Tales from Beta (du dun dun), random thoughts, comments, silly stuff.
Fact: Beta rocks!
Everything is Free! free! Don't forget to buy a stack of the Def/Off and Surv Amplifiers when making a toon here, as well as the Double Xp and Experienced powers.
You can use 2xp, then claim ONE Experience, pop that, getting partol xp. Then..when its gone, claim another, and you can use it right away, for MORE patrol xp. Basically lvling at 2x + patrol, 1-50! Awesome.
Almost all IO sets are on the market (FREE!!) but make sure you just 'buy' the set, not bit by bit, as I did at first.
Also, if you reaaally want things like a pvp +res proc, move a 50 here, go to oro, buy a bunch of Emp merits for 1 inf, then get and email said recipe to yourself.
And lots of super packs for flipping.
Did I mention its all free? Well..apart from Titanium Coatings..which actually USE up your store of 9999 points (nothing else will lower that figure)..
Crank your settings to max if you can...hell, even if you cant. What with no one being here, it isnt to laggy, and the game looks pretty darn awesome.
Taking shots as I go, posting here.
Warning, a lot are from teh new arcs, and technically spoilers.
Playing my DP/MC blaster.
The new animation speeds seen nice..but as I said when I first heard it, then 80ft range on Heavy hitters just makes no sense. None at all. Sure, its great, still dont like it.
Also, redraw? WTF. COme on. If I can have my guns out using ninja run, jumping round like a ****, why the hell cant I keep them out when I just kick someone? Kicking doesnt use my hands!
Another thing..my guns have pretty red laser sights. Lasers! Always looking fancy..oh, wait. EXCEPT for when I am actually firing the damn guns. UM..hello. Awesome sights..gonna do a heap when I turn them off as I pull the trigger.
More redraw..the twirly gun crap to bring em out. There is NO hot southern wenches around me as I play..who am I trying to impress? Magic auto appearing guns please. Or why cant we just assume we are all as fast on the draw as Maverick? He was pretty instant.
MC itself. Ki Push..is..odd? I like it, it looks cool. When you use it facing down a loong hall. Any geometry at all in the way though..and it spazzes out.
Other sets have ranged T1s...Ki to me, seems like it should have a small 10 ft range..since it is NOT your actual punch making them fly back..but your magic super Ki energy stuffs. Or something.
Storm Kick..fun. pretty. Nice kb. But..the set already has an aoe kb. Why not a stun or something, which would have stacked with EC? And it..makes you bleed? What, from a kick? Unless you kick someone in the nose, mouth, or ribs..they arent bleeding that much? Give it a -recovery as they get Winded?
More to follow.
On Beta, there REALLY needs to be a search option for your email. Mine is filled up with soooo much stuff, and for some reason I cant enlarge (vertically) the portion with contents. Its realllly annoying.
Having 649 unopened super packs kinda makes up for it though.
You're a Blaster/Defender/Corruptor. Not a Scrapper/Brute/Stalker/Tank. Your blasts shouldn't require you to get right up in someone's face to pull off.
It still makes no sense.
It's ok if you dont agree. I admit that response is harsh. But its how I see it.
Moving on though, so we dont get bogged down in an argument. Thank you for reading!
Moved my Nature Fire fender over.
Tried teh fast snipe mechanic.
Exactly as I said in numerous threads months ago..it is just too good. Wait, back up..too good on NON blasters. Which I always thought was the point..fixing blasters, not 'blasts'.
On my fender, it was seriously awesome. Just awesome. 400 damage with overgrowth going, more when debuffed. All re doable every 7 seconds.
And this with FIRE blast. I'll say it again..fire didnt need to get better in any way. It was already awesome. I can see the same for my beam/em and dark em blasters with fast snipes, while admittedly not perma.
All a wash anyway...but this really was a random bandaid buff.
The stalker changes were awesome cause ALl stalkers got them. Not just a few sets.
Still..fast snipes..fun!
Marchand's Arc, part 2 and 3
Part 2 of marchands.
Starts with him saying Calvin has lost his mind and wants to see the world burn. And our new group of preatorians has to stop him. Going to bricks to crack heads. Starts in our base with Grant, PenD and Aurora as helpers.
We've got the Freakshow running rampant in a nearby warehouse. The Nemesis army punched a hole in the city streets with one of their machines; they're attempting to make an escape route for their soldiers. The Hellions have begun burning down an office building with civilians trapped inside.
Thats his text. Then you get to assign the team members to each role. Neat. And..I ****** it. lol. Each one has different requirements, and tells you what it needs. Each team member has different strong areas..and I assume if you send them to the wrong place they get pwnt./
In the bank..4 mobs each led by one of the rogue isle vills. Giga watts etc. And..got a badge! I guess the badge is for doing in all 'correctly' which is cooool. Genetic Contamination! The lvl 35 damage aura..looks coool.
Next mission..in an old lab map. and has a side bar showing how the other team members are beating up varieous mobs, as we kill more escaped rogue isle vills. Had to turn of an empowerment machine to help kill the Petrovics. (The skulls leaders)
Now stopping an invasion of PI led by Duray! Ohh neat, a boat just off PI. Ohh on the boat, kill a few mobs, then Fusion and Jane Temblor come in. Aww they sucke.d
Off to Refugeee island..and..boooom it got nuked! Oooh new mob! UPA. Bio is..
The members of the Resistance in the Unified People's Army make up those who were loyal to Calvin Scott's vision. They were unphased when it was revealed that he had a mental disorder causing him to believe that Aurora Pena was his wife; what mattered was the goal of fighting for the freedom of a new tomorrow. They fight now in the Unified People's Army with the belief that they stand for the freedom of mankind, even if mankind doesn't realize it.
They look neat! And..HURTIES. I got ***** Its like fighting vanguard, idf and resistance mobs all at once..with BETTER attacks. lol. Awesome..save 4 dudes..then our WHOLE team of allies goes missing. WTF guys.
" Wrathe, Calvin Scott just sent me a direct message with images. His Unified People's Army and the Council have captured all of the New Praetorians. Marauder... Riptide... Grant... everyone is under their control. They're trying to send a message, Wrathe. I thought it was to me, but it looks like it's directly to you."
Pack of Nublets. Ok..turning ourselgves over to teh center in exchange for them all. And Maraider is working with Scott and the council. We have to save them all..again. They did such a good job on Bioarmour..the different modes. Running Defensive now, and its sooo tough. But you cna see you do less damage than offensive, which is good. It adds a healing proc to all attacks! So with spines bio..its pretty mad.
OMFG. Council warwalker! of DOOOM. Screenshots. That arc rooocked.
Next arc! From Marchy again.
Calvin Scott's Unified People's Army and the Council are both working towards a common goal of taking over America and instituting their new rule. Calvin Scott's army doesn't have the same level of power that the Council has, which is why the Center and his army are leading the charge. If we can cut down the Council, we'll take down Calvin Scott, too. According to the Zig records â and the original video broadcast from the Center â we'll have to contend with the Council's major generals: Maestro, Arakhn, Vandal, Archon Burkholder, and Nosferatu. The Center isn't an idiot, however; the UPA and the Council have spread out to attack major points all around Paragon City, forcing us to also spread out
First mission. Saving numi and fenry in FF from Maestro. Super cool mission. Its part of FF, as the map. And you free numi and ferny, all teh while PD is fighting maestro off screen, with it showing their HP bars. And you cna click glowy portals over the map to power up PB during the right. Got a Pendragons Ally badges for doing it all before he dies..neat!
Next Mission.. Riptide sent us a report that several odd chambers were air dropped into Croatoa. Shortly afterwards, creatures resembling vampires emerged from them! This is no doubt the work of Nosferatu. Riptide is on the scene now trying to hold him off. The Council is trying to occupy Croatoa, which is very... strange. It's not a strategic spot at all, but they're sending one of their top lieutenants to take the area. Founders' Falls... Croatoa... they don't make any sense as strategic targets, Wrathe. Why not attack Atlas Park, Kings Row, or Independence Port? They're all more valuable than these places...
Wee..cool. Croatoa map..mobs of vamps. Have to blow up the transformation capsules as Riptide fights Nossy. Saame thing..get riptides ally badges for doing it.I win! Nossy summoned eclispe warwolves during the fight..wouldnt vamps make more sense?
Next one.. Alec Parson and I will continue to do more work investigating what the Council could be planning. Pendragon and Aurora are working on fighting Archon Burkholder in Striga Isle, although it appears that the Council and UPA have formed a much tighter defense on the island than we previously expected. We also believe that Marauder has his abilities back, judging by some of the small craters we've seen on the island. This calls for drastic measures, Wrathe.
Awesome..getting together with the phalanx, vanguard, vindicators, our new praetorians and the regulators..to do invade striga! And..somehow the whole meeting was a trick by Arkhan. Not sure how she could trick everyone.. Cutscene..requiem wants arkahn to join teh 5th column, but she stays with teh council. Pretty simple really..nothing special, just bash her up.
Next.. Part Four: Praetoria's Fury
The Center and Calvin Scott think they have everything set to go for their invasion of America. Calvin Scott's army believes they have the know-how to defeat the soldiers of Primal Earth, while the Council has their parade of monstrosities. The Center is betting that we're too scared to try to attack them head-on. I lost the last gamble against him â I won't lose this one. We're going to prove him wrong, Wrathe. The time for caution is over. We're going to attack the Council's volcano base in Striga Isle head-on. Pendragon and Aurora report that the base's defenses are astronomical compared to earlier reports. They're getting something ready in there, Wrathe, and we're going to stop it. I need to warn you, however, about one thing...
Parasitic Aura!! Weeee. That isnt the one thing btw. He thinks it is a suicide mission blah blah. Assault striga isle! can choose to do it alone, like the DA arcs. Im trying it! Aweesome. Mission is seriously broke with a double xp booster on and a partol xp..50k xp per capsule. lol. Wee ambush of like 6 warwalkers! Now for marauder. Turns out he weas jyust pretendnig to work with the council, to get his powers back. After killing a goliath warwalker, mission done
Last mission..I think. ******* epic arc,
If what he said is true, we have one final battle on our hands, which is to bring down Calvin Scott, the Council base, and the remaining Council generals.
So..time to mash heads. That was neat..fight vandal and ascendant archons. 4 UPA bosses now. Get to the top of teh volcano!
Fight Calvin for a bit..then he flips out, says he knows he is doing wrong, and blows up the council base and himself. Boom.
Questions at the end..
Emperor Cole's trial is still ongoing. He actually has a laywer from Primal Earth representing him now. It will be some months before the trial is finished; Cole has done too much for this to be over so quickly. However, he will see justice, and it will be in the court of law, not by the hand of any one person. Praetor Duncan's fate is still up in the air. Ms. Liberty wants to try to bring her into the Vindicators and redeem her. The odds of that happening are up in the air, although Duncan is being given some credit due to her aid in the Magisterium conflict.
You have to understand, Wrathe, the nature of Duncan and the nature of Marauder. Duncan has the reputation of being a backstabber and a manipulator. We have to be careful that this isn't just some ploy on her part. Marauder is a fighter. He fought in the Hamidon wars, in Praetoria, and in Lambda sector to protect himself and the people of Praetoria. Even if he is rough, he has no love for what we'd call villainy. That is why Marauder was given a 'pass' and Praetor Duncan was not.
Marauder is undergoing investigation as we speak, but I believe he will be released back under our care; evidence is piling up that he sabotaged several of the Council's schemes while he was with them. Grant Creston will recover from his wounds in a few days, and he'll be back in action. Alec Parson is working on further advances for his Clockwork. He's using a few of them to improve our base. Riptide's actions have earned him a full pass by the Paragon authorities. He's been asked for some interviews by the press, but he has declined all of them. He's very reluctant to give himself the spotlight. Aurora seems to be troubled by something â I believe she's afraid that she lost control when she was speaking to Calvin Scott. Pendragon is doing well enough, though I believe something is bothering him; he won't say what exactly it is, unfortunately.
Ooo new personal arc! The Center's Personal Story Gamble The Center called in one of his newly recruited scientists; a man named Doctor Arvin. Several undercover Council agents had recovered Doctor Arvin from Praetoria after hearing that the man was a renowned scientist. The Center used his super-powered charisma to convince Arvin to work for the Council, specifically on a back up plan during the War Walker and Scott project. The backup plan was quite risky, but he knew it would work as long as he was underestimated by the one known as Praetor White.
LOL! I am teh Centers costume model..but my organic tail is still on! lol
The Center was forced to hide a smile. His charisma had turned this good doctor into someone who actually was looking forward to the return of a scientist who looked like a vampire! The backup plan worked perfectly. The Center knew Praetor White would use their resources to be cured. He wouldn't know, however, that his cure could eventually lead to the Council mass producing Berry's super serum for their soldiers! Now, it was just a matter of time and putting resources into cracking the Serum. The destruction of the War Walkers was a massive blow to the Center's plans... but there could still be a recovery. Once things were back up and running, the Center knew who the Council's first target would be: Wrathe.
Congratulations! You earned the Ace Up Their Sleeve badge.
More spoilers, more wall of text.
Weee..50 in 3 days! Go go amplifiers!
Making incarnates is a pain though...not long, just tedious. SInce you have to claim emp meirts then convert them. But I have all tier4s..AND a talon of vengance lore! Pet Diviner and Siren! The Boss has some attack thats on a 16 sec cooldown..for 1000 damag! And teh siren has a regen song. Utter haxs
Doing Dr Otis' arc now.
He is a scientist in the vanguard base. Has a pixel aura and keeps talknig about how he can turn into pixels. Tells us about the last human outpost in Preatoria, and we suggest we cna save them all!
Huh? You don't want to evacuate? You want to SAVE this place?! That's crazy! Why, you'd have to be... ... A super powered incarnate to begin to think that's feasible. OK, so, maybe it's possible. Okay, okay, think Orts... There's got to be a way we can make this work.
kay, so, you know how Emperor Cole was able to give his Praetors greater powers? What if... And this is a big if... you were able to do that to the Lambda turrets? Maybe you could use your Incarnate powers to temporarily reboot them with Incarnate energy! It's possible that turrets firing energy of that magnitude could repel something as massive as the Seed of Hamidon! Because, to be frank, Wrathe, if the Seed of Hamidon makes it there, that place is doomed, and we'll need to close the portal ASAP.
So..here I go! Not sure why I cant just whoop teh **** outta the seed.>WITH my own incarnate power, but hey.
(Ohh neat, his bio is as follows... Dr. Michael Orts, known as Number Six, has a unique ability; he can turn himself into pixilated data and insert himself into any computer in the world, no matter how high tech it is. This power has a downside however; Number Six has a tough time coming back, and his body was permantely turned into metal. Number Six was recently lost for years in a Crey facility until he was recovered with the help of Gaussian and a woman called the Doctor....thats cool, tying it in with the Doctor arc)
Destroyed base map..de ambushing. The arc gives Hybrid xp..soooooooooooo slow. 24k per ONE %....llol. But apparently theres 2 badge challenges in the arc that give a bonus 10%. Neat. Time to power up da turrets! For such a good 'base'..the place is a dump. The seed is coming! It got ******..incarnate turrets pwn all it seems!
Next Mission. I do... er, sort of. Kind of. Well, not really. Here's the problem. The facility is in the Hamidon's forest. There's all sorts of things crawling around in there, and it's not just Hamidon. Scouts reported seeing Spirit Stalkers there. I know Shadow Hunter was the head of that pack... maybe it means he's been taken over by Hamidon? I don't know. What you'll have to do is try to thin the numbers of the Spirit Stalkers and Devouring Earth there, and get a beacon to locate where the facility is.
Finding a sonic fence warehouse. Or something. Its a hami forest map..like a lvl 50 perez! Looks neat though. Have to find and resuce people for the challenge. Pretty basic..looks pretty though.
Mission 3. We just received word that there was a huge explosion over in what's left of Neutropolis. It looks like Anti-Matter's reactors all went off - it was massive! I bet that put a huge dent in Hamidon, or at least, I hope it does. Boooom! Time to fix the sonic fences..again. Ooo neat, DE infested Warehouse..see screenies. Now an underwater de infested room! The map is sooo ******* cool. Find Reese down there..that top dog guy from prea, who tired to kill you. And the nubshit wants to fight hami..cause hami is proper..top dog material. Yeha ok. 4% Hybrid..weee.
4th Mission. he says that if the situation gets to a point where the civilization is going to fall, then I need to shut off the portal to Praetoria. Anyone left there will be considered KIA. Pretty bad, right? I mean, why do I have to do that? Paaanic? It's going to take a while to get the sonic fencing back up to snuff. In the meantime, I've managed to locate a huge area underground where the Devouring Earth's forces are located. Not just that, but I even located, get this, an Avatar of Hamidon! Crazy!
Plus, well, to be honest, we kind of need to focus Hamidon's attention away from Last Bastion, and the best way to do that is throw a buffed up Incarnate like you straight at one of its prized possessions!
Gulp. Im scared. The water on the floor looks awesome! Spoooky tunnels. Killing lotsa mobs. Wow, fall through a 'mouth' like the entry into DA..down a long tunnel/intestine thingy. So coool. Now fall into a hall way with the Avatar (eeep) and some guy in a coat, named Hamidon? He talks about wanting to wipe us all out for being unworthy blah blah. I win! RAAWR. Less xp than Lord Recluse
Part 5. Wrathe, we've got no time to talk! Last Bastion's under attack, there's a Seed of Hamidon floating right above it! The portal will not take you back once you go in. The only way to get back is if you can get the area secured. But... The only way to do that is to somehow get a message back to here. That's where I come in! I'll be splitting a part of myself to monitor your activities. If things go well, I'll send the message to reactivate the portal. If they don't... well, then you're going to become really good friends with a part of me! The reports we received from Serpent Drummer indicate that the force that's attacking is massive. You'll have to give it everything you've got to repel them!
Doooom. Lol..drummers text..
This would normally be when one of us would say we've been through worse. However, being trapped on a planet with an entity that controls all of the Earth that is trying to consume my life is, coincidentally, the worst situation I believe I've been in.
Ewww. I have those stupid Hami Seed debuffs on me 6 glowies and a few mobs. Then back to prepare for the final fight. Apparently shadow huntre was there..but we dont see him. 3 Avatars coming in! eeek Oh ****..3 avs!!
Woah. Fun Avatar Smasher badge! Its purdy. And big bonus Hybrid xp after. This woulda been awesome
Wrathe, you've done it! The sonic fences are back on and the city is cleared of the Devouring Earth. Lady Grey is working on re-activating the portal as we speak. The people here have set up a large hologram to remember you for all the work you've done. I'm still amazed that you took on all the Avatars on your own... That is quite an impressive feat! It seems like there's still someone who wants to dispute that, however. Reese wants to face you one more time in combat.
Wtf, this nublet. And..he died. Well..I killed him. And a badge! Civ's Saviour..its neat!
Wrathe, I'm amazed! You did it! We've got reports that Metronome is in Anti-Matter's space station now. He's going to be providing support from there against the Hamidon while we rebuild what's left of Last Bastion.
Anti-Matter knew that he could use all the power in his space station to reseal his suit. He would have to escape from the station at that point, as it would lose all power and crash into the Earth. There was just one problem...
AM's personal mission!
Oooh neat, I AM antimatter! Like tony stark IS iron man! Sorta. And I GET teh Disintergration power..pow!
Anti-Matter's control over space and time grants him the ability to disassemble matter on a sub-atomic level. If an enemy dies during the Disintegration, a portion of the matter is returned to Anti-Matter, healing him.
Oh and..a special buff called..Anti Matter..that gives me +150% run speed. Woot? Actually..kinda good..I hate the slooow speed in the other personal arcs. Nubshit dont even have Acclerant Metabolism? wtf dude.
God fix that ******* % bug already guys.
Space station..I cant heaaar yooou! His nuke recharges in 30 secs. wtf hax
Odd..Im not taking any damage..
[Caption] 'Where did it all go wrong... did it all start... with you... Duncan... with that blasted woman...?'
Women..always causing trouble.
Charggge! Whooped his ***.
Then AM nukes himself Sad.
Proud Scientish badge!
Some more Spoilers..
New Arc! Its one of the Vigilante only Ones. Contact is..Void Sanction. Or maybe thats the arc name..not sure.
That's what I like to hear. My team is called 'Void Sanction', and you can simply call me 'The Major'. I'll be your handler, and you'll be doing some jobs for us that can, in no way, be associated with Hero Corp. You get caught -- or get sloppy -- and we'll disavow any knowledge of your actions. With that understood, let's get cracking.
Well..that answers that! First mission has us getting 5 packages and needing to take them to Dead Drop locations in bricks. % different spots to click on the bricks map. ANd..no idea whats gonig on now! Oh..
You find the order packet. Seems they want you to take out a shopkeeper with a cyberarm from a Freakshow named R-More.
Warehouse of freaks. Soon..dead freaks. Steal teh dudes arm.
Next is..Taking out a shopkeeper. Its like one of the small indoor bank maps. Oh..we beat teh shopkeeper, who is a family EB, WITh teh freak guys arm, to frame him. But..im not sure how bad that is..since he just got beaten up and lost an arm! Cant catch a break
His breifings are a bit..stupid. They are just single code words, so you dont know what your doing..till you get in. maybe that was the ide.a.all undercover and stuffs.
Neat..theres mobs of PPD on the streets of bricks, fighting council. Think that ties in with i24 and teh center being so big. Wtf psi prisoners? Screenshotted!
Ohh capturing a paragon protector. Always wanted one. Maybe crey lore pets..gives us one of thiose uber PPs who get stuck moving and cant get hit. Anyway..off to capture the guy. Fun but nothing new.
Next. Saw Council mobs and captured 5th column. Nice to see em win for once. Now I have to lead the captured Protector to some Crey Vice president dude. Gah ******* **** is stuck in the Roof. Oh, was. And..now he is stucking doing that moonwalk shuffle bug Resetting. Better..the PP gets close to teh guy and Inferno's him. But due to the rooms size..he dropped the nuke too far, and it wouldnt have actually hit him anyway. lol
Dead drop text for next one..
The package contains a cell phone and orders to place this on the body of ROFLSTOMP, a Freakshow who has been linked to 12 murders.
have to kill him..warehouse freak map. basic. Something about putting a mobile phone near his body..not sure why.
Next... Your orders packet includes a thumb drive and asks you to install the data on it on several Council computers to plant evidence that Archon Kruger is planning to betray them to the 5th Column. Then his elimination will uncover this evidence and simply be chalked up to an opportunistic Council member looking to clean up.
Council map..4 comps to hack. And..nothing special again. **** died though..a LOT.
Next..killing the archon we just..set up? Hmm not sure! Oh well. Lame. He looks exactly like Burkholder does. Oh then we frame the council for killing him. Ok..
Your target is someone named 'Recall' who is from Praetorian Earth. He apparently is attempting to start up a Fixadyne lab here on Primal Earth, and you need to stop him before he begins. Planting some Resistance tech at the scene should pin his death on them and not you.
****..its the UPA guys. Unified Peoples Army. they aresuuuch dirty cheating sluts. Killed boss, tagged glowie..wooties.
next mission..called..Total Recall. It better have an Arnie reference.
Resistance tech acquired with no witnesses.
HA! Too bad I ran part 5 mobs at the start cause I couldnt be bothered fighting them all. Guess they didnt 'see' me steal the stuff.
Yay IDF is a waaarehouse. Stab stab. He was a mind/psi dom type..plant evidence to look like the resistance killed him (he was a former loyalist).
here is a guy, former Crusader from Praetoria, wants to blow up the new Powers division getting set up here on Primal Earth. Hero Corp was hired to arrest this man, but I made sure that that job was put into the hands of their C-level operatives, real buffoons. This gives Void Sanction a chance to strike the blow that Hero Corp isn't legally able to. First I need you to go and collect some explosives from a Council base then plant these in that damn Crusader's HQ. After you take down the Crusader, you can detonate the explosives and cover up your tracks.
Council base..2 bombs. Snooooze.
Sewer and UPA. Icky..2 bombs. Ninjaing! Wtf. Its a lvl 40 arc..ends with like 6 lvl 45 bosses. Oo after killing him, Holo Man pops up. he has been tracking us..
There was a connection between all these deaths I had seen. You kept your face hidden from the shopkeeper's surveilance cameras, and from the cameras inside that Crey lab.
I was close to you, but I needed to catch you red-handed, so I leaked the information I had about this Crusader here, hoping to draw you out. Worked like a charm. Now, I get to bring you in, and you can tell me all about who you work for.
And..he died. Funny bug with the Defeats column on Beta..it says..
Wasn't a bad arc..nothing as cool as Marchy or 6 though.
marchand and 6's arcs were SOOOOOOOOO good. I seriously love them. Easily teh best we have..or had.
Such a shame they will never go live. NC are tards for not letting them publish i24. I have seen no bugs at all with this stuff.
Hats well and truly off to whoever worked on these, the writing, art, maps, baddies..everything. Awesome.
Blaster at lvl 22.
reach for the Limit...Um..ah. Yeah. Not sure? It sounds much better than it is..which is good, cause it does not seem to be all that.
Cant slot it with anything..booo. I hate unslottable powers. Just make it an inherent.
37% dam, 10% to hit. It does not seem to go off enough. Attacking constantly with my 2 low tier DP attacks..
Sure, its nice when it DOES fire, but, the chances are that its gonna go off near the end of a fight, and will have worn of by the next mob anyway. Blasters are dps..burst damage. A random proc for a SMALL (compared to bu) damage buff isnt bursty. Being able to pic when you get +damage, ala aim/bu, is so much more flexible and indeed..useful.
Good idea, +creativity points and stuffs..but..
Oh, and its great that it gets proc'd via Burst of Speed..except that the info makes NO mention of it. And I have never (admittedly 22 lvls only) seen it stack, not once.
Power Siphon and Soul Drain both work differently to click +damag powers, and are both great. RftL..the limit seems to be just above suckage.
Maybe if all the MC attacks gave an increased chance to proc it? WHo knows..maybe they do.
Reaction Time!
Pretty swirl. 30 foot radius. THIRTY? I cant recall teh radius on other auras..but I am sure it aint this high. And why? When do mobs stand 30 ft apart? If its an effort to 'let' you play at range..well..thats dumb, since the set is all melee anyway.
Power takes a shofter + end proc though..which is good! Its a pretty beefy +recovery boost from the power itself.
The +absorb bit. 18 Absorb? That doesnt stack? Um..yeah ok. Surely it should have stacked a bit! Maybe 100 extra 'hp' or whatever. Or only stack when you are full HP. I dont know.
Turning it of to get the +rech and runspeed is a neat idea. But..too clicky? In a set that already has BoS as a click instense thing, as well as Inner Will needing to be watched.
The +runspeed? HA. Good one devs, that was a funny joke. I cant even notice it. The reaction time of a wheelchair bound geriatric maybe.
Dragon's tail at 16? And Throw sand at 35?
Admittedly..I heard TS was shite. But..most other blaster secondaries get aoes very late, and MC already has BoS early. Does it really need DT early too?
The ability to stun a mob of minions early on..I think would have been more helpful. Then ditch sand later when you have slotted up aoes to wipe the minions.
Also..BOS..the blue and orange color is pretty bad. It looks to..anime? Or something. Just doesnt fit the cox world. Give it a gold shiny man ghost effect, like Vorpal judgement
Oh and! It should have a small +def..since the whole idea is tp into a mob, moving so fast they cant target you.
40ft? Is in someones face? Sorry, but learn to play. The range was a trade of for the damage.
It still makes no sense. It's ok if you dont agree. I admit that response is harsh. But its how I see it. Moving on though, so we dont get bogged down in an argument. Thank you for reading! |
40ft is also close enough for melee enemies to rush in and attack you, seeing as how your 40ft attack tends to root for a second or two. Which works against the very idea of ranged sets.
Also, why does there even need to be an extra trade off to begin with? It's got higher endurance cost and higher recharge already to make up for it's increased damage. It's just silly that you need to be point blank, as well. Especially considering certain sets, like Archery, don't even have that requirement and do just as much damage.
You can have whatever opinion you want, but the fact is the low range on such an important power in those sets was unnecessary, didn't compensate for anything, and worked against the idea of ranged powersets. It was something that needed to go, just like the end crashes on nukes.
I do know how to play, thx. What you don't realize is it's part of a chain of attacks that each revolve around being 80ft from your opponent. Having the power be 40ft effectively reduces the range on your other powers. Unless you expect someone to have to constantly bob back and forth every few seconds just to pull off their standard attack chain, which is just silly and offers nothing productive to gameplay.
40ft is also close enough for melee enemies to rush in and attack you, seeing as how your 40ft attack tends to root for a second or two. Which works against the very idea of ranged sets. Also, why does there even need to be an extra trade off to begin with? It's got higher endurance cost and higher recharge already to make up for it's increased damage. It's just silly that you need to be point blank, as well. Especially considering certain sets, like Archery, don't even have that requirement and do just as much damage. You can have whatever opinion you want, but the fact is the low range on such an important power in those sets was unnecessary, didn't compensate for anything, and worked against the idea of ranged powersets. It was something that needed to go, just like the end crashes on nukes. |
Worked against the idea of ranged powersets? Totally..cause ya know..40ft is NOT ranged. Oh wait..it is. Great point there.
Need to be point blank? Please, check your definitions, stop exaggerating, or stop being a twit. 40 ft is NOT point blank. Forgotten you can slot for range too?
Expect someone to have to bob back and forward while attacking? Wow, NO way people could manage that! Unless..you know..their secondary also HAD melee powers. Does your argument here mean that any blaster using a melee power is someone playing wrong, because they can jump in and out?
Also..jumping back and forward DOES offer productive gameplay. Again..you seem to be unable to play. But it totally does..bouncing in and out tricks the AI. You run in, melee and bounce back, and the AI tries to hit a melee attack, and cant, given you some breathing space. Guess if you knew how to play a blapper you would know that. ANother great argument.
Let's be sillier..if your heavy hitters can fire at teh normal range for attacking..and we can now fast snipe, lets go ahead and make ALL attacks at snipe range! Perfect fix. Because..as you say..all attacks have end and rech alterations already, so why teh hell not just make em max range, since you can obviously do it.
Please, just shh. None of your arguments make any sense, and I dont give a toss from NOW on! (Happy J?)
Moving on with my Beta experience.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

I wanted this set soo bad. I was in love with it the moment I read the leaked powers on SA. Even more so when I saw Jaybohs youtube vid of it.
It's like street justice..even if the set sucked, I'd still have played it. I totally urge anyone with even a small desire to check it out..to do so!
Now, leaving aside the fact some people, and theres always some, who will moan about their pretty costume being covered up..the set looks amazing. Just awesome. The way the different toggles add areas of 'biomass' to your frame..too cool..building up to fully bio'd and looking evil. The only thing I didnt love, was how..flat? the feet look, as you move. Like they are covered in mub..woulda liked to see some constantly moving greenish hooks..as your armour molds to teh ground.
I did play the set with all the Amplifiers on, and using attuned sets. Which obviously help a lot. But, Id usually do that to a degree on live, and I sure didnt run any of my scrappers at +2 and 6, with bosses, at lvl 30.
The set was just so well rounded. I talked in another thread about how the other melee sets should get some Absorb, down the track. And after playing Bio, I stand by that even more so. Def, res, heal, regen, debuff res, mitigation.
Those 6 things make up a melee set to me. So sets are All def, like SR, with debuff res throw in. Others are resist with a heal etc etc. We all know this.
But Bio..gets it ALL. All of it. I cant think of another set with that..closest would be wp and invul, dark maybe?
None have what bio does though...decent resists, some good def to elemental stuff, +hp, regen, +rec, debuff resists (not ddr) a biiig heal, +end, mitigation is -dam, -res, -regen...
phew! and too all that..Absorb!
Which is seemingly better than anything, since no matter how debuffed you are, what type of damage it is etc..you do absorb it! I love it.
I dont think I used the Adaption modes as much as I could have. Perhaps without the amplifiers, I might have needed Efficient say..when in a long fight. Or defensive for a tough fight. But I did notice a BIG difference when I did go from Off to Def mode. I think that is a good thing..and shows the modes were worth getting and using.
I really noticed a slower kill speed for instance (losing dam, -res, rech and to hit) but I was a lot tougher! (+hp, +res, +def, more -dam) Not sure how they would translate to other ATs, a brute for instance, would not notice the -dam at all.
So many ways too slot it too! My head was exploding.
Such a shame its not gonig Live..would have been awesome.
My spines bio was soo brokenly insane. With the 2 ato sets, even more so! I loved the first stalker set, but really thought it made stalkers to much like scrappers. Well..the 2nd scrappa ato fixed that! With bells on! Makes scrappers into super scrappers!
As an aside..I think spines bio is like..the best ciombo for the set. With the atos you get the +crit chance (of 3/6%) then the 50% for the next few attacks. Great thing is..it tells you when it goes off, and it goes off a LOT.
This is when the 2 damage auras shine, because even if you dont have an attack Q;d, or miss with the next..you have those 2 damage auras ticcing like made, and ALSO getting that +50% crit. I seriously see a wall of crits!
Another thing..getting the damage aura at 35 is a GREAT idea. Always thought having them at lvl 2 in other sets was just silly. The end cost is just too massive to manage as a lowbie.
Exactly as I said in numerous threads months ago..it is just too good. Wait, back up..too good on NON blasters. Which I always thought was the point..fixing blasters, not 'blasts'.
Let's be sillier..if your heavy hitters can fire at teh normal range for attacking..and we can now fast snipe, lets go ahead and make ALL attacks at snipe range! Perfect fix.
But yeah, there was no compelling reason for t3 blasts to NOT be the same range as other blasts, and it was very annoying and inconvenient when you were actually trying to stay at range for whatever reason. If/when one wants to stay close while blasting, or constantly change distance... well, there's still no reason not to. But sometimes, one wants to not do that, and it's nice to not be hamstrung for it. (The extended range on Water Jet was really weirding me out because I was so not used to it, though.)
Anyway, my favorite thing stuck on beta is possibly the Bodysuit costumes. Man, I wish that had made it live so Red Vigor could go out looking properly ripped.
Holy crap.
I couldn't run the new arcs, my subscription lapsed before the announcement. Thanks for the spoilers. I ... I almost don't know what to say about Marchand's arc. I was really under the impression that we were going to let all those people die, that the extent of our involvement was going to be an anti-Hamidon raid just to keep him from following the Praetorian escapees through the portal. That they were planning on letting us save at least some human civilization on Praetorian Earth in issue 24 almost makes up for what we did to them in issue 23. I feel a little better.
I don't suppose you got any screenshots to show off of the underwater fight? I've been wondering when they were going to use that tech.
Man, issue 24 had everything. I don't think it would have been enough to save the game, but it was an amazing attempt.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
The 40' range limit needed to go because it was not a sensible trade-off. Fighting at 40' range in order to use that power effectively limited all your powers to a 40' range. And 40' is a fairly trivial distance for lots of mobs to move in order to be in melee range with you unless you are hover-blasting them. If you did not move immediately after firing the 40' blast, and instead fired another attack, it's pretty much guaranteed that something that was trying to melee would be in your face before the 2nd attack finished animating, unless it happened to be slowed or subject to some other effect disrupting its movement.
Range is supposed to offer a survival advantage. That's part of why Blasters (and other ranged ATs) didn't have specific survival tools built in.
It also had no comparable equivalent in melee attack sets. There's no functional penalty in any melee set for using your larger attacks.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Hew in drag baby
Please, just shh. None of your arguments make any sense, and I dont give a toss from NOW on! (Happy J?)
Yeah. Okay. You got me there, bud.
Ok, so. I was going to make a thread about beta. Then about Bioarmour. Then..about Martial Combat..then about the new arcs here...and stuff.
Which would have been quite a few threads. So, being lazy, I thought I'd just throw it all into one.
Will update it as I think or play through new stuff.