about it. Again, sad.
    Okay so I logged on AV my main who I have been playing for nearly8+ years and fair well known only to have a "riff-raff" a rude sob give me grief something I assume he thought was funny which I found no humor in. Now I could post his name and global and drag him and his antics across the board, say stuff like he will never be invited and blah blah or I can chose to realize he thinks he funny and no harm. But would I tolarate him on my private channel, no. I have one private channel and I share it with two people.

    On a side note; Riff Raff is a villain on Underdog and would be offended by his name usage here so there. Really I just wanted to post that AV will be on Liberty until the doors close. Look for me on your next MSR and REX I still need a M.O.M. plus Steele and I need 3 Magi's to unlock our Hybred. Thanks RL for running this past one we were on.
  10. Will be there supporting tonight MSR

  11. Thank you TonyV, if nothing else for HOPE.

    Hope is a very powerful thing and I thought I was a hero bud

    Thank you.

    Sentinel of Liberty
    Retired P.E.R.C.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JohnnyTurbo View Post
    Nova Praetoria is Miami.
    Imperial City is Manhattan.
    Neutropolis is Detroit.

    Congrats we're not forced to only fight crime in Rhode Island now!
    Actually I (we) use it as Europe, with some friends but this would be good also. We like the open cafe's as french bistros etc.

    We are lite RP'ers but would really like to rp with others for fun. Looking foward to seeing others there.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
    Like the thing, AV, but I think the contest closed...
    Yep it closed on the 22nd personal issues prevented me from submitting it in time but sharing and supporting the contest.

    P.E.R.C. has always done a good job with events.

  14. Global Handle: @American Valor

    Vindicator: [Ms Liberty]

    Why: Because she is carrying the sword Excalibure from Hero One and it has attuned itself to her and the world is in great peril with the coming storm...

    I know the entry is late, however I still wanted to submit it and support the contest, thank you for taking the time to contuine the great work.

  15. American_Valor

    Magey Mondays!

    We Care we just haven't been able to be there

    AV & SM
  16. WB good to have you home again

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
    I am tickled pink at the blaster, IO set, Incarnate (KoA pets!!!! Squee!!!!), new content, power pool customization, and did I mention blaster (it deserves to be mentioned twice) changes!

    I <3 Issue 24 already.

    PS: Will the med pool set be customizable? I have characters that would benefit from using it, but tech doesn't fit with their concept.
    Yes but you forgot to mention female muscles bodysuits I know several characters that have been working out so hard they deserve those
  18. American_Valor

    L8ter Liberty!

    you'll be missed, Happy hunting of Freedom, there will always be a light on for you here.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    A while back, ZARTAIN and Plasma Warrior came up with the idea that Paragon City's football team was "The Paragon City Enforcers." I think the mock ads they did ("Hi, I'm Flash Masterson of the Paragon City Enforcers") are still around somewhere...

    In our PCU thread The Paragon City University is home of the Statesmen

    And there COV counterpart UoE are called the Islanders
  20. American_Valor

    Magey Mondays!

    Me and Steele will definately be up for Magey Mondays.

    (Unsure if she will be avaliable back from vacation with fixed PC by the 23. here's hoping)

    With us you have Sgt Pandora Def-Rad/Rad and AV Tank Inv/SS both of us Shift +3 Tier 4.

    We are looking foward to doing these missions. (Magey-Noobs)

    I believe 8PM est would be excellent

  21. Hello Liberty Raiders,

    I will not be available tonight (7-15) for the MSR. I will be preping a team meeting with 110 others for a Mexcio Mission trip. We will be departing 7/27/12 through 8/5/12. Alrighty Raiders smack a Rikti for me.

    Thanks for understanding. Will be looking foward to the future MSR's.

  22. Well some good news with the last update the Universal Damage IO's have been fixed so all are usable by min lvl 10.

    For those that are around I will be running the Summer event on Saturday 7/14 it will be badging and fun so dress as your favorite part and come play;

    It takes a Thief,
    Mission Impossible,
    Oceans 11,
    with a double feature of Spartacus vs The Known World

    Have a good rest of the week Liberty.

  23. sorry to hear that Rex, Yes I can see everything you pointed out. I wish I could have helped you out on what to do, On average the teams I have been on were scoring basicly everything on the first run minus the monkeys or the god-champion.

    I generally walk my team through it if no one has done it before simply to make sure they get all the badges.

    I have had a bit of fun with it. So far based on my playstyle I have enjoyed the grifter the most followed by the thief hacker then hitter.

    I also like the two we run out of ninjas and monkeys
  24. Hello Liberty;

    So what does everyone think of the new 4 person event?

    Overall what kind of drop rate are you experiencing for the new universal enhancement?

    My experience is no matter which server I run this on my drops have been the OF-ADER. It seems almost every other drop is that if not every drop. What has been your experience?

    Badging the event has been pretty straight foward with the hardest badge being Ninja Monkey badge followed closely by spawning the god-champion to earn invictus.

    In all my attempts so far only failed the tf once due to people quiting during the hiest cause they didn't have the gumshun to long fight silvia. Her regen rate is high but I think she is beatable by nearly any team unless its an all emp/emp defender team but it would definately be a draw cause she wouldn't be killing them either. Hehe okay sorry I dregress.

    With the enhancements only being tradable and tied to lvl's, how many of you are trading? Generally once the mission is over everyone is exiting even when some are asking about trades.

    Are they storable in your base?
    Can you boost them into purples?

    I haven't actually checked either of those, all mine are in my mailbox. They aren't sellable currently in the auctionhouse and we can't use the converters on them to make them into the ones we need. Bringing me back to the drop rate and trading questions.

    How does everyone like the pacing and the general feel of the event?

    What do you think about the maps including the lobby entrance and the posters?

    Which role do you prefer in the hiest?

    Final question:

    Are any of you iconing before you actually run the different parts so you are more into the movie aspect? (yes, I have)
