Still some stuff for me to take away from all of this.




OK then, the last weekend, 6 more days, less than a week, 144 hours give or take a few hours or so and its back to pre-2004.

The day that COV came into being, it was lovely. All the pvp zones on Victorywas filled with people from hero and red side battling it out, testing thier builds aganst their friends builds and or a random person's build even though the level cap for villains was 40 and hero's were 50, the fight stiil went either way and seemed like most was having a good time besides the victims of the stray griefer. Unfortunately, it seemed soon after PvP became the domain of make anyone that enter life living hell. Fun was no longer allowed and thus many people started to leave.

Victory server became smaller in population, people's friend's liost became greyed out when a few months ago it was always lit up. Then the move to balance PvP came but it came too late. The people who wanted to learn either swore off PvP or left the game altogether. PvPers cried foul and many left. Although the lack of policing themselves brought it upon them. The ones that remained made sure to take it out on casual and or new PvPers and run them off too. It worked. They had the entire PvP to themselves but I guess it's no fun with no one to grief so they left too leaving a dead PvP system. Good concept, but it boloed along the way. But that is in the past.

PvE with free issue after issue after issue, with things that were soundly called impossible by the forumites being possible, new features, the game of today ties is not even the same game of pre-i13 and for better or worse, it should have been lovely.

Yet, servers remained relatively empty, and when it was made easier to transfer, there were two servers that had relatively good population while the others had the old guard that remained behind with their tight group of friends left over. A new person didnt stand a chance outside Virtue and Freedom if they were looking for group activity. Either way, COX should of been the king of the hill./ It should have been on the level of WoW if not more. There was no competition, it existed before WoW and thus hada head start, devs that stayed in touch and seemed to be intune with the community, an excellent product overall, the ingredients of a great game were there but it did not get to that level. Instead it's a game that is facing shutdown, for the second time, except this time with no saving in sight, and managed to gather only a relative small population.

With DCUO, CO, and possible other super hero MMOs here now and or on the horizon, could COX stand up to that competition when none of those games existed, it only managed a population of about 180,000? It was a small game playing with big tools. But yet throug hall of this it seemed to manage to pull in profits good profits at first then the slide down from there.

What would it had take to save this game and make it grow? I dont know. A look around at forums of this game and other games and what players claim to want, this game had it. Yet, didnt even reach half of a million players. One would think that players would come out the wood work to play this game if what this game offered was true.

But the most fickle consumers are gamers. They say they want one thing and go and flock to a game that offers the total opposite. They lobby for a feature then leave when that feature hits live. They fight an idea tooth and nail but jump on board when it becomes reality. To say that some MMO makers have no idea what gamers want outside where the numbers tell may be true but that is expected when the gamers dont even know exactly what they want. The game makers are just shooting in the dark.

Of course after Nov 30th, all of this will be irrelevant but only thing we can take from it is the lesson. If we truely love a game, cherish it. If there is no advertising, go out and do some for them. Tell everyone, write articles for the online magazines, remind people that the great game exists, do not go on long absences without keeping up the subscription, buy stuff, and buy more stuff, then buy more stuff again, . I've seen what can be done and the organization that it takes over the downfall of the game that should of been the level of it to keep it alive. It should of started since the beginning toensure it stayed healthy. Now it like smoking for 8 years and then trying to quick smoking after the doctor tell you you only have 6 days to live when smoking should of have been quit years ago. At that point, quitting is not futile, a token gesture it is, but when the end comes, al lthat is left is the lesson. Unlike life, there are other chances, and hoepfully people are a bit more wiser now and pay more attention to the signs that are there, even subtle. 90% of cancers are not in your face coughing up blood obvious, but just like cancer, downplay and or ignore the signs, it just gets worse until it's too late.

But this is just my thoughts, not tryign to convince anyone of anything. Each have their own way of dealing with thse last days and this is mine.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



I find it cute how you convince yourself that you are important just because you enjoy raining on other people's parades.

EDIT: I also find it cute how you have "-female player-" in your sig. You don't know how the Internet works, do you.


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.



Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
I find it cute how you convince yourself that you are important just because you enjoy raining on other people's parades.
Have I rained on your parade? Have I said I was important?

When you made your post pouring your heart out, I did not post, I did not bother you. But you of all people, with your game addiction, and after that attention craving woe is me thread you psted, you should be the last one accusing anyone of feeling overly important. From your thread, as you said, you're the one who isnt even mature enough in the head to cope wit hrela life with a game, because your'e feel so powerless. Just as you came here I could of went there and told you to grow up but I didnt. But you come here and claim someone else is raining on a parade? LOL. Anyways, though, I guess maybe it's because I'm not some attention seeking need a game to get away because my life sucks that bad, when you probably have not a clue about hard times that you feel you want to attack me. You're just whining brat that looks for something to whine about with according to your thread that didnt even have a tough life but want everyone to feel sorry for you becuase you cant even cope with normality. Go talk to a starving person, or someone that is haveing it hard then see if your life is that bad. But you dont have the maturity to do that. No, to you, it's always me me me my life sucks why me. Get serious.

Before you attack someone or even dare diss someone else, you first need to get your life straight, grow the hell up, seek a psychologist, then maybe then you'll realize that you might enjoy life more. Then after that, you'll have a leg to stand on that dont depend on a games like a crack addict to feel good.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Have I rained on your parade? Have I said I was important?

When you made your post pouring your heart out, I did not post, I did not bother you. But you of all people, with your game addiction, and after that attention craving woe is me thread you psted, you should be the last one accusing anyone of feeling overly important. From your thread, as you said, you're the one who isnt even mature enough in the head to cope wit hrela life with a game, because your'e feel so powerless. Just as you came here I could of went there and told you to grow up but I didnt. But you come here and claim someone else is raining on a parade? LOL. Anyways, though, I guess maybe it's because I'm not some attention seeking need a game to get away because my life sucks that bad, when you probably have not a clue about hard times that you feel you want to attack me. You're just whining brat that looks for something to whine about with according to your thread that didnt even have a tough life but want everyone to feel sorry for you becuase you cant even cope with normality. Go talk to a starving person, or someone that is haveing it hard then see if your life is that bad. But you dont have the maturity to do that. No, to you, it's always me me me my life sucks why me. Get serious.

Before you attack someone or even dare diss someone else, you first need to get your life straight, grow the hell up, seek a psychologist, then maybe then you'll realize that you might enjoy life more. Then after that, you'll have a leg to stand on that dont depend on a games like a crack addict to feel good.


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.



Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post

EDIT: I also find it cute how you have "-female player-" in your sig. You don't know how the Internet works, do you.
For your information, the sig was not my idea. While you are trying be a smart butt about it. look into the history of it then you would realize that other posters actually suggested to solve the problem of people assuming automatically I'm male.

Have a problem with the sig, go complain to the person and the others that thought it was a good idea. But the point is that I thought it too a good idea and thus it stays, if that is the best you got and only reason you are here, you might as well quit now. I dont want to be responsible for someone ending their life.

Even if I dont know how the internet works, at least I know how real life works which from your thread, it is apparent you are utterly clueless.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
I find it cute how you convince yourself that you are important just because you enjoy raining on other people's parades.

EDIT: I also find it cute how you have "-female player-" in your sig. You don't know how the Internet works, do you.
Hatched any psychotic plans to kill people today?



This is really doom.





Fight The Power



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Hatched any psychotic plans to kill people today?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Hatched any psychotic plans to kill people today?
Killing isn't elegant or creative. It's not my style.


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
For your information, the sig was not my idea. While you are trying be a smart butt about it. look into the history of it then you would realize that other posters actually suggested to solve the problem of people assuming automatically I'm male.
I don't understand why gender is even relevant to a post or a character played.



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
I don't understand why gender is even relevant to a post or a character played.
well a little background.

I didnt think it was relevant either but as someone pointed out, unless stated otherwise, people tend to assume the speaker is male and of course there is really an unakward way to remain neutral in text, i.e he/she type deal. So to me, being assumed male was getting old especially since in the past, many times, I said I was female. Then someone suggested putting it in the sig because really no would be able to tell abd would naturally just assume male. That way they know which one to use without assuming male, which seemed to be the natural thing to do instead of for once assuming female. It sounded like a good idea, and thus here it is. A little reminder i nthe bottom so it's easy to use the proper one.

Yet, as usual, some people had a problem before with it before it was there and the same ones have a problem a problem afterwards. I guess for some either way they must make an issue out of it. There is no pleasing those people. It was suggested, it sounded like a reasonable idea, and thus I did. Now that it's there it's just a sig and not that important unless certain people make it important enough to point out, while they was whining about it prior to it being there sayig "How are we suppose to know you are female and etc." now it's "oh why is that sig. there?" I guess they forgot the belly aching they was putting up before the sig was there. I bet not many of them even remember what the sig was before it stated what it is currently stating. No, they was too focused on looking for non-important stuff to nitpick.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
well a little background.

I didnt think it was relevant either but as someone pointed out, unless stated otherwise, people tend to assume the speaker is male and of course there is really an unakward way to remain neutral in text, i.e he/she type deal. So to me, being assumed male was getting old especially since in the past, many times, I said I was female. Then someone suggested putting it in the sig because really no would be able to tell abd would naturally just assume male. That way they know which one to use without assuming male, which seemed to be the natural thing to do instead of for once assuming female. It sounded like a good idea, and thus here it is. A little reminder i nthe bottom so it's easy to use the proper one.
Its odd to me that it would matter for either side unless they have some kind of insecurity about being called the incorrect gender or assuming the speaker was a gender they aren't.

Personally, I don't mind being called he/she/it/whatever in a setting such as a forum. Face to face is another matter as it should be clear what I am.

When addressing someone in a forum setting, I call them by name or he/she if the name/avatar suggest one or the other (in the event of a manly name but a girly avatar... coin toss!)



I'm sure many people thought the same thing about you GreatRock...just saying

Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
I find it cute how you convince yourself that you are important

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
Its odd to me that it would matter for either side unless they have some kind of insecurity about being called the incorrect gender or assuming the speaker was a gender they aren't.
Or it's just annoying. Any forum could solve this problem just by allowing a little gender symbol next to names. Strangely, the modern English language, despite how ambiguous gender/sex has become in modern society, especially online, there is still no singular pronoun for a person that is gender-neutral. Except for "it." But good luck calling anyone that without them getting offended. "He" used to be acceptable for a male or a female, just as "Man" was often used to describe the human race. But this is now politically incorrect.



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
Its odd to me that it would matter for either side unless they have some kind of insecurity about being called the incorrect gender or assuming the speaker was a gender they aren't.

Personally, I don't mind being called he/she/it/whatever in a setting such as a forum. Face to face is another matter as it should be clear what I am.

When addressing someone in a forum setting, I call them by name or he/she if the name/avatar suggest one or the other (in the event of a manly name but a girly avatar... coin toss!)
I'm just taking the guess work out of it. But compared to other signatures I've seen on here, mine should not even warrant a discussion.

It's my signature, it will stay, for what ever reason I choose, it might be as simple as because it's there and that's the end of that about the signature. next question. I dont see people going around asking other people why they chose that signature or this signature so I expect it to be just as mum about mine.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Gender in signature issues aside, the one thing that I'm little unclear with this thread, is.. well.. the point?

Your OP is a bit, well.. "rambly", if there's such a word, but if I get the gist of what you're saying correctly, you're basically saying that you can't understand why CoH wasn't more popular than it was because it appeared to offer all the things that gamers wanted?

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Wow. This thread got derailed.

Anyway, I agree with the female player.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Have you grown up yet?
I'd reply to this more in keeping with theme, but frankly, despite your 16000 posts I have never even heard of you. *shrug*



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
Or it's just annoying. Any forum could solve this problem just by allowing a little gender symbol next to names. Strangely, the modern English language, despite how ambiguous gender/sex has become in modern society, especially online, there is still no singular pronoun for a person that is gender-neutral. Except for "it." But good luck calling anyone that without them getting offended. "He" used to be acceptable for a male or a female, just as "Man" was often used to describe the human race. But this is now politically incorrect.
English should use the female pronoun. It encompasses both he and she.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
I find it cute how you convince yourself that you are important just because you enjoy raining on other people's parades.

EDIT: I also find it cute how you have "-female player-" in your sig. You don't know how the Internet works, do you.
Shhhhhh; please don't feed/give this thing - male, female, who the hell cares - the attention that it seeks.



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
Gender in signature issues aside, the one thing that I'm little unclear with this thread, is.. well.. the point?

Your OP is a bit, well.. "rambly", if there's such a word, but if I get the gist of what you're saying correctly, you're basically saying that you can't understand why CoH wasn't more popular than it was because it appeared to offer all the things that gamers wanted?
I think the point generally was, if you like your mmo game and want to see it thrive, evangelize it....although I'll add, don't be a fanboyish jerk when doing it. ( ' :




Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
I think the point generally was, if you like your mmo game and want to see it thrive, evangelize it....although I'll add, don't be a fanboyish jerk when doing it. ( ' :

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
Gender in signature issues aside, the one thing that I'm little unclear with this thread, is.. well.. the point?

Your OP is a bit, well.. "rambly", if there's such a word, but if I get the gist of what you're saying correctly, you're basically saying that you can't understand why CoH wasn't more popular than it was because it appeared to offer all the things that gamers wanted?
The point is it is just my thoughts just like those other random thought and sometimes poems that people write.

No, what I'm saying is that I think COX could have been more popular because it seemed to offer everything that gamers say they wanted but in the gaming world it isnt that easy.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
I'd reply to this more in keeping with theme, but frankly, despite your 16000 posts I have never even heard of you. *shrug*
*shrug* We probably frequent different sections. But why would I care if you've heard of me?

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