Post an obscure tidbit about CoH that no one else knows




Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Repulsion Field uses Replace stacking, not Ignore stacking, so every 0.5 seconds it replaces the previous KB effect with a new one. The 0.75 second duration will only come into play once an entity is knocked far enough away to no longer be in range of the half second pulses.

Interestingly, and bringing to mind a previous discussion, Repulsion Field's KB with a duration is Cur, whereas something like Force Bolt uses Abs KB.
I don't think the physics engine cares about the difference between not stacking and replace stacking. Replace stacking replaces one attribmod with another attribmod on the target, but it does not alter the KB attribute. I believe there is a fundamental difference between hitting a target with a zero duration KB and 0.5 seconds later hitting it with another KB, and hitting a target with a 0.75 second duration KB, replacing it with another 0.75 second duration KB, and then letting it expire. I think the difference is the difference between two invocations of the physics engine and one, although I can't prove it. I did once discuss the issue of KB stacking with pohsyb, and I believe we both thought the KB stacking window was likely around ~0.25 seconds, suggesting that KB pulses of 0.5 seconds would be distinguishable by the game as two separate effects.

And yes, it does seems that power goes out of its way to avoid creating an Abs with a Dur, suggesting once again that may be impossible or ill-defined.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I did once discuss the issue of KB stacking with pohsyb, and I believe we both thought the KB stacking window was likely around ~0.25 seconds, suggesting that KB pulses of 0.5 seconds would be distinguishable by the game as two separate effects.
I should've known you looked into this

FWIW, Romulus can be bounced easily with stacked Bonfires. But, IIRC, most other AVs can't be.



Here's a very obscure tidbit: CoH has a feature called Gladiator Battles where players can pit teams of NPC pets against each other in arena maps.



Probably been around since launch, but I didn't realize until the Summer Blockbuster event came around that you can have simultaneous glowie bars filling at the same time. Stand still, click the first glowie, then the 2nd, then the 3rd, and they'll all fill up at the same time, even though you'll only see the active progress of the 3rd one. Very handy time saver.



Originally Posted by Flying_Carcass View Post
Here's a very obscure tidbit: CoH has a feature called Gladiator Battles where players can pit teams of NPC pets against each other in arena maps.
Not all that obscure. Healing done by pets counts toward your heal badge, even if it heals you. People would run 'heal farms' where they got the Longbow Warden gladiator, which has a heal, then stand in a lava pool and leave the game running all night.

It's a shame PvP didn't catch on more. I ran a few gladiator matches back in the day, they were kind of fun.