Hypothetical: If the game was bought, But the only servers were virtue, Freedom and Union




Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
...Would you care?

Let's assume somehow your character miraculously remained, unharmed along with the servers.
I'd play if there was only one server and I had to start all over from scratch. but I'd like at least 24 character slots (more would be better).

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
As mentioned several times already, the shards don't require dedicated hardware so there's very little cost savings by consolidating them, if any. The initial cost of merging them would probably be many times more than they would save, even over a multi-year period.

I assume this would also include developer time to increase the max number of character slots per server from 48 to 240? I don't have quite that many myself, but I have enough that they all wouldn't fit into 3 x 48.

For people complaining that it would be "too hard to find a team", that's what server transfers are for. Why alienate the people who prefer quieter servers just because you enjoy crowded zones and broadcast spam?

As someone who mostly does static teams, I could play an a completely empty server with only the eight of us in our little group and would be perfectly happy. Imagine that.
Having your own zone is nice I'm sure. Especially, on an old computer like I have.

But I'd give up these types of luxuries to keep the game going.

To be good about answering the question, me personally, I don't like to pay for moving my toon from one server to another to be able to team. I had always hoped that like texting this feature would eventually become "free" or at least included in the cost of subscription.

I do not mind however paying for new features such as costume pieces or powersets.

In case you are polling opinions.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I'd play if there was only one server and I had to start all over from scratch. but I'd like at least 24 character slots (more would be better).
This is funny to me, This is exactly what i would do.

Only CoH could make me enjoy releveling, in any other game, Like WoW (Hate it) Or SWTOR (Very good, but only on the first playthrough for each faction) i would just quit.



Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
...Would you care?

Let's assume somehow your character miraculously remained, unharmed along with the servers.
Since long ago I moved all my people to Virtue, for ostensibly other reasons but with the current situation tucked firmly in the back of my mind, it would not matter a bit to me.

I am honestly astounded that the game is being closed without even a hint of a prior server-merge. Dont bother condensing the population, just shut the whole thing down!! In what universe does that even make sense?!!

I would play this game even if I could keep only the slots on one server, or even only a few slots on one server, although winnowing down my alts to say, 5, would be an agony that kept me up nights.

But we're not even going to get that. This whole situation has been a nightmare for me. Losing my alts is traumatising me. I know I am not alone in that, it just amazes me how upset and angry I am about the whole %$#*ing UNNECESSARY MESS, two months later. Its like Nevil Shute's "On the Beach" in an MMO. Where will my characters be when the final light goes out?! They dont even get a cyanide pill. *puts head in hands*



Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
To be good about answering the question, me personally, I don't like to pay for moving my toon from one server to another to be able to team. I had always hoped that like texting this feature would eventually become "free" or at least included in the cost of subscription.
i'm guessing you mean unlimited server transfers as often as whim dictated since we were already getting one free transfer a month with a subscription. Obviously it was not impossible to grant more since there were times when we were given more than the one a month.

As for the original premise... i wouldn't even care if i had to start over with new characters, but i would be rather annoyed if i lost access to all the perks, powersets, and costume pieces i've unlocked over the years.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I might not LIKE it, but if they threw beefy enough servers to handle more than 3000 people at a time, I guess I could see transferring some toons over.

Seriously though, the number of servers is almost a non-issue. It's RIDICULOUSLY easy to virtualize that kind of stuff nowadays. And with even a semi-decent SAN back-end, you'd be hard pressed to ever tell the difference without diagnostic tools.

Oh yeah. The other evening:

Freedom TF channel: 8 people
Protector TF channel: 64 people
You have to look at the number in the team search window to get a more accurate count. There may have been 64 people in the Protector TF channel, but since it's a global channel, they could be logged in on any server and show up there. I haven't seen more than 30 (unhidden) people on Protector proper for some time now, and it's continuously been among the servers with the lightest load.



Whew, at least I would be able to choose Union! Not fond of the other two choices.



Originally Posted by Bookkeeper_Jay View Post
Whew, at least I would be able to choose Union! Not fond of the other two choices.
What difference would it make? The entire player base would be forced to migrate to three servers. So the stuff you don't like about Freedom and Virtue is gonna get forced onto Union anyway.



Originally Posted by Dixileta View Post
You have to look at the number in the team search window to get a more accurate count. There may have been 64 people in the Protector TF channel, but since it's a global channel, they could be logged in on any server and show up there. I haven't seen more than 30 (unhidden) people on Protector proper for some time now, and it's continuously been among the servers with the lightest load.
The Freedom TF channel is also global so that means that all 8 of them were probably actually on Protector.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
What difference would it make? The entire player base would be forced to migrate to three servers. So the stuff you don't like about Freedom and Virtue is gonna get forced onto Union anyway.
I forgot my joke tags.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I am honestly astounded that the game is being closed without even a hint of a prior server-merge. Dont bother condensing the population, just shut the whole thing down!! In what universe does that even make sense?!!
The game isn't being shut down because the population dropped to the point servers needed to be merged. It's being shut down because NCSoft is run by evil corporate f-wordtards that couldn't stand the fact that CoH was successfully showing a small but steady profit, while their vaunted Asian focused MMO's are hemorrhaging lost revenues left and right.



Originally Posted by Bookkeeper_Jay View Post
I forgot my joke tags.
Sorry for misunderstanding your meaning then.



Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
This is funny to me, This is exactly what i would do.

Only CoH could make me enjoy releveling, in any other game, Like WoW (Hate it) Or SWTOR (Very good, but only on the first playthrough for each faction) i would just quit.
It's not even exactly that for me. It's just the game is so unique in how it is played. I wouldn't like having to relevel up and reincarnate my favorites but at least I'd be able to play them again eventually.

As things are right now this shining jewel among games is going to get locked away in a vault never to be seen again. That is the real pity of this mess.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.