New Summer Blockbuster Double Feature Event




Hello Liberty;

So what does everyone think of the new 4 person event?

Overall what kind of drop rate are you experiencing for the new universal enhancement?

My experience is no matter which server I run this on my drops have been the OF-ADER. It seems almost every other drop is that if not every drop. What has been your experience?

Badging the event has been pretty straight foward with the hardest badge being Ninja Monkey badge followed closely by spawning the god-champion to earn invictus.

In all my attempts so far only failed the tf once due to people quiting during the hiest cause they didn't have the gumshun to long fight silvia. Her regen rate is high but I think she is beatable by nearly any team unless its an all emp/emp defender team but it would definately be a draw cause she wouldn't be killing them either. Hehe okay sorry I dregress.

With the enhancements only being tradable and tied to lvl's, how many of you are trading? Generally once the mission is over everyone is exiting even when some are asking about trades.

Are they storable in your base?
Can you boost them into purples?

I haven't actually checked either of those, all mine are in my mailbox. They aren't sellable currently in the auctionhouse and we can't use the converters on them to make them into the ones we need. Bringing me back to the drop rate and trading questions.

How does everyone like the pacing and the general feel of the event?

What do you think about the maps including the lobby entrance and the posters?

Which role do you prefer in the hiest?

Final question:

Are any of you iconing before you actually run the different parts so you are more into the movie aspect? (yes, I have)


by Star Ranger 4
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Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



I know they can be mailed. I haven't tried storing them in the base yet. I plan on saving everything I get and trying to trade for full sets after the event is over, once I see what I need.

I haven't iconed for it yet, but I plan to.

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They can be traded and mailed. They can also be stored in your base.

They cannot be converted. I did not try to boost them, because they'd have to be slotted to do that.

I only ran the blockbuster long enough to get the badges. After a few runs, it's pretty much ho-hum for me.

When I see people asking how much these are worth on the market, my guess is anywhere from 25-50 million, depending on the piece. Some ATs are okay with 4, others may want all 6, particularly free players without an invention license.

Overall, I don't see myself running any more of these. The shiny has worn off.
The biggest problems we had were figuring out
1. Which of the 3 to talk to.
2. Where the safe is.
3. Whether to flirt or be crass.

The fights were just like tip missions, nothing in particular special about them.
I did chuckle when they "ran out of monkeys".

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




sorry to hear that Rex, Yes I can see everything you pointed out. I wish I could have helped you out on what to do, On average the teams I have been on were scoring basicly everything on the first run minus the monkeys or the god-champion.

I generally walk my team through it if no one has done it before simply to make sure they get all the badges.

I have had a bit of fun with it. So far based on my playstyle I have enjoyed the grifter the most followed by the thief hacker then hitter.

I also like the two we run out of ninjas and monkeys

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



The shiny has worn off.

Only reason I continue to run them is for the hopes for a KB-to-KD proc.

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Personally I love the event and have been running it an average of 3 times a night. Most of the time we get all 10 badges on each run. The monkeys can be hard depending on the team makeup, but I have only ever not gotten the God Champion once.

The level restriction on the IOs is supposedly a bug they are looking into.

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
The shiny has worn off.

Only reason I continue to run them is for the hopes for a KB-to-KD proc.
Let me know how many you need, I think I have a few.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



If I could run the Casino Heist over and over again without needing to run the Time Gladiator event as well I would love it even more. To me, the Time Gladiator event is what makes it tedious. However the Casino Heist is unique enough to not become boring, especially if you get 'into' character like Valor suggested.

Overall I've gotten 6 procs throughout the 2 dozen times or so that I qualified for the IO.

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I've run all my squishes (from both accounts) through once -- around thirty times in all -- and am starting on my thirty or so melee toons. I enjoy both "movie features" and the shine hasn't worn off yet.

A few notes:

1) The drops seem to split pretty even across the board (with the proc dropping a bit less frequently). That's one of the reasons I'm running so many. The set makes a good 4 or 5 slot replacement for Postitron's Blast set. Storing them in my base while I decide which toons will get em.

2) Some PUG team compositions breeze through. Others struggle to complete it, especially all squishy teams or all squishy and one scrapper team -- these teams fail to win the arena crowd more often than not.

I've only encountered one PUG team member so far that acted PUGgy: a blaster who spent the entire Roman battle running around Aid Othering team members from his medicine pool instead of ever blasting the bad guys (!). As the rest of us were low damage toons, the fights took forever.

2) Masterminds usually (sorry, Valor!) work pretty well for the Ninja Monkey monkey badge, if they can survive the monkey gas. Especially teams with two MMs.

Hint on entering the Roman arena: put your MM pets on passive/follow and backpeddle away from the minotaur immediately on zoning. Otherwise that first rock quake of his can wipe out your pets. Attack only after the minotaur fires off his rock quake. Keep pets on passive while you circle around edge of arena to attack minotaur from behind. That does a lot to keep them from attacking the angels who should be out of range by then.

3) Stuns, confuses, fears, and holds rarely if ever work on any of the AVs or Elite Bosses in this event. They immobilize a bit easily, however (usually after 2 applications). My Dominators weren't able to contribute very much to any of the runs they make. Occassionally, however, a hold will take. Keep pouring on holds if that ever happends.

Use immob on the AVs frequently to keep them anchored down and prevent them running away ... or running after squishies. A couple squishies spamming immobs should keep them anchored.

4) The fights can last a long time. For squishes, your goal is to conserve your end so you can shoot/debuff/buff. Might as well turn off your toggles, especially def or res ones. They don't do squat with those AVs chucking boulders anyway.

5) Wait until everyone's ready before entering the Roman arena. Some players need to buy insp or set up pets first. Unlike the casino mission, if you enter the Roman arena, everyone gets involuntarily ported in a few seconds after the cut scenes play.

6) ATs/sets of mine that shone: VEAT Huntsman, Rad/rad corruptor, Sonic/Ninja MM, FF/Bot MM, Thermal/Demon MM, Fire blaster, Ill/kin controller.

ATs/sets of mine that bombed miserably: all of my dominators except plant/fire, Poison/zombie MM, Trick Arrow/Archery corruptor. Some of this was in part ot the team composition.

7) Most bizarre PUG team combo that worked suprisingly well: 2 AR blasters, 1 crab spider (me), and a dual pistol corruptor. No aggro control at all, but we plowed through the monkey ninjas pretty awesomely, and didn't do badly on the big AVs either.



Well some good news with the last update the Universal Damage IO's have been fixed so all are usable by min lvl 10.

For those that are around I will be running the Summer event on Saturday 7/14 it will be badging and fun so dress as your favorite part and come play;

It takes a Thief,
Mission Impossible,
Oceans 11,
with a double feature of Spartacus vs The Known World

Have a good rest of the week Liberty.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG